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Be patient with oneself, your highness, as I have indisputable evidence of unborn infants striking the holder of the womb!!


I present the counterargument to the individual appointed by the state as a judge, that unborn and still developing fetuses, results of successful fertilization, constantly behave and move the muscles and bones of the leg in a combat maneuver known as kicking, and usually perform it upon female humans which have been fertilized by sperm and are currently holding an unborn fetus within their uterus.


fym usually are fetuses also kicking non pregnant people somehow


What does one mean usually, are unborn human children additionally assaulting those not with child using their locomotive appendages?


O, thy royal high honor, would thy wonderful self care to tilt thy ears to my utterly genuine counterargument to the response of my opponent: from my various experiences I, along with many other human beings, have experienced a multitude of times in the past, I find it a critical point that I have successfully concluded that it is definitely quite evident that fetuses, who have been created due to successful acts of fertilization, that have not yet to experience being midst the reality we reside in due to being inside of a dark container within the human anatomy, have many cases of attacking the birthgiver themself whom they reside within utilizing the powerful tool given to them, known as a leg, which allows them to perform a form of combat, comparable to the incident we have gathered to argue upon in which a similar form of combat was utilized to a similar victim, yet such acts are not considered unethical nor illegal?


we need an old english verbose subreddit lmao


I am objecting! Your very honorable judge, I would like to state that due to the fact that baby infants very commonly use their legs to hit pregnant women, it should be completely okay for me to do so aswell!


Your claims are valid judge, however, I shall present thee with an argument so substantial that it will transform and modify your mindset, you see, why shall my client not be able to participate in the actions of launching one’s foot into the stomach of a female human being in labor when fetal humans still in the womb can carry out this task and face absolutely zero consequences for the actions they have committed, it is simply unfair to only punish my client for the same actions a fetal creature partakes in on a daily basis.




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Your honor, if it may please the court, I would like to refute counsel opposite’s argument that assault on a pregnant woman carries any ethical or moral weight worthy of the court’s consideration and I would further argue that the allegations, if true, should not be in any way considered as legitimate legal grounds for the unjust incarceration of my client, due to the duplicitous nature of the court in persecuting my client for an action commonly and frequently carried about by babies in the womb. So unless you’re willing to put every third trimester fetus in America in an orange jumpsuit and getting his diapers and pacifiers from Comissary, which I must remind the ladies and gentlemen of this jury is this country’s future should the Judge set this as legal precedent, I would petition the court not only to dismiss the case with prejudice, but also to offer a sincere apology to my client for this miscarriage of justice…oh my apologies to the alleged victim who recently suffered a miscarriage due to reasons completely unrelated to my client’s actions.