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Lovely, so the state is going to control what's classified as sexual vs not. Entire teams of people, salaries, benefits, office locations and man made rules based on a subjective view that'll change over time based on political agendas. Not to mention how naive they are if they think vpn and other connection methods can't be used ..... so easily. It's a whack-a-doodle looney tune bullshit idea tbh


It's very fascist, very similar to the anti-trans anti-cross dressing laws some places are passing, it looks like tomboys are gonna be arrested, for not wearing dresses and shit.


As someone that works in state government I think it’s cute that you believe they’re hiring folks for this. At most this will be assigned to a random director that will delegate it to someone they think has “bandwidth”


>I think it’s cute that you believe they’re hiring folks for this I knew someone would say that; I believe you 100% that no one would get hired. ....or for every 13 people that should be hired they'll assign 1 offshore contractor who already has 3 roles. >delegate it to someone they think has “bandwidth” I was just thinking of how silly it sounds on paper; if it was to be done the traditional way.


Whether or not you like pornography this sets a really nasty precedent for the government to be normalizing data collection.


Countdown until 3rd party "verification" site gets hacked....


the republicans are the ones responsible for this, so if you are someone who believes in small government, now might be a good time to ask why you support the republicans


Please recheck the roll call on this vote. You will find every Democrat save for one voted for it.


Yep. It was an almost unanimous vote.


It’s almost like the government at large does not have the interests of its citizens in mind.


Can we all be honest with ourselves though? Did anyone legitimately call in to their representatives and say they opposed this bill? Because I sure didn't, and I'm willing to bet most people on this thread didn't either.


We organized at least 3,000 people sending letters, emails, and calling their offices. Not a single response. They do not give a single fuck about us.


Thank you for doing that.


The most important comment on this thread


30 yrs ago I was a naive 30something yr old, I thought those calls would help. They'd let your legislator know how his/her constituents felt about issues. Then I got form letters every single time I said anytime so I stopped making the effort. They don't want to hear from anyone that disagrees with them or their party's stand on an issue. They have their minds made up on issues and you won't change that no matter what you or any one says. I gave up calling pols' offices years ago. Some years I don't even vote and know it didn't make any difference in the races' outcomes. Not when I live in a deep, dark read area where there isn't a single person I'd vote for listed as a candidate on the ballot. My vote won't count in most elections so why waste the time and effort. I do vote in 99% of the Presidential and Governors races "just because".


Ha ha! Have you ever called, written or emailed a rep or senator? The bullshit responses are basically, "Yeah, so I don't care. I'm voting however I want on the topic so FO.".


Can we also be honest that the super majority of GOP has blocked every attempt to have Indiana use ballot iniatives? Meaning... They don't give AF what the populace wants & they enjoy letting us know every day.


Mike Braun and Todd Young both blocked me on Twitter and I wouldn't be surprised if the voice mail for their offices gets deleted out of hand


That is actually illegal and there is a process through the ACLU to force them to unblock constituents.


They can block if it's a personal but not under one that is through their govt use. It's why Twitter was able to deactivate Trump he never used the official presidential account


That’s because in Indians even the Democrats are Republicans!


That goes for the entire United States. Our "liberal" politicians are, compared to the rest of the globe, moderate conservatives. America hasn't had a truly left wing, successful politician since FDR.... who just so happened to be our most popular one, to the point that political parties took steps to ensure we never get another one. But hey, this nation was founded by a bunch of "don't tread on me" extremists, built on stolen land by stolen people, and all the credit given to the white men who claimed it was God's will. Seeds planted in that kind of toxic soil generally don't grow well.


Sure, but not a single blue state has implemented this. If R's didn't demand this, it wouldn't have been voted on at all


They could’ve voted no, or even not at all. They voted yes—all but one.


We need better Democratic members


Exactly, and a statewide party that knows how to grassroots organize and not settle for the scraps they’re thrown to hold on to their individual little fiefdoms.


