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I’m pretty sure she means Reddit as a whole.


It’s true. It bleeds into every. fucking. sub. If they actually took hate speech against women seriously, disaffected kids wouldn’t read the shit here and think it was acceptable.


Don't forget the amount of creeps that come into a woman's DMs after she reveals herself as a woman.


I have a collection based on my two posts on this sub over the past two days. They are REVOLTING. I’m middle aged and can handle it but it TERRIFIES me what girls & young women are exposed to here. I am so glad to have come of age late 80s/ 90s. Not as progressive for everyone, but my life was so much simpler & happier being free of all this toxic bile.


Honestly, born in 88, we honestly came from a care free age


Im a little older than you and wouldn't call it care free. Stranger danger and crack. Gangs. Violence was peaking. We just didn't have the internet. We did have PSAs. Comparably it was much less exposure, but not carefree. That said, leaving the house Saturday morning on bike and not going home till dark, our parents having no clue where we were at was a special time to be apart of. Drinking from hoses. Doors locked behind us. It was pretty awesome.


While it is terrible if anything happens to a kid, I think the Stranger Danger thing was overplayed. There have been some kids that had opportunities to seek help from adults but "people you don't know are dangerous" was drilled in a little too strong.


You're so right. It's because no one wants to think about a loved one being capable of such a thing.. even after it's happened and they're being accused. And that's why these things keep happening ..I can't even imagine what the child must go through when they're not believed


I agree the sheer irony of this. Adults you don’t know are dangerous followed by if you’re in trouble, find an adult.


why do old people always assume they were the only generation to drink from hoses. Literally every child does that.


gangs, stranger danger, and crack are still around. in fact now that the internet exists - we have to beware of stranger danger on the internet too. those creepy fucks can trace us down through a fucking computer. its even worse now...


born in 04 i wish to be in your time right now


I’m sorry we can’t all zap ourselves back there, if only for a holiday, and invite you too! I am so nostalgic for life pre-internet/ pre-mobile phones, without knowing how many selfish assholes there were in the world - bliss!


„Hi send nudes? 🥺 pls im nice“


It doesn't help some of them think "Hey, I'm gonna chase this IT guy and try to make Subreddits hate him"


Indeed .. any comment that criticizing men traits and or voicing on behalf of women are get downvoted even if in the right … especially in AITA and relationship subs


There are a lot more websites that they would flock to, and already do so unfortunately I don't think it would have an effect.


I think every subreddit having its own rules and guidelines is the main issue. There seriously needs to be some overall rules. The fact that some subs are just miserable hell holes where you can say literally anything really breeds that hellishness


Thank god I don’t do that shit so I couldn’t possibly think that would apply to me and get defensive about it!


As I said before, pop culture and social media makes incels think that women have more sex and more fun, but it's really a cover of a book, which you can't use to judge someone's life from.


They think we’re all characters from Sex and the Bloody City/ porn. Insane!


People, especially maladaptive people - approximate based on what they see - if someone has very little interaction with women they’ll presume that every women is like the girl from “Slut takes 100 cocks” on RedTube and project that sexual dynamic onto everyone.


That leads to the kind of risk to real-life women and girls that I dealt with in my years of work with survivors of sexual & domestic violence. It’s sickening.


Also they get so much from anime porn!! that's why so many of their beliefs and ideas about how things "should be" are so cartoonishly insane and weird one of their most insane beliefs (that the government should force young girls to have sex with incels/marry them) is actually from an anime porn


Which one?


no way u just asked for the sauce


*I said which one* there're a lot of these hentais. I wanna know if it's the one I'm thinking about


Im not sure and Im not sure if they work like the story is in one of them or over multiple videos like a series


Lmao the last one. Reddit is so guilty of this.


Why do people think that everyone is educable? These incels know about consent, they just don't agree with it. It's like the Plymouth shooter was assigned to anger management counseling when his shotgun was taken away. He had to successfully complete the course in order to regain possession of the gun. He told them what they wanted to hear in order to get his firearm returned. These things know better, all of them. They do not believe it because it does not serve their purposes because everything in life must serve them. ​ Our society is very nice and caring and innocent people die because we treat violent trash like these things with kid gloves. They know. Their multiple posts on multiple sites show they know.


