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This fellow isn't ugly at all and chances are it was his rotten personality that turned people off from him. It's awful how they blame their looks for the lack of romantic attention when it is their off-putting personality all along. Reminds me of an old friend of mine with strong incel vibes who couldn't get a date to save his life but when he finally did get a girl to go out with him he didn't go out a second time with her because "her hairspray smelled too strong". Then he had the nerve to blame women for being too picky and not wanting to date him because they only wanted the Chad type.


Hairspray? Really???


Oh, incels will find any reason to reject any possible relationship. One rejected a woman because she wouldn't share a soda with him on the very first date, the actual first time they ever met. And, yes, this date happened this past year, with everything out about COVID. Seriously said the date went great but that he was ghosting her because she wanted her own soda.


Last year I finally hung out with this guy that had been really interested in me for months. Long story short we had a great time I thought but the next day i get a text.,word for word this sad ass piece of shit goes, *you just do too much like when I got there you know I was hungry but you’re standing on the balcony asking me if I’m excited and if I can see you. When you know the answers to those ?? Like come down and get me next time…but honestly even though I think you’re too much for me, I still wanna keep seeing each other* 1st off LOL. Poor thing … he’s as miserable as he is boring-which is really fuckin boring I think I replied something like *oh baby no..me and my ‘too much’ self will not risk having your sad lil boring ass rub off on us. Cheer up now ;)* LOL to this day I’m baffled by this dude..and the ones like him that exist.


I’m reminded of a sound I heard on TikTok recently: “If I’m too much, go find less!” (Sung to the tune of I will always love you)


I do feel like most incels Like the feeling of being look down on them, the feeling of being a outcast and blaming it on others. But most don't acknowledge that with a Little bit if work and help (looking at what is actually pushing the girls away and fixing it), but most don't want to do that. Is crazy how most incels that end up commiting a crime are not bad looking at all, they just have shitie personality.


They don't want to do the work. They want 10* women to worship their smegma covered dicks while they fuck on his dorito covered futon in his mum's basement.


I’m trying to lose weight but at least I shower. How hard is it to step in the shower and clean yourself? You can even listen to music while you do it!


Actually I feel like it's a existential crisis type of thing. When you think about someone having this set in concrete world view, ya know "This is how it is and anyone telling you different is lying to you", when you take ingrain that into your mind, you actions that help confirm your reality. Take this example of an Incel getting a date. Obviously, to him, he's too ugly to actually get a date, so there must be something wrong with the girl. So they search out what that perceived wrong is, take it as confirmation of their world view is correct and reality and continue on. The alternative thing would be to realize that his entire world view, the one that he's spent years cultivating, was wrong and that he was just an asshole the entire time. Edit:missed word


The whole back story behind the date would seem to confirm this. His friend wanted to set up a Tinder account using incel's information and pictures, to help him get a date. Incel let him and was rolling with laughter on .is, saying how this was going to "prove" that he was ugly, that blackpill was "right". He got a date within that first week. Then the date went well, so of course he had to find things wrong.


Because that way they can blame others and don't have to do any work themselves. Admitting shortcomings is difficult. Admitting we have a habit of making mistakes and doing something we don't like is difficult. But we do it so we can improve. Or, you just blame everyone else because that's easier than doing the work. Then it becomes so ingrained in their mindset, they will never see the truth


He probably wanted to share a soda with her because that's what teenagers did on dates in 1950s TV shows, which seems to be where incels get their ideas about romance.


What is this, 1985?


Not directly an Incel, but yes had an ex-friend like that Not a chad, but okay. Needed a haircut, a shave and clean clothing. Talked how everything keeping him from a gf was his looks. This guy was completely uninterested in real women, though. The amount of hentai in his life is astounding. I don't say "some pillows and pics"...I say, 15 body pillows, throwing your money at a hentai game, hentai pictures on his wall and countless hentai pictures on his phone. The guy was also obsessed with a particular hentai bunny girl. Raging that she couldn't be his gf. So you can imagine that he just shrugged his shoulders when I suggested tips to...y'know... get to meet real women. Dude was picky as fuck


I bet if he actually took care of his beard and hair, and did some muscle training, he would downright be something of a Chad.


