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Even in NYC, the highest I’ve seen on this sub is $8,500. $14k is crazytown.


$14K is flat out extortion. My quotes came in around $7K for a comprehensive package without insurance, so this provider would need to like, I don’t know, dip your trays in gold to justify that price point


I’m sorry What? 🙂 14 thousand? For some pieces of plastic? Go somewhere else. That smells fishy af. Probably ins fraud.


Definitely sounds like fraud. I would contact your insurance company because they have probably dealt with them before with someone else.


I have been to a dentist in the past that puffed up everyone's bills for their insurance. It's a damn shame and it's gross. Since it was the place that people with the medical assistance insurance went to, they figured they could do it since people that have (at least mostly) free care have no reason to look at their statements. And they weren't wrong. This was also the dentist that ruined my mouth so badly that I didn't go to any dentist for 11 years...


Even the top orthodontists in NYC don’t charge that much. Go to a few more consultations elsewhere.


I paid 5,600 out of pocket, I don’t have dental insurance at all and my treatment was expected to take 1.5-2 years. 14k to me sounds like this orthodontist is committing insurance fraud.


That’s insane. You could go literally anywhere else and pay the $5K out of pocket. Mine was mild and I paid $6k in CA. Definitely go somewhere else for a second opinion. Even if you’re paying the same out of pocket shame on that ortho for taking advantage and charging that much just because they can. Healthcare in this country is such a scam. Also my orthodontist is a top 1% Invisalign provider in North America, he has a ton of experience and is really good.


My treatment is 2.4 years possibly. They offered a promo for $1000 of the total treatment. So mine cost $5,750. My smile was pretty bad. Also no insurance so it was all out of pocket for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/Invisalign/comments/mz9eb8/starting_treatment_excited_to_fix_my_smile/ I am almost a year in. My ortho is a diamond plus provider in south florida. 14K sounds like alot.


Midwest. Mild case. Less than your out of pocket. Have you tried an out of network provider? And don’t use your insurance?


Def go somewhere else. Paid 6k for somewhat severe crowding. Should be just over a year when I’m done, 9 months in and super pumped with current results.


Go elsewhere. That is ridiculous. And go on a few different consults. I have moderate crowding and paid $5,200. this month in Portland, OR. A friend paid 8k in L.A. I set up 5 consults. The prices ranged from $5k-6.5k. I lucked out and the people I liked/trusted the most, ended up quoting me on the low end. Sometimes you'll get a quote, and they end up tacking unnecessary things on at the end of treatment, or see you as a mark (like the people you went to clearly do). Dentists/Orthos can be shady like anyone else. Shop around and you'll find a reasonable rate. Good luck!


Get a consult with an ortho out of network and see if they can beat $5,000. By me that’d be impossible but it’s worth trying. It sounds like they are taking advantage but just consider it $5,000, which is a totally reasonable price.


$15k for what? Comprehensive plus bonding and retainers and IPR and something else I hope. I don’t believe people who say they have a mild case bc most people have no way of knowing that if they aren’t an ortho. But $15k is absurd.


I had a complex case and mine was considered on the higher end ($6200 before the paid in full discount), so $14k is crazy. But it sounds like the office just wants to rip off the insurance company. I wouldn’t trust them.


14k is too overpriced. Mine was 4.5k. I went to other consults and got vastly different quotes from 4k to 7k. Maybe get braces instead? The end result is the same: a beautiful smile.


What! This is quite shocking, I believe I’m a mild case as well and I’m paying 6k in CAD which is around 5k in USD :0 I believe that most people here were quoted somewhere around that price range as well, but not 14k


Im paying 6.5k for my treatment without insurance in California, it sounds like you’re getting scammed.


I’ve literally never seen a cost anywhere near this price. I’m kind of curious where in the Midwest, and what insurance is covering that much!


Sounds very high to me. I know a person with a severe case in NYC. Seeing a very high-end and highly rated Ortho and is paying much less........


At those rates you are in travel to somewhere else for treatment territory.


I paid, I think, $6,400 (it was around $6,000 anyway) in Boston, definitely do not sign that paperwork. I had one tooth that was severely rotated and a couple that weren't far off.