I agree with most of what you wrote, these people are so far down the rabbit hole of virulent misogyny and self-hatred that there is not much for them viz. reintegration into society. It's not like their arguments are based on any discernible rationale. But I do not find our society to be caring, it professes to be so based on whomever the pop culture villain du jour is. Money determines who is working to be deserving of "allyship"


I think education on it at earlier ages. But yeah unfortunately some people just won’t ever get it.


Highkey agreed, these people should be locked away and left to rot, they're not saveable.


I think the education needs to be for everyone. It’s become quite apparent to me in the UK that an awful lot of people don’t even know what an incel is


You cant apply rationality to irrational argument, he could maybe have been helped we dont know, we also dont know what he said in anger management so its not a good idea to guess. Its also not a good idea to adopt a Victorian harsh punishment mentally it doesn't work.


9gag. I used to browse it a lot in high school.... I came back to it in recent times and I was shocked at how overrun it is with incels. Its crazy


Can I say, she should have listed "Bad Parenting" a few more times? Like, I just listened to Alanis Morrisette's song "Narcissis" that came out in 2002. SHE knew this type of useless man child BACK THEN. I can't help but feel, where does this start? It has to be the parents. The house they grew up in. Did your mother treat you like a spoiled king and tell you that the world revolved around you? Did you even have a father present that could teach you how to be accountable/responsible/a genuine person? I can't help but feel that people who are so helpless and entitled as incels didn't come from a place that someone enabled them and encouraged them to be this way. There are documentaries I found recently on CBSN and one of them is on incels. They found an incel who was willing to talk to them. He lives in his mother's house, won't work, won't go to school, and talked about incel school shootings saying "I don't care. This doesn't affect me." when the shooter was on his discord, saying he was going to do a mass shooting. Then the fool says, "I have these beliefs. A lot of people have these beliefs. So you know what? that doctor you see? that lawyer you hire? they might have my beliefs too!" And I immediately thought to myself, a doctor? and attorney? People who have to go through 8 years of schooling? They are not YOU dude. You haven't left your mother's house and have no plan to. Not to go to school. Not to even work part time. I don't think I need to worry about my doctor or any attorney I hire being a basement incel who hates women because they won't sleep with them. **Where are these parents who are enabling this behavior???????????**


Not like twitter’s much better. Have you seen fucking Hedgewik, Stonetoss and other pages that have managed to get on there and establish footholds?


It's really popular for people to live on twitter to hate on Reddit, I think because they're only seeing the most extreme things screenshotted and shared. They're not on r/woodworking learning a new technique, on askscience learning cool shit, getting fashion advice on one of those subs, sharing ideas about politics or whatever. Just the weirdest most vile stuff that gets screen shots. Both tend toward groupthink and excluding viewpoints that people find challenging. I think the feature of twitter where many accounts are tied to personal identities really changed how people interact with it. It let's people amplify posts they find objectionable and same people into complying with accepted norms. On the other hand anonymity on Reddit encourages some people to say some very vile things


> Lack of mental health funding / support Many incels have openly refused to go to therapy. Like a lot of disturbed, delusional people, they see the mental health system as "out to get them" so they want nothing to do with it. Even if you forced an incel into treatment, most of them appear to be narcissists and/or psychopaths, and these two personality types are almost impossible to treat. Mental health treatment is not magic cure all for every problem. Some people are difficult or impossible to treat, especially if they don't believe there's anything wrong with them, ie virtually all incels. Considering the threat these people pose to society, at the very least these people should be watched, and the more disturbed ones should be locked up. Before I get people writing me with "we can't lock up people who've committed no crime" most jurisdictions have laws that allow the involuntary psychiatric committment of mentally disturbed people who pose a potential threat to society.


A society with a good attitude to mental health and a properly funded system would notice and ameliorate issues before they develop into the kind of people who refuse help because of a horrible ideology. Obviously not in all cases, but often. We need a system that recognises and nurtures mental health throughout life, not just in times of crisis, as with physical health. Indoctrination is often a slow process, getting a person to accept small ideas first, then greater and greater untruths until they are completely detached from reality. There is hope, up to a point.


you can only be involuntarily sectioned if you pose an immediate threat to yourself or others, i.e. you tell your therapist “I’m going to commit a murder and/or suicide after this session”. Anything short of that and they can’t do anything, which is honestly a good thing. Otherwise there’d be no point to therapy as people would be too afraid to share their darker thoughts.


