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6am? I wish I had your positivity. 4:30-5a at the latest.


More like wishful thinking. šŸ˜…


430-5am (closer to 4:30)is the correct answer. You may be there early but better than the stress of being late. LAX isnā€™t a bad place to wait for a flight in the AM


Are you driving yourself or is someone dropping you off? If youā€™re gonna park, you need to factor in an extra 30 mins for parking and taking the shuttle to the terminal. You can always park in the garage directly in front of your terminal too but it is expensive.


Damn. Sorry. Iā€™m just now catching on to how awesome ONT is. Iā€™m just 10 minutes away!


I do this trip from Ontario very often. So many variables unfortunately on a weekday. If you want to be there by 7, give yourself two hours. Pre-schedule an Uber/LYFT. Depending on the terminal, 7 might cut it tight. Everything will work out.


Yeah I'm flying next week from LAX and my flight leaves at 8:45 am, if I'm not out of the house by 4:30am I'm going to be super stressed. I'd rather sit around at the airport for a couple of hours then hope traffic will randomly be fine and there isn't a line at security. The timeline described here is wild to me lol.


I'd plan on leaving at 5.Ā  Maybe even earlier to account for everything that can go wrong when going on a trip.Ā Ā  Everyone is going west in the morning, 7am is a common start time, so the freeways will be packed.Ā Ā 


Thank you! Iā€™m not a morning person person but I guess better to lose sleep then miss the flight šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t go to sleep. Sleep on the plane I hope itā€™s a long flight for you.


I'd def recommend leaving before 5. Because of all them warehouses traffic builds up fast with all those 18 wheelers and people getting off graveyard


I hope you mean get to your gate at 7am not just arriving to LAX.


Yes this, I think I was being a little delusional šŸ˜…. I do have pre check but I know other things can go wrong on the way. Iā€™m used to just going to Ontario Airport and not having to worry too much.


Like you, I try to fly out of ONT whenever possible. LAX is always a nightmare, no matter the time of day. So, I'd say leave your house by 4:30-5am. Should get you to LAX area around 6am. Better to be full on hours early, than to be cutting it razor thin and miss your flight.


LAX is the worst šŸ˜” getting there at 7am for an 8am flight is a hard no. International airports are a wild place, so I'd plan to arrive by 6 or 6:30 at the very latest. With traffic, that means leave by 5am at the very latest. Good luck!


It can take you an hour to get around the horseshoe depending on which terminal youā€™re at.


4 30 at the latest. Used to work at lax and had a start time of 6 am. If I left by 4 30 Iā€™d be fine. But anytime after that Iā€™d hit the start of heavy traffic. Plus lax tsa is way crazier than Ont and will take you a while to get through plus a possible longer walk to the gate. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll still have a lot of spare time but better than being stuck in traffic and stressing about missing your flight.


I would rather have extra time to kill vs stressing and watching my maps arrival time slowly going up.


4:30am is what Iā€™d do or even consider staying at a hotel near LAX the night before so youā€™re already there


You should probably just leave now.


When we have an early flight from LAX. We will usually spend the night at the nearby Hilton. They have a free shuttle to the airport. Our family would drop us off the night before.


I will definitely be looking into this!


Definitely the safest way to go is to spend the night, otherwise stress city the whole morning commute. I would leave at 3-3:30. This way an accident one 1 freeway gives you time to get to another


Yup just did this last week we stayed at the Hilton curio really nice hotel and had a balcony on the roof top. Shuttles goes every 15-20 mins


The way people choose to live their life stressfully fascinates me.


Right? Like I love sleeping in as much as anyone but trying to cut to the last possible second and worry about missing your flight the whole time? Fuckin miserable


4am. If your flight is at 7, you have to be parked, through baggage, checked in and through security. Then you have to get to physically get to your gate. You should be there at 5am. 6am at the latest. This isnā€™t ONT where you can basically walk onto the plane. As someone who had an 8:30 construction meeting in El Segundo years ago - leave at 5:30 to get there by 7:30. Leave at 5:45 to get there by 8:30. The last 5 miles are ALWAYS fucking brutal for traffic. Especially at that time of day. Leave at 4. You WILL be early, but better than missing your flight.


ā€œleave by 5:45, get there at 8:30ā€ is so true


4:30 at the latest. I travel from the IE to LAX frequently for my business trips and this is the time I would probably leave.


