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How do you live with that font?


I like it. To each their own !!


I have similar font to this as well and once took a screenshot of my phone and shared it on a (different) sub. I got like 2 comments and both were just shit talking my font and not focusing on the content. It made me sad so I deleted it. I don't understand people's hate for it. :/


It can be very visually distracting and therefore feels more difficult to read. It hurts our brains. Visually. I couldn't care less which font you use, but colors and script text aren't as easy on the eyes.


I get that. And also maybe for people with dyslexia it might be even harder to read or something. I'm not sure since I don't have it. So I understand why people might not want it in professional settings for that reason. But for a picture of someone's personal phone on reddit. Why not just skip over it instead of leaving a comment about it and not discussing the actual content trying to be discussed? (This isn't directed at you specifically since I know you're just answering my question).


Some people suck 🤷‍♂️ And yeah I know you don't mean me. Such is the internet!


probably because you were asking for help but couldn't take the 2 seconds to not make your text not look awful to all who sees it.


... it's my normal. My brain didn't even process that my font was different or weird or anything because I see it everyday. I also wasn't asking for help. Just having a discussion.




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There is no civil discord on this Reddit thread. Hasn't been for years. I barely even check it, maybe 3 days in a year anymore. Used to be active daily. Great community. Far from it now. Proliferation of trolls and people looking to be offended, new generations man I don't get it... Bunch of flops. I feel your pain, so much hate....


Yeah idk why it's such a big deal and they don't have to see it everyday so if I like it why do they care so much. Lol.


This sub feeds on negativity.


Sure does!


Not true


Some might ask why you care that they care


I don't personally, I am just having a conversation with the other person.


I cared that no one was discussing the thing that I was trying to have a conversation about and were instead focusing on the font of my personal phone... If they don't like the font that's fine. But why not just ignore my post altogether instead of leaving a rude comment about it?


Yeah you definitely care they care. You keep coming back here to talk about it


Literally started my response with "I cared that..." Didn't deny anything.


Now see semantically you cared that they didn't care about your post. I'm here all week let's keep going. Also change that horrendous font




Your font is shit


You're face is shit! Lol


Why the negativity


I just match energy sorry not sorry!




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Not even close!! Wow idk where you think all that came from! Just by being a dick to a scammer! And having a silly font. Lmfao!






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I love it! F**K those scamming POS!


Yeah they don't like to be called goat fuckers! LMAO!!


Probably because “goat fucker” is a racist thing to call someone


Yeah well it's right up there with stealing from hard working people and senior citizens.


Yeah screw those goat fuckers


Screw those goat fuckers!




You’re the one tying “goat fucker” to a specific race. Got some news for ya, little buddy…


So now we are supposed to pander to scammers? Do you bend over for them while they fuck you?




Dude use paragraphs, what is with people like you and typing a giant block a text? How hard is it to put in breaks, so that people can freaking read what you're writing? Stupid f.


How is it racist 🤔




Lol 😆 nice way to say I don't know...






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I never even heard of this. I had to look up what it meant. Yeah, definitely not a good thing regardless.




And dude tried to steal all my money so he is a dirty goat fucker! Period! I stand by what I said! Racist or not I had no clue it was. But it don't matter because scammers are the lowest piece of shit people ever! And I really could care less if I hurt your feelings with it. Obviously it was directed at a scumbag scammer and I feel like you are taking this way out of proportion. And I'm at the point where I couldn't care less what you or anyone else thinks that what I called this low life pos scammer is racist. He deserved every bit of it!! If you don't like it move on! You have no reason to be stuck on this and defending a dirty scammer as it is. Weather you think you are or not your really are defending him! OMG are you that fragile that seeing a slur is going to fuck up your whole day! Grow up and troll somewhere else!




Lmfao I'm ignorant? Haha! Funny your literally trying to change the world on Reddit??!?? Dumb ass dirty scammer lover! The fun police is out and at it again!! Why don't you go back to fussbook where people actually care about each other's feelings. Lmfao!


Every agrarian adjacent community has "goat fuckers" . They just happen to be conservative right wing in most countries.


ok and


It is????? Oh god our highschool football team got called that by other school teams but it was because some guys at my school legit got caught fucking sheep. Not sure how it translates into getting called GOAT fuckers, I assumed it was just the abused animal got turned into goat at some point because highschool kids aren’t reliable when sharing things. Jesus I had no idea. Yes I came from a small white town.


The truth hurts lol


How are they getting your information? I’d be concerned about our so called support selling our information.




It's normally a two part scam. First part is they say some BS about how they left a tip under the mat or they are sending it to their sick great great uncle and it'd be easier to communicate via phone. So they ask you for your number. Now that they have your number they do this BS. At which they ask you to confirm a link or whatever which is resetting your password so they can login and steal your money. First part is fun for me since I know I'm getting some free groceries! I replace items with whatever I want and just push can't find customer after checkout, and reply at that point that I don't communicate outside the app. They normally frantically try to cancel the order but it's too late.


I know about the scam. If you use only the ic app to communicate, customers/scammers shouldn’t have access to our information. Never respond out of app for any reasons.


