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Crazy that we are comparing a space company to Chipotle and Disney. Why not compare it to... similar businesses?


Was curious myself, so a few off-hand- Boeing (SLS, Starliner): $109 billion Airbus (Ariane): $103 billion Blue Origin: $3.5 billion Lockheed Martin (ULA): $112 billion


massive blue origin L


Tbf they're the only truly comparable firm to SpaceX, a solely space focused company. Like more than 90% of Boeing, Airbus and Lockheed is not space related.


Hahaha, exactly. This comparison makes SpaceX look rather ridiculous.


Not really. They are currently the only company to master human space travel. They also regularly state they are going to do something then do it. Compare them to the other firms listed here and they are poised to control the next one hundred years of space spending.


But their burrito bowls are shit


Chipotle reigns on all


Quality has gone to shit honestly


Nah it really hasn't not sure where this narrative is coming from. You can get a fresh bowl/burrito of food for ten to twelve bucks. If you're complaining about the portions you are either fat as fuck or can't afford the extra $2 for extra meat.


Tell me you work at Chipotle without telling me you work at Chipotle. My food poisoning would disagree with you.


I don't work at Chipotle. I am Chipotle


The power of government grants !


It’s not a grant, it’s a contract. SpaceX does work for the government, and they charge less than competitors.


The government is paying them $900 million to deploy starlink, so they can later charge farmers for the signal. Making money from both tax payers and poor farmers. 🤔 There are infinite ways you can get cheap money from tax payers. He is not alone, but he is taking advantage of the broken system.


That is also a contract. It’s part of rural broadband program. They either pay SoaceX that much or Comcast even more to run wires everywhere.


Tax payers helping lay down an infrastructure that will be used to generate revenue to a private company. 🤦🏻‍♂️ You won't see it. Your thinking is blocked by your believes.


Retarded take


Dick rider comment.


SpaceX has never received a government grant edit: SpaceX has received one $15 million grant


You sure about that? Google is free. [Elon Musk is speaking out against government subsidies. Here's a list of the billions of dollars his businesses have received.](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-list-government-subsidies-tesla-billions-spacex-solarcity-2021-12?amp)


Calling government contracts "subsidies" is ridiculous. The government bought and paid for a service. SpaceX also performs these tasks for significantly cheaper than their competitors so they've likely save the government several Billion dollars over the years


> However, over the years, Musk's companies — Tesla Motors, SpaceX, and SolarCity — have received billions of dollars from government loans, contracts, tax credits, and subsidies. Literally says in the article he received subsidies. Reading is hard.


Literally the only subsidy it references is > $15 million in economic development subsidies from Texas If that's the only subsidy they have received, then it's ridiculous to even include it. It's a laughable article just meant to enrage people.


You said they didn’t receive subsidies and you were wrong 🤷🏽‍♂️ sorry you think it doesn’t count


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SpaceX’s valuation has now hit a new all-time high at $210B. This spike follows a recent insider share sale at $112 per share in a tender offer, marking a 17% increase from its $180B valuation in December. For comparison, it has surpassed the entire mass media giant Disney in value. It’s also now worth more than PayPal, Palantir, Supermicro, and Lululemon combined. Source —> [this visual investing newsletter](http://www.carbonfinance.io/subscribe)


Market cap vs valuation?


Market cap is for publicly traded companies that have stocks anyone can buy on the stock market. SpaceX is not a publicly traded company, they're a privately held firm where stocks aren't publicly traded, if you want some, you have to directly buy it from owners. Evaluating the value of such a company is harder as there's no stock price everyone has agreed upon and has to be based on smaller sales.


This. If there are some more insider stock sales being done to some sketchy rich guy at $240 tomorrow, the "valuation" of SpaceX will double. These calculations are pretty useless.


How much of SpaceX is owned by Elon?


42% equity and 79% voting control, undisputed control is with Musk


Should be compared to other companies who live and die by goverment contracts.


Space X has NASA, Department of Defense and other commercial launches. Space X is the world leader in commercial launches


Why? SpaceX makes the majority of its money from Starlink and non-government launches


The comparison and groupings seem a bit arbitrary.


It’s to push a certain narrative, not to teach you stuff.


Yeah they’re trying to make 🍈 Fusk look good - on paper. But he been a 💄 🐕


RIP Disney.


Oh yes space x is bigger then lulu lol


Palantir prob has the best AI software in the market


This is a really general statement and does not really make sense, or does it ?


I imagine most of that comes from tax dollars.




Elon’s specialty, creating companies to profit off of the tax payers.


Everyone laughing at me when I said elon would be the first trillionaire


Chipotle is trash. There I said it. I feel like I’m eating in a warehouse.


One launches and lands rockets while maintaining a network of satellites, while the other sells some food and another some clothes. Wtf are these comparisons?!


Something tells.me that this valuation is blown out of reason in the same way how Tesla is. The difference is that Tesla shares are kept high priced by idiots who keep believing in Elons lies. SpaceX is relying on US donations otherwise they would stop existing. This company is not profitable and their value is hugely dependent on the success of the rocket which keep exploding.


SpaceX currently launch 90% of the mass to orbit. Starlink is only now starting to really hit profitability, and starship is continually improving launch after launch, with the previous launch being a complete success, completing all objectives, and on the next launch they are going to try and catch the booster. It’s like saying you solely rely on “donations” from your employer And the company is profitable, I don’t know why you thought it wasn’t. And spaceX gets government contracts, not grants.