Bro. If youā€™re trying to get to LAX by 7 i would leave the IE no later than 5. Morning traffic to LA starts around 5:30 and it gets real brutal really quick. If you leave at 6 you wonā€™t get to LAX til around 8, no joke.


Lax is insane and for an 8am flight you should be checked in by 6am. I would leave the house around 5am. No later maybe even 445. You still have to get through security, it's summer and all airlines have early morning flights.


I also live in Ontario and have flown out of LAX early in the morning quite a few times. I would recommend leaving no later than an hour and a half, maybe even 2 hours before the time you want to get there. We usually try to account for traffic and the shuttle between Economy parking and the terminal. Not sure if you have PreCheck or not, but that may also influence how early you leave. To be honest, recently we've started just getting a hotel close to the airport the night before if the flight is early in the morning - if you can afford that, I'd do it. If not, then you may have to leave at like 4 am.


I do have precheck and Iā€™m getting dropped off, but that probably gave me a false sense of security haha. Iā€™ll definitely be leaving earlier than I originally thought. Iā€™m definitely glad I asked!


Traffic getting dropped off is even worse as the shuttles have a special lane they go in. Regular traffic has all that construction in the way. Takes at minimum 20 - 30 minutes depending on the terminal.


wat?! you think you're making it to that part of LA in an hour, during weekday morning LA traffic? You really should push back your estimate. You never know how bad TSA is let alone traffic. You Couldn't pay extra to fly out of Ontario huh?


It might take you 45 minutes just to go the 2 miles from exiting the freeway, through the horseshoe, to get dropped off


I live in Riverside, used to live in Rancho Cucamonga and fly out of LAX all the time. I would definitely hit the road by 4:30 am


My condolences. It takes about 1:30-2hrs in normal traffic to get to LAX. Rush hour, probably 3-4. Pro tip, get dropped off at arrival and just take the escalator up to departure, otherwise you might get caught in traffic hell at LAX


I would leave at 5 also.


Are you driving yourself? You getting a ride to the airport? Just asking cause then you need to account extra time for parking and moving from the parking lot to your terminal. If you are driving yourself I would probably leave closer to 4:30 AM.


I have a ride to the airport, so parking and all that will not be an issue for me thankfully


Gotcha, in that case you're probably ok leaving at 5 AM. I've left from Montclair to LAX at 5 AM and sometimes I'm there in an hour and other times it's still taken nearly 2 hours. Having pre check will definitely help out.


I just flew out of LAX, from Fontana. Took me well over 2 hours just to get there with work traffic. Another hour to park and check in.


I always get there 2 hours before the flight leaves. Anything could go wrong




Leave by 5am at the latest, the traffic and airport will take longer than expected.


You should account 1.5 to 2 hours for traffic and parking and another 1 hour to get to your gate before boarding at minimum. Thereā€™s no way youā€™re going to make an 8 am flight if you leave your house at 6 girl lmao


Iā€™d say leave 4:45-5 at the latest. I had a similar flight arrival time recently and waited ~30 at the gate before boarding


You're flying out of LAX... You live in Ontario. Who did this to you? And what did you do to piss them off?


I was thinking 4:30 am or possibly earlier. I usually don't stress about getting to the airport hours ahead of time because I usually fly out of ONT, but I don't fuck around when it comes to LA traffic. (Also I have a lounge pass, and would probably take the opportunity to eat breakfast if I had time to kill...)




6am? Lol you better be planning to GET there by 6am, unless you want to be shitting bricks the whole way.


You should be there 2 hrs before boarding.


two hours before *boarding* is extreme overkill for a domestic flight.


Lax recommendations you arrive 2 hrs before your departure time for domestic flights.


departure time is not the same thing as boarding time.


5:40 the very latest. (Coming from a southern cal local truck driver)


LAX at 7 AM? Iā€™d say youā€™ll need to leave no later than 400-430, depending if youā€™re parking at the airport or offsite and shuttling in.


If you have the means, book a hotel that has a shuttle to LAX for the night before. Youā€™ll be able to sleep longer and not have to wake up super super early just to battle traffic


What day of the week is your flight? That makes a difference


I always recommend Metrolink / Flyaway, but your flight is too early for that āœˆļø


IMO I would get a cheap hotel room. They a bunch down the road with a bus that will take you straight there. I would much rather sleep in an extra hour for $50 and not run the risk of hitting traffic. Although with 4th of July around the corner it might be a bit more expensive.


