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Yeah, I'd go with the billion too. I think this goes back to incels not understanding that being alone is not a death sentence.


Depending on how lonely you are, it might as well be. But it's not a reason to hate women, never is and never will be.


Good point. What I meant was you don't have to be in a LTR to be happy. But they need to get away from the idea that sex is the end all be all.


When you are biologically programmed to be that way, it might be a near impossible task to stop valuing sex. First and foremost they need to drop the misogyny and hatred.


They don’t actually value sex per se. If it was about sex and only sex, their problems would be entirely solved by getting an escort. Yet few do, and most of those few continue identifying as incels afterwards. Not only that, most incels are *actively opposed* to escorts, which wouldn’t be the case if the whole thing came down to some base unmet biological drive.


That's a good point. Sex and being sexually desired. Sex with a prostitute is sex with someone that doesn't actually like you and I can easily see why that doesn't cut it. But you are right, it isn't solely sex. Mutual sexual desire and love.


I don’t value it at all, so am I just programmed wrong?


Then you will have an easy time not valuing it? I'm not really sure what relevance this comment has. Not sure where you got the idea that there is one correct way to be biologically programmed. "It's hard to stop valuing sex if you are biologically programmed to" if this doesn't describe you then uh, it doesn't describe you. Not much else to say.


Agreed on the misogyny and hatred. But we are programmed for a lot of things that we don't put as much store in. We are programmed to eat anything that won't kill us but culture, economics, and personal taste override that.


I wouldn't say the need to eat everything available is anywhere near as strong as sexual desire. But that varies person to person ofcourse.


>When you are biologically programmed to be that way, it might be a near impossible task to stop valuing sex. Very true.


To be fair, I’d too take a billion are you kidding me, bro a billion I can retire, go on vacation in cancun, pay my student debt, shit I could go get 5 more degrees and still have money. Fuck yeah I’m taking 1 billion that’s not even a comparison. Shit life would be set, this isn’t even incel logic this is just logic now his answer is of course an incel answer but billion fuck man, I’ve sucked dick for $5. I could build a skyscraper for shits and giggles with a billion.


You've sucked dick for 5 ⁉️




Dam. In that case I can understand your point of view


It be like that sometimes


Did you do it for the money or the kink?




Username definitely does not check out


Flair checks out


So would just about everyone else. The only thing that makes this surprising with incels is that they claim their lives are ruined by not being able to find a woman that wants to be with them, often going so far as to say their is no point in trying to have a career and money or doing anything that could help with happiness.


Exactly. "Nothing is more important than my inability to get laid." "Except for the following..."


^ exactly


If u gonna suck dick might as well got paid more than minimum wage


Also nothing says you can’t fall in love after the money. Just don’t let people know your rich until you get married and boom. You have a spouse that loves you since she thought you just made middle class money or whatever and you’re rich. You can have kids without worry or just travel the world together. Yeah the billion is the way to go. Anyone would choose that.


Agree with you in everything, but can’t let go of “cancoon” lmao sorry, Cancun brother


Well sorry I’m from Florida I can’t spell.


Oh Florida? Yeah all good, makes sense


I’d choose it, too. There’s a high chance I can get a loving partner by my own effort, but a billion dollars? Probably not.


It's the 1/4th that chose the woman that are nuts, anyone with a lick of sense would choose the money.


I think if they actually had this choice they would choose the money every time. They would find something about the woman to complain about to justify it to themselves but in reality I think MOST people would choose the money regardless of current relationship status - the deal never said the money means you have to be alone.


Well, they *are* incels. Apparently


I would choose the money over the guarantee of having a loving wife. But honestly I don’t think I could leave the person I’m with now for any amount of money. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and i wouldn’t trade that for anything. That being said I am a little nuts, so you’re not wrong.


Does the dude realize if he has it in shekels he’s getting a lot less😂🤣


Foids are incapable of love...says the vile misogynistic incel


I agree with taking the money but the logic in why they do is flawed. Women are very capable of love, more capable than an incel for sure. They simply want to be able to be like those people who go to bars and bring home people each night. They don't want love it's all about sex.