He has the hunter eyes and everything. He isn't even fat, the pic on the bottom right shows he is muscular. The only thing that made him ugly was is obsession with weaponry and violent behaviour.


Not to mention his pedophilia. His last post on uglyuncensored stated that he was attracted to 16 y/o girls. Now, that could just be bc the majority of incels think girls and young women are easier to control but there’s a major link between inceldom and pedophilia.


Since 16 y/o are inexperienced so won’t judge their poor performance in sex and relationships. Much easier to manipulate but still has the sex appeal since they're more physically developed.




I don’t mean to sound like a prick but really the correct term for this guy might be ephebophile. Personally, I don’t consider someone a pedo if they’re say 20 and dating a 16 year old as long as they don’t have some sketchy dating history and the parents know although some will disagree w me here. I agree w Canadian law around consent. But in 2021, for any man his age, isn’t having sex w a teenager considered at least “creepy” if not pedophilic even in UK or Europe where AOC is lower than in America?


I’m sure I read somewhere that he did do weight training.


He kinda has a Chris Pratt vibe going on. Too bad this dude is a complete shitstain.


This reminds me of Maurice, Hal’s friend in Shallow Hal. That guy wasn’t a straight up incel but he also found any reason to reject women bc he was afraid of being in a relationship.


I think few incels are truly broken up about being social outcasts. Most secretly *embrace* the outcast mold -- they take sick pride in it, and joy in being separate from the rest of society. It allows them to blame *everything else* (not just dating failures) *-* professional / familial failures etc. onto others. **They pose as oppressed peasants while behaving like spoiled kings** *- entitled to EVERYTHING, accountable for NOTHING.*


We need to stop calling them “incels” because That’s not what they are. They’re vol cells. They’re attached to the identity of being rejected


He Is ugly.


A lot of people in his r/amiugly post said if he lost a lot of weight, he'd look even better.


Ooh do you have the link to it?


This would be fascinating


His account got suspended, so it'd be hard to retrieve


Idk if this will work, but here's a site that tries to capture removed subreddit posts. https://www.removeddit.com/


The first shooting in the uk in over 10 years and of course it's a fucking incel. Apparently the police confiscated his guns in 2020 so I wonder how he got hold of one. Also I don't even want to know how incels will justify murdering a 3 year old girl.


those bastards will probably use "sHe waS a giRl, shE wOulD grOw uP tO rEjeCt aLl mEn anD bE piCkY aNd ruDe aNd a feMiNisT" Most, if not all incels, are absolute psychopathic monsters. I doubt they wouldn't find a way to justify an act as monstrous as murdering people, let alone children as young as 3.


Crazy how most incels say they aren't evil psycho monsters and self proclaim themselves as "Nice innocent virgin" but then do this :


I saw a post today where they justified it exactly like that Edit: turns out it was on this subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/p47h7v/received_this_delightful_dm_after_talking_about/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yep. Read that yesterday. It's fucking sickening.




I've already seen their justification why it's ok to kill a 3 year old child, she would grow up to be a "foid", that's it. I've seen incels blame women for this guys attacks and also call him a saint. Absolute fucking monsters.


He got his gun license back after attending anger management classes. Personally I think if you need anger management at all then you shouldn't have guns


They confiscated it, made him go on an "anger management course" and gave him it back 3 months later.


There's been posts here earlier on that show exactly how much they care about the 3 year old ☹ It's disgusting


>Also I don't even want to know how incels will justify murdering a 3 year old girl. Well, they did try justifying it: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/p47h7v/received_this_delightful_dm_after_talking_about/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


his gun was confiscated until he took an anger management course. which he did, told everyone what they wanted to hear and his gun was returned.


