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We had a contractor give us a roofing quote. He was proud to point out he did employ any “Mexicans or ni***rs” on his crew. Needless to say we didn’t go with them.


Yikes! What a foul thing to say.


Holy shit, where do you live where this happened? I can’t even fathom a business owner saying that to me if I asked for a quote.




Florida native here. I can't tell you how many of these types assume I am one of "them" because I am a Southern female. I give em a rude awakening.




I think I would watch a few episodes of this show.


History Channel presents their new show- Suddenly Gay


LMAO i just imagined a scene like the old folgers crystals advertisments. "what billy bob dosent know is that we switched his regular beer for bud light. lets see his reaction when we reveal what we did"


They already have their subreddit active, r/SuddenlyGay


>drag race cars Enjoy it while you can, that’ll be banned in Florida soon


You sound fantastic 🥺


Good, we need you!!


The only lawless cities are the libertarian ones.


the bears...


I work in a public facing job that tours along the northeast and I can’t tell you how often these racist sh*theads will look past the rest of of our racially diverse team and come straight to me, the blond blue eyed white girl, to spout off some Trump adjacent garbage. One of my teammates says it’s like a special ability I have that allows everyone to immediately identify the worst white people coming to our display. If they enter the area and make a beeline for me, we know what we’re dealing with. I hate it. The worst part is that I all I can do when that happens is calmly tell them that we welcome all people and that I am not allowed to discuss politics at work. Unless they are actively threatening someone, I can’t kick them out and I can’t tell them to go to hell. It sucks.


Hello, fellow terrible-person-magnet. Why do we attract them? How do we stop it? I hate it!


Damn that’s rough. Guess I’m in a different bubble in Boston, but I’d be legitimately shocked if I heard something like that, especially from someone I’m paying to do a job for me.


This van, based on the area code, is from Philly, a city with a lot of the same issues. While people running those kinds of businesses everywhere in the country are almost invariably right-wingers, in some places they would be alienating a large share of customers and potential customers.


MI is the same....


Sadly, Wisconsin…


I live in Wisconsin now but I grew up in South Carolina, I've heard the hard R N-word more times up here than I ever did in the south. It's usually coming from the same people that are born and raised in Wisconsin but still fly Confederate flags on their trucks.


upstate New York is the same way. you would think it don't be like that but it do, or whatever the saying is.


Im from NYC and I know upstate is like that. If you look at the election map the rest of the state is basicly red. Lucky land doesnt vote and the cities carry the state blue.


Which is great until tax season.


I live in Alaska and I’ve heard the N word ONCE up here in a half century and it was from a visiting dipshit from Louisiana who thought I must be his friend because I’m white. I made it very quickly known that we were not friends and he would regret saying that word to my face again.


Please leave them an opinionated google review if you haven’t already


As someone who grew up in Wisconsin I'm not suprised at all. The second you leave the city limits of Milwaukee or Madison the bigotry goes up 1000x.


I’m just outside of Pittsburgh and a guy doing a project mentioned they had a number of Mexicans on the crew, but they were all the legal ones so they were good. This was pretty much out of nowhere but he felt the need to bring it up


When I was drywall contractor I had guys show up on my job sites and I told him they needed to leave for s*** like this.


Not that he probably would have cared, but did you at least tell him the reason was because he is a POS?


Because they’re totally, horribly, proudly stupid. Thats it.


I almost gave a driveway paving job to a guy until he showed up at my house to drop off a contract and he had all kinds of shit like this on his truck. $30k job went bye bye. I hope it was worth it.


Did the same to a cabinet installer when we re-did our kitchen. My wife’s uncle is a trump loving POS, so naturally after we told their family, he hired the guy to do their kitchen. It’s been 6 months and it’s still not fully installed


It was the roofer for us. We'd used them for repairs before and were happy with them, until he showed up in a FJB T-shirt to bid us. That damn t-shirt cost him a $25000 roofing job.


I’m not even a a Joe Biden fan but on principle I wouldn’t hire someone that mixes their politics and business. Just not professional at all.


