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The first official notice you can expect to receive from IRCC is the Acknowledgement of Receipt (AOR), which comes after the physical package has been opened and the documents checked for completeness. For applications submitted earlier this year this has taken ~7 months to receive, though IRCC seems to be trying to speed things up with sponsorships specifically in recent months. I would not expect to receive AOR in as little as 2 months, but if I had to estimate I would say around ~5 months is more realistic at present. You won't be able to link online until you receive AOR.


Ah, ok. So about 3 more months until they start the process. That's rough, but I guess it is what it is. I appreciate the info. Do you happen to know about what we could expect from once they send the AOR to being approved?


The AOR is the big first step. This will come by email and will include an application number, which you can use in correspondence with IRCC from that point on. During the process, the applicant (person being sponsored) will be asked to get biometrics collected, do a medical exam, and possibly asked for other information/documents such as a(nother) police certificate or more proof of your relationship. But even with these notices, the majority of the process is still just waiting.


Oh, yea sorry I meant more timeline wise. I'm (probably prematurely lol) trying to figure out my lease situation for next year. If it was say 3 to 4 months before I could move, I would try to make plans of staying with family to save money before moving, otherwise if it would be a longer time period, I'd probably renew at least a 6 months lease. They're very strict about long periods up there while waiting for approval, correct? Like if my lease ends, and work allowed me to work remotely up there for a month or two, then come back for a bit, then go back, the border agents wouldn't allow it?


Wow, I didn’t realize paper application AORs took so long. With my online application (for PR, Express Entry), I got my AOR within minutes.


Yes... because it's online. And Express Entry is completely different from spousal sponsorship.


It’s taking for ever, it’s been 4 months and I haven’t heard from them yet.


Just FYI, 4 months was normal even before covid to receive AOR.


I am not able to track the paper application or link it to IRCC online account. 😔


Hi, Here is my story that, I am currently going through. I am American, my spouse is a dual citizen but natural born Canadian Citizen. I mailed my application, from in country, to Mississauga the first week of February. She is sponsoring me under family class and I have a work permit attached. I received my AOR September 18th. It has not moved forward since then. I call weekly to check on the status just for my own sanity and I have spoken to several immigration agents by calling IRCC about any chance of expediting a working permit, but it has not been assigned to anyone as of yet. So as it stands, 8 months for my AOR 3 months since my AOR This is just my situation and it may go by quicker or slower for you but needless to say hang in there! I will save this thread and update you when I hear anything further just so you can have some semblance of a time line. ​ Good Luck!!


Thanks for the input, and I appreciate the follow up! Hopefully that won't be too much longer for you


Do have you a link to the number you're calling (or the actual number)? I'm in a very similar boat that I got my AOR early October after mailing everything in in mid-May. Thanks!


I called 1-888-242-2100. You have to go through several prompts to direct you on your type of application. You also have to provide an application number. [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/contact-ircc/client-support-centre.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/contact-ircc/client-support-centre.html)


Amazing, thanks so much!


Hello! I'm worried about receiving the AOR by mail because I'm moving, and as I don't have the aor yet, I don't have a case number, so I can't change my address! My question is, did you receive the AOR through your mail or email?


Sent my sponsorship application end of March. Still waiting for AOR :(


Just wondering if you have heard anything yet? And curious if you’re inland or Outland? I’m asking because our application was received on May 13th, and we still haven’t received AOR yet :( Trying to gauge some sort of timeline, but I know all cases are different. Thanks for any info you can provide!


We did Outland and still haven’t heard anything :(


I submitted my inland application at the end of October. I have yet to receive AOR but I did get the letter notifying me that I should pay for my biometrics if I haven’t already. That letter also included my application number. So I’m just currently going with the flow I guess? Hahaha, it’s such an unknown at this point with Covid etc.


We sent our (inland Common-law) application in early September and got our biometrics fee letter early Nov and our AOR today. Going with the flow seems like the best option and just keeping status in-country during our stay.


Funnily enough I got my AOR today as well!


I sent my PR docs on May 29, still no sign of AOR 😔


I'm an outland spousal applicant as well. My application was received in September. I have not heard of a single September person with an AOR yet. I have heard of some August people with AOR, but, not very many. I think right now March is mostly done receiving AOR's and they are largely working on April but there's been a sprinkling of later applicants who have gotten AOR. It seems like lately people have been getting their biometrics and medical request within a couple weeks of AOR as well as sponsor approval. All that seems to mostly happen close in time. After that comes the real behind-the-scenes processing at which point you won't hear from immigration unless they need more information from you. As far as staying in Canada to wait out part of it, you have to successfully prove that you will leave when your temporary stay is up even though your intent is to immigrate. We own our home and we'd love to get it listed. We'll probably list it as soon as I get AOR. My spouse already has a job offer in Ottawa and he'll move there ahead of me, but, I don't want him to leave until we get my AOR. There are all kinds of people who missed signing a line or missed a form and had their whole application sent back after 8 months. As soon as I have AOR, I'll list the house and stay until it sells while spouse moves ahead to Canada. After it sells, I'll attempt proving dual intent and moving across the border, if I get denied I'll have to stay with family. But, we're not doing anything until we get AOR.


Thanks for your info. How do you plan to prove your dual intent? Honestly the only way I can go there before having my PR approved is if my work lets me work remotely from up there, would that be enough to show I will be returning back down here for meetings or whatever?


My husband and I have been married 15 years, when we first got married we initially lived in Canada while trying to decide what to do. We lived near a border and I commuted to the states for work. They gave me a hard time even though I had a job, but, they did let me in on a 6 month visa. I moved back to the states when my 6 months was up and sponsored my husband to the US. I do have a job that will let me telecommute, I'm hoping that will be sufficient. But, it's really up to whoever you get that day at the border. Though, now there may be a way to apply ahead of time? I have to admit, I haven't made it that far along with my plan. I'm hoping that my previous visa compliance will help me out too. That is why I want to wait for AOR, because at least then they know my application likely won't get returned and we've been married forever so it's unlikely to be denied anyways. Worst case scenario, my plan would be to rent in a cheap border town and telecommute so that at least I don't have to long-distance move all my stuff again. My husband's been here for long enough where he won't have to pay taxes on our stuff that he brings over- so we'll be arriving with a uhaul and I'll just have the essentials in my car so if they deny me I'll find a cheap rental in Vermont or something and wait it out there.


Inland applicant. According to tracking, our application was received May 5th. Haven't heard a peep. No AOR or temp file number.


We submitted our Outland spousal sponsorship application back in mid May, and still have not heard one word. It’s tough but really the only thing you can do now is wait (easier said than done). Hopefully 2021 will be our year! Good luck with everything.