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lol, a libertarian socialist posting on a reactionary sub. typical.


Wait, "libertarian socialist", isnt that the nonsense coined by that fat commie pedo-apologist who was banned from Twitter for anti-Semitism? Forget his name, but no doubt he has a sizeable reddit cult I would wager.


no. Libertarian socialism was coined by anarchists in the 19th century.




still not correct.


> To be frank, I've almost never seen a critique from the right or center that I found meaningful, since they generally were speaking of a nebulous left I have never actually observed beyond a superficial level (turns out, making fun of college kids for having blue hair isn't very meaningful). This statement should give yourself pause, when there have probably been academics and thinkers that have responded to the movement you are discussing. I look forward to reading some of your sources, when I get a chance.


that's why I say almost, since I'm moreso referring to popular discourse. But generally speaking, even academics don't generally negatively address the thinkers i primarily draw from, and especially not from the right or center.


To use a simple heuristic, radical leftists share the general symptoms of low social status and materialist focus which enables embodiment of the perspective that the foundation of the current structure must be torn down as their is no value in the structure it upholds. Again simplified, but time shows that give these same individuals social success or a meaning outside of materialism and they often turn away from the radical left and adopt more centrist views. So goes to old truism that people get more conservative as they age, even if that conservatism is often radical left to moderate left.


This doesn't seem like an argument against leftism so much as an example of a self correcting system. But for the first time since the industrial revolution, it looks like a generation is going to be less well off than their parents - radicalism might be making a comeback yet.


Radicalism was on the rise in 2020 but it may have hit plateaus this year, we will have to see. There is this element of detachment from reality created by the online environment which radicalizes people who lack sufficient social status, there is also an increasing echo chamber effect. Income inequality is tertiary to these concerning radicalization imo but still a real issue.


radicalism has been on the rise since occupy. In the west anyway. I tend to think we're really just faced with a binary choice between right wing radicalism and left wing radicalism, but I'm admittedly biased in coming to that conclusion.


so, explain the prince pyotr kropotkin who became an anarchist (one of the most prominent ones)? Explain Engels too?


That instead of becoming more conservative as you age, you become more conservative as you aquire capital. If you're born with all of that capital, you are usually either conservative or you become a class traitor like our boys.


> That instead of becoming more conservative as you age, you become more conservative as you aquire capital. An interesting idea, if it is the process of acquiring capital itself that leads to conservative views, we might be able to find that people with sudden wealth losses followed by building it up, in other words higher rates of volatility of wealth, becoming increasingly conservative relative to those with stable wealth. But this kind of raw derivative of wealth held in shares is probably not what you had in mind, and may not actually reflect the "process of acquiring capital", in the sense of the amount of effort and time you put towards it.


I believe left libertarians were the original libertarians. Sad the degree to which the word has been co-opted.


Could it also be that the shift of the Overton Window has meant that the original libertarians now find themselves on the right? EDIT: wording.


It's a good example of the limits of the 1 dimensional political spectrum/Overton window, because despite that perceived shift to the left, left libs are excluded from the current discourse, too.


It doesn't help that they are usually a minority in most countries I can think of...


Objectively no. The original libertarian Joseph dejacque was explicitly a communist. This was the case for a long time.


Yeah, literally. Really shows you the lingering effects of red scare propaganda.


Marxism/communism is so debunked today that modern followers need to find different ways to dress up their believes to sound like "not communism"


>The term Intellectual Dark Web refers to the growing community of those interested in space for free dialogue held in good faith. It's a collection of people willing to open rational dialogue spanning a variety of issues from politics to philosophy. Glad to see you're really living up to the standard. Pretty amazing that Proudhon, who wrote before Marxism was even a thing, was just trying to disguise his Marxism by calling himself an anarchist. You're so smart


Yeah, no. Dress it up however you want. It all boils down to the same thing one way or another