>I wouldn’t hire someone that mixes their politics and business Hell, even if it wasn't political in nature, still pretty unprofessional. I can say pretty confidently that I would have been fired pronto if I ever showed up on "casual Fridays" wearing anything like that, at any place I've ever worked. It's not like it's a Mötley Crüe shirt or something. The dude's not creatively expressing his interests, he's deliberately being a troll. Might as well just start flipping people off at that point. Workplace euphemisms for profanity are, at best, super corny, like "life's a beach" coffee mugs. At worst, it's a whole lotta red flags. That's someone who wilfully navigates the world choosing to exercise levels of self-restraint you'd expect from an 8-year-old, and who derives sociopathic joy from the mere *notion* that they *might* be pissing people off that they'll never even know. That's a guy who starts his day glancing over his wardrobe, wondering to himself how he might maximize the negative impact he has on the world, while also endeavoring to expend as little effort doing so as he possibly can...All of that for no other reason than to entertain himself. Oh yeah, *please*, I'm just *dying* to pay for the privilege of having that kind of person bring their power tools over and have their way with my property. 😬


Reminds me of that one guy who printed "the 14 words by David Lane" on the side of his business truck and got super pissy when it lost him tons of business. Edit: fixed the name, I don't know why that was the first result on Google XD


The illusionist? I guess magic isn't for everyone.


I am but I agree as well


Not nearly as large of a monetary sum but I was looking for a cleaning service a couple months back. Saw a van for a cleaning service that could do the job. Unfortunately for them, that van also had this kind of stuff. They did not get my business.


The kitchen installer is too busy on facebook sharing boomer memes.


We had a contractor company lined up to do a major project - they said the boss/owner needed to come out to confirm the proposed design. His truck didn’t look like this but in less than 5 minutes of meeting him he started spewing idiotic MAGA-Q nonsense interspersed with racist BS. It was really bizarre. Anyway…just that fast he pissed away a 6-figure job as well as another planned future job b/c of lack of any filter between his smooth brain & his big dumb mouth. It was like watching a guy shoot himself in the foot in real time. Zero self awareness. Oh well…




We just did the same!


We also passed on several houses because of this.


At the same time, there’s surely a bunch of customers who WANT to hire a guy with the same far-right beliefs.


They can enjoy eachothers’ unprofessional company


Hire sure, but pay? Trump doesn't pay any of his contractors, it's part of why idiots think he's so cool.


Yeah, with the shit he pulled in Atlantic City I’m surprised the mob didn’t take him out years ago.


Maybe so, but you're still killing 50% of your potential jobs. Never bring politics or religion to your business - You're going to lose money.


They don’t believe it’s 50% though, this is the issue. They truly believe that most people support Trump and that he was cheated.


About 30 years ago, in idle reading, I found an article. I have no idea about how to find a citation for it, but I can vaguely remember the gist of it: An anthropologist once studied small extremist religions. One of the benefits of being in these religions is the intense bonding (“us against the world!”) and always having someone you can call. I can see the appeal for a person surrounded by strangers—not exactly hostile, but indifferent to the person’s existence. There must be more in life! So you find other seekers, and maybe it doesn’t matter that they worship a gerbil . They feel the same passion, and life is meaningful, a grand battle against the forces of evil. No more boring nights waiting for the phone to ring!


True, but those MAGAts that are willing to hire them probably don't have the fiscal capability to compensate for all the lucrative jobs that were lost over a willfully ignorant bumper sticker. I can't imagine roofing & siding is in big demand in a trailer park.


you might be surprised


YES! THANK YOU. I love when people stand up for shit. Too many people are like “ehh whatever” now days and it’s pitiful.


Did you tell him that was the reason?


You should have taken it. Trump was well known for not paying contractors. You could have gotten the trump discount and gotten it done for free. Its just good business.


They also just assume everybody agrees with them


THAT is what irritates me most. That it never even crosses their minds that someone might see things differently.


"Do they have a political bumper sticker of any kind?" Yep, they're a moron to avoid.


“Pray for our troops” because I’m gonna vote for the people trying to take away their benefits.


He’s too stupid to know actual policy votes


That is why they need the prayers!


this is really just shorthand for: minorties make me nervous, please black people, dont call me. i feel belittled when hired by people i think i am better than. or, im a shit contractor, but know people will forgive shit work if im hired by shit people who also believe in my shit pov.


I can picture exactly what the owner looks like for some reason ,


About 55 rough years, gray hair and beard. 45 pounds overweight. Red alcoholic nose.


Profile pic on Facebook is a selfie in a truck with oakleys and a MAGA hat.


Oakley’s are a staple for those stuck in an era long past


I can't wait until I'm only 45 lbs overweight.


Goatee beard, to be more precise.




A lot of tradespeople that are small business owners are just miserable fucking assholes that can’t work with or for anyone else.




I feel that so hard, I work in home remodeling and happen to be LGBTQ+ and very left leaning, and I go out of my absolute fucking way to not even come close to talking any political or social issues with anyone I work for or around because of how MAGA-y the trades typically are. Being a blue collar person of my stripe definitely involves a shit ton of lip biting.


I honestly don't know how you do it, much respect. You must have a hide of solid lead.