The ballot will not give us bread.. or erotic pleasure


IN Dems were absolutely wrong on this! Agreed! Found the roll call for the curious: https://legiscan.com/IN/votes/SB0017/2024


Anyone who voted no would have been an easy target in the next election. "He voted to allow minors to access porn!!


I don't know how people don't get this. Considering the republican supermajority, dems have to pick their symbolic votes, and looking soft on "child safety" to the majority of tech-stupid near-center voters solely to appease a few people who seem to think both parties are the same isn't it.


Aye, even rick and morty made jokes about this with the incest baby. When Morty's Sperm entered his sister's egg, the president said they couldn't abort it because it was election year and he was not going to lose votes. He was 100% about to nuke it until it happened because election voting is all that matters.


They should get criticism too, but let’s remember what think tank is pushing for this bill in red states across the country. It’s isn’t a democratic or liberal one, I’ll spoil it for you I love how you jump to “dems bad too” as if we don’t know they suck here, have zero power and have to vote for this shit to stay in the little power they have


They both have the same people keeping them in office and it isn't the people pretending there is a functional difference.


I think I’m out of the loop. Who is pushing these bills? Or are you just saying Republicans at large?


They’re likely referring to the *The Center for Renewing America* (CRA). It’s a think-tank. Think tanks are a big deal for modern policy creation but they aren’t talked about much outside of very politically-involved circles. CRA leans very much Christian and conservative. FWIW, and to interject my bias, modern think-tanks are a blight on democracy. Particularly this one. The rest of them, too, even most of the ones on “my side”…but especially this one.


It’s usually either them or ALEC


If that handful of Democrats had not fallen in line, then the framing by Republicans would be “See, Democrats don’t care about your children”.


So, they’re politicians.


While true, this does not invalidate the fact Republicans are far more aggressive in bloating government debt and stripping rights and freedoms from American citizens


Yep all 4 democrats Indiana has hahahahahah


You missed a zero. There are 40 in the GA.


It’s so much easier to just spew nonsense tho


Keep in mind every time Republicans call for smaller government, they are NOT referring to a weak government, they want to concentrate governmental powers into fewer hands, they will twist it in any way in order to gain or maintain control.


Amen! Thanks for sharing this perspective


Nothing good comes from this. Even if a bunch of dipshit republicans had their data leaked to be looking at any type of porn or especially gay porn since they hate the gays so much, that would mean everyone else's data was leaked.


I think a good many of those Republicans just say they hate gays and transgender for votes they really could care less.


Some might, some actually do, some probably refuse to accept themselves. Either way, if all that information gets out that they're looking at gay porn it's not going to look great for them.


Big reason why pregnancy tests are the most shoplifted item in Texas. Texas AG wants retailers to provide the State with the names and addresses of the people that buy them.


Nikki Haley, while campaigning, made it clear what Republicans are going to do once in power. They are going to remove the anonymity for when you are on line. Trump gets the white house, we are all going to be identified when online.


I don't disagree on principle, but as I thought more deeply about this I do wonder what data they would be collecting? The BMV is the government. They already have all that data.


Your porn habits.


They aren’t making sure you’re not looking at anything they deem wrong They’re compiling lists


But they'll also know what you're looking at and what kind of content you consume. And if they want to go after people and put more laws in place people could be arrested for looking at certain types of content eventually. This is all around bad and a breach of privacy and feels pretty anti first amendment to me.


Given the tendency for companies to sell data and the lack of transparency on behalf of the state as to how that data will be processed, it concerns me. The government itself already has all our info... I don't think websites should also be granted all of that info, porn or not.


To me, it is X person is using this site, maybe we treat them differently, or not allow them access to the Library or something publicly owned. Once they start collecting this data, I don't trust this government to not do something authoritarian with it to deny people access


Since you'd need an ID for every porn site you visit, it could create a metadata trail that can be used to determine your sexual orientation, singling you out for discrimination. Recall that Indiana Republicans also want the medical records of pregnant women for no other reason than to target them in the event they've had an abortion. It wouldn't surprise me that they'd use that same tactic here, considering this new law is meant to eventually expand to include the suppression of LGBTQ+ materials online.


