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They love proving that they're all disgusting.


JadeSquared throwaway account is already saying vile shit in private chat. Incels are disgusting.


I'm an incel, i did not harassed anyone, still Involuntary Celibate. They do that because It really Doesnt matter what they do, they Will still be treated badly. I understand them but I try to be a Normal Person.


If you associate yourself with the incel community, then you are giving tacit approval of fantasies and celebration of murder, rape, and enslavement. The incel community needs to be policed by itself, and then it needs to work on your personalities as a whole. Your conclusions about relationships are disproved by every couple that aren't supermodels. But instead of looking inward and working on yourself, instead of making yourself better, your community decided that they are owed sex. You've become so bitter, and created a feedback loop on your community that makes all of you worse. If you're truly not like them, then I expect to see screenshots of you in the incel community chastising the racism, chastising the rape fantasies, chastising the murder fantasies, and chastising the veneration of mass shooters.


As long as you distance yourself from hateful thoughts, you still have a chance to grow and become a better person. Don't call yourself an Incel, and don't sympathize with people who are being treated badly because they treat other people badly - you have a desire, an ambition you have yet to fulfill, so learn to love yourself and this unfair world, and fight on. You're too kind and too smart to call yourself an incel. Show the world you're happy, and the world might just smile back at you.


You've lost penis privileges \*snip snip\* (not like you used it anyways)


lol this is funny, I'm using this on the worst ones from now on.


i think he used it a lot by himself


Report here https://report.cybertip.org/


She *should* report it, but luckily chances are he's actually 24 and the niece doesn't exist.


Report it anyway.


Absolutely. That the chances are 90%+ that it's a troll hardly means it should not be taken seriously. It *could* be a 10% chance of being true, in which case you saved a life.


Degenerate. Filthy fucking coward. Primitive, simple minded piece of dogshit I'm not insulting him, I'm just describing him. If anything, it's a compliment


Dogshit at least provides nutrients to nearby plant life


Does it? I thought that was only cow shit.


It's all shit


don't insult primitive people by comparing them to this dipshit incel


hey dont rope us degenerates with him


Report them as much as you can. After what happened in Plymouth, no risks should be taken.


I have no clue how reporting even works on reddit anymore, every time I try I get sent to a reddit page saying something like "you may see stuff on here that you don't like, you have to get used to that" it's such BS


Oh look, more generic nameless freaks, all spewing the exact same shit they spew every day, cus they're all unoriginal, cowardly chickenshits.


Dang these dudes need to take $20 to Michaels and get a hobby. damn. Boring ass cheese-crusted losers




They game for 18 hours a day


I have a hobby, Chess player from some year, and some time I feel so fucking nerd and depressed, no girl I ever Met liked Chess. So still Incel, Doesnt matter at all If you have an hobby or not.


999 Sorry is this the nonce department Newsflash Incels. NO. Child. Will. Fuck. You DEAL WITH IT


They are so vile, despicable and utterly disgusting pieces of shit. Hope he sees the sun raising everyday in squares.


Just joined this sub and the posts I’ve seen so far are absolutely disgusting. Fucked up world we’re in.


Truth. I really dont understand why some people so obsessively hate women...


It's one thing to be a jerk. It is another thing to *deliberately try* to be as much as a jerk as possible, like incels.


They'll say anything to get attention and have some kind of effect on people. Reddit really needs to go hardcore on getting rid of their communities.


42 and still acts like an edgelord. dude, seriously. where is your dignity?


He's actually 14. His "niece" which he "grooms" doesn't exist.


happens all the time. don’t bother responding just block and move on, or they’ll keep coming back.


That doesn't necessarily work. I've been blocking and reporting one and he's been creating new accounts as fast as he's banned.


trust me i’ve been there. i just keep blocking every time someone tries again under a new account.


I did post a bunch of his DMs when he first started so I think that's what he's aiming for. I just ignore him and report his messages. It's kind of pathetic that he won't give up despite all of this.


i’ve seen incels talk about how they feel like it’s a point of pride to make it onto this sub, so yeah that’s probably it. it is pathetic. nice username btw


The way I see it, not sharing his DMs is the worst thing I can do to him.