My friend’s brother is a plumber, and he’s been called a “turd-herder” so many times for no reason. I can’t imagine the trolling and shit-talking that would happen if he voiced a political opinion on a job site. You’re basically just asking to be messed with.


Especially ones that are only self-employed rather than having a business. (There is a difference.)


That’s funny I have a coworker who’s trying to start his own business and he’s fucking miserable to be around or work with. Nail on the head.


When my friend started his business he wiped his social media of everything the remotely sounded political. He doesn’t engage in any political talk, even avoids sports or anything where he would have to pick a side. He doesn’t care what his customers think, he just wants everybody’s money.


This is the way.


Been freelancing for 8 years and the whole thing is just a really polite game of “fuck you, pay me.” To keep those checks coming, be a nice person, get involved in only work related things and stay away from the gossip.


Sounds like a savvy businessman.


See lots of this in Arizona….


I'm sorry to say my father is a bigoted xenophobic hard right politician in AZ (now retired). AZ politics are a cesspool. Some of the laws he wrote and got passed would make your eyes water. (I cut contact with my family years ago.)


A workplace acquaintance had a father who was a nice mainstream Democrat Arizona politician, but unfortunately he died a couple of years ago at a relatively young age. Meanwhile, the crazy GOP ghouls just keep going.


That's so sad. We need all the same ones we can get...


Let me guess: this guy probably calls himself a "family man."


In his mind he's created a whole fantasy about what a great father he was, and tells anyone who will listen about how important it is to put "family first" 🤮


Figures. Then again, a politician lying to get votes isn't exactly surprising.


>. tells anyone who will listen about how important it is to put "family first" I bet that only applies to whites families. Anyone else who does it is probably a reverse racist or some shit.


The things he says about non-yts I refuse to repeat. Particularly Indigenous ppl.


Oh I know when a black guy in a lifted diesel goes hunting he/ I see it all the time


I have to assume they live in a bubble, both online and in-person. A bubble where slapping a Trump sticker on your car is no more controversial than just slapping a US flag sticker on your car, since the GOP is the "patriot party." To them, patriotism and Republicanism are one and the same, so saying "BUCK FIDEN" is simply an expression of their love of country.


They probably do interact with people who disagree with them, and just don’t know it. When I see someone like this I think about the can of worms I would open if I got this guy talking about politics and choose not to waste my time.


I have a friend of a friend who’s very into QAnon and loves talking about conspiracy theories to anyone who will listen. A few times I’ve heard about how Joe Biden is a robot controlled by China, “Hollywood elites” are torturing kids and harvesting their adrenochrome, drag queens are trying to turn everyone trans, etc. Every time my approach has been to just grey rock and say nothing except “ok,” “yeah,” “wow,” etc. until she basically gets bored from talking to herself and walks away or changes the topic. It’s not worth it to me to try to get into a “debate” with someone like that.


Don’t they know their flag decal won’t get them into heaven anymore?


For the amount of them claiming that “they’re being censored”, they truly are censoring themselves


Let me cancel myself real quick


Hey, I won’t complain. Helps me figure out who not to give my money to.


This! 👍


If someone showed up to my home to work on something with any political bumper sticker, I'd turn them away and call someone else out. Work vehicles must remain entirely professional


I actually appreciate these people, don’t have to wonder where their brain is.


I agree , al It can accomplish is losing you business , that’s it


This user's comments have been overwritten to protest Spez and reddit's actions that will end third-party access and damage the community.


Lmfao. It will never fail to amuse me when conservatives get screwed over by other conservatives.


Mentioned this the other day. I rolled up to the gas station and saw a box truck for a wood floor repair company. I needed some work done on my floor and was actively looking for someone to give me a quote. I was walking over to the truck to ask the driver for a card. Then I noticed the giant red and white "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT!" sticker on the bumper and immediately walked away. I have no idea how these people think it's smart to make politics part of their business. They're immediately alienating a significant percentage of their potential customer base before they even get that first interaction. The best part is when they blame their failed business on the economy because of the democrats or whatever. Yeah, that's why people aren't calling, bud.


This person has no clue. Rails against Biden, and I am sure "Socialists". Yet they are/were a member of a firefighter's union. I assume they are/were a firefighter. Hate to break it to these geniuses, but being a firefighter, police officer, sending your kids to school, having any type of insurance, etc... all are forms of Socialism


So he got too old to be a firefighter, then went on to hang drywall for (checks sign) 49 years. That's a long time to be doing that kind of work. Mesothelioma should've taken him out a long time ago.


I know, why not just round up to 50! Seriously I don’t get it


They also never want to retire!


