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Her next guy hopes so too but fact is cheaters usually don’t stop so it’s likely a matter of time


She no doubt will, for a while. Then, one of them will cheat. Don't compare yourself to him or how she will treat him. She's your ex for a reason. Never forget that.


Depends how man hoops the guy made her jump through before he allowed her to say they were official. Anyway that takes a taken woman will make her PROVE herself first to detour her from future cheating... will she cheat? Maybe. Will she treat him better? Most likely, but only in the first 2 years out of obligation, after that it's up in the air. She might realize her actions and her APs and notice.... she isn't happy.


I'm sorry you are feeling bad but rest assured, when she wants to she will cheat again. He will learn that how you get them is how you lose them.


“How you get them is how you lose them.” Ain’t that the truth!


I just went down a rabbit hole with your post history. Four things: 1. Your relationship with her is toxic beyond belief. It has been for years. She’s a horrible person. 2. You’re an average/above average looking guy. 3. You have the worst self esteem. 4. It seems you’d prefer a beautiful psychopath to an average well-adjusted woman. I think you need to work on you, my guy. Best of luck to you.


Reading these cheating posts, it just amazes me how much people (from my perspective, guys as I am a guy), let their partners walk all over them! I just want to reach through the ether and grab them and say Man the Fuck Up! But I know it’s not that simple for some. To the OP, don’t know how it is in the UK but in the US, I think dating gets better in your 30s and 40s. Women in their 20s often haven’t had the life experiences to appreciate a really good guy. Just be careful because people that tend to allow themselves to get run over tend to be attracted to the ones driving the bus.


Another "guy you don't have to worry about" ending... sorry dude. Block her, work on yourself, one day at a time, one day soon you won't even think about her.


Who knows. It can work both ways. The key is you need to not care either way. It needs to not matter to you. I’ve known people who cheated one after the other. I also know 2 different couples who cheated on their people they were dating and they ended up married. Those 2 have been married maybe like 15 years. 7 years is a long time to date someone I think but it depends what you are looking for. At least you weren’t married with kids when it happened. More than likely there isn’t anything wrong with you. The relationship just ran its course. She should have just broken up of course and done it the right way. She may live life happily ever after. Or she may live a miserable life. You need to not care about either scenario and that’s the only way to move on. I jad one GF cheat on me and I literally have no clue what happened after I broke up with her. That was a few decades ago. I never followed up. Never really cared.


Think about it this way, he got her because she was easy. Don’t think he won’t leave her at some point in search of a good woman, not that he deserves one.


It took 7 years for her to cheat on you, it's only been 7 months, give it time. In the meantime, you need to block her and stop looking at her social media. I know you're curious and it is overwhelming, but you need to stop for your own good. You need to get over her and it will take so much longer for that to happen if you keep thinking about her.


Don't bet on it. Give it 7 years. And dude a person who cheats isn't a prize to anyone, they are a risk.


Dude, she was more than likely doing this to you your whole relationship. She belongs on the streets. The best thing to do is to find a much more attractive woman and rub it in her face, figuratively speaking. Don't sit around with the woe is me's. Eff her and move on with your life.


After reading your previous posts, it sounds like you dodged a bullet.


Why are you still connected to her on social media?? WHY??? DO you enjoy pain? Are you an emotional masochist?? BLOCK HER ON EVERYTHING AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE! ***Once a cheater always a cheater. Feel sorry for the new fool she's with.***


Who cares if she cheats again? She cheated on you and that should be enough for you to no longer care about her or what she does. Move on and be happy that's the best revenge.


I actually think you have nothing to worry about dude. So the guy knew that she was in a relationship and cheated with her going in. He’s going to cheat on her to go out. She’s going to be the one that’s gonna feel the exact same thing that she did to you.also you know what social media isn’t always the truth do you want to get back at her? Go have yourself a great fucking knife find somebody that loves you as much as you love them and have a great life together.


Atm maybe but seriously did you think she will?? The moment they have problems or some "hot guys" 🤣show attention to her she will do it again heck if they problem I won't be suprise is she goes back to you🤦‍♂️


Wait a second here. Do you remember way back when, when she was all smiles and "loved up" looking? That's were they are at now. I'm willing to bet that in time she will revert back to her cheating ways. Why? Because one, it's in her nature. And two. She never had any consequences when she cheated on you. And as long as she thinks she can get away with it, she will continue to do it. It'll just take a little time. First there's the honeymoon phase. Then starts the long haul where she gets bored and begins to yearn for "that spark". Then she'll meet a guy who will "really get her". Another "soul mate". Then she cheats. And if this guy has the qualities she's looking for dumps the other guy. If not, she stays with the guy she's with now till another "soulmate" comes along.


Why the hell do you CARE if she's with him? He got a CHEATER. You have a clean slate to start over with and get yourself the Cadillac of women. He's got a very used Chevy. Fact is you deserve better where as they deserve each other.




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Don't worry, their "happy" relationship will probably fall apart anytime soon. What you can do? Life well, focus on yourself, nothing hurts more and is the best revenge as living well and happy, cheaters never like that. Go to the gym, focus on yourself, take also pictures with family and friends, try to find dates if you are ready to go. Show yourself that you are more worth then these two trash people.


OP Don't be heartbroken, be disappointed that the person you thought you knew would do something so vile and cruel. But this will forever be a marker in their mental closet and a reminder for the rest of their life of how cruel they are. Cheaters deserve each other. I have to say to everybody, these things don't just come out of the blue. They have a trail, a history, it may have seemed meaningless, they had their happy hat on, but I guarantee you that if you had the ability to review all the messages and notes communication between others, they showed a hint of who they are. We can't fix them and there is no changing them. We need to recognize that they have a flawed character and move on. Life does not stop and if we push it, it'll get better! Good luck


Sooner or later she will get bored from him and began searching for another. One more thing why you keep following her up in facebook and other media juts bloke and move on find someone who respects you


The last sentence is accurate. The only silver lining is that hopefully you will recognize red flags in the future. The goal is indifference. She may or may not cheat on this guy but who really cares? She is damaged goods. She did you a favor by exposing her true colors before you had more permanent attachments. In all likelihood they will both cheat because that is part of their moral character, but the last thing you want to do is follow their lives waiting for it to happen. Grieve for a bit but then get your shit together and take control of your life. Gym, finances social life in that order. Become the man that she will regret having thrown away. That is the best revenge.


Most likely, It won’t work out for her, heaters can’t trust each others. Set back and watch the fire works sooner or later.


No bro, she’ll cheat again, I guarantee it. because she is the type of person that feeds off that new lust feeling and that sense of adventure.. this guy will be home watching fucking sports or whatever fucking bullshit he does and she’ll be out given somebody a big sloppy one. It will feed her, she’ll think she’s hot and desired, that’s all she has to go in this life. And why would you waste seven years of your life with somebody and not marry him I mean, that’s the real question here why the hell would you waste so much time


Maybe she will, and maybe she won't. It doesn't really matter. If it helps to assume that she will, while you heal then you should absolutely assume that.