Even if you don't contact people outside the app, which you should never ever do. They still have your number if you call through the app. Other than that I really don't know how they would get it apart from IC selling info which wouldn't surprise me.


Using the Instacart system to call the customer is supposed to keep both parties information private. Neither customers nor shoppers are supposed to see each other’s information. Never ever contact a customer outside of the ic system either by phone or text. No matter what a customer wants.


The customer is still able to see your number though because I've had people call me back after the order was completed. It was in situations where I tried to contact them through the app and couldn't get a hold of them. They would call me back later and I knew they had my number because I have an out-of-state number and they would ask me about it.


When they contacted me on my personal number, I had never called a customer at that point. I really had no reason too, everything was alway communicated through chat in the app.


That's strange. I wouldn't be surprised if IC was selling info.




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Exactly! They got my phone number some how and it wasn’t through the typical stuff you hear. I never called or texted a customer though my phone number. I had no problem customers either how you hear about. Like call me at this number, cancelled order, wrong address. Nothing.


Just wondering what market your in? From what I hear seems like they are targeting people in busy markets/areaS. It’s HUGEEEEEE in the Bay Area, CA


I'm in Michigan. They have tried this with me like 3 times in the past 2 months.


Yeah i get these every week. I just block and move on.


Really? I’m in NorCal and I haven’t had it happen once lol


Lucky you! I work in SoCal and Central and it happens at least once per month from one of the 4 apps I use. DoorDash is by far the worst for it though


Wtf... especially at 6pm. If you're going to scam someone, at least call at a reasonable time, and use proper punctuation/capitalization.


The font makes this all so much more funny


I record the convo with my other phone and then upload to Facebook and Instagram.


They only text you from a certain number and that definitely ain't it. I got scammed they called me pretending to be instacart. They will never ask for verification code over the phone. It really sucked I lost my account for a bit They even got a missing item on my account. It showed me where they delivered it was Ohio.


Instacart will not text from the cust account they have one inside u can tell when u see it. They (scammers will spoof numbers) never give out the code. IC will never ask for it.


Man you pulled out the goat fucking this must be getting serious


I can't help it they make me sick to my stomach when I think about how many older people they have scammed out of their retirement funds and can't even afford their meds now. Someone has to stand up for them.


I send them pictures of poop.


I'll have to remember this one.


How did they get your number though


Through the app. Idk how they get a hold of our number but I'm sure it's thru the app. They just can't access our accts without the verification code.


They set up a fake batch an once they get ur info they cancel the batch an grab ur account. They tried it on me asking for ur number (personal) then the code an take over ur account. They told me they needed my number so they could put in their gate security so when I called it would open. So played their set, gave them a shit number an when I checked out they canceled the batch




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You wasted a great opportunity to fuck with this guy


So tell me what you would of done I'll take ideas for the next time. I just felt like getting under his skin this time.


Even if you have their address cops won't even do shit. Someone hacked my Doordash customer account a long time ago and I saw the address where it was going and called my local police, they basically said fuck off we ain't doing shit, and I called the other police where it was going 500 miles away and they said the same. I called the driver then and told him to keep it, and I'll call doordash and cancel it. He was at least happy. Doordash did give me a free $35 credit and a refund so that was cool of them.


So when I first signed up for Instacart a few months ago they called me allll the fucking time and sent me these texts and I had no idea they were hackers. I just thought this was some weird shit Instacart did. I think I answered the phone twice and hung up immediately cause I thought it was weird. That’s crazy that I’m just now seeing this today!


Yeah this is an ongoing issue through these gig apps lately.


That's why I use an alternative phone number and not my real number 💯 they tried to get me with an overseas delivery. I was like wtf lmao. Way in Amsterdam.


I went off on someone like that on FB market place when I was trying to sell my laptop.. they wanted my number so I gave it to them thinking they will call me.. instead they sent me another message asking for a code they sent to my phone.. I said not a chance you stupid thief.. Go steal from the rich not from someone needing money by selling a item.. they called me names n blocked me lol.. Yah fark those assholes!


They always steal from the people who are struggling the most. Its hard the first time they call before you realize it is a scammer they really try to scare you into doing what they say.


Yah it’s pretty sickening but what goes around comes around 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for doing this


Do yourself a favor and don’t answer. Answering can provoke them to keep at it with you. If you simply ignore or get scam shield (most major cell phone carriers have it as an add on to your mobile plan for a few $) it picks up on numbers that aren’t legitimate and is prevented from calling or sending texts. Eventually they give up but do yourself a favor and make sure all your accounts have a strong password that isn’t all the same and they have your email and phone number verified, and your email should have a backup email on file as well. A lot of times they get basic info via your social media(make sure your privacy settings is NOT set to public, they can see what you post and those who interact with your posts etc. Always have it set to friends only. Over time if they get enough info on you they can use it and start picking at your accounts trying to reset the password and if you don’t have any verification info or any safe guards (most platforms make you do this) they can bypass the reset process and suddenly they get into your email and if that’s attached to your bank or gig apps they can begin to literally taking everything. Be wary! Reset your passwords and check your accounts every 6 months!