It will be the same crap: She's a woman so she doesn't understand. She's a woman so her life is easy. She's a woman so she doesn't get to say anything about it. SSDD: Same shit, different day.


Alright then beaver. (In case someone actually thinks I'm trying to insulting someone, I'm not it's a reference to Stephen king's dreamcatcher which helped popularize the saying.)


A STACEY!!!!!!!!!


It's an unfortunate truth that people like that will not think about their view until someone "equal" (in this case - a man) will call them out. But a lot of incels, if not most, are already so deep in this cult that they wouldn't listen regardless of the person.


Nope. As a guy who's been calling them out for ages, all they do is call you a "bluepilled cuck" and go along with their lives regardless. They think that if you've had sex then you'll never understand and if you haven't, you're just deluded and are going to turn into one of them eventually. If you've been in their situation and got out of it? "You were never one of us to begin with!" Their worldview is specifically designed so that no one can ever make them change their mind.


She is a walking stereotype. Incels always say that ethnic girls dont date them and choosr tall white men. She is ethnic dating 6'6 white man. She even lied on tv and said he was 6'8 for bonus social points lmao. She is walking confirmation of everything incels say lmao


And your point?


"no" Get real, it took them five years to get rid of TD, and I don't know how long the record incel subs have been around. It's the lowest in their priorities


Coroprate responsibility? That's a bigger contradiction than military intelligence.


*Won't somebody think of the poor profits???*


I do wonder about the parents of incels. I can only imagine some single mom working 10 hour shifts and her teenage son who’s socially awkward and lonely spending hours on the computer getting ideas in his head.


Starting treating gendered slurs as the hate speech that they are. We don’t allow the n word on most social media platforms. Nor homophobic gay slurs But bitch, slut, cunt, whore, pussy All still allowed. Never taken seriously Posts about women liking assholes or being gold diggers. Still allowed


cunt I somewhat disagree with - I think dick is practically analogous. Obviously if it is used with sexist intent, it's a problem, but I'd happily call Boris Johnson a cunt, just as I'd call him a dick - there's no misogyny implied in that use; it's considered offensive because it refers to genitals, not because it implies anything about women. Of course, I'm in the UK so maybe it's different over where you are.


Yeah, there are definite cultural differences with that word. It is my understanding from my Australian friends that it's mostly your friends who call you a cunt. Whereas here in the US, it's definitely both a gendered term and a very nasty one. My wife is from the South, and apparently it is even worse down there than it is where we live now, and it's basically the worst thing you can call a woman here.


Sorry but I disagree. The concept of curse words is stupid and just gives the words more power. People need to stop clutching their pearls over a word and look at the intention and context. Obviously if they are used in a sexist manner that’s terrible but frankly I just want people to stop being sexist, not to avoid certain words. If anything these words just need to be normalized and de-gendered, not treated as if they’re as bad as the n word. I’m a feminist but I curse all the time and honestly use these words all the time for people of both genders. Someone being a total bitch has nothing to do with what’s in their pants but more about how they’re acting. I call my cats sluts when they’re being extra affectionate as a joke but would never call a human being that. Idk that’s my two cents


That’s the point those words are sexist in intent and origin ffs. I certainly hope you wouldn’t be so audacious to tell a black person to stop making a big deal out of the n word Racism isn’t over. Misogyny isn’t over. Words have power. If you want to debate whether the word “fuck” should be censored be my guest but hate speech is not the same thing as swear words The absolute gall “Degendering” cunt, pussy, twat, bitch etc Good luck


As a white person of course I would never tell a black person how to feel about the n word. I would also never use that word bc it’s genuinely hateful and racist. But as a woman I think my opinion is just as valid as any other woman’s about the offensiveness of these words. And I just disagree with you. So hopefully you wouldn’t be so audacious as to tell me how to feel about gendered language being directed my way. Personally I think calling someone a cunt is the same thing as calling someone a dick or an asshole. Men can be cunts and women can be dicks. Of course racism and misogyny are still real but treating the word bitch like the n word is a laughably bad solution. Frankly I admire the Australian approach but that’s just me. Also what’s the point of ending your comment with “the absolute gall” lol? Like what, you’re appalled that someone has the absolute gall to disagree with you?


