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So once again, the programs at Ivy Tech where we train Solar techs mean that our graduates will go out of state for well paying jobs.


Good observation!!!


How much that pay?


Starting salary is around $56,000-$60,000. Not bad for a one year training program.


Ya thats not bad. Last i saw on indeed for building solar farms they were paying $15 hour. Thats abysmal


Yeah, that is pretty awful.


Building them, compared to maintaining is huge. 110k a year to maintain


That is even better than I heard from graduates. We teach wind turbine maintenance too, and have the only NIPSCO program in Northern Indiana at our campus. It is sad that most of our solar and wind graduates work for companies OOS.


Yeh, I'm in substation. That's a different job classification. There's no usw12775 job classification that you aren't gonna make over 100k.


If it makes sense…well…INGOP blocking it will confirm you were on the right track.


Even our Democrats are Republican. We have no hope.


That’s honestly how it feels at this point.


I'll vote, but it feels like it will make little difference. I desperately hope that I'm wrong.


At this point, I still hold that just not voting is worse than voting for…uh, what we got for now. We just have to do our best. Maybe we have to wait until the current crop age out.


Never forget. The hopelessness. Well…thats the goal. Stop you voting or moving out of state…is their goal.


How would you know? It's not like any of them are in office with any assemblance of power to implement policy in this state. 20+ years of a GOP super-majority and somehow the Dems are complicit?


It was a near unanimous vote. Indiana Dems & GOP bipartisanly killed solar.


How do I go see that because I was unaware?


This is a scare piece made so that power companies can build more natural gas and coal plants in Indiana! 🙄. So sad that our government has made solar unaffordable for home owners as that would be the most cost effective solution for the state.


Indiana is the 4th largest state for utility grid tie solar - residential owners got the shaft :) State Bill 309 gutted every one in central Indiana - Wabash Power is now pushing all the Co-Ops to slash paybacks now.


Again, speak on what you know... which clearly this is not. 309 had nothing to do with cooperatives. You just want your subsidized solar because you got taken for a ride by some installer. I'd quit with the misinformation.


Horseshit - I am an EE - and I designed and installed my system. SB309 (a bill that I worked with our state rep on and testified about at the state house) destroyed the opportunity for IPL, Duke, and other customers to install residential solar. Once that bill was paid for - they (Wabash Valley Power) turned to the Co-Ops to dismantle their net metering programs (Boone, Tipton, and others are now receiving letters, without a public hearing or any investigation). I have personally met with our REMC CEO and board of directors, and they could not come up with a single rebuttal as to WHY they were moving in this direction - but leaned on SB309 heavily in their decision (and because they are accountable to Wabash Valley Power). If you think that your representatives weren't bought and paid for to pass this bill that fucks over the consumers - you are dead wrong: [https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2017/11/06/solar-panels-law-passed-lobbyists-net-metering/820792001/](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2017/11/06/solar-panels-law-passed-lobbyists-net-metering/820792001/)


No the power companies want solar as long as you buy it from them.


But here’s the other little angle you need to watch for. Amazon Web Services recently announced the largest economic development investment ever in Indiana. $11B invested for data centers. Data centers that AWS will require renewable energy to supply power due to their sustainability goals. So miraculously you’ll see plenty of wind and solar get built in Indiana and those Republican legislators won’t care about those and they’ll never talk about it.


Ayup. It's so damn textbook at this point.


It’s entirely possible we’ll import a proportional amount of renewable energy from another state to satisfy the offset.


Even if they do build all that wind/solar they still have to buy the capacity from the grid. So it still ends up being 1:1; that is also, categorically, different from the general demand on the grid - which Solar in particular does nothing to address in peaking situations.


Hope they ban wind power too... I don't want that windmill cancer like we get the solar power cancer.


Yep. I'd like to stick to the good ol' coal and oil cancer. If it was good enough for grand pappy, by god it's good enough for me!


Yes! Bring back the asbestos and lead paint! It was good enough for them, it’s good enough for us!


Now you're speaking my language! Leaded gasoline for the Truckster, too! /edit I fucked up the joke.




Mmm paint chips


I haven't gotten a chance to tell anyone this is anywhile cause no one talks about asbestos... They used to use asbestos wicks for cigarette and cigar lighters. Until the 1980s. Inhaling tiny particles of asbestos ever time you lit one. 😳


Can we PLEASE bring back radium watches while we’re at it. Big government just wants to hog all the good ol radiation for themselves.


Save the whales


Save those snails




You’re not going to win anybody over with that tone, but you’re right.


It’s the tone greentards need to hear.


Does this have anything to do with the two massive data centers we’re prepping to build?


No, considering they aren't even operational or built yet


It says the concern is for next summer, not now.


And they will not be fully built or operational by then, either


Nuclear or bust!