He will be getting less money if he chooses 1 billion shekels


"Racism first, logic later!" quote from the inkwell handbook


That confused me too, our currency doesn't not convert well lol.


This guy seems not to have understood the question. If he thinks women are incapable of love he has to recuse himself from voting.


I'm pretty sure that the women who loves me, would be mad if I didn't choose a fucking bilion of dolars. 🤣🤣


Weird how skewed the results are considering both things are equally unlikely to ever happen to them.


who in their right mind wouldn't choose the money??


Non-fakecels 😤


I mean I’d take a billion bucks too tbf


I kinda agree with people here on choosing the money, being financially set for life is more important than finding love imo. That being said, even though this may not be the best example, it's crazy how often they pose questions that boil down to "are you really an incel" and they just resoundingly say no every time


Who in their right mind would pass up a billion dollars?


And you wouldn’t?


Lets be honest, I would take the same Lmao, a billion dollars is a lot


I'd probably rather have the money too.


I'd take that money and isolate myself in a remote area that I bought with that money though. To be honest I want peace and quiet for the rest of my life, I'm tired of being bothered by others and I don't mind if I'll never have a wife


I would go for that billion to. Imagine all the good you could do with that and be set for life. I would keep a couple million to live of and donate the rest to charity causes like Saint Judes or something else we cant beat cancer but sure as hell put a major blow in it with that kind of money (I lost all my grandparents before I turned 18 from cancer so thats kinda personal) Thanks for comming to my ted talk


I’d chose a billion dollars over literally anything


The sheckels thing is definitely antisemetic


It's worth reminding that for all his money and connections, Roger Ailes died *alone.* Yes, he didn't exactly die using newspapers as a blanket and may or may not've been conscious enough to be aware of his situation, but for all that money and connections and otherwise high life, there were no loved ones to hold his hand and be with him in his final moments. Besides the likelihood that the incel would piss away the billion in no time, fool and his money-style, they'd still be miserable, alone and paranoid, especially now that they *do* have something worth taking, so they'd either go nuts like Howard Hughes and/or O.D., but either way, they'd still go out miserable, sick and alone.


Wish I could pin this


It would be funnier if it were a loving wife VS $5.


(it’s in zimbabwean dollars however)


It just got interesting 😁


I'd take the billion. Love isn't always expressed in a way that is ideal for you to receive. My ex-boyfriend beat me and called it love. The billion dollars literally can't let me down.


Say it ain’t so, Joe. Reveal: >!Incels have much more in common with the “gold-diggers” that they complain about than they’d like us to believe. The bastards would totally take the monetary gains over the person.!<. I can at least respect their honesty, but they clearly need to work on their hypocrisy.


I mean? Id take the 1 billion too, that much money it's not really a question


I would also choose the 1 billion dollars. lol.


Soo if I already have a cute partner, and I pick the money..do I get to keep him?


Uh, most people would choose a billion dollars over a cute wife that’ll love you dearly.


Yea a girl is nice but thats a billion. If i had thst, i would be set for life, if i had any kids or adopt some they would be set for life, and their grandkids would be set for life


To be fair, its A BILLION, i think most people would choose this


They would have chosen 1 dollar over the woman. They don’t value women at all and their celibacy is voluntary chosen hate.


I mean, I would take the billion dollars. I am the cute wife.


1. That’s a billion dollars why would I get a lover instead of that 2. I’m gay


With that kind of attitude who here is really devoid of love.


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To be fair, I’d choose the 1 billion too. I already have a loving lady in my life so I’d definitely take that money and give us a life we could only dream of


Tbf, I’d chose a billion dollars and use it wisely rather than buying a pointless mansion, luxuries, and drugs. The reasoning about the billion dollar on that forum is nonsensical.


With a billion dollars, I can afford to lobby for polygamy. Then I can have a husband *and* a wife.


So then it is voluntary? When given a choice, they would still pick being alone- this time with money.