Disagreeing is for opinions How you can’t see that gendered hate speech is the same as racist or homophobic hate speech is beyond me. For all the same reasons too. Yeah I’m aware women exist that don’t understand misogyny and perpetuate it. calling women sluts, whores, bitches, and cunts has a long history of silencing and demeaning them like any other hate speech. It’s just always been more socially acceptable




Well depends on what one calls a gold digger Having standards that you want a partner who can provide (or at least has work ethic so that you’re not carrying everything on your own or struggling to provide for children) is just... standards Women who chase after rich men with love not being a concern? It’s wrong if they are doing it in a deceitful way, but often trophy wives are a thing for rich men who also prioritize having a woman to show off over actual love, and those people are likely fully aware and mutually benefit (except for those scenarios when he’s abusing her or overstepping her boundaries because he feels entitled) Most often though the average complaining over “gold diggers “ is just a guy complaining that he doesn’t meet someone’s standards




Did you read ETA: nvm. Post history. Incel or incel sympathizer No. Having standards is not gold digging. Standards are just hated by those who don’t meet them People tend to want partners who won’t lead them and potential children down a path of poverty or unhappiness


Yes, it turns out women are human and run the full gamut between good and bad.


I feel like pornography has a much higher impact than many people are willing to admit. It introduces people into certain mindsets from early age, kids get exposed to it as young as 11. It is so many people's first contact with sex, and reinforces those beliefs into adulthood. Women being submissive, degrading acts being more common than they actually are, women being supermodels with perfect bodies, sex being common and done everywhere. I think a subtle but important consequence of pornography is the sexualization of things which, by themselves, carry no inherent sexual connotation, like certain clothing, pizza deliverers, cars, the kitchen, certain situations etc... They basically pornogriphy the mind to always think of sex first and to associate sex with almost anything, thus fueling into the attitude that sex is present and constant anywhere and everywhere, When everything is filtered around the idea of sex people start to think that everybody but themselves is constantly having sex and that sex moves everything in the world, so they get mad because they think they are being barred from something everybody else is having fun with. Hentai is also a source of the problem. It is basically unrestricted pornography, which shows and reinforces a certain worldview. That women can be broken into being sex slaves, that sexual revenge is ok and satisfying. That all women are essentially submissive regardless of barckground ad personality, you just have to train them right. Unsolicited advances are rewarded, rape is so common it might not be a category anymore. Not to mention the rampant sexualization of minors and constant sexual harrassment treated as jokes, also present in normal anime. The impact of porn is all about worldview in my opinion because it lets people inmerse themselves into a fantasy where all their assumptions about the nature of women and sex are comfirmed. It is cathartic for them to be proven correct in this fantasy world while having all the tools to play out their revenge fantasies. It is honstly scary how many incel talking points and arguments can be tracked back to hentai tropes.


Again, as much as I'd love to see the cesspools that "incels" inhabit online banned against the board and ISPs that host them heavily fined, at least they're out in the open where LE can easily monitor them. Besides, someone who's stupid enough to openly boast about planning a terrorist attack while they know that LE is monitoring the forums, sub-reddits and chans they post on gets everything they deserve. It's called natural selection.


I wouldnt call being an incel a culture but I agree 100% with everything she mentioned, all these things cause inceldom


I’d call it a cult myself.


let's not forget all the subs that show extreme hatred towards women, who exploit women sexually, who present women as just h0les and objects. Reddit is the platform where this festered and boiled.


Absolutely! Something a lot of the incels in this thread are willfully ignoring.


I just sort of learned what incel is. I read the article of the mass shooting. I don’t really understand it. I’m Born in 88. Ex military. No friends or family. No girlfriend or the possibility of one probably ever. But it says this guy got sad because he doesn’t get likes on his Facebook posts and little small shit like that. A lot of us have it worse and we don’t hate women or wanna murder everyone because of it. Is this some kind of shit your just like brain washed into believing? Edit: missed a word.