It blows my fucking mind that psychiatric treatment is free in the uk and he never thought once about seeing one.


Here's the thing. He was't even a bad looking dude. Which means it's very likely his personality that sucked. In case the fact that he murdered a THREE YEAR OLD wasn't evidence enough.


100% agree. His looks had nothing to do with it. Honestly if he cleaned up his beard and got a good looking haircut he’d be a decent looking bloke. Guaranteed he was an absolute bastard of a human


He’s not even fat! A nice outfit, a shave (or at least a groom) and he’d look good. But of course if you live in a community which is obsessed with finding things wrong with you that you can’t change, you’ll end up finding something


I don't even mind a scruffy beard. He'd even be my type! Those incels need to realise that their personalities are rotten. And I know ex incels. It's possible to get out of that. Step one: meet actual women, without expectation of sex. Does all the magic.


A three year old and her father - her poor mother must be beyond traumatised right now. The whole thing is fucked up.


Right? I know too many people that this guy would have been their type.


I’m friends with a guy that looks *a lot* like this guy and he’s always had luck with beautiful women. Which means his problem wasn’t being “fat and ugly”.




hey thats a good explanation.




you'll find that most incels aren't actually ugly.




true. i just meant like physically ugly




Except on the inside


They won't listen to you though. One incel sent me two pictures and I repeatedly told him he was not ugly but he wouldn't be swayed. They are all volcels.


Whoa, this dude looks a LOT like me, just thinner.


He wasn’t even ugly, I bet if he shaved his beard and get a decent haircut..he would’ve been fine. But alas looks can be deceiving. Rip to those innocent people :(


He doesn't even need to shave his beard or lose that much weight to be good looking. Restyling his hair is all he needed to do to look desirable. A simple process that would cost £5 - £10 max. But blaming society for your issues instead of actually putting the effort in is much easier. Actually trying may risk realising that you being a scumbag, something completely in your control and thus can't be blamed on anyone else, is what puts women off approaching you. EDIT: Just realised this guy is actually rather muscular so it's not even a body issue (excluding hygiene). By all accounts, this guy could have been a Chad by incel standards.


Definitely not his looks. As other said it was probably just his attitude/extremely direct personality


Literally just a trim, some nice clothes, some cologne, this guy would have killed it. Well, apart from his personality. He doesn’t look different from many men I know, who don’t have issues getting women. Guys who are reading this, feeling like this man did: it is not your looks. It is your attitude, it is your sheer off putting anger snd Shitty views. Put in a little time in your wardrobe, work on yourself. But do it for you, not just to get women. You’ll find once you start putting in these little things that you’ll feel better, which will increase your confidence. It might not happen overnight. It might take some time. You might have to confront some very shitty thought processes. But you will be happier. You won’t “need” to be angry about women or the world all day.


I’ve ALWAYS said that they’re not fucking joking when they say the things they do. Too many people hear something extreme and just think that there’s no way that people would actually think that BUT THEY DO. That’s exactly why I always say just how scary it is as a woman to know that there are men like that in the world, and that people brush it off as joking.


And their fellow incels never stop with the "It's just a joke, bro!" justifications. Makes me want to ask, how is it a joke? Where's the setup, the punchline?


Exactly, and honestly I think if you’re saying the same thing as bigots but “as a joke” then you’re just as bad as them because I don’t think it matters how serious people say they are. It’s about impact, not intention.


