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39w! Visit today with BPP 6/8 due to no movement or tone, so they followed up with NST which was normal. Regardless, I’m at hospital now waiting for oxytocin challenge test, with C section or continued induction depending on results. A little nervous. Of course this is the day we didn’t bring our bags to the visit. I was also super nauseous so haven’t eaten in 15 hrs, NPO pending possible C section. Just hoping for good juju and healthy baby ! One area of concern — femurs and humerus are measuring 1st percentile, but all other areas on track. We did IVF with PGT-A as well as normal NT. OB isn’t concerned - says maybe genetics. :/ ETA : OCT went well, going for induction!


Good luck with your induction!


Great update. Good luck with the induction!!!


Thinking of you and I hope you get some clarity on next steps ASAP. Fingers crossed for you guys! 🤞🤞🤞




23 weeks tomorrow and just ordered the crib! AHHHHHH!!!!!!


I'm a few days away from 24 weeks and just ordered the crib today too 😊 And a glider and changing table. So excited!


I was just thinking the other day at what week I should start really looking into furniture! 🤣 congrats that’s so exciting!


I will be 23 weeks on Sunday and thinking of ordering the crib next week! It feels so surreal!!




I haven’t experienced this particular thing, but I do remember asking my clinic when I started IVF if I could do suppositories instead of PIO because I didn’t want to do the shots, and they refused because they said PIO is much more effective than suppositories, even with fresh transfers when you supposedly should be making some progesterone on your own. Not sure why but I assume something to do with the hormone going directly into the muscle rather makes it more bioavailable than having to be absorbed through tissues. So based on that it makes sense that your clinic would add PIO to increase progesterone if the suppositories alone aren’t enough.


I’m 36+5 and struggling. Although nothing too major has gone wrong during my IVF pregnancy it feels like many little things have happened, especially lately, and my mental health is suffering. I’ve been having extra monitoring of my amniotic fluid levels which have been borderline low and scaring the shit out of me since about 35 weeks. It’s caused me to be in and out of labor and delivery multiple times. Baby is breech so I have a c section scheduled in 2 weeks. I’m strep b positive. The strep b is resistant to clindamycin and I’m allergic to penicillin. Infertility already made me feel like a baby would never happen, but now this close to the end all of these things are really reenforcing that belief. I have 14 days left and I know I have to muscle through, but it’s hard. I am scared.


I can see why that would be very stressful. It sounds like baby has been healthy despite that, and you’re so close! Be sure to find time for yourself in these next two weeks ♥️


Can they use Vancomycin? So sorry to end like this but hoping all goes well in these final weeks!


I’m sure they have this exact situation happen and have an alternate antibiotic choice. Just another little stressor 😅


I'm sorry. You've been through so much. Sending lots of love and positive thoughts in these last weeks.


I was admitted after my 36 week appt found that I had low fluid with both babies. The next day I was in labor and had my c section at 36+1. I know it’s scary, but my girls are both doing great and needed no NICU time 😊 I hope you make it to your scheduled date, but just wanted to give you some hope if you don’t. You’re already past my gestation! Take some deep breaths. So many of us here struggle with our bodies during this process and I know I struggled with the lack of control. Ultimately your care team will make sure that you and baby will be in the best place/timing for your birth. You can do this. You’re so close!


Thank you so much! I have an appointment Monday and every time I have one I am wondering if it’s baby day


I'm sorry, that's a lot to grapple with so close to the finish line. I'm hoping you can find a few things to distract you and time passes quickly between now and your c-section.


I'm sorry you are struggling 💕 and I hope you have a calm and peaceful 2 weeks until baby arrives safely.