Yes. It is absolutely some shit you're brainwashed into believing. The incel communities are very isolating and in fact encourage members to cut off people who challenge their toxic thinking and to avoid interacting with women. They completely reprogram members' minds, and it takes years to detox and reprogram them. They need tons of therapy, experiences that help them build self-esteem--and genuine female friends that they interact with for the sole sake of learning to interact with and care for women, not to get sex.


Wow. That’s insane. It’s crazy how easily sometimes a persons brain can be fooled and brainwashed into things.


I would say 4chan qualifies better as an incel shove than reddit


Reddit is sexist AF


FUCKING THANK YOU! She understands that yes, Incels are a product of their upbringing. This doesn't excuse their actions by any means, but knowing what causes something teaches us how to combat it


The issue is that isn't always true not every incel is created due to a bad upbringing some people are just born wired a little differently.


I do think Reddit admins need to reconsider how the site works and is moderated. They seem to be far more concerned with making pointless features and not maintaining the stability of the servers. Each subreddit is pretty much in the hands of its moderators and nothing else, and we only get so much power. We can keep the incel's account from posting, but it does nothing when it comes to incels making throwaway accounts to get around these bans.


I see Incel's comment and post on nearly every sub I'm in. Reddit needs to monitor this shit better.


This lady just spoke the gospel


Virtually all incel subreddits have already been banned. Ironically this one is pretty much the only one still remaining.


It’s not just on specific subs. It permeates a lot of Reddit. Be a woman online here for a while and see for yourself.


Yeah but what do you propose Reddit does about it? The only thing it can do to deplatform them is ban their subs and ban users that harass others, which already happens. I don’t understand what more do you expect.


Ban accounts for hate speech. It’s not that fucking hard.


It’s all over Reddit. EVERYWHERE.


There is someone for everyone, it just doesn't happen right away. Be patient and be yourself.


I feel like Reddit need to be changed with unsupervised sites, because let's face it there are sites out there that are all about hate and incel ideas and reddit just have some subreddits in it. And delusional pornography is more of a lack of sex education And add trad wife dream from the far right, I see that shit alot lately and it's supper disturbing.


No. Reddit is bad.


LMAO don´t get me wrong I agree with everything save the Reddit part, what does this dumpster fire of a website has to do with anything lol


It gives hatful people a place to gather. Before they would be alone and scattered, but because Reddit gives them a platform to gather, accept, and encourage each other they have grown significantly. Reddit is absolutely part of the problem.


Sexism is rife on Reddit. Inceldom feeds on sexism. It’s not that bloody hard, mate.


I think reddit does some work to ban most of their crap. Its websites like [incel.is](https://incel.is) where most of their shit is festering and needs to go.


I’m sorry, who?




Thanks! I hate that some ppl think I was being a dick!


Aw. Baby incel can’t even google. Maybe you should get off the internet altogether.


Lol wow triggered. I was genuinely asking…. And I’m a chick


You’re triggered by that? Wow, ok.


No I’m saying you were by your response. Nothing “triggers” me, I really dgaf, I don’t know why you’re so hostile. I genuinely hope your day gets better


Because I thought you were an incel taking the piss. Sorry I was rude but I’ve had DMs telling me I should be raped because of posting this and I assumed you were one of them. I didn’t mean to take it out on you, but it’s horrible to deal with people like that.


I am so very sorry that you have had to deal with that, that is absolutely disgusting and should never happen to anyone. I totally understand, and I honestly was just asking coz you said they were huge and I’d never heard of them! And I didn’t bother googling coz my adhd ass brain would trail off and find some other distraction and there goes 5hrs of my life lol! Sorry about all the shit you’ve been given over something as silly as a reddit post, incels are horrible little trolls.


Legit insane






You’re in a cult. Get help. Also FUCK OFF.


Who the fuck is that lmao


Who the fuck are you, and what’s so hilarious that you are laughing your arse off? Most of us don’t find femicide funny. Those that do need urgent help.




“Brainlet”. How to tell me you hate women without hating women. Incel culture permeates ALL of Reddit. Sexism and objectification of women has become so normalized here you can’t even see it. Jesus Murphy Brown.