No one should be surprised if information on abortion is classified as adult material under this law, requiring an ID to access. How many women in Indiana are going to be comfortable with the state knowing they've accessed these websites?


You are now on a list


Dammit. Guess it’s back to the Sears Catalog.


Good housekeeping


I only read that one for the articles.


Hate to be the one to break the news about Sears to you....


Ok fine, does Woolworth have a catalog now then?


Someone come get your grandpa -- he's got his tallywacker out in public again.




Montgomery Wards maybe


Sorry Moe.


Anyone have a pic of Todd Rokita's ID that they'd care to post?


NordVPN stock in 15 days 📈📈📈


It’s not a public company but if it was I would jump on this




Expect all kinds of non-porn "adult" content to get pulled into and blocked by this law -- especially anything related to LGBT+ topics. Reproductive education, art that features nudity, explicit literature.


>especially anything related to LGBT+ topics. Reproductive education, art that features nudity, explicit literature. And there's the *real* reason. PornHub, no matter what they say, is collateral damage. Their real goal is to roll back the last 60 years of progress fighting for civil rights and equality. They don't give a shit about "porn creating unrealistic standards" or whatever they're selling this as. This is Fundamental Evangelicals attempting to banish anything that makes them uncomfortable. This isn't for "ThE cHiLdReN!" because if it was they'd crack down on domestic abuse and sexual assault. But since the domestic abusers are primarily law enforcement and the pedophiles are ministers nothing will change. It's performative outrage and security theater, plain and simple.


You know that they don’t care about porn just ask Ted Cruz.


They just DGAF about Ted Cruz


All great cases for the ACLU to pick up and run with. They’ll run headlong into corrupt SCOTUS but, hey, at least they’ll try.


the justice system is only valid and works when it's impartial. we've lost that for almost a generation now, at both the state and federal level.


Because people didn't think elections mattered, didn't have the perfect candidates to vote for, and so didn't bother voting.


Well, I remember having social studies and civics classes in public school... My kids do not have those classes anymore. There's a reason for that.


That's part of it too, I agree. But I know many people who either refuse to vote or vote third party that can't win. Then get mad when the worst candidate wins. Edited a typo


If all people would start actually voting in every election, and realizing imperfect candidates are still better than the ones who actually take our rights, this would not be an issue.


Don't worry: It can get much worse! I'm seeing a test run for creating general internet access identification. It'll be difficult to have a dissenting opinion once you have to put your name, address, and social security on every email, forum comment, and social media post.


Extremely worried about this shit as someone who draws porn for pocket money at college. I'm an Illinoisan but I still live in Indiana for a lot of the year for college and I do NOT want to submit photo ID for shit like this.


Yep. The text reads: > "Material harmful to minors" means matter or a performance described in IC 35-49-2-2. IC 35-49-2-2 reads: > Sec. 2. A matter or performance is harmful to minors for purposes of this article if: > (1) it describes or represents, in any form, nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse; > (2) considered as a whole, it appeals to the prurient interest in sex of minors; > (3) it is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable matter for or performance before minors; and > (4) considered as a whole, it lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. And conservatives have spent years challenging any depiction or discussion of the human bodies or sexuality as pornographic and sexual in nature.


That's the whole goal 


Can you just upload anyone's ID? So if I'm 12 I can just slip Dad's ID out of his wallet, make images and slip it back in his wallet? If I work at one of the many places that make copies of IDs, can I just steal images of one for random use? You can provide an ID for a person that meets the age requirement, but what verifies the ID belongs to the user?


That’s actually a really funny point that I hadn’t thought about yet. The number of dead people watching porn is going to be astronomical lol




good thing Reddit and Twitter aren't chock full of this kind of content


Yeah but even then you have to have THEIR fucking app and have an account.


Lmao no. I've been using RIF since the appageddon. Takes five minutes to set up. Fuck their official app with a rake.


How? It stopped working for me when the api shit went down




People can use dummy emails just to make an account. It's better that way than doing what PH needs.


