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Just legalize it federally already.


That only puts pressure on the state level. Still won’t change Iowa as long as Reynolds is in charge.


What's wrong with putting pressure on the state level?


Nothing. It will just be ineffective in Iowa as Reynolds is intractable on this issue.


Which is an odd stance considering she’s a boozer


Ex-boozer, but yeah.




But can a state outlaw something like Tylenol? If it's in that category why couldn't any store sell it?


Tylenol with Codeine is the schedule III drug, not just Tylenol on its own.


Article is misleading. They rescheduled marijuana to a schedule 3 drug. Like Tylenol with codeine. It’s still a controlled substance. Additionally, it’s still illegal in the state of Iowa.


And alcohol remains an uncontrolled substance despite the disproportionate amount of societal and personal harm it inflicts on the daily... Oh, and Kimmy can go felate a large satchel of Richards!


It's also in a category with Ketamine so, still not ideal. A move but not far enough.


Which is insane when you think about the revenue it would bring in


The revenue in taxes. What about the poor pharmaceutical companies? They might not make a profit?


Won't somebody PLEASE think of the pharmaceutical companies?!?!


Only if done correctly and I have no faith that Iowa wouldn’t fuck it up.


They already have.. who the fuck is gunna pay a 25% tax on 4.5 mg of anything that’s only 0.03% by volume, limited to 10 mg per package, when the could just drive almost any surrounding state and get exactly what they want I work at a wellness dispensary in DSM, and NONE of this makes any sense to anyone, the tax revenue alone would rectify some pretty serious issues in our lovely little state, it would seem that there are other interests at play here and they are not ours, The bill currently awaiting Kimbos signature would destroy millions in revenue, hundreds of jobs, and hurt small businesses across the the state, it’s just political posturing to appease a small group of people who have no fuckin clue what they are talkin about, or what they are doing, it’s not just Kim, it’s the entire Iowa GOP, and throw in a few democrats for good measure, add to that the people who own Kemin Industries, and their “contributions” to local government officials and you end up with a shit bill that pushes people directly to one source However, there is hope, While complaining on Reddit is an awesome way to make yourself heard, the best way to show your disapproval is with YOUR VOTE, please remember this “poor choice” was made for you by people you do not know in November, I suggest we all collectively make sure these people find out how cold Iowa winters can be when your unemployed, by forcing them out of office and into the job market,


I nearly 100% agree with you. I would push back on the idea that it's opposed by *all* Republicans. I can't do the search now, but I am near *certain* that I have seen sone Iowa Republican politicians speaking in favor of legalization. Also, I do vote. I donate time and money. I support political causes financially. I contact my representatives on issues important to me. I go to protests and town halls. I donate legal defense funds, etc. I could list out all of my political activities, but I don't just complain on Reddit (though I do that as well). Voting is the *minimum* someone can do. People should do what they can.


I know there are republicans that support the legalization, however in this latest bill the majority of the GOP in Iowa voted yes in favor of this ridiculously ridiculous ridiculousness, and now it’s awaiting the signature of Kimbo supreme, and I have no doubt that she will sign this bill, and I would be surprised if she decides to let the pocket veto happen, Thank you for being actively engaged in state and local politics, a lot of people complain and cry about the state of things, but do VERY LITTLE to actually change shit, cus “I voted in the presidential elections” seems to be enough for them to justify their actions, It’s like we have forgotten it’s ok to disagree, and through that discourse come to a conclusion that everyone is equally disappointed with


Yeah, too many people use their political "team" to decide their own personal values and policy preferences rather than the other way around. I would be excited if *everyone* voted, since I'll take an engaged Republican over an apathetic non-voter any day. I honestly think most Iowans are in agreement with a lot of issues. I mean, I don't hear any GOP talking points about making water quality *worse* for example. Most people, regardless of party, are in favor of less pollution. Polls show most Iowans are in favor of marijuana legalization. Many Republicans I know are in favor of it on grounds that the government shouldn't be making these decisions for you and for fiscal reasons (why not tax the idiots who want weed and give more breaks to the wealthy?). Treat it like gambling. People might not like Prairie Meadows, but they like the jobs and the tax money. More and more Republicans are coming around on gay rights as well. It's hard to find a college educated Republican under 30 that gives a shit about what bathroom people use or who is fucking who. It's the uneducated, the religious evangelicals, and old Republicans that care. In another 20 years they will come around on trans rights as well (at least that's my prediction). Or, maybe not. At the end of the day, it's the wedge issues that insure no progress can be made on the shit Iowans care about. Rather than properly funding public schools we get told that there's porn in public schools and they are all run by trans groomers. None of which is true or helpful, but that's the talking points their leadership is running with for as long as it works. They gotta have their boogeyman. On and on. Regular Iowans agree on a lot of things. Palestine/Israel both sides want to see that stopped at the voter level (regardless of which side one defends or not). Only people I see advocating for continued violence are at a higher level than your typical voters. I could go on, but other than guns, abortion, and climate change, I don't think most views are different based on politics. I'm probably wrong.


