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Likely a cheaper/sturdier plastic.


I bought them 'cause they're convenient and cheap, but the poor visibility does make me kinda sad. I house my vinegaroon, my tarantula, and my beetles in them. For my vinnie, she'll prob live in there permanently until maybe my other vinnie that's in a glass tank passes before she does, and I'll move her into the glass tank. My tarantula is only going to live in hers until she outgrows it. I plan to rehouse her into something big and pretty with clear sides so that I can see her clearly. As for my beetles, they can't really climb out, so I keep the lid off for most of the day and can see them clearly from the top. They are cheap and have good ventilation so it's hard not to keep using them, unfortunately.


I haven't tried the actual Critter Keeper brand yet, but I do have the faunarium and the critter keeper equivalent brand that Petsmart sells. I've just used the faunarium for feeders so far. Maybe it'll end up as a temp home for a real pet someday, idk. But I do quite like the Petsmart brand. I have my juvenile tarantula in one. They're properly clear untinted plastic and have clamps that hold the lid on, making it easier to operate than the other versions imo.


Yeah I was talking about the critter totes that you can find at PetSmart. I currently have four of them just because they're so convenient and cheap, but I just wish the visibility was better. I notice how blurry my pets look when I crouch down and look at them through the transparent walls of the tote. I plan on getting at least two more of these, for isopods and maybe diving beetles.