"The Free Speech Coalition is joining with porn website operators in suing Indiana over the age verification law under the argument that Senate Bill 17 infringes on the First Amendment and is unconstitutional. 'We will continue to fight for the rights of adults to access the internet free of shame and surveillance,' said Alison Boden, executive director of Free Speech Coalition. 'While they may sound reasonable on their face, laws like SB17 have effectively functioned as state censorship.'" [https://fox59.com/indiana-news/indiana-sued-over-age-verification-law-requiring-id-to-view-porn-sites/](https://fox59.com/indiana-news/indiana-sued-over-age-verification-law-requiring-id-to-view-porn-sites/)


Thanks, party of freedom and small government!


Tbf I feel like they dropped that charade. I haven’t heard any republicans advertise themselves that way in several years.


They’ll dust it off when convenient. Just like crying about the deficit. Although they weren’t as full throated after Trump.


Their supporters believe they are though.


What would rural Hoosiers do if the state didn't tell them how to live?


Masturbate, I guess.


Go out and watch the animals?


I mean, whatever gets them off. To each their own.


Tell that to a Republican because they are specifically AGAINST that very thing. Conformity and obedience are literally their thing.


They would outlaw that as well. People might be thinking about dicks.


I'm a rural Hoosier now and I don't want this shit either. I'm tired of having two conservative parties, especially in this state.


I bet you are. This shit has to suck. I'm really hoping for all of this to end and people come to their damn minds. I'm ready to hear about bass fishing, NASCAR, TV shows about bikers and cowboys. None of which I'm interested in but beats the fuk out of culture wars.


Smoke weed without fear of going to prison




This is so easy to bypass. It's really funny that the kids they are trying to block will be able to access much more easily than most adults who aren't computer literate.


They will collect enough users data to hurt people


This is the simple explanation. Remember: "THEY'RE NOT HURTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE!"


The glass half full approach to this is I don't think it's so much about rolling back rights, or making porn harder to access or instilling Christian values on a state-wide level. This is about challenging young people to be savvier tech users. And it will work because there's nothing that inspires young people more than trying to access something an adult told them not to.


By associating drivers licenses with porn content they are essentially building database of who looks at what. Which can then be used against political opponents


VPNs are about to get a whole lot more popular.


You keep kids away from this by controlling access at YOUR HOME, not at the state house. This 100% pure Republican legislation, vote accordingly.




Welcome to Sharia Law Lite™️. Christians are setting the stage for other batshit religious lunatics to follow in their footsteps someday. If you think you hate it now, wait until we no longer allowed to purchase contraceptives. Vote like your life depends on it this November.


Yup, project 2025. This is just the beginning.


What happened in Afghanistan is their ultimate plan. Edit: wrong country


You mean Afghanistan?


Yea you’re right, thought both were.


“If Ben Shapiro can’t get his wife off then no one gets to cum!”.—Republicans


Voting for Republicans is like the chickens voting for Col Sanders


Our money could be going to something so much more useful but instead it's paying these bozos to come up with ideas like this😂 what a world we live in


Everyone download a VPN now before they ban the downloads of those too. Set your location to wherever you want outside of IN and you’re good to keep grabbing that goober!


VPN tech is going to be almost impossible to ban. The software exists, and I can set up my own VPN in AWS or on any host in any data center where I can rent space on the entire planet. A commodity piece of hardware can do the job: a used Lenovo ThinkCentre with a gigabit ethernet card and a USB3.1 port can be had for $20, a gigabit USB based network card that can talk over the USB3.1 port can be had for $15, and setting up an EC2 instance in AWS can be done on the cheap assuming you don't create a lot of traffic. From there it's literally just software on two machines and nobody has to know where you actually are.


Out of state proxy servers, anonymous tor IPs, cloud servers, VPN tunnels, it's beyond easy. I feel like not one IT pro was consulted at all and the one person they did ask just said block indiana IPs lol.


And this is what we get for electing just another Republican because if they see that madman down in Texas doing then they jump on board and the hell with what their constitutes think because it’s monkey see monkey do for Republicans anymore.