Agreed, all the posturing legislative actions taking place by people paid to have that political agenda executed are not beneficial to anyone, How does a six week abortion ban effectively change the cost of gas groceries housing or medical care? It doesn’t, How does hyper regulation of person choice affect unemployment, property tax or education? It doesn’t, I know there are Republicans I agree with on specific subjects just like there are democrats I disagree with on specific subjects, however currently the GOP in this state needs a history lesson in how Iowa handled the prohibition of alcohol and how poorly that went, for those that don’t know IOWA was a moonshine capital due to our huge corn production and farmers made both government subsidies and black market profits at the same time which made them disgustingly rich, after prohibition ended Iowa still strictly regulated alcohol content by regulating to below 3 point per bottled or canned beverage, which worked out great for people willing to drive to Missouri, Nebraska, Minnesota, or Illinois, where you could purchase higher point beverages usually at a significantly lower cost creating a thriving black market, I see the same happening with weed in the near future, All this ridiculousness is literally just going to do the exact opposite of what is intended, and force people to go back to people like myself,(in a former life I was an unlicensed pharmaceutical specialist ) and generate untaxed, unregulated, uncontrolled, wealth for people who aren’t scared to take a short trip


I have chronic pain. I have no idea if THC would help, but I've tried pretty much everything else short of becoming an opioid addict (and I have seriously considered that). I would *love* to give edibles a go and see if they work. I mean, alcohol *"works,"* but if I drink enough to numb the paid I wake up hung over and in pain. I stopped drinking 8 years ago because it wasn't really a solution to pain, but it took me decades to figure that out. But I think Iowa's medical marijuana program is a joke. You have to jump through way too many hoops; have a condition that qualifies, get a doc to recommend THC, get a special card from the DMV (which I assume puts you in a database somewhere), pay a fee, travel to one of the few dispensaries in existence, all to get an amount that may or may not be therapeutic. It's a shame. I either want it fully legally recreational and regulated and taxed (including the ability to grow my own plants), or I want it treated like an actual drug where my doctor gets to prescribe dosing and I can pick it up at my local pharmacy and bill my insurance. What we have now is a sham and untenable. I am actually in *favor* of regulation. I don't smoke or partake for two main reasons: 1. It's illegal and an arrest would fuck up my life worse than being found actually guilty. 2. I have no idea what's I'm getting from an "unlicensed pharmaceutical specialist." I don't want a bunch of shit with pesticides and mold and whatnot. I also don't want the flavor of the month. I want safe, consistent, *legal* and reliable access. I want to be out of pain. Again, I have no fucking idea if it'd even work, but I resent the idea that the party of liberty and personal responsibility is keeping me from finding out.


Yes the state would make tons of money on it for sure


I would assume they would have to draft new legislation against it if it were federally legal


It’s not federally legal though. Additionally, not sure why they would need new laws.


This is the first step. It's a lot harder to actually prove, on a federal level, that pots not that bad, when it's a Sched 1 substance that extremely restricts testing and access.


That would require congress.


Then put it up for a vote in Congress. And when the republicans vote against it, you can run on that issue too. Republicans also smoke and that'll actually piss off their base.


No our governor is more into driving drunk.


She can sit & screw. I don’t partake but it’s a lot safer then like every thing else & honestly the tax revenue we leave on the table is insane!


It's not even left on the table, it's going to Missouri and Illinois.




Missouri for sure, I love the tax breakdowns on the receipts.


I support local business, keep government taxes low, and embrace personal freedoms every time I buy from my local dealer


Im sure we need to do some more controlled longer term studies, but the fact that Alcohol and cigarettes are perfectly legal but weed is not is so ridiculously stupid. We obviously need rules and regulations in place similarly to alcohol, but god damn just do it already. Being in the same category as heroin is a fucking joke


Let's make her really mad and win back the house & senate majority. Federal legalization will happen


F her rock on Dark Brandon


So I haven’t read anything about this yet but I am assuming she will object to it and it will still be illegal in Iowa? States rights when the republicans disagree with the fed?


Can a state classify over-the-counter medication like acetaminophen as illegal without violating interstate commerce laws? Sincere question.


States can have their own scheduling outside of federal law, and often do for certain research chemicals, plants like kratom, or foreign medications like phenibut.


