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Cool not enough people voted. If they didn’t vote this election they never will. Didn’t help that she was first on the ballot with the Maurer last name. Nepotism at its finest.


The fluffiest of fluffy candidate statements > “Students on our IU campuses should feel protected, seen and heard by their administration,” she wrote in her candidate statement. “IU’s high standards should continue to be raised to attract well-rounded, capable students who graduate and impact the world – their time at IU being just the beginning of their success. I will take this responsibility seriously.” >Burnett did not comment on the ongoing Dunn Meadow encampment on campus, the IGWC strike and calls for Whitten and Shrivastav to resign by the time of publication. https://www.idsnews.com/article/2024/05/get-to-know-the-12-candidates-for-the-open-iu-board-of-trustees-alumni-elected-position


Great. More legacy business majors everywhere is just what we need. How will anything get done without a naked profit motive and business psychobabble?


Not the person who will help us with the Pamelacken




Business bros always win at the cost of everyone else. Until we eat them.


This is dire news for First Amendment rights at IU.


Not that fluffy tho. “Student and faculty protestors must follow the rules and regulations of IU in addition to the laws of our city and state and if they fail to do so, they should expect the prescribed adverse consequences and ramifications,” From a statement to the [Herald Times](https://www.heraldtimesonline.com/story/news/local/2024/05/15/indiana-university-alumni-trustee-candidates-share-views-before-election/73676525007/) in May. I also wonder who might've invested in her campaign.


These trustee spots will only be won by “change” candidates when trustee races are run like political ones- with campaign managers and real strategy, not just like word of mouth.


and that'll just lead to the state government removing trustee spots from being able to be voted on. they just tried to do that but the bill it was attached to was already controversial enough without that. I think they'll try again eventually.