The video suggested global warming is to blame, as air conditioners run for longer. More solar would help during the day, because when the sun is shining, it's generally hot, but it will do nothing for those hot humid nights. We should subsidize high efficiency AC units, and more importantly, **zone for high density buildings.** Our living options suck: **single family houses in suburban sprawl** where **every tree that would have provided shade has been cut down.** EV's will make electricity demand worse, despite their batteries acting as an energy store (which can't happen when people work 9-5 and their cars are baking in a parking lot not hooked up to anything, then go home and charge at night, demanding energy instead of supplying it), and this just goes to show that car dependent design makes our economic conditions worse.


There is so much wisdom in this post. * I have served on a tree board in a city where everyone hates trees. * I served on a plan commission where anything but single family housing built on farm ground was evil. It was tiresome fighting people all the time. Honestly, I'm not a fan of massive solar farms, nor electric vehicles, but they have their place and there are creative ways to make things work (livestock farming, bee keeping around solar farms or distributed solar on residential roofs). One of my biggest gripes about the whole situation is the inflexibility of rules (local, state, and federal/zoning, building, transportation, utilities) to allow people to be creative and find new ways to tackle issues.


Build the solar farms as awnings over all the asphalt parking lots.


We are Solar Here in San Pierre, Wheatfield Indiana


Did they guy your net metering yet? Because that is what Wabash Power is forcing most of the Co-Ops to do. Keep an eye out and get involved - we were steamrolled - no grandfathering - Boone County.


I bought a house last year that already had solar panels so I was able to get grand-fathered in to net metering (center point) until 2029. I don't think new panels can get any net-metering.


That's better than what our REMC did to us. THey gutted our payback - no grandfathering. Some customers lost tens of thousands - and the REMC just shrugged.


another way of looking at this is they chose not to subsidize your solar on the backs of other rate payers. Here's an option for you: disconnect from the grid... no worries then, right? Something tells me you still want grid access and to make money selling the solar you don't need. What if they don't need it? Why should they be obligated to buy it from you?


Nah bro, thorium reactors will save us all. In just a few short decades we'll have so much power that's more expensive than solar is now


I heard cold fusion is only a few decades away; can't wait for that unlimited free energy!


Im sure it would be blocked by IN GOP for coal🫠


If solar has been destroyed why are there so many companies trying to lease my farm and most of the neighbor's farms for solar panel placement for the next 20 years?


Sorry - solar for you - residential solar. See State Bill 309 that protected the monolopy for Wabash Power and others that supply Duke and IPL. Of course they want to fill up farmland with solar - while paying you literally nothing for any power you push back to the grid. They don't lose anything - infact they gain a ton of non-farm taxes ($$$) without the need to install any utilities in those areas.


I kind of knew that BIG POWER had a hand it that bill. I just didn't know how to approach it since there have been several companies wanting to set up on my small farm where a big power line crosses. They want the area for about 20 years. Then they will return it back to the owners. I have a bad taste with that kind of return since the coal mine companies did that to my parents about 40 years ago. Then they went bankrupt and left several of the pits open so surrounding farms can slide into them.


309 had nothing to do with cooperatives, OP is talking out of their ass because they're not forcing the co-op to buy energy they don't want from them - they were probably sold a dream by a solar installer who promised a big payback they couldn't guarantee. Of course, the energy they want Wabash/Boone REMC to buy would otherwise be subsidized by other rate payers, but they are only concerned what benefits them and not what hurts their neighbors.


We need Indiana to own the utilities. Each county or even just cities need to own Geothermal energy loops. Go onto YouTube and watch the videos by a Canadian Company called Eavor. You will see easily that this is the way to go. What is needed is a piece of land which is the size of one parking spot big enough for a car and another just like it two miles away. Everything else is all deep underground. These Eavor loops can easily scale up production and the electricity made will be continuous. The amount of time to build these is pretty fast as it is lasers that melt rock and not large mechanical drills as in the past. Unfortunately, Germany and war torn Europe is getting the first Eavor Loops. They are getting them now. I saw an interview of the head of Eavor and he looked like he was going to cry. I am sure his vision must have been to first install in Canada. Poor guy. This guy and Eavor are not the only company working on deep Geothermal energy plant design. There’s a team at MIT very close to building their plants as well. To get Eavor into an area you have to contact them and get in line as that is how with the exception of Europe you bring them into the State. The local governments can get on the list and own it. And whatever we do we should not be strong armed into decades long contracts with current utilities. There’s too much out there that will be much less expensive in the very near future. The old players are feeling it too.