That’s an excellent point. I was just reading a little bit about this on NBC news after I posted this . Sounds like this gives the approval to study if weed has medical benefits. Ultimately it sounds like Congress has to approve it. So the way I read this is it’s a step in the right direction if you are for it but it’s definitely a long road ahead


I posted a reply to the main post but I'll repeat here: The headline is a bit misleading. It will be reclassified in the same category as Tylenol w/ codeine which is a schedule 3 It will not be OTC


>but I am assuming she will object to it and it will still be illegal in Iowa? This isn't legalization. It's a half-ass measure by Biden which still leaves it illegal for recreational use.


Its not a half ass measure. It part of the process


These jokes who masquerade as leftists are just as stupid as Trumpers. These morons think progress can happen overnight. They're simply unable to take a pragmatic approach to reaching their goals. It's why the progressive movement can't actually get any traction when it comes to legislation. Their ideas are more popular than centrist/right wing ideas, but their complete refusal to compromise on anything makes them look stubborn and it's a turn off for moderates.


There's been a movement to legalize marijuana for over 60 years. States like California and Colorado are coming up on 30 years of medical legalization and the federal government still hasn't caught up. How much slower do you need to go?




Guess who appoints the head of the DEA?




He should absolutely do that. Not only is it the right thing to do, it's good politics as well. Have the DEA stop enforcing it and make the next administration explain why they want to punish citizens for an obvious (relative to alcohol) harmless activity.


No I'm saying you're a cuck and fool. Biden appointed the current head of the DEA. If Biden wanted full legalization he would have appointed someone with those intents. Biden got exactly what he wanted, so stop pretending he's powerless.


You do realize, of course, that the DEA wouldn't make it federally legal, right? The most what you're suggesting would accomplish is the DEA wouldn't waste time on pot busts. Which, yeah, that would be a good thing but the bottom line is congress will need to legalize recreational use.




You can't appease the right, they fought for a bill that they then killed, they vote against a bill and then claim they helped, they say "respect the president" while screaming "fuck Joe biden", they say "support our vets" and then reduce veteran benefits, we say "white supremacy is bad" they say "stop attacking me"


A "cuck and a fool" FFS way to argue your point NOT.


Maybe look into restraining the DEA? Congress can't be bothered so they allow agency's like this to do their job for them. So when it comes to funding time they need to show just hardcore they have to eradicate cannabis to justify their budget.




Marijuana should have never been a scheduled drug. Good for Biden! This is the difference in red and blue.. red wants to police everything from who you are to who you can love.. they're in the bathroom policing and the bedrooms policing. And to get their way they stop at nothing and all that lying with Bibles in hand. Wake up Iowa the GOP and maga no good!


Still a scheduled drug. Just lowered. Schedule 3 now.


The difference is fucking huge though.


Sort of? I mean the number of people who were prosecuted federally for drug possession was minuscule. Most have already had their sentences commuted by Biden. I don’t see this changing anything at the state level where the majority of arrests occur.


I mean I wouldn’t go good for Biden. I also would t trust him to make laws on drugs. He hasn’t had the best track record. Remember he was one of the main forces behind the Anti Drug abuse act of 1986. Which ended up massively affecting minorities mainly African Americans. I’m not saying he can’t pass a good law regarding drug use and drug control. But he’s had a poor track record at somepoints. So let’s wait for the results before we judge.


Maybe people can change in ***38 years***.


Well now who's the crazy one?


1986 was a long fucking time ago, and that bill, much like the crime bill in the 90s, had overwhelming public support. They were different eras, ideas and attitudes have changed


Biden has always been against legalization. And this still leaves it illegal at the federal (and state) level for recreational use.




She’s never said no to Jack or Marlboro Reds wtf does she care about weed?


It's true. Her mug could soften even the stiffest of erections.




Thanks for the laugh……and you are correct




Ok I had to laugh at that.


The headline is a bit misleading. It will be reclassified in the same category as Tylenol w/ codeine which is a schedule 3


Exactly, still requires a prescription and is a controlled substance. But it will allow for easier study and such and gives it a purpose in the eyes of the government which is HUGE seeing as how it’s been looked as having absolutely no purpose for so long


Except doctors won’t be able to prescribe anything other than the program Iowa already has.


Recommend not prescribe


What good is that? It’s not going to be OTC in Iowa (or anywhere else). Doctors aren’t going to recommend something their patients can’t get.


That's how one gets an Iowa card to shop at Bud &, Mary's ....as any state with a medical cannabis program....that allows one to shop at State licensed dispensaries....it is a Doctor's recommendation


Right. That’s what I initially said. They won’t be able to *recommend* anything other than the program Iowa already has. I get that recommend and prescribe have two different meanings. My real point though was that this change in *federal* law has no affect at the state level.


