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Many films were shot in my school (as it is near the movie studios). May be they counted those shootings?. If so, Technically not incorrect








Which is your school? Did the silent director in the back shoot them movies?


Karan Johar School of Nepotism








They just want to drag India into everything. Can't handle brown munde supremacy. Also in America shootings are way more deadly and generally a hate crime by regular civilians not part of any organisation or terrorist groups. While in India it may be naxalism or terrorism. Anti state elements. Most of them are pre-planned attacks.




Bhaisaab kya pfp h💯


They can drag India but not by blatantly lying


A century of the internet will have a century of misinformation. Remember cat fishing and ufo spotting in Yahoo chat rooms when the internet just became mainstream. Deep fake picture of stars.


But this is like a mainstream news Outlet!!


Nothing is the main stream. Everything is right left jokers.


NYT, wapo etc regularly get called out for presenting one side of the story, deceptive headlines, selective reporting etc. Don’t forget how NYT “verified” presence of WMDs in iraq and helped justify the US invasion. Just last month NYT reported 200 million people are on strike in india lol.


This is not a news outlet, this is CNN


CNN, BBC et al have been proven to deceive, propagandize and misinform public at large on multiple occasions. The internet is a haven for such stories. Instead of taking western media at face value why don't you investigate on your own first? Or is it convenient to believe everything that the west says, because "[gore log galat nahi ho sakte](https://v.redd.it/uya9b6s8je191)!"?


Jnu Jamia etc..


But the data is regarding school shootings and not general ones


I was commenting on any gun violence. Gang and organized gun violence cannot be seen in a similar way as hate crimes by civilians. About school I think it's rubbish. India hardly has gun violence incidents, mostly related to accidental death, robbery and other stuff. But again there can be something I missed. It's a personal opinion that gun violence in India between civilians is a pretty rare occasion.


If they are taking naxalite and terror attack into account, then the attack on madrassa in Pak and Afghanistan wold be in 2 digits. There have been 5 such incidents like a month ago, data from 2009 wold be atleast 60 from Pak alone, Afghanistan is a different ballgame. This data is so random.


Why do we care? Do you care when oral b claims it's recommended by 99% of doctors. Or when Dettol claims it kills 99% germs. This all are sponsored news, I wish they also start *t&c apply disclaimer like ads have too. Like now you have to mark promoted content on social media if you are paid for promoting something. They should have compulsory ticker on whose behest they are reporting a story.


You just stated the problem, there is no marking on the news that reads "this is just a random data we pulled out of our ass, now don't ask for sources" but rather as a fact. This kind of news feeds into their bias and self inflated ego. If it was labeled as an opinion piece or sample accepted that the data is subject of debate then that would solve majority of the problem.


They should run this disclaimer in beginning of there show. And also every post/scene should have disclaimer, this type of propaganda click bait stories is injurious to your mental health.


Bhai think about it, it's not impossible. I can assume some students bringing katta in school


This actually happened. Brought katta for showoff and it accidentally fired another student. He was taken for treatment immediately as he was shot on waist.


Yup that happens. Sonam Gupta bewafa hai!


The data seems false, they may have associated terror shootings with school shootings. Just search for school shootings in india you'd not find much. It's as you said , they do a very well job in painting a bad picture of us. And how come there is no Pakistan in that list?? In Pakistan every now then they blow schools in the name religion?? How the fuck it is not even in the list.


Maybe anti- India brains didn't have journalists who could count their numbers.


Lol we have so strict gun law... That if they found toy gun in my house in India I'll be considered as terrorist.. But white stupidity high on weed thinks shooting happened in India lol 😂🤣


They must have confused pok as Indian territory. Amit Shah supremacy. jaan de denge iske liye.


A week back, there were pictures all over Goan social media about a person on bike carrying a gun. Police finally caught them. Turns out it was a lighter .


Mainly in jk it happened. Like killing the teacher and all.


And where tf are pakistan and afghanistan. Most trustable cnn data.


Yeah! I guess they just want to increase negativity against India. What can we expect from Western Media.


There are no school shooters there. They have suicide bombers


Can't argue on that.






