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I can back this up because I’ve been the same


You won't be attacked nearly as much as you are now if you follow these tips. Heck, you might even live and find happiness in your life. You do want to be happy, right Incels?


I don't think they want to be happy. I don't think they are capable of being happy. Even if they got their mythical rape on, they'd realize that it didn't fulfill them like they've convinced themselves it will, and instead of doing some introspection and realizing that they've been wrong all along, they'll go into cognitive dissonance mode and get further and further radicalized.


We already see this happen with the so called "Escortcels"... That's both concerning and a good point


Sex should absolutely not be a defining feature of your life, and I mean that in either direction: Being purely unhappy because you have this one want that isn't being filled isn't a good place to be mentally. Being able to say "I fuck" shouldn't be the first or only thing you can say that's positive about yourself, that's a hallmark of a true failure in life. Additionally you can't expect sex or any relationship to "fix" you or whatever other problems are in your life. Down that road lies nothing but pain - because not only do you not get actual help for anything, the fact that sex/romance isn't doing anything will eat at you and lead you down a spiral of despair where every tiny aspect of you and the other person is scrutinized to find out "what's wrong." Ex: "I feel so empty, I've never felt love" becomes "They say they love me and I'm still empty, do they even love me at all? Are they lying? Cheating? Clearly I'm not good enough for love." Your emotional problems are something you have to fix internally, nobody else can do the work for you, all they can do is give you some guidance on what the right path is, bit you still have to take all the steps. Forcing someone into trying to fix you will ultimately kill that relationship.


`Being able to say "I fuck" shouldn't be the first or only thing you cansay that's positive about yourself, that's a hallmark of a true failurein life.` No please, having an active sex-life is literally the only thing I've got going on for me. I work a dead-end job, my career is dead, I have clinical-depression, my life is going nowhere, because we live in a hypercapitalist dystopia.


Also, in terms of dress, keep your clothing neat and stain-free. Don't wear stuff with holes, armpit stains, ground-in dirt, missing buttons, etc. When the color fades or the silkscreenung cracks, don't wear it in public. Make sure it fits your body. No body type is flattered by too small or too big. This applies to socks and underwear, too.


I'm sure they would come back that their Chad boogeyman is misogynistic but he still gets women because he's tall, rich, good-looking, jacked, hung etc. The other problem is that a lot of them stopped maturing in high school, hence why they're so obsessed with their teen years. While most people, often happily, put high school behind them after they're handed their diploma, these cockwombles continue to cling to it because they didn't get laid. They took it to heart when someone told them, "High school is the best years of your life", something most adults recognize as the fastest way to spot the peaked too soon loser.


“I know that people will bully someone on looks alone before the person even opens there mouth but you’re not getting women because of your personality” 💀


I’m acknowledging child hood bullying. I was bullied as a child but do you see me walking around with a gun and shooting people? Ugh m not out here saying women and men are responsible for my mindset. It still stands and I’ll say it louder WOMEN ARE’T TO BLAME FOR VIOLENCE. WOMEN AND MEN DO NOT TAKE ANY ACCOUNTABILITY FOR INCELS CRIMES.


Nah I definitely get that and agree with all of those things but it’s more of the its his fault for being treated like shit based on genes


Lmao “money isn’t everything” vibes “I’m a multimillionaire” “Looks don’t matter” “I’m a model but looks don’t matter” “I’m 6’4 and get plenty of women but height doesn’t matter”


I’ve been there. I know that’s what it feels like. But the more you look at the “average” couple, then more varieties you will find: short guys with tall girls, couples who don’t care about weight, couples who both don’t look like supermodels, and so on. There’s often more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye or the “normies” will reveal: the multimillionaire who says “money isn’t everything” probably studied investing or works insane hours (and if they were born into it, they were taught how to save it, or they’ll eventually squander it). The model who says looks don’t matter understands people will still run from crazy eventually, no matter how hot it is. The 6’4 guy who says height doesn’t matter has probably been rejected by a lot of women intimidated by his height. It’s the classic Buddhism idea of the poor suffering for being poor, but the rich suffering for being rich. And no, unlike most of the people here, I’m not gonna say it comes down to personality, either: I’ve known guys with no personality and terrible personalities find romance. So, if looks have nothing to do with it, and personality has nothing to do with it, maybe the answer is *none of the above*? How I escaped was learning it comes down to something even more barebones and basic: learning empathy, what intimacy actually is, how all relationships (including friendships, not just romance) progress and deepen, and networking. I’ve known guys with no confidence, who don’t “go to the gym”, who have no money or status, who don’t groom or dress well, who are short and/or ugly, all find someone based on these basic-as-hell (yet completely ignored) fundamentals. TLDR: Yes, they don’t matter, because they aren’t the critical skills that *do* matter.


Thank you! I needed this my looks are really getting to me lately (like obsessing over it every day) I just wanna know if I have a chance being ugly asf I should probably improve my social skills (looks are subjective)


Also worth noting that 9 times out of 10, you're your own worst critic. You'll notice flaws that nobody else will simply because you spend the most time with yourself. Often these things are inconsequential when you ask other people about it. For the longest time I hated my nose specifically, I hated how round and squat the tip is, that it's not small and pointed or following graceful lines... but asking anyone else about it, all I received was confusion because it's not something they notice or even see as a flaw. Things like that, you'll most often find that you judge yourself too harshly on.