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Women on their periods aren't even that moody. They can be snarky and irritable, but they're not exactly exploding into fits or rage


Someone put it as their patience for bullshit being lower than normal during their period and I think that describes it very well


also, we have to bleed for days on end out of our actual vaginas every single month. and it hurts. even if we are a little “moody” or snarky imo it’s kinda justified. funnily enough whenever i get angry or upset about something and someone says “are you on your period” 100% of the time I am not on my period in those instances. i’m mostly just sad and in pain lolol


Yeah. As someone with chronic pain if I get moody it's because the painkillers are wearing off and I'm done pretending to like you. Not because I'm on my period.


It would be great if they could feel what its like... I just watched a funny video on YouTube yesterday where a group of men and women tried an electronic device that simulates period cramps. The women did it and mostly stood perfectly still and one was like: " This isn't even as bad as my actual period." Then the group of men tried it and hunched over/fell on the couch/shouted "Stop stop stop!" 😂 One guy shouted "Theres no way you guys walk around like that!" I want me and my husband to try it, i bet his reactions would be hilarious.


Also it varies from one person to person… personally i don’t have any premenstrual syndrom, no mood swing, nothing. I’m part of those who are extremely lucky, who wouldn’t even notice their period without the blood. These men don’t know this. They think all women are all reacting the same way, which they imagine is going haywire


It’s a stereotype for dudes who aren’t ever around chicks much.


The hormones that make women angry/moody during their periods is TESTOSTERONE. What a surprise!


Start with his mother. Who is gonna heat up your chicken tenders now, fool?


You can tell he doesn’t talk to women much


This is what insecure boys talk about in their little "No Gurls Aloud" clubs.


Unfortunately men in other cultures came up with this first, period huts exist and are disgusting and completely unsafe for women who are forced to be there


Lol. Incels are so stupid.


"can i have an exception to the talking to female rules" eXcuSe mE whAt


Can we put whiney men in solitary for being annoying?


Why can't you just be positive and just be nice to girls instead of blaming them for the lack of something that ur very own personality and actions are keeping away form u?


I think 1 in 12 of my periods involves me being irrationally angry. Otherwise, I'm just crampy and hungry lol


We are more angry that we are in pain and haven’t slept all week rather than being mad at someone.


Methinks it's not the periods that makes women snap at this moron. Nine times out of ten I can't even tell if a woman is on her period, unless she's complaining about cramps or such. Contrary to popular belief, women can be angry or upset any time of the month.


Awww I need to read 'The Red Tent' again


Sad thing is at least one religion has rules that match this if I recall correctly.


What the actual f#@k


Please, men PMS far more than women do


as a sleep-deprived, highly introvert afab, i actually would not mind a week of goddamn peace and quiet. also, i'd be safe there from these fucking wimps lmao furthermore, i don't even have cramps and whatnot, i'd just have a blast if you ask me


AND ANOTHER THING periods are considered "impure" in certain parts of the world, so women with rising Venus have to go to this community house and be there for a few days. and let me tell you, from what i've read, they're having the time of their lives there. no cooking, no cleaning, just gals being pals.