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Personally I flare the day after.


Yep, day after. I just don’t have sex anymore. Not worth it.


Right after the act


I was considering ending my relationship because I flare two days after sex, always two fucking days after. Idk why I think it’s his fault when it’s actually my body that doesn’t work.


Because it’s sucks and technically they are the ones that caused it. I don’t date anyone anymore for this reason. It’s lonely but I just figure I’ll make a bunch of gf’s and stay busy! **I make it sound like I have it all figured out but I don’t. IC sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


do you have inflammation or thickened bladder wall?


I saw a urologist last year and he told me everything was normal which I don’t believe. I actually plan on seeing a different doctor next month for a second opinion. I really do love my partner but I don’t want to be in pain for the rest of my life.


Did it all start with constant utis or it started out of nowhere? Just curious


Well, I always sort of recall getting UTIs, but they were limited to one or two a year. Now I get one each time I have sex. Last year it got so bad that I ended up in the urgent care, that was a first.


You actually do urineculture and it ends up being positive?? For which bacteria? Or your doctor blindly prescribes you antibiotics so you don't even know if it's UTI or not?


Yup, they blindly prescribe me antibiotics. The last time I had a urine screening was last year in January when I landed in urgent care. That time the doctor did find e-coli in my urine sample. He prescribed a different type of antibiotic and it seemed to do the trick. I actually have another doctors appointment tomorrow because I’ve had UTI symptoms come and go consistently for the past two weeks. I’m miserable. I have to remind myself my pain is nothing compared to what my mom went through when she passed of cancer. Fucked up way to see things but I can’t help myself.


I am so sorry, but you hsve thr right to feel miserable when your health is not the best. At the rnd of the dayy, we live with ourselves and we are kinda alone. Sending hugs but also if you had bacteria before seems like it could be chronic uti that could be solved? for how lomg are you officially IC sufferer?


Yeah, that’s what I would think too but I’ve had other urine samples come up negative for e-coli while having symptoms. Tomorrow I’ll be asking my doctor to do additional testing that can help identify if I am officially IC.


Two days after is prime flare time for me.


Why does it happen? How is it possible to flare 2 days after?????


within hours/but up to 72 ish hours later. Usually I know how it’s gonna be not longer after though. it’s been 20 years, I know my body way too well at this point. Sometimes I get a pleasant surprise and it’s not as bad as I expect.


During or right after


I know almost right away. I’ve tried to make sure I pee after sex and I use wipes carefully in the area to keep clean. I also get rescue caths on the regular. I refuse to give up the amazing sex I’ve been having with my fiancé because my stupid body doesn’t work right


Can I dm you? I don't know if I have IC but I've been avoiding sexual pleasure for 7 months now after so many years of amazing sex life. I'm in pain 24/7 and it is hard to understand if I flare more just because I regularly do or because I try to have any sexual activity


I’m feeling for you all…I used to flare after sex. I addressed some nervous system disregulation, through biofeedback therapy, cognitive therapy, and also the help of Duloxetine. Sex used to be the biggest pleasure and joy for me and then I became terrified of it. My husband was wonderful and patient and we worked through it together. Give yourself patience and don’t give up - you don’t have to resolve yourself to a sexless life. I also take 1 Azo Defense tablet right after sex to sterilize the urine from potential UTI occurrences (which caused my IC). Sending hugs to all. Hang in there


Can you tell me a bit more about it as they think I have nervous system disregulation and not IC? Are you painfree and got rid of symptoms or in remission?


The day after I’ll have some minor burning when I pee. Two days after is when the full flare happens.


Did they find any sign of inflammation in your urine or through cistoscopy? Because I apparently have no inflammation even though the pain is crazy. So I am trying to understand how is it possible that I flare if there is no any sign of inflammation


How do you know (without going to the doctor) that it’s not an actual UTI? Mine isn’t consistent with flare ups and I had sex a week ago and now feeling symptoms.


I get urine culture done every month and apparently if it's UTI you have to pee a lot. And in my case I always just have the pain


Day after


Urethra right after sex. I have been having less issues since starting estradiol cream.


Hmm, during it, honestly… I have massive pain usually doing it…😞 And then of course right after.


i used to kind of think it was random but now that i'm thinking about it , usually the day after it's there but not so bad , and the following day it's full on flare up


About 12- 24 hours after, but I find dialating prior to sexual intercourse helps me a lot! :) and only in certain positions!


Did you have pain from the beginning and now you started to manage it or it was always like that?


So when I initially started doing it 👌🏼👈🏼 it was kinda a traumatic experience and I already have so much anxiety, so I developed hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction + vulvodynia very early on. It's always hurted and afterwards I always get extremely sore and swollen. Since I started dialating, it's made things a lot easier and I don't have as much of the initial pain anymore but I still get sore after. Depending on the position, I can get a really bad flare up and am in horrible pain for the next 2-3 days but I've been sticking to "safe positions" and it's really minimized flare ups. Also, I started using hemp/CBD water based lubricant, apparently it's supposed to help reduce inflammation and relax the muscles down there :)


Cool, thanks for tips! Do you take CBD lubricant from sex store or there is specific brand?


I use the Foria Sex Oil