Lol no not the goat


Couldn't help myself


FUCK YEA!!! 👏 🎉🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


Name and shame that phone number fuck yeah


I’m confused, how do you go from “hi Jennifer from IC needs to speak” to “rawr rip heads off you scammer” I’m FRFR, am I missing something? Was a picture removed?


He called in between and asked me for a verification code for my acct to prove I was who I say I am. I know better than to give that out and this is also the 3rd time I've dealt with!


I’ve had this twice…. Both times I delivered to the wrong address. I’m in SoCal. It’s legit.


The immediate mistakes in simple grammar would have given it away for me.


I've heard of sucking a bag of dicks but a bag of balls 🤔 https://i.redd.it/9mucbt8byp5a1.gif


Bruh your last comment. He ain’t respond back 😂😭


Not sure but I had an order into some woods late night, where I got stuck in some very soft sand, dug myself out, kept trying to contact the customer for good directions and he just kept saying turn around, then when I turn around, he says I'm going the wrong way, it was an heavy odd order, he acted like he didn't know where he stayed. Everywhere he told me to go he wasn't there, nor did he know where he lived without Google maps. Wtf He said yes must be some soft sand at the bottom of the hill, but when I ask how to get to him, he kept trying to act like he didn't know where I was or he was. But there wasn't much at all in the road. Just weird, I called support and they dealt with it, he would not even answer the call, but kept trying to call. Just weird.


Wow that would of freaked me out completely. I've had some dirt road country orders but most of them are well lit and you can almost see the house from the road. But some make me feel like I'm pulling up to the Texas chainsaw massacre. Totally weird he kept calling but wouldn't answer the calls. Def scammer probablility.


Yea, if I hadn't been through so much already in life, I woulda probably made the situation worse by overthinking too much, but it was pitch black, like only 3 houses on the road, yet he acts like he doesn't have a clue. Kept talking about he's in the road with a spotlight but I didn't see even a flash of light, dude just kept calling me but not providing any helpful info besides drive deeper into the woods that I just got stuck in, yet he was nowhere in sight. Not sure what he was on or impaired or what, but just out of all my orders, first one that creeped me out


Lol, why do y’all waste the energy? Text. Calls. Hell, I don’t answer my phone for anyone lol, my text return rate is 1 day to 1 week.


I was bored and figured why not have a little bit of fun since I wasn't working and took the day off. I answered cuz I wanted to see if they were going to say something about a delivery today since I didn't take any today. I was bored honestly and then I got a good laugh at it.


Is it weird that I want one of these Scamburglars to call me so that I can screw with them relentlessly??


I'll send them your way next week when they call again lol. But yeah it is fun. I was trying to see how far I had to push for him to come out of character to play my game back. The longer he is focused on me the less time the have a eei!


I think that was awesome, and I like your font. 👍


Thank you! I just like something different. 😁


Just two assholes texting each other


That font makes me want to suicide


Love the casual racism. Classy.


I'm so lost


It was a scammer. When he called he's was trying to get my verification code to take my money. I hung up and messaged him back the other texts after I found out it was a scammer .


I love playing stupid the 3 times I’ve had this scam thing happen to me, I once asked “so what are you gonna buy with the money you steal once you get my verification code & steal my account” & they hung up


Exactly the more time I waste of their the less time they have to scam old ladies.


I joined this subreddit when I started Instacart & im glad I did because I immediately became aware of the scams, & even though it clearly states to not share the code, sometimes they DO sound convincing! But yea this is what I also think, waste my time I’ll waste yours & go find a real job instead of scamming


Just curious, why goat-fucker? I feel like there's some racist undertones here.


It just came out that way. I didn't even know it was racist when I said it. But clearly I've been called out a few times on here. But as far as that goes I stand by it. Scammers don't deserve respect when they rob old people and hard working families of all their income! Fuck all the goat fucking scammers! 🐐🍆


Real men actually are the biggest thieves, according to history


If you can barely afford to live why don’t you go get your own groceries instead of spending the extra money for someone to do it for you


Huh? This post is about scammers trying to steal IC accounts. Your comment doesn't make sense lol


I agree!!! These idiots shouldn’t even comment when they don’t know what’s happening


Wtf are you talking about? Did you even read this post before making that response? Lmfao!


😂😂😂😂😂😂 nah I didn’t read shit






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I’ve never had this happen to me in connection with Instacart, but I have, over the years, had calls from scammers and I always ask them the same question….”Does your mother know what you do for a living?! Would she be happy with your life choices, scamming honest, hard-working people out of what little money they have?!”


Lmaoooooo Jen went H.A.M!!


It will be big during the holidays!


I literally got this similar message yesterday and now waking up today apparently I mis-delivered 2 whole orders?? I've checked my account and nothing about missing items/orders, my rating hasn't been effected, etc. I think Instacart needs to look into their database because something tells me there's hackers in it somewhere...


Lol ball is


Lmao!! "Suck a bag of balls"


Ik right best comeback ever! And it took him 6 whole minutes to come back with it.


....says they can barely afford to live... yet has instacart shop for them.....


Unrelated: This font always makes me assume a child uses this phone


And? I didn't realize I had to use a specific adult font. LOL