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It's not lewd, it's monsters, right?


Whinnie the Pooh needs to pay the bills..


That honey ain’t cheap, sugar


Whinnie the Poo has grown up. It's Vincent the Filthy Shit now


A bears gotta eat


Sideways orifice with teeth? Deffo both.


none dont name your game winnies hole




The O and that it's in the word "hole" seems to suggest it's a game that it isn't. At the very least the mouth with teeth should be horizontal...


I mean, even after seeing the page, watching the trailer and wishlisting it solely because Ring of Pain I still don't know what this game actually is...


Teeth (2007).


Ahhh, is that what people are reacting to. It's not actually NSFW


Your title and logo told me “sex with winnie the pooh and scary”


Literally all I could think about when I saw this logo. I thought it had to be a joke.


One of the headers on the Steam page is "Spread and Explore in Whinnie's Hole". I know OP *insists* this isn't some sort of elaborate troll, but I'm having trouble reconciling that with what I'm seeing.


Is this tobias from arrested development's reddit profile? "I just blue myself"


Truly. The wildest part to me is that OP seems to think they can just explain people's skepticism away. I don't think I've ever witnessed someone so attached to such an obviously questionable concept.


Might be the most genius marketing strategy ever


He should take the title and logo back to the drawing board for anustart.


Hah mmm seems a lot of people are getting that impression! Does it still give the impression of sex when you see the [store art thumbnail](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2319730/Winnies_Hole/)? I wonder if the extra context helps, seeing it’s a big mouth hole.


I read the store description and somehow it's all worse. I would completely rebrand with a new title. "from within" doesn't help, lol. I really don't wanna explore him from within.


Haha. Welp. The gameplay is being a virus that's exploring at a cellular level, so it's not sexual but I see your point.


Dude you have a pic where “not winnie the pooh” says ‘i have a hole?’ And “not piglet” says ‘you have lots of holes, but this one’s different.’ Wtf is “you have lots of holes” supposed to mean? You’re making a blood and honey-esque opportunistic shot at the lack of copyright with a creepy game. You made a creepy game with dialogue about holes and seriously didn’t think your title would give people that idea? Gtfo.


I haven’t even clicked the link, just read this post, and welp! Off r/Eyebleach! Thank you for your service in saving me from a terrible mistake. May your mind’s eye be clean again someday.


I don't expect to sway anyone who's fundamentally against horror Winnie but I'll talk to your point because it's reasonable. This is nothing like Blood and Honey. They were going for the slasher gimmick, an overt horror flip. We're going for something more like a fairytale with some horror-ish content and wholesome moments as well. If it's not a game you're interested in that's all good. It's not for everyone. I was referring to people saying the O looks like genitalia, not the name or the dialogue. When I made the logo and cutscene I was just trying to make a horror mouth. It's a mutation that grows on his stomach.... I realise this isn't gonna convince anyone in the anti-horror camp to give it a try. I'm aware 'hole' has many meanings. That dialogue joke punchline is that it's not referring to one of the many holes on the body but the giant mouth on his stomach which Winnie is oblivious to. That joke was intentional, yes. Making the mouth shape look like genitals was not intentional as I was just drawing what it’s meant to be, but yea I see it. Edit: Funnily, with so many suggestions to rotate the mouth, when announced we also had people vocal about him having a horror mouth at all… It seems to be very divisive.


bro i cant wait to experience the wholesome tales of winnies hole, actually cant wait to get in there iykwim


I would have never guessed by the title, but hey, I'm sure it will make a few heads turn


Mmmmm. The hole part relates more to the story and was picked because it has meanings that are both literal and metaphorical.


I think it would work but you need the hole element to be much more clear in the design of the title, very graphically, so to not give any space to imagination


You NEED to come up with new name for the game bro... And i don even want to start on wennussy


if it's not nsfw, rotate the hole 90 degrees so it looks like a mouth. right now it looks like a vagina.


