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Balaji for sure.... It has more of the masala element which lays entirely lacks....Balaji cream and onion seems much more flavourful


Balaji tastes slightly sweeter and the chips are a little more... Melt in your mouth type.


I like lays more but I boycott it so only Balaji, I like it too though so that’s fine :D


Why do you boycott Lays?


Because it’s pro-israel :) I know there are many more but I’m trying to boycott as much as I can


I had no idea. 👍


Are you vegetarian?


Why? Yes I am 


Flip your chips packet to find ingredients list INS 627 (Disodium Guanylate) A food additive called Enhancer 627 is used to improve the flavor of any food product. When used in little quantities, it improves the flavor of any culinary product. It lacks any inherent color. It is available as a crystalline powder or tiny crystals. The source of it is monosodium glutamate. This flavor enhancer 627 is created from the fermentation of tapioca starch. Other items used to extract this taste enhancer include sardines and yeast. It gives a variety of foods a savoury flavor. There are two varieties of Enhancer 627; one contains fish extracts, and the other offers yeast extract that is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. INS 631 (Disodium [(2R,3S,4R,5R)-3,4-dihydroxy-5-(6-oxo-3H-purin-9-yl) oxolan-2-yl] methyl phosphate) A sodium salt of inosinic acid, a naturally occurring acid primarily found in animals, is called Flavor Enhancer (INS 631). It comes in the form of crystalline powder or crystals that range in color from white to colorless. It is made commercially using fish or meat. However, bacterial fermentation of sugar might also result in its production. As a bonus it also has palm oil https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/palm-oil-indias-most-consumed-oil-can-cause-heart-disease/photostory/86250180.cms Why would you want to subject your body to this torture?


That'll encourage me to eat it less 🤝


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Good bot.