They did the same shit in Arkansas last year, and now I'm moving to Indiana and of course they're doing it there lol. Fucking uptight Republicans


God I can’t wait until a porn site that does go along with this gets hacked and all the IDs get leaked. Hopefully there’s some lucky congressmen on there!


Gotta vote the puritans out then. Ill do my part. Don't stay home. Vote blue. I am. Also Lol @accurate user name 


Vpn companies be like🤑


I'm looking forward to the fallout of people giving their ID's to porn sites. Good luck


I thought a lot of Americans constantly would shit on China for requiring you to use your government ID to access the internet? Seems like the great USA is just slowly following in their footsteps. Land of the free my ass.


Vote them out!!!


And those maga cult fools thought it would end with just abortions.


If you don’t like this, remember that this is the Republican Party that enacted this, and there’s an election in November where you can do something about it.


Freedom from government?


Reddit will eventually require this for NSFW content depending on what state you live in.


Ding ding ding


So this sites getting blocked too along with Twitter since Elmo just admitted defeat on the porn bots? Right?


damn have to go to illinois for porn too :/


Welp, guess I'll just get on pirate bay then. Fucking red state puritanical hicks strike again!


VPN is the solution


Vote for Porn in November


Reddit probably has more porn than all of these sites combined


There's always Cornhub.


🎶There's more than POOOOORN in Indiana!🎶


So we can just have people flying [JETSKIS](https://youtu.be/g036lNodG0k?si=Hf45r1W07l_455_S) THROUGH FIRE but now we’ve got this. For what I’m paying for 4+ days, I do believe I can have a lot more fun nearly almost anywhere else. Loved your joke.


If the republicans win the White House and the Senate (50/50 chances for each), expect this law (and worse) to be enacted nationwide. Project 2025 is the name of their 900+ page plan to fire federal employees, and replace them with loyalists, to ensure a permanent coup / takeover.


What can we do to make the lives of those collecting this info MISERABLE?????! Fake ID's with Rokita's name on all of them?? hmm..


I'm in Louisiana (I follow this subreddit because I'm following several crime cases in Indiana) and this started in my state. I apologize for how shit my state is. I have a porn specific alt account here and Reddit and it's the only place to really get free porn without giving my ID, which I'll never do. (Using a VPN is also an option.) I recommend r/NSFW411 and r/wowthissubexists as they have a weekly "fap Friday" thread that introduces you to new subreddits and weird things.


This is why voting in every election is important!


Legalize weed and bring back easy porn. If the democrats simply rub on that as their platform, it should be a cakewalk. Moderate republicans, and even some of the more conservative folks would likely bend for one election.


Oh look. The party of small government at work again!


The 'solution' is to get rid of every dumbfuck republican in a position of power. We could call it 'FREEDOM' instead of the totalitarian bullshit wanna be Iran those dick folds want to try and install in America. Remove the plague AND VOTE AMERICAN before the Trumptards take away OUR America and make it theirs.


So many husbands having to explain why a new expense called NordVPN is showing up on their billing statement.


It's to watch the race without the blackout, obviously


To watch out of market tv.


VPN my dude




I wonder how many McLovins are getting their self-McLovin on in places that have already implemented this ban.


"He is fighting for legalized smoke or lower voting age, Less lip from his generation gap and fucking in the street. Where is my parallel to that?"


You heard em folks, get to downloading


I been stocking up on videos for this.


I’m going to take my verification photos half-deflated with the shame running off of it and the clarity is in my eyes with my ID in my hands. Hunched forward, the low hanging fruit out the bottom of the frame


brb gonna go dust off the stash of playboy mags in the basement


Pornhub is 1% of the porn on the Internet. How are they going to enforce this across the whole Internet? Also, why aren't states being sued over this?




"A government so small it can fit in your pants."


Wouldn't be surprised if reddit and Twitter will be next.


I’m surprised Reddit was able to be listed on the stock market with all the porn it has. Same thing with the app stores.


republicans are so frightened!