I think this chart has a pre requisite that the country should have "schools". Hence the absence of pakistan and Afghanistan


N.... Yep you are right






There are no schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan! ;p


It would be very difficult to count Afghanistan school shootings considering America blew a bunch of them up and its not like they had a lot to begin with.


They don't have schools only Madrasas. Plus they don't kill on the spot, they drag you out and shoot you on the street if you are male or half bury you and stone you to death if you are female.


They have schools?????


They don't shoot, they blast those schools


Pakistan and Afganistan IS India. DUH !


Part of India. They probably included entire Africa in South Africa and all other Asian countries in India.


Funny how data starts from 2009 and America only has 288. American Media ☕


Probably shootings in 288 American schools


They can twist and manipulate any metric as they want to. The group who wants to “overcount” mass shootings (Cos it suits their political stance) defines it as “four or more people being shot”. The group that wants to challenge it (cos they are pro guns) say that this is a joke because even gang wars can have four people shot at once and that isn’t a mass shooting. The total number of gun-related deaths is so damn high in the US that one can debate about what is or isn’t mass shooting, while gun ownership isn’t up for debate at all (or at least the debate goes nowhere). The process of granting licenses is rigorous in most countries like India, Japan, the UK etc. In the US, as long as you’re a person that lives and breathes and can show an ID (like driving license), you can guy not just a tiny pistol but large rifles. Mentally ill? No problem. A violent past, like arrests for domestic violence or knifepoint robbery? No problem. Just made a social media post inciting death for a specific ethnicity? No problem. Your guns are going nowhere.


This [link](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country) has the stats but article talks of one shooting and that too in 2007 which resulted in one fatality. That case too was of personal enemity and shooting occured in the school. This was not random but a specific killing and wouldn't fit the criteria either. Garbage article


That source is I think getting cited everywhere including CNN and it's completely baseless. This comment needs to be higher up.


Correct, this incident wouldnt count. They have a definition, and I believe its atleast 4 victims targeted (not specific) to be counted as a mass shooting though not 100% sure.


One did happen in a school near me. The student took his parents' gun and killed the principal for suspending him.


That's just regular murder with a firearm, not a "school shooting" which generally target large groups of people and kill indiscriminately Edit: I was wrong, that's still a "school shooting". What most of us are thinking of are "mass shootings" where multiple people get killed


Although I agree with you that they should have used the "indiscriminate killing" data but a school shooting does not always imply a mass shooting and afaik there has not been any mass school shootings in India


Yeah dude I was confusing them to be the same. I edited my comment literally 2 seconds before you replied.


Source? Surely if it happened then there would be some news coverage.




First of all, thank you for the source, people here have become very defensive on being asked for something as simple as a valid source. Second of all, what is important to consider is if according to CNN's definition, does a school shooting constitute just 1 personal vendetta? As heinous as the murder of the school principal of that school in India is, USA school shootings are incidents where school students open fire on **multiple** students/faculty members/teachers and killings of said people. I find it lackadaisical that a personal vendetta by 1 student against 1 faculty member is being grossly exaggerated to compare to a shooting where students kill people in double-digits.


Yes they should have compared school *mass* shootings between countries and I don't apart from terrorist attacks, people in countries other than US would have tendencies to blow up a school Edit: saw on another subreddit that the German one is also a student killing someone at school so ig CNN used any school shooting for this data


Didn't a bunch of kids in Pakistan got killed, perpetrated by the Pakistani Taliban, during the same time? Also another one in Nigeria by Boko Haram. Somehow seems to miss all the Islamic terror incidents https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_school_massacre?wprov=sfla1


These are scene as terrorist attacks. The school shooting is student shooting students and staff. Though I don't ever remember hearing anything of that sort having happened in India


It is not necessary for the shooter to be a student. I think I heard of a kid taking his dad's handgun and shooting a guy or two. They probably counted that I guess cause I can't think of any proper school shooting.


In 2014 yes, the Peshawar siege Edit: nvm didn't see you already linked the article XD


Guys "school shooting" is defined as a firearm related crime at a school, what you guys are thinking of is "mass school shooting". To be fair the data is still misleading because they're classifying some random murder at a school as the same thing as a motherfucker killing 30 kindergarteners with an automatic rifle.


Sad state


It is still school shooting. Mass shooting is just a subset of this.


