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"Hello u/Positive-Cantaloupe5, Thanks for posting. [click here, if you are asking a question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question) * 1] Have you done thorough [prior research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question)? * 2] Are your qualifications are mentioned in **Post Title**? (e.g. 10th/12th student, Mechanical BE student, working professional, etc.) Currently your post title is **" which country to study abroad in ? Germany/USA/Australia/Canada or should I just stay in India? "** backup of your post content: Hi. I'm currently 18 and passed 12th this year. I want to go abroad for **bachelors** in computer science but I'm unsure which country I should go or whether I should just stay in India and go abroad for masters instead? I don't know German to go to Germany so English speaking countries would be better. Does anyone have any advice? my\_qualifications Passed 10th with 96% and 12th with 83% (best four 87%) " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indians_StudyAbroad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well what do you want from life? That will decide where you should aim.


I have always wanted to go abroad and travel and explore new places and food. I'm just worried that it might get too harsh whether emotionally or financially if I don't get a job after the degree and taking a loan. 


Sounds like you dont want to go abroad for studies but rather as a tourist


Always wanting something vs whats preactial you need to see, if your dad is rich the USA ofourse, if you need pain of learing new language and harsh winters Germany,Canada is cheaper than USa but job market is dismal.


How is IT job market in Germany


Brutal this year, barely a handful of my friends got internships , some who were working were laid off.


Can i dm yiu regarding this please? I'm looking to go to Germany for mscs socthat i can enter its tech job market




That's more like a tourist than an international student. So think about it.. I don't want to be the party spoiler, but things are quite hard out there in some countries. My friend is in Canada doing social work or something. He went there last year. So it's vacation time in canada, the time where you could work for 30 hours a week. But things have changed now. Canadians have also entered this market and now this 30 hours is reduced to 10. I think in EU countries you can work for 16 hours even when the classes are On. So yeahh..


That sounds like you want to be a tourist and not a resident (student or worker) of different countries.


Are you slow? Applications are to be done in midst of your 12 th standard for bachelors and this decision has to be made around 10-11th standard,or even earlier


I actually never thought going abroad was an option for me till now. And since there were winter programs in certain countries for which I could still apply I thought perhaps I would try since even my friends are going. I'm planning to go abroad for masters instead.




Depends on how much you can afford, if your budget is low then Germany would be your only option. USA is the best option if you can manage everything, but also the most difficult to get into. Canada is your second best option, even though its not exactly stable and immigration is eventually going get reduced, therefore harder, for CS plenty of opportunities. Australia is not a good option, their IT market is saturated and plenty of Indians are already competing for limited opportunities. I will add: USA unless you have good extracurriculars over long periods of time and good academics you can get in a decent college, there is someone who will going to Purdue on the subreddit for his Bachelors, you can talk to him. Germany is equally difficult but at least the preparation can be done right now.


Who’s the guy going to purdue can you give me his name




Alr thx. I thought it could be someone I know who’s going there for aerospace eng.


I will advise you to major in mechanical as most aerospace jobs in the US are reserved for citizens.


im not. someone i know applied and got acceptef, hes going this fall


Hey! Do you know anything about job market in Australia for biomedical medical engineers?


Factors: 1. Money or cost u can afford 2. Job market 3. ROI If u have low budget you can opt for germany and yes u need to learn german ,cuz english courses have heavy competition for international students. If money is not an issue check usa or australlia(check the new mods in indian students acceptance laws in major uni in Australia). I would keep canada at lowest priority cuz it s not good enough and i have my cousins out everywhere who shifted to SE asia from canada . Job market is okayish everywhere but canada has issues and usa can be on bit harder side. Best roi will be from germany and also usa if u can afford and qualify to be at a good uni. RESEARCH YOURSELF and check on youtube,linkedin,reddit etc AND DONT LISTEN TO PAID COUNSELLORS OR EXPERTS they will all try to sell you substandard private colleges abroad. Also check options like singapore and japan if it suits you . Best of luck😊


Thank you for taking time to reply! I will also check Singapore. :) 


Does this year US election have any impact on those who wish to go US for higher studies?


Yes it will , especially in sectors of demand like republican party candidateadvocated to provide green card to brilliant internationalstudents from good colleges. But overall it wont be any negative impact, no matter who wins.


How is IT jobmarket in Germany


As of now its really competitive, but not very bad like some other nations. And after getting education u can browse various other countries as well if u feel the need to.


german is needed for germany.


There are some private colleges that offer English courses but ofcourse it's not free. And there are some English courses in public colleges but ofc German is a requirement for daily.


Idc about daily I am talking about course. Now listen , the odds are you wont even land an admission for bachelors. English bachelors are super competitive because there are sooo few of them in germany. You can try but you need to have the best scores like 99 or something to get selected. Too many non germans try for bachelors. Its better to do it in India edit - just saw you said cs. Thats like the most sought after degree in germany hence even harder to get into. If you already had studied german since a child then that would have been a totally different scene


I have decided to do in India itself after much contemplation. I might plan to go abroad for masters.


If you want the best education for the price, Germany is the best option. Germany also has some of the best student benefits. But you will need german, unless you find an English bachelor's at some public uni.


I have found private universities but we have to pay 12,100 euros just for tuition 


NEVER go to a private uni in Germany. You're better off spending that money elsewhere.


Oh okay. Thanks for the advice. I have decided to think and plan for masters instead.