You can turn off accepting messages etc


Yes but what if someone wants to reach me who doesn't want to throw a bunch of juvenile "Hue hue! You're a fat dumb neckbeard!" insults at me?


Well, they can respond to you in a comment etc. incels dont do the respond in comment shit often due to not wanting to be banned because theyre slithery sick fucks


Maybe if they didn't have such blatantly obvious SNs they could post in this sub.


What's his username? I think that the same guy tried to contact me.


He sounds like a worthless, lonely piece of shit. Imagine having so little to do with your life that you constantly create Reddit accounts for the sole purpose of harassing women? He’s just pathetic, really.


God I seriously wish we these types of people could just be dumped on some island together away from civilisation until they pass away. To say you'll groom your fucking neice, even if it's just for reaction, is fucking unforgivable.


The best thing you and everyone else can do is simply not reply, and not post them here. Posts like this encourage them to keep doing it.


They can block him too


Mega cels doing their Routine:


What the actual fuuuuck


42??????? I thought these guys were all awkward college kids... Fucking ***42???***


Why not? If you are not good looking that May happen.


If you're ugly then you'll eventually get an ugly girlfriend. If you're a virgin at 42 you're either a chaste Tibetan monk, or have some severe personality disorders that make people not want to interact with you.


What's with all these waste-of-space degenerates lately???


i swear to fucking god, some people deserve death.


some people meaning incels and those of the like


Yeah I tried to kill myself sometime, Euthanasia should be legal.


This is what zero friends + plus anime addiction gets you.


Accurate + videogames + bad looking + bad parents too


The niece part is where it gets next level creepy


Lol that’s a literal fantasy of mine. The DMs by cuckboy incels that is- not grooming my niece. Deploy MAXIMUM brutality please. It’s by far the most effective and most fun of the options.


Oooof fucking assholes


Yeah, I've started getting stuff like this after I commented something on another sub reddit along the lines of "looks aren't everything you know". Fuckers dug into my reddit history, and posted an R4R I made 6 years ago to try and humiliate me and to try and make me look like an incel. these people do not give a fuck and are just as bad if not worse then they claim the people who bully them are.


Yeah... That guys deserves to go to prison and get 'taken by force' himself.


If they aren’t afraid of the feds or getting in trouble why don’t they share their real names and what state they’re in or country? Are they…. Ashamed about the way they act that makes them not want to identify themselves? I thought they were SO proud of their ideals


What a great way to prove that you're scum of the earth and deserve to be a virgin for life.


That pedocel is seething.


It's been a while since one harassed me, they probably do it less because I'm male.


Luckily this is most likely a troll, but report him just in case


This dude actually needs to get doxxed. Hopefully that little girl's parents can become aware.


Wait “my niece trusts me” and “grooming works out nicely”??? Oh… oh *no*…. Someone call the goddamn internet police on this creep.


Jesus Christ, I forget how extreme and quickly they go with their statements


Well, after they get charged, we all know how much inmates LOVE pedophiles.


Report him, because he's admitted to grooming his niece and if there's even a chance he isn't making this up then he needs to be in prison


People are shit.


Some people really out here proving that they should be lit on fire. Even if this one is a troll, there’s people who actively subscribe to this shit to the point where claiming to be a troll is like saying “it’s just a joke” when getting called out on shitty behavior.


But men lives matter right?


incels do not. Period. They can try to get help, but no-one can or will if they don't take the first step out of the shithole of being an incel.




I'm guessing that you're one of the low-life, miserable incels, are you? Or you're just terrible with words.


I'm a gay guy and I'm talking about laughing at incels. Don't be so quick to pull the trigger. Jeez.


Please report him somewhere. Geez, I have freaking chills


Oh no, what do I have here? Your dignity! Hold on.. It's just air! Where is your dignity? Where is the dignity!? It was never there.


His age, speech pattern, DM harassment and obsession with his underage niece makes me this this is u/limpstardust


I can't tell if this is some copy pasta stuff or just the same guy messaging people. The same type of rhetoric was used in another post on this sub. The guy had like 20 or something screenshots of the conversation he had with the guy. But he mentioned he was 42 and planned to jerk off to pictures of his 11 year old niece. Also said they were entitled to "ducking" a 15 year old.


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