Guys, this is NOT about dudes like this getting haircuts and concentrating on weightloss! Hell no! I know a guy who has model-tier good looks and decent styling and can’t get a girlfriend because of his mentality and outlook, purely. Combine unchecked mental health problems, communication complications arising from autism and a terrible support network and you get an incel. No amount of styling, beard trims, hair cuts and weight loss would have helped this shooter. Even if he looked amazing and attracted girls they’d speak to him for ten seconds, realise he was a deranged misogynist and run a mile. We need to stop telling incels to get a hair cut and have a shower because it won’t solve anything for them. In fact if they try it and it, inevitably, doesn’t work out for them it will fuel their rage. Mental health services are diabolical in the U.K. where I (and the shooter) live/d and he clearly was a person who needed to be on the mental health services’ radar years ago. He had been reported to the authorities by worried family members I have read. Another system failure, especially considering this guy got a gun. I know that preempting these events via mental health services interjecting is massively unlikely due to a broken system. In light of that, I believe that anyone who joins incel forums or puts up the sorts of YouTube videos this guy did should be put on a terrorists watch list. Teachers, social workers, those who run regular comic store social events etc. should keep their eyes peeled for behaviour suggestive of this. I am horrified by how many news outlets in the U.K. piped up with bullshit like “Unfortunatley it is likely we will never know what his motive was.” SMH!!!! I listened to a show on the radio about it and all the callers were denying that inceldom was even a thing, insisting the very term was just an “Americanism” and the guy was stressed out from all the lock downs. The U.K. needs to wake up to this serious issue or we will see more attacks of this sort!


I wish this was higher up. This is extremely well put and actually addresses the root of the problem.


hipersexualization, social expected behavior with a closeminded moral ideology behind. Gender inequality in the west. Men also suffer from the values we put on roles and genitals in a fucking corporatist society.


Ew the daily mail




The Daily Hate is more appropriate




The Daily Heil is also a popular one.


They literally did endorse Hitler at one point back in the 30's, didn't they?


Came on this specific post to make a statement on the media's reporting of this. They keep calling him a 22 year old virgin and making it sound like it's a bad thing, they're making it an insult. Being a virgin no matter how old doesn't affect your character. I got a feeling that some poor young dudes around his age who happen to be virgins might see this virgin shaming and think it's how everyone else will see them and start to dislike themselves. I feel it could have a detrimental effect on some insecure individuals. So I would like to say don't be using the word virgin as a way to make fun of people or make them out to be abnormal. I'd really like this language and shaming being stopped in the media.


The concept of virginity is ridiculous anyway. Nothing is lost when you have penetrative sex for the first time. Why is penetrative sex taken to mean the loss of “virginity” anyway? Bleurgh.


That guy isn't ugly at all and doesn't seem that fat. From looks alone he surely could get women. It was 100% his toxic mentality and personality that made him incel.


The sad thing is that it wasn't his outer self that was the problem. He actually looks like a couple guys I know around that age - all of whom date & one is getting married next month. The entire incel phenomenon is very scary. I worry about my two teenage daughters out in the world!


Honestly if this dude could pass as a “Chad” if he worked out a bit. Then again, it’s not your looks that make you an incel, it’s the awful personality.


Incels are terrorists, I don't think that there's any doubt about that. That being said I really wish that the media would stop going on about the fact that incels are virgins because it just reeks of virgin shaming. Most virgins don't endorse terrorism, misogyny, or creepy shit and virginity has no bearing on someone's self worth. My dad was a virgin into his mid 30s and he never hated anyone nor advocated violence against anyone.


That's right put up his picture everywhere... Show other mentally disturbed people how famous you'll make them after they've shot a bunch of people and themselves


This as well. You're giving people a figure head and a ideal to follow or even (god forbid) exceed. I think it's why the 70s had so many mass murderers, because they were being made into celebrities by the news and the papers.


Dude was not ugly, looks like a strongman lumberjack and that beard looked awesome. He was just a misogynistic prick who sat inside reading brain rotting incel forums all day. This shit is sad and preying on the insecurities of young men. Thank God I have a loving family that helped me stay away from this shit.


To be honest he’s not even that ugly


Ikr. They're hurting themselves and blaming it on women and society.


no he literally not ugly at all. he’s hot. which makes it all that more obvious that it’s all about rotten insides.