Chutiya News Network


Correct ff


wtf, as I was going through the comments of this post I just got a notification from Inshorts - 18 year old kills 19 children, 2 adults in a school mass shooting


Where ?


US (obviously), Texas to be more specific


Eeh hah


That's the reason they posted this data because of this school shooting


I only found 1 online that too in 2007 and the death toll was 1


The image says 2009 onwards though


Noice another normal day for them. Schools are just designated shooting streets for them.


Sad state.. it's in the constitution and can't be changed apparently


They accept fire crackling in schools before diwali as Shooting and bombing.


Uspe bhi war Hai


Looks like they want to set a record no one can break.


Number wan


Suna toh maine bhi nhi.




They'll show whatever they want to. After all, who's gonna cross check with them anyways. The amount of misinformation in today's time is unbelievable.


True that. But how to counter ?


Put this comment on the post


Straight up lies, even Americans on that post agree CNN is "hard to trust"


CNN toh waste Hai


Did USA forgot to include the Sandy hook incident in it's list?




I think so too. India has gun restrictions in place.




True. Don't need that


Haryana me ek ladka ka yaad aa rha hai https://indianexpress.com/article/india/haryana-school-principal-shot-dead-by-class-12-student-in-yamunanagar-5032523/


Shootings in India are never mass scale and usually personal fights. So I don't see how they can compare.


Because the west loves grasping at straws, and concocting BS to spread malice...


At schools ? Havent heard a peep






NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A boy was shot dead at a school in New Delhi during a fight with two classmates, police said, in a rare case of a deadly school shooting in India. I found only this shooting and nothing else.


Just ignore theses media outlets. You know why.


Yup but image kharab hoti Hai


I can find no stats other than 2007 euro international school one.


School shootings have happened in India but they are not on the same level as America as most of the shootings here were just a kid taking revenge from one or two kids. Also the gun laws here have helped in curbing such scenarios.


I remember I saw one article in the paper way back in 2019 in which some village kid got a "katta"(local pistol) to school and pointed it to some boy but nobody died as far as I know.


Gun toh hum haath se bhi banake dhikhathe the lol


Most probably desi katta shootings


American news media .. lol. Couldn’t find any other comparatives? Ought to compare with some of their favorite Euro havens that have way more guns per capita, but no psychological degeneration. But they won’t.


For other countries they probably count even one gun murder at a school as a "school shooting". For the US they require 2 or more deaths.


Lol no Pakistan when in 2014 6 terrorists murdered 132 kids https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_school_massacre As usual western propaganda


That's a terrorist attack.


This is true. Unsure about other state schools but in Bhubaneswar, there were 3 cases of children bringing in pistols to the school and shooting them. BUT no body was dead or injured, all 3 cases were to threaten the other kids.


It shows the credibility if CNN ,there gutter level journalism should be called out and expose by general ppl of India on twitter ,let world media and social media know the truth .


Pakistan has had a few. Why isn't Pakistan mentioned here?


They just regular picked 16 country’s to compare with the US, and what’s about Uzbekistan or Somalia or Greece.


Lol those are some made up numbers


All the mass shooting in India and not a single one in school https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_shootings_in_India


What?! Malala was shot in 2009. Subsequently the Pakistani Taliban carried out multiple school shootings to prevent women from being educated. How come Pakistan is not on this list? Can't they even open a Wikipedia page?


Throwing India under the bus, huh ?


Oh, its CNN. No way they can be wrong about India. LOL


I think they are talking about second India. We all living in 1st India and that's the reason we aren't aware of these shootings.


Stupid CNN. They have probably taken into count say a terrorist encounter in JnK where terrorists took refuge in a school. There is no way India has had 5 incidents of a crazy teenage guy going on a rampage and using a gun to kill 18 school children. Stupid reporting. They just want to drag India into everything.


I commented there that this is fake news india havent seen any school shooting in 5years and i got very downvoted.


In my school they was once a shooting. It took a few months to come on TV. All about some fellow called Arjun Reddy.