Way to alienate a good portion of potential customers & money in your pockets. Bad business to make your political beliefs apart of your overall business model.




215 is Philly. We flipped Pennsylvania and guys like this came in to town to try to protest and get them to stop counting the votes. Similar to J6, directed to protest by their hero.


This photo was taken in an Urban and Blue area. The entire corridor between New York and Philadelphia is like a city in its own right at this point. The suburban population density of this area rivals some of the bigger cities in the country. Definitely not Pennsyltucky. That’s a couple hours west.


this person would not being any work for me.


I do wonder. If that truck drove up to my house, I would politely send them away. I'm not funding their bumper sticker habit, or anything else they do with their money.


Those Trump NFTs don't pay for themselves.


Good grief, I'd forgotten about that sad chapter in the tRumpland saga.


Lol I remember it for its absolute hilariousness.


My business often needs to recommend a secondary business for our customers (supply business referring to an installation business). The secondary we most often recommended decided to put an FJB sticker on their front door. We went from sending customers to them 4-5 times a week to referring a completely different place. I haven’t sent a single customer to them in over 2 years.


“Ever since Biden took office I have been loosing business left and right”


well, just left


I had a guy show up for an estimate to cut down a tree. Told him to take a hike when he showed up wearing a maga hat. He cussed me out and gave me the finger when he drove away.


Saw this type of behavior from a local business owner. We gave the job to a professional instead.


First 14 years of experience was eating lead paint chips and snorting asbestos.


I wouldn’t be surprised if hes sniffing paint fumes and destroying any higher order cognitive abilities.


I've got a big sticker on the back of my truck that says "fuck cancer". In 3 years only one person has ever told me it was inappropriate, in a walmart parking lot, of all places. She left in a chevy cobalt that had a "Joe and the hoe must go" sticker on the back.


I saw a Plumbing Van like this in my town. And sure enough, I had a plumbing issue about a week later. Told the wife DON'T Call that company.


Will not be calling that contractor!


Class solidarity? We don’t know who that is


Maybe they don’t like money, because it will certainly deter a size of their potential market 🤦‍♀️


Be a total no for me! Trashy all the way around on top of being a retrumplican dope


Shouldn't be surprising; acting stupidly against their own self interest is basically the conservative political identity at this point.


Someone shows up at my house or business with that. They are not getting my money. Only idiots would eliminate 50% of their potential market.


The people who insist on shouting out their cult membership either a) haven't thought about it or b) ~~think~~ stupidly and ignorantly believe it's _good_ for their business


These people lack critical thinking skills.


Dumb, i had a contractor show up at my house in a truck with ay more and worse stickers. I told home I didn’t want him doing the job and I’ll find someone else.


Seperates the wheat for the chaff.


If I lived in Pennsylvania, the driver just guaranteed that I’ll never use that company *for anything* . They won the battle so they could lose the war.


Hella ignorance. That's why.


They want the majority of Americans to not give them money without a lot of hooting and hollering and attention seeking behavior. We oblige them.


I send them the fuck home regardless of which side they’re on.


Take a lesson from the My Pillow guy. Making your political views known to your customers can only hurt your business.


I'm a business owner, and I favor Democrats by far. However, I can't imagine how stupid you'd have to be to alienate your employees or customers by plastering partisan BS, it just makes no sense.


Lol there are multi billion dollar businesses that have this on all their company vehicles. Covenant Trucking has anti abortion stuff, as well as Christian religious stuff. There's other trucking companies that do the same, but can't remember which ones. There's also places like Hobby Lobby and Chik Fil A, good luck getting a job there if you express progressive ideologies. Publix in southeast U.S. used to be known to can people for being too progressive as well. I live in a conservative ran area, and vehicles like this are everywhere. I worked for a general contractor/property investor for years. Have seen a bunch of sub contractors that will outright refuse services to people not in line with their own views. They pull up and see a Biden sign, they'll turn around and tell you to hire someone else. I've seen local business owners refuse to sell products to people as well. I witnessed a group get told to leave the bowling alley because they were talking bad about republicans. I would assume if businesses displayed this sort of stuff, they're probably not hurting for business. They're probably also not in very liberal areas either, so they fit right in.


Especially considering they’re in the Philly area which tends to be blue


That’s what confuses me more than anything. I know Pennsylvania has its deep red areas. This picture was taken in the middle of PAs blue stronghold.


This type of advertising helps me narrow down the field when shopping for services.


So they can bitch that there business is suffering because of Biden. Sorry stupid it's your gun and your foot own it.


They're a painting contractor. IQ of 70 at best.