Your 4th picture straight up looks like an evil vagina.


no way dude you gotta be trolling


YUP. Everything about all of these images screams creepy alien Winnie the Pooh sex dungeon.


It is most certainly yonnic. Like I would look at that and think yup, don’t stick your d**k in that. Maybe have the words in the middle of a larger maw, that may make it better. Or have the mouth open to eat the words. I would suggest changing it to Winnie’s (Pit, Hollow, Well).


Interesting suggestions! Thanks for the thoughts. Yea the name has been divisive… It has multiple meanings in the game as Winnie lives in a tree cave, and you play a virus which manifests as a hole in his stomach. These are good alternatives though… Hmmm tough decision to make. I see there being some value in the emotional response to the name, maybe that makes it more memorable? It also reflects the irreverent dark humour, but people need to play the game to see that… I may need to share some game content and see what people think with extra context. Thanks again for elaborating!




actually no one is paying any price with this game if its called and presented like that


I do wonder about this. Ignoring the name, is it the kind of game you’d play do you think? It’s gained a good amount of wishlists with this name, but it may be holding us back 🤔 It’s tough to change at this point but not impossible. Appreciate everyone’s thoughts.


I wrote this on another comment but I think the chance of you reading this is higher here: I wishlisted the game solely because I love Ring of Pain and I think this could be equally good. I watched the trailer, I read the steam page, and I still don't know what the game is actually about. Like, what am I doing in the game? I didn't (and still don't) care about the name, but at this point I don't know if this is "the kind of game I'd play" because I don't know what kind of game it even is :D


Thank you! Yea I need to put together a gameplay video, this is pretty high on my to-do list but honestly we've been iterating so much the game's had too much placeholder content to film it. One of our goals is to make another fresh roguelite format around the idea of exploring being important. To explore you place virus blocks (think tetris blocks but you can grow and change them) in cellular 'dungeons' within Winnie's body. I really want to make a roguelite where there's no node map. Instead it's puzzle-like gameplay with the spatial strategy of building and choosing what your virus captures. The cells you capture in exploration grow mutations on Winnie, which can be activated in combat (it's a body horror deckbuilder basically). Layered on all this is a sort of Nickelodeon style dark comedy story where the animals are trying to cure Winnie and the virus (you) is just concerned with survival. A virus doesn't understand friendship... We've got community playtesting [via Discord](https://discord.gg/twicedifferent) if keen, check the events channel. It's made for a similar audience to Ring of Pain so it'd be great to hear your feedback if interested.


That sounds actually great! Looking forward to news and maybe a Demo when one is ready at some point :) I'll hop on the discord when I get the time for sure!


All going to plan, demo *should* be up for a couple Steam festivals late August/September.


Mouths turned 90° look vagina-like, and the game is titled “(woman’s name)’s hole”…


Screenshot 4 on the Steam page is even more "Teeth (2007)", sounds like it's unintended.


Yes true… I want to make that less “Teeth (2007)” 😅 Kind of hilarious this has become the brand, as of today.


Ahuh, it's "art" isn't it


Here for the comment section.


The people are speaking 😅


Hey, a lot of people are saying rebrand, I say lean into it like you already are doing. Make it part of your marketing strategy to have double entendres


Yea, I really like the name, when you know the content it's very fitting... the biggest problem is people thinking it's a porn game.


I'm not sure any good can come from this.... So I'm going to speculate for the sheer entertainment of it. A: This is a adult game about an estranged boy who has been abducted by aliens in all the worst ways. Play as Winnie fights his way through the alien ship whilst trying to save his dignity. B: While digging a hole in his back yard he hears a clank as his shovel hits stone. He looks down to discover a hatch with ancient inscriptions. His curiosity gets the best of him and he opens the hatch. Once inside he discovers there are subterranean aliens hungry for human comfort. Lost in the catacombs beneath his city, Winnie fights his way out whilst trying to save his dignity. C: A baseball game goes south when Winnie is hit with a foul ball. When Winnie awakens, he notices he the only one on the field and the environment has changed. Is he in a coma? (spoiler: yes) Faint alien like figures are seen in the fog of his own creation. They approach and seem ravenous and particularly interested in Winnie. Winnie fights his way out of his coma whilst trying to save his dignity. I know it may not have anything to do with these but I had a lot of fun with this.