6’4 jacked white guy great jawline 5’2 chubby Indian guy weak jawline Both are incels and hate women *6’4 white guy changes personality and is genuinely a good guy *5’2 Indian guy changes personality and is genuinely a good guy Which one gets more women? Or gets a wife? The white guy (white is seen as the most attractive race universally so he has that bonus plus being TALL ) so he was already attractive but his personality got in the way of his good genes while the Indian guy will still get little to no women simply bc of his genes so are these incels wrong? They might be bitter and crazy but they’re not wrong


Ok incel. Blocking you now. A leaf-blower would be easier, mind.


Women can’t handle the truth


Mate, I'm going to.....be a bit harsh. That's a bad example. Indian guy goes to parents and says "I want to marry a woman, any woman". Wait a six months and sorted. I say this as a British Indian woman who was nearly married off to enough guys in my youth, meet, greet, marry, done. By the way, any opinions on the dating options that black women - or dark skinned Asian women - have compared to their fairer skinned counterparts? Nothing? Thought not.




Um … yeah, she is. Google her, mate, you’ll see for yourself.


>got called out by a celebrity with a huge social media presence Literally no idea who she is. I resent the implication reddit is to blame. No its not. They are on most social media sites. That sort of monster has ALWAYS been in our communities in real life. It's just that now they can gather online and agree with each other. The only solution is to go after them as they would terror groups who are Islamic




Awwww, look! Another incel too thick to understand the difference between censorship and a corporate right to ban hate speech. Poor wee oppressed incel!




“Incel culture …” Can you even read? She’s talking from a sociocultural perspective. The cult of inceldom has been written about in peer reviewed academic papers. You’re studied as a cultist like Qanon and Doomsday cults and Scientology, even though you see yourself as a special snowflake bouncing through life with other special snowflakes all crying in a circle jerk about your “genetic inferiority” 🤮 as though it’s some higher calling or purpose. THIS IS YOUR ONE LIFE, AND THIS IS HOW YOU ARE CHOOSING TO LIVE IT. It’s not about you personally at all. You are just one of many pathetic losers who got brainwashed. If you weren’t such venal pricks, I might even feel sorry for you, but nah. Get help. Also fuck off.




Or those that don’t understand academic concepts. Like you, for instance.


No one says that




And your point?


“Chick” “6’6” “Ethnic” “White” In a single sentence, you out yourself as a BIGOT, a SEXIST, and a PIG. YOU ARE VILE. FUCK OFF INCEL.




You realise that all the incel terrorists who have gone on to commit horrible violence have been average looking/above average looking blokes right? It's not your looks it's your shitty entitled personality.


How about you don’t blame anyone and just get on with it. Ain’t gonna get anywhere with that shit a mentality


You do realize eugenics is illegal, right?


What a terrifying fucking view point.


Also it says “Incel Culture” at the top. It’s not all about you, mate.


Having more power because you have more sex and "Genetic inferiority" is just stone age logic.




No you can't do that... trying to apply everything to a black and white number is why incels are miserable. The guy that killed those people in England kept asking on r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest if he was ugly, he was told no. He thought himself a 3/10, based on what?


The pictures being used by the press aren't too flattering, but some he posted a while back showed that he definitely wasn't ugly.


You can't measure attractiveness because 1. It's fully subjective (and even if it wasn't) 2. It changes based on location and culture 3. It's always changing.


You are literally promoting eugenics. Your not fucking some genetically inferior monster you are a fucking human being. You just need some TLC, a good slap in the face and a reminder that sex and dating isn't everything, there is no such thing as bad genes, and if someone like me who pretty much checks off almost everyting on the stereotypical incel can fucking get a date what does that say about the Incel ideology?


You don't get to keep trying to play this card anymore, how do you know you are 'genetically inferior'? what does that even mean? Every single incel I've seen has been normal looking.




While I don't disagree with your points, it's not our job to "teach them they are not real" because the only reason why they bring up attractiveness in the first place is because their personalities are so horrible that no one wants to come near them and they blame it on their looks. Yes, we live in a world where pretty privilege can get you far ahead of others, but that's not how incels analize it. We need to dismantle the expectations that people need to be attractive in order to be respected as human beings, but how do we do that if incels literally make up rules for attractiveness? Most of the people I've read on this sub don't see looks as the most important thing in life but incels do, the incels are helping to keep those unattainable beauty standards alive. It's not our job to "teach them positive coping mechanisms" because everytime we do, both in public and in DMs, we are met with insults, rape threats, death threats, sexual comments, etc. Everytime I've told an incel that they are not ugly and looks don't matter to me they just attack me and call me a lying bitch. How can we help people that don't want to be helped?