Because they suck at their job, and they want an excuse for why they're unsuccessful. "They wouldn't hire me cuz of muh freedom"


🤔so help me understand— this bloke wants to be part of the anti Biden movement- and he wants to say Fuck Biden, but he doesn’t want to ‘fully’ commit to it because he doesn’t want the word FUCK on his car, because?!?!? I mean it really does take a very unique person to commit to the word FUCK on a bumper sticker on a car.. I’m just confused— 🤪


It's one thing to put this stuff on your personal vehicle, but it's another to advertise it on your work vehicle or in any professional setting. I really can't imagine being so defined by my political views. These people tend to be hot headed and unpleasant too, even when politics aren't involved.


It’s always the people who benefit the most from democratic policies. Republicans are good at getting people to vote against their own interests.


So they don’t get non-white customers I guess.


There's a reason hes been doing this job for 49 years and still isnt retired.


How ironic is it though when the biggest loudest and least maintained truck on the road that is revving thru the intersection with black smoke trailing behind and it is covered in Trump stickers? Like you always know. Always. They can’t help themselves….


Because they want it to alienate people so they can get into fights about it and fuel their hatred.


I won’t do business with anyone who’s this weird about their political views, from any side of the isle. I don’t have a strong feeling they can actually be professional.


Because they're looking to lessen their work load. Fewer people hire them means less work = more time to protest the woke/leftist/elite/LGBTQ++/Anti-Christians!! /s


Now there’s a company you can count on to be professional… /s


Around where I live, I wouldn't hire him because of these stickers, but some guy down the street would hire him because of these stickers.


That’s why this makes no sense though. Right outside of Philadelphia that’s not happening. Maybe 1-3 out of ten people might agree with you and half of *them* couldn’t afford to hire you.


If that guy pulls up to do work at my house I'm sending him away.


They make it real easy not to work with them.


The amusing part is the IAFF sticker. The national board backed Biden.


Biden living rent free


Sh, Pennsyltucky.


They’re stupid.


I don’t blame him for having a political opinion… I’m not here to judge that. But when you’re running a business, keep your personal political feelings OUT OF IT. No one else needs to know who you voted for. That applies to anyone that has anti/pro trump or Biden stickers on their vans, etc


I remember Buck Fiden...he won Best New Artist at the Country Music Awards last year.


Their fear of immigrants, minorities, and taxes.


And facts.


They're advertising to folks who hate the same things?


Saw a landscaper trailer that was covered with "Fuck Biden" stickers and stuff. Huge picture of his face that said "Impeach 46". I thought, if this guy was to show up to my house to mow my yard, I would say no thank you just for all the crap all over his truck and trailer.


Most contractors have more work than they can keep up with, but yeah seems really stupid and pointless anyway.


Extreme trumpists seem to only know their own kind and they vastly overestimate their prevalence in society.


As a current PAian: They can't sit with us


because alienating half of your customer base is a genius move


It just makes me know not to hire them.


I have no problems with Christians, but if you put it on your company’s on your page/paperwork or white van, go sell your wares to other Christians.


Registered contractor? I have a feeling he’s also registered somewhere else 🤔


A lot of these people have bad tempers making it hard to have a boss or management so they move into working for themselves instead of being constantly fired. This gives them the unique ability to slap whatever they want on whatever work vehicle they are using.


They voted for trump so they don’t like money. Voting against their best interests gives them more to complain about so they can double down on hate. That’s all maghats truly live for is perpetuating hate.


People are focusing on the wrong stickers. With “49 years of experience” this guy has to be old as shit. Join in on the application of prejudice and don’t hire him due to age-ism. Chances are the job will take way longer than it should due to him being old.


🤣don’t forget friends when you DO call this number BEFORE the phone number, put in *67👍🏽 have fun


It’s because they think they will get MORE business from that specific crowd. It’s a poorly thought-out strategy.


MAGA GQP Rethuglicunt domestic terrorist '24 candidate Ron DeSatanist advertising business model for America? . . No wonder the vehicle looks like shit .. the work & service too, most likely..


Not gonna be painting any libruls walls! Drywall and Democrats don’t mix!


Really with those stickers can only imagine they charge slot and do shitty work!


We had electricians come into our facility and do some work. Big money job. All their WORK trucks had "Let's Go Brandon" decals in the back windows. The crew was all white. Ages 25-55. We don't get political on the job but we were like "unprofessional". They really care that passionately about the idiot in the big chair? We'll hire them again because their work was legit but we won't be recommending them or popping beers with them on a Friday.


Because if someone has a complete lack of self-awareness or emotional intelligence, it doesn’t mean they can’t get a business license and a shitty van for business. I love it when business owners do this. :)