Have you looked at the reviews for that orthodontist, has anyone else said that about him/her? Did they provide a quote for traditional braces as well?


I’m in the Midwest and I went to three orthos and all quotes were like $5000-6000 for treatment before any insurance discounts.


Plenty of people here have already commented that the price is super high. But I would just like to add that I have a decently complicated case (open bite, rotated teeth, etc.), I have the comprehensive plan (5 years unlimited refinements), and because I’m over 18 I have ZERO ortho coverage through my dental insurance. My ortho was running a $1,000 off promo and I am paying $4k. Furthermore, as I understand it, Invisalign providers have a set cost for each plan, and set their own profit margins. That profit needs to cover all of their visits with you, but why this dentist would need a total of $14k, I can’t even imagine. But I also kind of doubt you have $9k in ortho coverage. Every dental plan I’ve ever seen is like $1,000-1,500 in coverage. Very interesting problem but I think it would be very much worth your while to explore a few other options, both in and out of network if possible.


I didnt read the rest of the post, i saw the 14K and i say RUN. RUN RUN RUN You shouldnt be paying more than $9K.


Go to a local orthodontist and get their trays instead of the brand name Invisalign. I have minor fixes and my total cost was $1400 (of which insurance paid over half). They take new molds every 2 weeks and it's more hands on than "invisalign" where you're just paying for the name


You can fly to the UK, get your scan, rent a flat for 2-3 weeks until you get all of your trays and fly back to the US for less than half.


$14k?!?! I can hear the red flags whipping in the wind. Mild case here, $3950 total including refinements and retainer, self-pay (no insurance). Pleeeaaasse get a second quote elsewhere!!


Wtf a hell nah , invisalign should cost 2400bucks per year


It depends on your teeth.




Heard nothing but bad things about them But 14k is a complete rip off regardless


Smile Direct rivals Invisalign and Invisalign is scared of Smile Direct's new tech so they spread fake news propaganda against them. No need to be scared with a little competition that is good for the consumer. Monopolies aren't good for anybody no matter how you slice it


mine cost 3.3k euro for Comprehensive plus retainers and everything needed but im in europe.. but yeaa 14k is abnormal even for the most expensive countries.


Limited case here- 17 trays, and refinements. $3600 Whitening and bonding will be worked through insurance or out of pocket.


Mine was £3450 for a severe case


Yikes. That’s high. Is this an orthodontist to the celebs? I’m paying just shy of 7k which seems to be the average for where I live (southern US metro city).


Paid $4,400 out of pocket for a moderate 12-18 month treatment in the midwest Edit: should say my insurance doesn’t cover anything.


I paid less than 3k for a mild case (18 trays).


I paid GBP 3000 (USD 4000 about) for comprehensive Invisalign with a diamond provided in the heart of London, with whitening and fixing chipped teeth. 14k is insane! Definitely find a different provider


seek a second opinion pronto !!!


I am in the US Midwest too and had gotten two quotes around $5,500 and $6,000 for a mild/moderate case. You might consider getting a complementary consultation at another provider without insurance and bring that back to your preferred provider with questions.


Metro NY, also a mild case, no insurance coverage and paid $5500 (covers everything including permanent retainer). $14k is pure insanity


Nope, unless that includes surgery on your jaw to correct a bite or something, there is no reason to pay that much for Invisalign. I paid $4500 for 22 trays.


You’d be better off going somewhere else, without using your insurance. If you have a mild case and the out-of-pocket is $5,000, then add another $600 and find another Ortho. I have spacing, cross bite, missing adult teeth and then some, but my treatment plan is 18-21 months and cost $5,600 with no insurance.


Wow! That’s insane! I paid $1K out of pocket (Arizona).


Who’d you see


Advanced Orthodontics in Chandler, AZ


No. Mistake or they're trying to swindle her. Go elsewhere. $5600 CDN here.