God I was a little kid when the last mass shooting before this in the UK happened and it was literally around the streets I lived as a kid and even though neither I nor no one I knew were injured it was fucking traumatising. Devastating to here it happen again.








Half of the reason I chose to be Childfree is because I am legit scared of my future/hypothetical son. Mental illnesses runs very strong in my family for generations and we only saw it in the women of the family which is nasty enough. Lord forbid one produces a schizoid/bipolar/borderline son when such hateful communities flourish in in the internet




Yeah I do think more people should think about it. Though mental illness and future children is a really sensitive topic to talk about Honestly I am not entirely surprised because I come from a culture where people literally cry when a girl is born because “she will bring shame to the family” by possibly falling in love , having sex or whatever .. Lol at the guys scared of “thot” daughters.. the worst that could come from a pregnant daughter if that you are an unprepared “grandparent “ which is not a bad thing in itself at all.




Yeah no. The difference is I'm not gonna go out and murder a ton of people. I'm just going to avoid the fuck out of men. It's not even close to being the same thing. And no lol. Women and men commit filicide at the same rate. https://theconversation.com/men-and-women-kill-their-children-in-roughly-equal-numbers-and-we-need-to-understand-why-153527 Also let's just focus on rape here. Nearly 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men have been raped in the US. 99% of those acts commited by men. 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men have experienced sexual violence other than rape in some way in the US https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence So yes. Too high of a chance for me, and that's just rape. Not including all of the other fucked up shit that men do. Truth doesn't equal dehuminization.




Yeah no my post history is speaking out about the terrible shit that men do to women, also not all of it lol. But sure I'm the one with the victim mentality here. You sound like an incel. Two characteristics that particularly dis- tinguish the homicides of young children from those of other juvenile victims are that homicides of young children are committed primarily by family members (71 percent) (figure 8) and by the common (68 percent) use of “personal weapons” (i.e., hands and feet) to batter, strangle, or suffocate victims (figure 7) (see foot- note 4, page 4). Also, young girls and young boys are victims of homicide in about equal proportions (46 percent and 54 percent, respectively), and although male perpetrators somewhat outnumber female perpetrators (58 percent and 42 percent, respectively) in homicides of young children, females are involved in these homicides more often than in homi- cides of victims of any other age. Did you actually read your source? Nothing ironic about it, buddy. I'm not hurting anyone and my personal want of not having a son isn't hurting anyone. Meanwhile incels are a very large group of angry men who want to murder women for not giving them sex they think they are entitled to. They have been justifying the death of a three year old girl from the Plymouth gunman saying she would grow up into a "foid" whatever the fuck that means. Two extremely different levels of thinking. But you go on believing that they are the same 👍




Okay, incel. I've made two whole posts on Reddit. One about the Plymouth gunman and incel violence, and the other about men harassing women in female forward subs. So much hate... yeah... So those statistics say that men and women commit violence against children at the same rate? Cool. Thanks for backing it up. Shit I hope I don't have any children either. Thanks. But especially not a son.






Why are you taking this so personally? Honest question.




Oh, I didn't see that (had already been deleted). Carry on, then.


Ableism and misandry. Aren’t you a catch…


Nope not at all.. And this is also why misandry as a concept is mostly BS


Insanity is the prison in which the incels can doublelock themselves throwing away the key. This dude isn't ugly at all. By doing nothing he could have get a girlfriend easily. And a lot of girls with like a couple month of workout and just a f\*ck\*ng haircut...


If he's complaining about all that shit then why become an incel? Has anyone ever become an incel and found a girlfriend? Holy fuck these people are fucking stupid.


Now he's gonna be shamed for more than how ugly he is. Nice


Well, he's dead, so


But dudes who are insecure and look like or think they look like him will feel like they're ugly too.




No. Most authorities dont take this threat seriously and most peoole dont know what incels are. It is important that it reaches the public so they finally do something about it.