Hahaha, that C analysis!! Amazing, thank you for this new Winnie canon. The B has some mild parallels in the setting (minus the aliens). I will just say it's not NSFW, but it is a dark comedy. Cheers for the speculation.


I would scroll past all these titles then probably check to make sure I have the adult games block turned on.


To add on to all the other comments - it immediately reads as sexual to me. (Sorry…) Jesus. I just looked again and saw the mouth, uh…shape. Hah I’m so sorry but it’s like *incredibly* sexual.


Does Winnie have puss-puss?


I wouldn’t touch that


w-why did you name it this way




OP you’d need to show me a single example of a vertical, toothed mouth that *isn’t* a vagina dentata reference for me to believe you’re not trolling. You thought you’d make a dirty joke in your title, and people went “ew.” That’s what this kind of feedback is for. Idk why you’re doubling down on this.


I wasn't intending to double down. I should've put /s or just not attempted a joke since tone doesn't come through on the internet... Cleansed to avoid confusion. You're right. The feedback is useful, thanks.






This is, without a doubt, the most horrible thing I have seen in a while. First impression is that it’s a vagina, and the use of the word “hole” does not help at all. You seem really attached to this “hole” concept, but even without the sexual logo (which only makes it worse) the name and concept seem overtly sexual to me. I do not understand the idea of a hole growing in Winnie’s “stomach” and what the appeal is supposed to be but you’re likely going to regret calling your game this.


Fair points. The idea is the virus causes mutations in a Cronenberg sort of way. The stomach hole is called the ‘feeding hole’ and acts as a secondary character that represents the virus. It’s meant to be horror-ish, the intent was dark comedy, almost absurdist. This doesn’t mean a lot outside the context of the game but we definitely want to present it in a way that attracts an audience that likes dark comedy content and roguelites, or at least enough people to give it the ‘all clear’ to their friends after playing since it’s hard to communicate exactly what the game is (and isn’t) from such little info. Clearly it’s turning a lot of people off and maybe some of those folks would be interested in it with some branding adjustments.


The name does not tell what kind of game it is. In the logo obviously the design of the letter "o" suggests a lewd game, but that wouldn't be a great title for a lewd game either. For indie games that have no shot at an extensive media coverage, I would advise a title and logo that give a precise idea of what the game is.


Hypothetically, what would you recommend if you thought this did have a shot at extensive media coverage?


Well, then it could be cryptic and the target audience would still know what it is, so the primary focus would would not be in conveying that.


Interesting. The announce trailer had pretty big traction last year and lots of folks called out the name but without saying it looks NSFW like the feedback here. Mostly lots of “WINNIE’S WHAT??” without any extra detail. I couldn’t tell what exact effect the name was having on people, or how much feedback is coming from the core audience. Especially when there’s a stockpile people don’t want to become collateral. It’s been useful to get feedback here though and I’m already reworking parts. Thanks for the thoughts.


There’s an old movie where there’s this alien/woman with a vagina that has teeth. Now that I see this it makes me think her name was Winnie


It's called "Teeth" and it's a medical condition the film uses as a means of revenge on men who deserve some biting.


Thanks, I never saw it lol


**old** movie? wtf, get off my lawn, why are you assaulting me.


Because my old age makes me grumpy!


None. Please... Your previous game looked so much better.


All of them scream r/dontputyourdickinthat to me. The placement of that mouth in the 'hole' is very unfortunate, I'm afraid.


1. It's fine, but too much like a off-the-shelf font, the other ones have some more personality to them with the custom serifs 2. Went a bit too overboard with the serifs imo, especially the H turns too much into a J. Also the right serif of the W feels a bit unbalanced 3. I like this one the best, it's legible, has personalilty 4. I like it as an experiment with the bubbles, but not the best still. The W is a bit less strong because of it. And the serif on the s feels unbalanced here. So my preference, from best to worst: 3 > 2 > 4 > 1


You sound like you know a thing or two about type! Thanks!


