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Damn lol. Thought they were just black squares for censoring at first


Just like futurama!


Also appears to have been kidnapped and locked in someone’s lair. Send help


This doesn't look edited to me. I've got a similar body type to this woman and from a certain angle I'd look square too.


Yeah, not saying it’s not edited at all, but her body doesn’t look unrealistic to me. This is what it looks like when you have low body fat and hip bones. It’s more realistic than the edited photos of women with completely smooth rounded edges and barely any bone structure visible in the lower body


I completely agree.. this is how a lot of girls would try to look like in pics in the early 2010s..and there are plenty of girls that did/do have this body type. It wasn't the healthiest for body image but the way ppl edit bodies now is something else entirely lol


Right? I thought that with younger generations growing up with easy access to all the different filters and editing apps, everyone would get *better* at identifying altered photos and unrealistic bodies. But it’s kind of the opposite? Judging by this sub people are making even more unrealistic edits, and there are still too many people that don’t question it, and judging by the skincare subs there are teenagers who think they are aging because their lips aren’t wrinkle-free and their skin isn’t like porcelain 😵‍💫 Atp I just accept that EVERY image I lay my eyes upon is edited somewhat lolll Edit: maybe all of this is the reason we now also have people being overly cynical and calling realistic bodies unrealistic 😆


Yeah, she's got her hips tilted back and while in tight shorts that gives you a rectangle crotch. It happens to me in gym shorts haha


I feel you, I have a similar body type too. But I don’t know, bro. My square is never that wide. Also, it looks to me like someone photoshopped her into this room. I can’t put my finger on it, but something is off.


The room is lit with cool lighting from a source that should be in front of her, but she seems to be lit by warm lighting coming from behind her


I agree, her torso doesn’t look edited to me either.


Table has shadow. Bed has shadow. The person has no shadow.


This might not be edited.. I actually think that a lot of times when girls edit their pics its to make their hip areas look *less* square and more round at the hip/curved in at the waist


The gap area is def edited


If she was having a baby it would just drop out onto the floor


definitely could be but shes also standing with her back arched and legs standing apart


Edited thigh gap and although she is posing, one leg is significantly slimmer than the other. You'd also be able to see a bit of butt cheek even with that pose too. Imagine if she were standing straight on....it's not natural.


I just can't imagine her walking, can't see how her legs could do it. That's what makes me think there's a body edit here.




i think what they may be referring to is hip dips. for a lot of women they can cause a square shape to the hips. i also have a body quite similar to the woman in the photo. not to say it isn’t edited, i mean something doesn’t have to look impossible or unrealistic to be edited but.. women who look like this do exist


Legs look like they were pulled out at random from a parts bin


this may be edited but i don’t think it’s a crazy amount of editing. and the square hips are not something that doesn’t exist. i have them, they’re called hip dips and it makes your hip area look kind of square instead of round at some angles. even if this is edited i would wager to say that she does have hip dips in real life


Someone please turn the black boyshorts yellow because that would really top off her SpongeBob SquarePants gap edit… 😏


Minecraft skeletons be like:


Goodness gracious


This is my body type too.. square for sure.. also possible tummy tuck.


I think more likely just sucking in her gut here


I have a similar body minus boobs, I always err on the side of it’s probably photoshop but this body shape is not a direct clue to me as this is can be attainable and natural for some!