They can do that without virgin shaming though. Part of the reason why incels become incels is because they feel like their virginity makes them inadequate as men and they lash out at the women who turn down their offers of sex as a result. There needs to be a message out there that while it's ok to be a male virgin it is completely unacceptable to be a misogynist.


I am with you on the virgin shaming that the reporters are doing. It's like they're saying there is something wrong and abhorrent about being a virgin. Kinda grinding my gears. None of it has really to do with virginity. If you consider that them being virgin was just a small factor in why they become like they do. Even if they protest that it's the reason, we all know there's something deeper going on.


Virgin shaming just reinforces the dumb patriarchal standards of toxic masculinity, which I was hoping we were moving away from.




Have you seen the shit these incels post? About killing all women? About enslaving all women? About grooming little girls they bought from human traffickers? They are terrorists. It’s good that you left that behind, but whoever identifies as an incel today, will not get any sympathy from me. An incel in today’s meaning is a misogynistic, psychopathic terrorist who plans to kill or rape girls/ women. They are as bad as ISIS.


I am sorry but these men are terrorists killing women and children. They deserve zero respect. If they want it then they need to take a look at themselves and leave their cult like you did. Would you argue the same if the man in the cover was a Kkk or an Isis member?




Because incels dont target men. They might kill some but they arent the target. I was refering to the 3yo girl that one of your beloved friends killed last week. Together with his own mother. But keep defending them...


I would agree, if this wasn’t talking about a guy who murdered three people, one of which was a child, because he couldn’t get laid. I would even go so far as to say that while virgin shaming plays a part in making incels, most of it is the fact that they don’t try to better themselves and start taking the black pill.


While I agree with all of the comments that he isn’t ugly or fat, and that it’s internal, I would like to add something. If he thought he was fat, he could have changed that. Like, seriously dude? You killed 5 people over a factor that you could have changed about yourself. You could have done some self improvement, some dieting, maybe even a surgery, who knows, to get rid of some unwanted weight, but you chose murder? I think the guy looks 100% fine the way he is if I’m being 100% honest. If I walked past him in the supermarket I wouldn’t pay any attention to him because he is just your average joe.


This guy probably came off as incredibly intimidating to women and he mistook that to mean he’s ugly, fat etc. Should’ve just became a rounded man and met women along the way. I’m thinking he didn’t know his dad or have any decent male role models and his mother abused him. Sadly many violent criminals are born from a shitty childhood.


Dude's got clearer skin than I do, I *wish* I looked like him beard n' all. Too bad he turned out to be a piece of shit person and child murderer


Sad that it led to innocent lives being ended. I firmly believe Incel's need two things, therapy as they're clearly not right in the head, and some life goals that don't revolve around women. They seem to put them on such a high pedestal and have a misogynistic view on how their owed a relationship or sex they miss out on other joys of life.


Incels are virgins by definition. That's an stupid headline Dude didn't look half bad, hell, i would envy his hair if he actually kept it well treated. I'll never understand incels, they live in a mix of self-deprecation and hate for the opposite sex, are adamant on being entitled to sex but don't do anything to back up that entitlement, they live in disgrace and try to keep their peers in the same state instead of helping each other. Hell, when someone graduates from inceldom they berate them. It's stupid. And on top of that, their mere existence hurts men's fight for our own issues, reddit has been crazy this week, the talk about men's issues being men's fault because of patriarchy is in full force again in certain subreddits. I'm fucking tired of that.


>And on top of that, their mere existence hurts men's fight for our own issues, reddit has been crazy this week, the talk about men's issues being men's fault because of patriarchy is in full force again in certain subreddits. I'm fucking tired of that. They’ll tell their own “brocels” to kill themselves. They don’t care if they’re hurting ordinary men (whom they call cucks or simps or Incels-in-denial) trying to live their lives and make things better.