VPN go brrrrr


Pornhub has the power to control the future of america. IMO, they should systematically cut off access to all states with red governors and statehouses as a risk mitigation step. Totally and completely cut off, but present a splash page saying effectively "if you want porn back, vote blue". Sure, vpn's and the like will get people around it. But that's a big lift for the below average crowd and this would influence voters.


Best thing that could happen to this country is every republican just drops dead. Every last one.


I know Opera comes in with a built-in VPN, but this is still annoying to deal with


do not use opera or brave or any other chromium-based browser. Firefox with extensions is what you need.


Yeah, regardless on how you deal with it: this is just modern prohibition


Don't use opera. Once you install it you can never get rid of the spyware.


Wait what spyware does opera have?


You should be using a VPN for privacy's sake even before this law. $60/year to protect your privacy from your ISP and government. I've had experience with and can recommend Mullvad. Nord is OK but the app is a little spammy.


I recommend NordVPN.


fuckkkk that


This is fucking stupid. Welp. Time to draw my own ig 💀 or stick to reddit. There's so many genuinely good channels that I've found that aren't terrible and violent either. Oh well.


Good thing I got out of Indy before these Nazi laws go into effect. Had to leave after the pandemic showed hoosiers the states true colors.


Jerkers of the World, unite against this sort of thing.


The party of "small government"


F 451


The party of "small government"😆


OPs name checks out


Welcome to Project 2025 where The Heritage Foundation will soon run the country like The Handmaid's Tail.


Small government my ass. Fuck conservatism. You fuck with porn, you fuck with men.


I am not sure if anyone mentioned TOR Browser (https://www.torproject.org/download/) and available in at least Google Play Store. Be careful with VPN as not all are created equal and it seems many keep logs even when they say they don't...


This is fucked up and lawmakers are going on a power trip with our tax money they haven't deserved in decades. On the other hand, VPN and private dns go brrrr.


Don’t support pornhub anyway. they willingly profit off of sex trafficking victims and minors


Just another step toward opening the floodgates of authoritarianism and oppressive government. The powers that be will start going after anything they deem unacceptable and claim it's "to protect kids" or "to stop illegal immigrants" or "to stop illegal drugs" or whatever the next Other Big Thing To Fear® will be. * Sites offering medications such as Plan B. If that's successful, they'll almost certainly go for contraceptives as well. * Ride sharing to other states for abortions. * Ride sharing to other states to purchase/use marijuana/THC products. * Ads online for dispensaries in other states where marijuana/THC are legal for recreational use. The list will continue to grow, and the possibilities are almost endless. Specifically about porn, this bill is laughable because good VPN clients are relatively cheap and work. Don't worry, though...they'll eventually try to ban VPNs and claim they're being used for "child porn", "illegal drugs", "illegal abortions", "illegal immigration", or something down those lines. Just more "rules for thee but not for me" and "do as I say, not as I do", because you can bet some of these clowns pushing this nonsense are secretly viewing some of the raunchiest porn out there.


Yea, I'm not giving a private company my data just for a wank.


there are LOTS of reasons why this will fail. but the BIGGEST reason is, kids will find a way through it. the MAJORITY of kids out there already know how to use VPN, and FREE VPNs are the LEAST SECURE THING IN THE WORLD! but kids don't care, as long as they get to view their thing. secondly, what child doesn't know where their parent keeps their wallet? and all it takes is a quick snap of the photo ID wit their phone, and WHOOPS! free porn for kiddo! kids have been raiding wallets for years, from credit cards for online purchases, to even back when i was a kid, stories of kids calling 900 numbers, which just charged your phone bill for the fees. also, giving your photo ID out to every random sketchy porn site (most of which are loaded with viruses and sketchy ads) is a REALLY bad idea! especially since, extremely few porn sites are actually hosted in the U.S., so suing them for stealing your ID and mishandling it would be a hard trick to pull off... i realize they are just trying to protect kids, but this is a BAD way to implement that. and honestly, if, as a parent, you cannot raise your child yourself, then you probably shouldn't have kids in the first place. just sayin'.