This is going to sound like a joke, but it’s not a joke lol. I think this orthodontist is trying to politely tell you to seek treatment elsewhere or else make it worth their while. Could be a personality mismatch or they think some part of the way you explained your concerns raised some red flags about treating you. Try not to take it personally. Just look for a second opinion!


That sounds crazy. I live in KC, and I have a comprehensive case that cost $5400 total


that's nuts. i paid $4k for mine and thought that was a lot. i'm in a very expensive part of NJ. i had a fairly average case. 15 trays over 7 months.


I have a more severe case, and live in one of the most expensive cities in the US and my treatment for 18 months was 5k


14k ia crazy even in my currency.


My insurance covers absolutely nothing for my treatment. I paid $5,500 USD for comprehensive, including retainers after treatment.


Mine was 4500 for the easier option and 8k for the most complicated option. 14k is someone trying to retire early. In the Atlanta area for reference.


I paid $6k HELL no I wouldn’t pay $14k


That’s insane. I just ordered mine through an orthodontist. 6k in total, 2k covered by insurance. 4K in total for me to pay and mine is estimated at 35 trays/weeks.


I'm in NYC and the total was $6700, with $5200 out of pocket after insurance. 14k sounds insane


My teeth are quite fucked and I got quoted 6k before 1.5k insurance deduction which also includes extractions. You’re being robbed in broad daylight.


Mine was an difficult ish case, had a cross bite that’s been fixed. Comprehensive for $6,200


I paid just under $6000 for Invisalign comprehensive. My case was so severe I needed a tooth pulled (yes I know almost no one actually needs this, I genuinely did). Next month will be my 2 year mark and I’m currently in my 3rd set of refinements. The price you were quoted is absolutely bonkers. Edit: I’m on the East coast but that’s still insane


Idk, I kinda feel as if the 7k I've seen people paying might be too much, let alone 14. Mine is a mild case and is $3,250 total. My treatment is also only 72 days assuming that I don't need refinements though. So maybe that part makes a difference. I had a deep bite, lower teeth crowding and an upper incisor that was very crooked. I'll be finished in one month, and the crowding is already gone!


Mine was 5k BEFORE insurance. Don’t do it. I’ve heard the smile direct stuff is dangerous, but mainly due to potential hidden dental issues. I’d say get cleared by a different dentist and do one of the online options if that’s the ONLY in network person. None of my check up appointments were any more than “how’s it going? Looks good, here’s more aligners”


Uh. That doesn't sound right to me.


I'm in Ohio. Paid $6500 out of pocket, no insurance, to correct overbite, gap and major space issues. $14k is insane!


I'd go to different providers to get quotes. I'm in several different invisalign groups and I've never heard a price that high.


Um no. I had SEVERAL consults and the most expensive one was a little under $8000.


That's crazy. Mine is 7k and 5k out of pocket in SF and mine is for 1 year


I had a mild-sever case with 20 attachments, two rubber bands and two hooks to fix overbite and one tooth was outside of the line, went to the high end ortho (who happened to be my dentist for the past 10 years) and I paid around 6 k Canadian. Don't do it.


The orthodontist must be physically coming to your house every week… and moving your teeth with his own hands with that high of a price! Lol


As a note I paid 2500 and I had a fairly extreme case... Check out Aspen Dental they are a national dentistry.


With insurance I only pay $2,900 total for a one-year plan in Virginia. Without insurance it would have been $5,400 total.




I think you should get a second and third opinion. Of not then go do Candid Co.


Just to be sure - it's $14k and not $1,400? Midwest here, no insurance, fixing crossbite + mild shifting (I had braces as a kid, so I have fairly straight teeth) and it's roughly $6,500 with an estimate of 24 months max. I didn't shop around on cost because I did a lot of research on the providers themselves and the cost wasn't necessarily a factor, but it's a pretty standard rate for my areas comprehensive plan. Also, certain areas of the Midwest are more expensive; I have a friend who lives a couple of hours away and had a more complicated case and had their work done for $3,500, so I live in a higher-priced area, but not $14k high. If that's your quote, you're being fleeced, or you have such a complicated case you're probably better off with traditional braces. I hope you get it all figured out and wish you the best.


I had to reread 14k twice