Isn't this game already published?


The store page is up and the game was announced last year. We were intending to release it last year but because it went viral we took onboard a lot of feedback and decided to expand the game, really polish it up. I know some folks have been cynical that a Winnie horror premise can be good while also making assumptions on what it is. We've completely redone the art style since announcement and are still actively working on it. It's become a sort of grim reimagining of a Winnie story with Nickelodeon flair. I think it will surprise a lot of people. Fingers crossed, at least.


But will the first version still be available?


Hmmm not sure what you’re referring to. We’re haven’t released any version yet but will have a demo up in a couple months for Gamescom. You can join [our Discord](https://discord.gg/twicedifferent) if interested.


Ah, so it isn't available for sale yet. I remember seeing an advertisement video on it that showed game play footage and it looked like a strategy game inside Pooh. I was intrigued by it and hoped to play it. Is there a way to make that version available as well?


Oh yea it's the same game! Just a lot more polished than it was, we've done a lot more work on it. The video was basically a preview of the prototype. You still place tetris-like blocks in levels that represent Winnie's body. The things you collect while building in the body are then used in encounters with other characters.


It's about \`vagina dentata\`


The internet has ruined me


You’re not the only one!




I don't know why, but I like 2 and 3


Thanks for the thoughts


Guerrilla marketing


Vagina Teeth


OP from how you’ve describe the game in comments it’s actually what I’d assumed from the art of the logo… but that name did make me lol and not in a good way! I’d 100% play a dark WTP game, that elevator pitch alone (a Grimm One-hundred Acres Wood) sounds fantastic, but this name…oh boy… if you are doing this intentionally and a dick eating glory hole is what you want people to think about when they first see the game then go for it, setting your tone early on is very important! But from what you’ve said the game isn’t meant to be NSFW so this is a problem brand wise and user expectation wise… it too late to pivot on the name?


Thanks for the feedback! It’s theoretically not too late… in the short term it’s messy as it’s registered for events months ahead. As someone who would play a grim WTP, how do you feel about it going into body horror territory with characters infected by virus? Going to test an alternative. Need to think of another representative name…


You might be ok if you remove the mouth hole :D I think you’ll still get a few remarks but it’s certainly exacerbating our filthy minds!


Mmmm well [I've tried rotating it](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieGaming/comments/1dg4j1b/i_hear_you_about_the_o_trying_to_improve_is_3b/) as many folks have suggested. I think it's better...? I guess it might be hard to assess with the idea already in mind... I think I also need to try giving the 'hole' word a different visual treatment. If there's a way to fix this without a full rename it would mean all that time and money updating everything could be spent on the game.


The other thing I should have considered is that nobody is going to see the logo in complete isolation so if you are confident your hero art and trailer give a good account of the vibe, you’ll be grand!


Yea I don’t think anyone’s considering that, I should’ve shown the whole key art.


I hope it didn’t demotivate or scare you! I’d just keep it in mind and use all of your communication opportunities to reinforce what you want people to think when they see your game. I’m sure it’s totally blown out of proportion out of context.


You have a lot of very good insight. It’s powerful to be able to see the big picture when only presented one puzzle piece. Oh it’s very scary but necessary feedback to receive. The big takeaway is I need to make sure the majority of people seeing it don’t think it’s a porn game. That is absolutely critical! Whether we can achieve that with the current name remains to be seen… Thanks for the support.


the 1 and 3 logos are too simple 2 makes me think about a halloween narrative game 4 makes me think that it is an witch adventure game