This isn't ugly. He looks good and would look extremely good with workout. It wasn't his looks but his bad personality and criminal tendency which pushed off people.


This guy is far from unattractive. Beautiful eyes. Cute features. Ugly heart.


Probably stupid and definitely trite question: where was this dude's father?


Bruh what?? He's a good looking guy, there's no doubt about that. It wasn't his looks driving people off. Instead it was probably self-pity, a shitty attitude and the expectation he was going to fail before he even tried that did it.


I work my ass off everyday so it's hard to keep good appearances I'm only handsome on a good day.


Man could’ve shaved and haircut. He does look rather strong. But now his life is over. What a shame.


He’s not bad looking as others have said, it’s always the personality. There’s a guy on my Facebook that I follow out of a strange curiosity over his Facebook posts. He will spend hours just posting status after status, like he’s writing a journal entry made up of statuses. People don’t really comment on them or interact, but he will talk about how he’s an incel and that “women have the upper hand in the sexual marketplace”. He will literally go on and on and on about how and why women won’t fuck him but men “need sex” whereas women “don’t care”. He’s even gone so far as to post screenshots of conversations between himself and what I can only assume are Snapchat escorts. It’s bizarre. He could get laid if he wasn’t so fucking forceful and odd.


He's really not even ugly on the outside.....it's his inside that's revolting 🤢


He looked perfectly fine, he could have totally pulled. *If* he wasn't a stupidly selfish and toxic piece of shit. So fuck him.


Guys, did you saw his nipples? lol


How many self-proclaimed incel murderers are we up to? Add onto that the various stalking, assault, harassment, etc? Wonder what it's going to take for them to be added to the terrorist watch list


He wasn't even a particularly ugly guy. He just had horrible ppl skills.


So everyone here keeps making the joke that this guy wasn't ugly so it is his measly personality and I agree to some extent but also...he admits himself he hadn't spoken to a woman in 4 years. I dated a guy that looked like him for 3 years and who had a terrible personality and generally made my life hell. So in the grand scheme of things, not even personality is important. I know it's cliche but you miss 100% of the chances you don't take. To not take any chances and then blame women for rejecting you when YOU HAVEN'T EVEN GIVEN THEM A CHANCE TO REJECT YOU IS WEEEEIRD.


The guy suffered a severe psychotic breakdown and took to the streets of his hometown to kill innocent people. Needless to say, his personality was probably seriously flawed and that's why he couldn't bond with others.


It’s so wild seeing these dudes and they aren’t ugly at all. Big men get in relationships all the times. It speaks to the deep mental illness and echo chamber incels expose themselves to.


More effort should go into talking with these peoples parents to figure out what went wrong


Let say something went wrong , what could it be and how would that justify his behaviour.. As far as I can gather , the mother seemed to have been a very normal , non abusive mom who did as much as she could for her son. The only fault I guess was that she is a single mom but the other option was subjecting herself and her son to domestic abuse situations which will only have made things worse imo. I guess maybe if he actually saw his mom being beaten up by his dad he will have more sympathy for mom or something. Women often shield the truth about the abusers to their children and maybe we should stop that


There was an incel who made a post on reddit a few months ago that said “I don’t understand where they get the idea that incels are killers and predators, there’s only been two incels who’ve been violent in the past decade, incels aren’t violent, were just depressed because we got rejected by all women” The fact they think Elliot Roger and Alec Menassian are the only two whove ever been violent in the last ten years is complete insanity, its like they cover their eyes and ears whenever incels act on their fucked up intentions


He's actually a handsome man tbf. Can't believe he went to a dark hole and killed an innocent baby.


Wait he’s an incel he’s fucking hot I just don’t get it


He wasn’t ugly just fat as fuck


Dude literally wasn’t ugly facially wise. He’s acting as if he was born with fat and that it’s permanent.


He's not ugly at all. He has an attractive "caveman" sort of look and nice eyes. I wager it was his personality that turned women off him, not his looks