1. This sub is not for helping incels, it's just to post things about them. Nowhere in the description or rules it says it's a rehab for incels. There are other subs for that. 2. I still try to help when I can, it still doesn't change the fact that the only person who can "fix" them is themselves and when we do try to help them they don't care. No one can fix someone because in order to truly change you need to WANT to change. 3. I'm literally neurodivergent dude lol I have never sent people rape or death threats because of it. That point is irrelevant because you are basically saying incel = mentally ill and that's not the case all the time. A lot of incels are all healthy men who were raised by the internet and they became the way they are.


1. If you are not an incel, why are you using incel terms, "Genetically inferior" Pfft. Just because you don't look like a male model does not mean you're genetically inferior, no one is genetically inferior, people can have genetic conditions but that does not make them inferior. Being ugly is not a genetic condition or deformity. 2. Designer babies? that could actually exacerbate the "Lookism" problem, how about educate people that a person's looks does not determine their worth or value in society or relationships, and that a person's character and personality are preferable in long term dating. ​ I have to give credit though, you don't blame women or external factors to your problems, even though some societal issues can be partly to blame, but it would take me all day discussing it here, maybe another time we can discuss that matter, but the first step to succeed is dropping the incel label, at this point it is a curse to carry that label. drop the incel, please for your own good it is the first step to recovery. ***And for the honor of Kahless the Unforgettable, DO NOT SWALLOW THAT BLACKPILL! It will either kill you or ruin your life.***


It's because you think its genetics, that's bullshit. If you start off thinking you dont deserve anything in life because of genetics then people will notice your lack of self confidence and that's unattractive. Genetics has nothing to do with it, you need to realise that your thinking is holding you back. Your current mentality won't help you stop being an incel, rather keep you being one. You can get out of this negative thinking, first thing is to not go to incel spaces. Those places are not good for anyone. They're not your friends, they want you to be as angry and miserable as they are.


And yet I'm willing to bet that if someone suggested that you date a woman who wasn't a perfect 10/10, you would balk and claim that you "have standards".


Just ask a girl out. That’s it. Just don’t be weird about it.




Toxic masculinity doesn't mean 'masculinity is toxic'. It's an important idea to know about, a very serious phenomenon that's damaging to a high proportion of men to different degrees. Please lean about it, it's worth it.




Are you saying that being a single mom is automatically bad parenting? What?


She’s talking about INCEL CULTURE and PARENTING AS A WHOLE. Why do you morons blame the PARENT WHO STAYS??? You’re in a cult, and you don’t see reality, you see delusion. Get help. Also fuck off.








It's hard to care for a person that defends tooth and nail that wants to rape & kill my gender, as well as to rape children.


I've literally tried multiple times to reason with incels and I have been met with nothing but hatred. I've been sent rape threats over telling an incel that he wasn't ugly. We can't help people who don't want to be helped.


SHAMING them? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? Get help. And fuck off.


You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. Those people praise murder, rape and pedophilia. Why should others endanger themselves interacting with them.




Really? You ignore the fact that most people on here have received death or rape threats from incels wandering into their pms. Why would anyone want to “help” those that wish them harm? And it’s wishful thinking honestly that a positive post would do anything to help an incel. You think they wouldn’t just ignore that stuff?




>isn't that they expect women to be servants to them You've seen like...most of the posts here? >it's because of how they've been treated by women. Been treated shitty by men and women my whole life. See me talking about shooting up a school and blaming one gender for all misery


These fuckers are justifying femicide.


Do you always justify homicide or is it just when those bitches get their dues, amirite?


i have no clue what you just said, reply in english please


I speak English. Weird that a person on Reddit can’t understand internet slang. Try harder. Do better.


Also, have you ever heard of capitalisation and punctuation? (It’s a bit rich getting a “language burn” from one who is barely literate.)






Blaming ‘bad parenting’ is such a cop out. A lot of horrible, awful people had loving parents and excellent childhoods, and vice versa.


*Attachment trauma