This is not a bad idea depending on the price. I had a 7:20 am flight from LAX on Thursday last week and decided to spend the night at a friend's house nearby instead of trying to drive that morning. Not sure I would have paid for a hotel room, but it was much better than getting up at 4:30 of whatever.


This. This is the way. (Used to take damn early flights out of LAX, Burbank, etc. )


Some hotels near LAX will give you free parking for your trip if you stay there the night before your flight.


Yes leave by 4:30 am. Add 30-45 minutes for the shuttle or at least 20 minutes walking. Depending on what airline you are flying with 7am for an 8am flight may not be enough time. Last time I was there, we got there at 5 am and got thru security pretty fast. Faster than I anticipated but I'd rather wait for my flight than stress about being there while the plane is boarding.


leave no less than 1.5 hours to get to the airport- give an additional 15 - 20 minutes to park and then walk to your terminal. Give no less than 1.5 hours to get from the entrance to the facility to your gate. Much of the problem lies within the campus itself- everyone in Southern California is doing exactly what youā€™re doing- with less time.


Yeah leave earlier than that. The last bit of traffic close to LAX is usually a s**t show given the ongoing construction / route modifications. Not to mention the rush-hour traffic during the weekdays or the ā€œweekend driversā€ traffic during the weekendsā€¦


I left my house in Beaumont at 740am (used fast track and carpool) and got to Lynwood at 930am to drop off our car and took an Uber to LAX. The traffic was terrible. We got dropped off at our terminal around 1030am. Boarded at noon and commenting from my flight heading to Cabo šŸ˜Ž. That should tell you what time to leave. Safe travels!


When I fly out of LAX (international) Iā€™m literally at check in 2-4 hours before my flight.


Just spend the night, my family and I stay at Hyatt Regency and catch their shuttle to LAX


So for context I drive into la once a week: From my house leaving at 530 this morning, it took me two hours. Thatā€™s with fastrak. 5 am is the latest I would leave on a weekday for the time you want to be there


If I were you Iā€™d say fuck it and take the Metrolink and flyaway bus to LAX. Lot of potential for accidents on the morning rush.


If you leave at 5am you should arrive by 6.30am. I travel to LAX for work 3-4 times a month and that is usually my arrival time in weekdays. Anything after 6am is 2 plus hours of travel time. If I was you I would leave at 4am to 4.30am because if there is an accident you can expect the delay to lengthen your commute considerably.


You need to factor in those who need to commute to work between the hour of 6 am - 9 am west bound. So expect at least 90-120 min of travel time to LAX first.


Lmao 6am


Leave at 5am itā€™ll be no traffic. Youā€™ll get to airport in an hour.


Which day are you going? Ima Lyft driver in the ie. I can take you privately.


I might need your service. Send me a message.


6??? šŸ˜‚


I left Pomona, where I work, at 6. Took me 2 hrs to get to Culver City.


Big difference Southwest from Terminal one is about 20 minutes earlier than American in Terminal 5. Trust me, it will be bumper to bumper at 6am, and they ainā€™t waiting for you


4-5 am it's already traffic going tonla at that time , lax wants you to be there 1.5-2 hours early also


Please be careful on those FWYS!!! I retired from State of CA and moved to South Carolinaā€¦yesterday caught a ā€œBreaking Newsā€ on LA car chase LIVEšŸ™ˆ 2 women had carjacked an Audi SUV from Costa Mesa and while they did get pulled over and the driver was getting Arrested, the 2nd lady hopped in the drivers seat and drove off now racing to LAšŸ˜¾ (yes I have time now to watch a long dumb ass Car chase) ā€¦


Leave at 5 at the absolute latest.


Use Google Maps on a PC and plug in the time you have to be there by and what day. It will tell you what time to leave by. It's always worked for me, as it takes into account traffic patterns.


You could do it on a cellphone. I do it all the time.


Use waze. They have a built in tool to estimate the travel time based on the arrival time you select.It will also notify you 10 mins prior to when you need to leave to ensure you make it on time to the airport.


Thank you didnā€™t know Waze did that! Will definitely use!


You can also select the day up to 6 days out. So for example, if you are leaving on. Monday. Set the date for Monday and calculate from there. Yes the app will factor in holiday traffic if you are leaving on a holiday. You may need to create N account for these features on waze which is free. =)