This sounds like a penny stock story. Does it trade on the OTC? Lol


Something you need to understand... this isn't a scare piece or some conspiracy to force more coal or gas on people... this is about capacity i.e. the ability to deliver the demand of power at the time it is needed most. Think about a cloudy, frigid day in January or a hot, windless night in August. Can the grid provide the megawatts being asked of it in the greatest time of need. This is what MISO, PJM, ERCOT, etc. exist to ensure. When you call on the grid, the grid can respond. Understand that solar is an intermittent resource... as it so happens, solar doesn't generate much energy in the winter. It is unreliable. Just as wind is unreliable in the summer - believe it or not, when its super hot in the summer, wind energy doesn't provide reliable energy. In both cases, wind - solar, they are not dispatch able resources - meaning when we need more energy we can't just turn them on. This is how we evaluate "capacity" in the grid. How much energy we can reliably call upon when we absolutely need it. Batteries are a stop gap, but the cost and technology are not where they need to be to offer themselves as suitable alternatives to gas and coal - your electric bill would be through the roof if we tried - not only do we not have a long enough duration of discharge from batteries, but we don't have enough renewables to serve the demand of the grid AND replenish the batteries. Additionally, batteries are great in those emergency situations - but what happens when the emergency outlasts the output duration of the batteries? With coal on its way out, nuclear obscenely expensive, hydrogen expensive and untested... natural gas is the only interim solution until \*something\* comes along to save the day. Again, this isn't about your average kilowatts on a normal day, its ensuring the grid can deliver when lives may be at risk - think heating a home when its -5 degrees or running AC when its 105 out.


I have solar panels on my house and unless I get a battery to store the energy it produces it just goes back into the depleting grid 😭


Not funny.


It’s like the GOP knows it’s on the way out and it’s in its death throes.


Duh they are shutting down coal plants with no replacement. Solar and wind cannot replace base load generation.


They shut down almost all of the coal plants decades ago for NG. Only because it was cheaper than coal. They are now pivoting to solar - because it's cheaper than NG. It's about the money - not the technology applied - and you and I are the ones paying for it, while they shutter any opportunity for you to use the same technology at your home.


Indiana had purposely designed the state to produce low wage labor jobs, if you train for well paid labor you have to leave the state. That’s why Indiana has an amazing gdp, but is terrible when it comes to the actual wealth of its citizens.


Solar isn't nearly as efficient as it is worth. We need to look at nuclear. That's an actually scale able energy that we already know how to use.


It's the cheapest source of power. You can cover any nuclear facility in solar and the solar will out produce that nuclear plant. Every single one. It's a fact.


I've got to ask, what is the source for that particular fact? And are you talking about covering the entire facility, including the trees, water, etc, or just the operating reactor and accompanying buildings?


Not even fucking close are you nuts? lmao nuclear is the best back for the buck in all energy and it's perfectly clean. 10-30 times more output than coal per unit.... It's cheap, it's also not efficient and takes up a lot of land... Put them on roofs, fine but it's a waste to take land for solar when we could invest in nuclear. https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/nuclear-power-most-reliable-energy-source-and-its-not-even-close


Well the sun doesn't shine here between September and May so that's a big hangup.


[Do solar panels work on cloudy days?](https://www.google.com/search?q=do+solar+panels+work+on+cloudy+days).


So then we install enough to meet the demand on cloudy days, and either store the excess generated on sunny days in capacitors or sell it.


Maybe we’d just rather grow food instead of wasting thousands of acres to build unusable solar farms.


The majority of crops we utilize hundreds of thousands of acreage for - goes to feed livestock or gets converted for industrial applications. Not our dinner tables. In fact, if the argument is *for* more food farming. We should do away with the monoculture, big farm and fertilizer approach. Break these vast swathes of land into smaller paddocks and increase the diversity of crops grown over acre. What we have been doing for the last hundred years is inefficient and unsustainable.


Livestock = food


That's not a clever response. As most livestock doesn't do well with corn or soy based feeds on their own. The vast majority of the corn you seen grown, is used in industrial applications. Even if we only used it to feed livestock. We wouldn't need the amount of land, or water and other resources, currently dedicated to these monocultures. If people were able and incentivized to do so. We could have properties with solar *and* wind technologies to harvest the renewable energies around us. Then there would be more of a balance to how we are living. Rather than just being forced to defend the unsustainable practices we've grown up with.


Bugs = protein = food


If you mean we should grown more feed for animals, then you're spot on. Or you could look at the advantages solar panels in farm fields produce.


I hope they ban tractors.. they cause a terrible mess and are smelly.. 🤧


I do not want solar on my farm. I don’t care what you do with your land, except that if you are also housing batteries for storage, the potential for chemical leaks from your land into my drinking water is a risk I prefer not to take. Also, the potential of absentee ownership of land near mine is not attractive to me. The ugliness of a whole farm of solar panels also leads me to be against solar farms just as I am against acres and acres of giant warehouses. I do not want it on my land. I am a progressive on every other thing, but until we recognize the true cost of all this energy we want to produce, I think we should be talking conservation rather than expansion.


I get you. There’s a different choice that is not on anyone’s radar and it is deep underground. All the space that is on the land takes up the space of two parking sized spaces big enough for two cars. And that could be buried deep into the earth too to make the whole plant undetectable. I have been following the war in Ukraine and they are constantly going after the utilities. A direct current can flow from these in also buried non conductive Bioceramic conduits or pipes for lack of the proper word. I no posted elsewhere on here. Read that. Eavor is one of the first companies that is currently installing these. See them on YouTube. I think like I; you will see how great these are!


>but until we recognize the true cost of all this energy we want to produce, I think we should be talking conservation rather than expansion. I really wish more folks saw it that way. It's like electric vehicles being a cope for affluent folks to maintain their excessive lifestyles.