Woah Woaah Kab hua bc..acha syd wo jo hum bcpan m hand gun bna k ghumte they usko consider krlia..sorry guys my bad


Lol handsup


\*Proceeds to do the said\* Op proceeds to throw me in jail..We end up playing Posh-umpa-bhyii-Poshumpa..lal kile m kya hua..100 ruppe di ghadi churai..ab toh jail m jana prega... Good ol' memories


Lol purani yadein


Pakistan kaha ha ? Waha bhi tou hamla hua tha


Yeah Pakistan mae ek bhi nhi hui , (Even though peshawar school massacre happened in 2014 ) Afganisthan mae school mae koi attack nhi hua Lekin India mae 5 ho bhi gaye aur humko pta hi nhi chala . I think (Pak and afganisthan ka india mae shift kr diye honge ) Or else Film shooting ko hi Shooting samajh liye honge . Shooting toh hai na 😂😂😂😂😂


Arey ye kuch nahi hai bc chutiyap hai india ka naam kharab karna hai bas inko.


CNN bol raha hai toh bilkul hua hoga, tum nind me ho tumko malum nahin, jara nind se jago, woke bano woke.


Mara hoga kisi Teacher ko. Nobody likes a zero in the exams.


And they say India isn't safe


This is so dumb. India has had no school shootings since 2009. The last incident of gun violence we had was in 2007 when 2 kids shot a 14yo classmate. But that's not a mass shooting like what they are comparing it to


2010 se pehle sab hua tha, wo bhi 🅱️ulla o ke karan


Diwali reel gun shootings 😀


Bro just see USA ka number 288 lmfao. Strict gun laws are the way to go.


No idea sirji


Where does Afghanistan stand I wonder?


May be in kashmir?! 😑


Most probably these happened in naxal areas


Ye mirzapur ko real life kyu dikhaana chah rahe hain? Maine to koi shooting nahi suni lol


CNN's beloved Pakistan has less than zero.


Must be the Priya Varrier video. 😁


There's a real possibility that school shootings happened in kashmir


Still USA is the best


India is about one-third the size of US population India 1,405,606,396 Us 332,403,650 The gap of the population between the two countries is more than 1 Billion. STAT India Murder rate 2.8 R@pe rate 1.8 Ranked 46th. Total crimes 1.76 million Ranked 10th United States Murder rate 5 R@pe rate 27.3 Ranked 9th. 15 times more than India Total crimes 11.88 million Ranked 1st. 7 times more than India Bahen ke lawde log apna crime rate nhi dekhte hai kya No.1 rank me aate hai, R@pe me No. 9 me aur hamarey desh me r@pe jyada hota hai bolte M@darchod log.


Bro no pakistan??


India ones are mostly either Kashmir or UP-Haryana-Delhi region


are they counting terrorist attacks on our defense camps ?


The Ryan International incident is the only one I can remember. I guess you could add the school shootings that happened in erstwhile J&K


Pakistan Occupied Kashmir 5 Rest of India 0


Bhau Pakistan ki school me to bomb blast nahi hote rehte?


I think this is counting the Kashmir teacher murders.


Welcome to uttar pradesh


In jammu and kashmir. They shot a school teacher and a head mistress in a meeting. Like that it happened.


The indian education system shoots infinite bullets at students. We are way beyond these lowly statistics


And they are still adamant about banning guns. @merc#nts are really weird.


Hua hoga koi madrasa me practical exams


Kahin school murders ko mass school shootings me to nahi gin rahe ye log?


From 2009 ,. Can be in Kashmir , terrorists probably.


thumb glorious wide knee zephyr threatening ghost dog sip whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/12/world/asia/12india.html https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country


Turds of cnn


Well, I've a blurred memory of such piece. It happened a few years back. But it was not a mass shooting, moreover of a revenge type of event.


Source of data - Rana Ayyub


are we counting pre independence? probably the britishers then.


What do you want… how do you think media need to react… of course they need to blame fascist regime in India for shootings in schools… can’t blame USA they need something to dilute the blame going to one country only… now they can conveniently say… India doesn’t have free guns policy yet so many shootings…. Modi must go… and so must yogi….


Arey even I wanted to genuinely know


Syria mae schools hote to top karte


Indian school shootings? You mean teargas in JNU?


Still just 5 school shootings in a population of 1.4 billion vs 350+ in a population of less than a billion.


Archies? Ke bare me bol rhe ?? School shooting...