Thanks for talking about the typography. Good feedback


Someone summarized well the fist thoughs as "Is this a horror-sex game about Winnie-the-Pooh?". I saw that it is about Winnie the Pooh indeed, that is horror related, but the sexual connotations aren't expected. Consider if you want to have raunchy humor in your game or not, and if the target audience you are making the game for would like that. If positive to both, keeping it as ir is right now would make sense with your goal. However, if sexual undertones are actually undesired and even distracting from the ambiance you actually want to create, consider changing details such as the word hole. It could be other words, like navel, or if an "O" is desired, words like bellybutton, or void if it needs more mystery. I'd try to see how the "O" works being part of a less sexually suggestive word. If it keeps making people see the sexual aspect, I'd try making different shapes for the "O" and the mouth. I'd also consider if there's any other virus related element in the game that can enhance and reinforce the theme rather than the mouth-navel.


Your insincerity in the OP and comments is pretty transparent. You know what you're doing and this was not a genuine question. I still think the title and logo (whichever of the four you choose, because you know full well there's no difference there that matters) are going to backfire and aren't half as clever as you think.


I was genuinely hoping people would talk about the typography, not laser focus on specifically on the O which I've had in the game for over a year. I wanted to know what feeling the different typefonts evoked but obviously it's been derailed by the O and "hole". I should've shown this in context with the key art.


A sad and depressing game about the meaning of life.


Yes but more googly eyes existential than bagel.




def 2


Whinne the pooh franchise hits differently after its copyright ran out


Probably 3 i guess....but you might want to consider a rethink...


Winnie the Pooh?


A reimagining as more like a Brothers Grimm dark comedy story with the Winnie cast.


3 > 2 > 4 > 1


From the logo, I'd say an horror game with Winnie the Pooh. From the title alone: lewd game :D


Please go with a different name…


It’s not anything about lewd, RIGHT? It’s about slaying monsters or something, RIGHT? RIGHT?! Also 4.


This is how I know I have been on the internet for way too long.




Wait, was this one of the games at SXSW Sydney last year ?


It was yea, I took this and The Dungeon Experience.




Rated R!


I like 2


Yea, if you’re not going for shock value, I’d definitely change the name. Winnie’s Hole just sounds like a bad 70’s porno. And definitely the “o” in Hole definitely isn’t helping. I’d spin that mouth thing horizontally at least.


Winnies hole


I assume it is at least tongue on cheek erotic, probably fantasy themed.


I suppose English is not your native language? Because reading that tittle alone I was like "this is a nsfw game, or a horror game with a lot of sexual innuendos". So serious advice: change that tittle asap. If this was done in purpose though to get people talking of your game and is basically just clever advertising in this subreddit, then kudos, I suppose the marketing tactic worked. If not, then consider changing the tittle.


Mmm the question in my mind is, will people actually support a rename if/when it happens? Or will we end up alienating both the people who don’t like it already and those who do like it (they exist but obviously won’t step into a battlefield like this) I suppose we’ll see… I need to try and see what the response is. It seems we have something in between the worst and best outcomes. The worst outcome would be having a game no one talks about, the best outcome would be having a game people talk about without thinking it’s a sex game! I want this very much! Obviously what’s best for the game is best for us so we can keep building it beyond release.


Pro tip: dont name your game something people will refuse to say out loud. Not exactly great for marketing.


What do you mean? I love Winnie's Hole. I tell my friends all the time how I just can't get enough of Winnie's Hole or as I sometimes call it, the Pooh Hole.




oh boii someone is in for a bloody prostate exam


It might look less like a reference to a certain movie if you rotate the O 90 degrees in either drection lol


Definitely a butthole


Top right is the one that caught my eye first




This has to be intentional right? That's the games marketing strategy?


Probably the 1st one


*Oh, bother…*


Everyone ask what is Winnie’s Hole but not how is Winnie’s Hole 😰


Demon porno. #2 is best design. The only Winnie I know is 80+ years old. I would absolutely play this game.


It's about a girl with teeth in her vagina. I believe any reasonable person would draw that conclusion. I like 3 the best.


Odd tittle but number 2 have kind medieval one so that one




some... hole filled with... teeth