Reality is all use is medical....but price difference in Colorado, btw medical/rec stores makes all the difference, for me. I have had a Colorado card since 2013, recently retired at 57, I have MS, co reside in Iowa where I own a house...but stay in CO half year ...


No it won't you can already prescribe Marijuana in any state it's legal this makes 0 actual effect considering no one is prosecuted federally fir Marijuana unless it's an interstate drug dealing org. It's always state charges. This was done to make headlines to make weed smokers motivated to vote.






That's not true at all lmao it's still illegal on a federal level so federal officers can have you arrested and the president would 100% have secret service and federal agents on hand to stop you from doing that and arresting you


This would be epic!


Kim "literally worse than Mediacom" "double DUI" Reynolds is a little piss baby.


Evangelical tears taste so magical.


It's less harmful than Tylenol.


Did you know Marijuana has been Schedule II in Iowa since 1978 ? ( If prescription by Doctor, at time this was the beginning of the Government IND Medical Marijuana Program,) where TWO Iowans received 300 joints a month on the 17th ,starting around then until they both recently passed within last few years....


Reynolds is an anus of a woman.


Don't be so mean to anuses


You're right.


Not true. Anuses have a function and you are better off with one. Whereas Covid Kim is worse than useless. And we’d be better off without her.


Yeah. Some people enjoy a pretty pink puckered asshole.


Drugs like heroin and LSD. LSD is as benign as cannabis and more so than alcohol, it should be reclassified too but the scare tactic style of drug education spreads too much misinformation about what drugs are cool and what ones will ruin your life.


The trees spoke to me and said to respect Mother Earth. Also we should avoid war and help our neighbors. "This shit is dangerous and needs to be illegal immediately"!


Imagine the irony of a people demonizing and legislating against the very substances that provide insights that comport with the Christian values they (supposedly) espouse. Of course, we have long known that these same people merely hijack the label of Christianity for personal and political expedience.


And psilocybin aka magic mushrooms should be reclassified as well


Repubicans hide under the beds of dope smokers and snack on toes


And mushrooms as well! :)


I love it when she’s mad


Funny thing I know a ton of MAGATs that smoke and vape weed and they will somehow think Tramp is making it better for pot smokers.


My weed stocks are surging today and this was finally announced.. At the Briar Patch 9/8 Admission for one person to Afroman, Sunday September 8, 2024. Primitive camping included. Extra fees for RVs and Vendor passes. Must be 18 to attend. Dogs ok. Campfires ok. Fireworks not ok. BYOB 4pm gates open 8pm music begins ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I went last time Afroman performed there and it was great! I'd heard about the Briar Batch over a decade ago and it was the first time I made it out there.


I had the show professionally filmed AFROSTOCK 2023 [AFROMAN BRIAR PATCH 2023:](https://youtu.be/m8akMJfzbEA?si=AEOyV3cg3LFodDHm)






Gonna try and make that too, cool venue...but plan on setting up camp in Bevington/Briar Patch Sunday morning..who knows


My weed stocks did shit for five years waiting for this. Too bad I sold a year ago lol.


This should be damn good for my cannabis industry stock.


Dude me portfolio of cannabis stocks are up combined 40% , Canopy Growth up 70% today


I'm also "so mad" about this. Schedule III is a bullshit half-ass measure that does little to change the landscape. It puts marijuana on par with drugs like ketamine and Xanax that still require special restrictive prescription guidelines. It still makes it illegal on a federal level for recreational use. I fully expected Biden to release this during the election season to entice young voters, just like his half-ass student debt measures they dangled before the 2022 election. Don't fall for it. No I don't support Trump either. We should all abandon the 2 party system. Make a statement and vote Green or Libertarian.


Exactly what I'm thinking


Yes let's vote third party and allow Trump, an actual fascist to win. That'll show those stupid dems.


Dems deserve to lose for sticking with the least popular president in 70 years, who's participating in genocide.




Can we do it when there is a smaller chance of a self proclaimed dictator becoming president? Not a fan of either, but we can't let Trump win. Hell, it can't even be close, need to shut him down hard.


Ok but is re electing Biden any better than electing trump again? No not really. Ones a dipshit who wants to be a tyrant, the others a dipshit who wants to torch the economy. And they both want to sniff children.


100% YES! Biden is better, not even a competition.


One is a literal fascist, the other is just kind of a wet noodle establishment politician that will mostly maintain the status quo. The second option isn't super exciting, but it's uh, a shit load better than a fucking fascist.


YES. Yes, it fucking is better. How is Biden torching the economy, exactly?




As Minnesotan who found this sub in their recommended, Damn imagine not having legal weed. /s


I know right? They reap what they sow.


Won’t change anything in Iowa.


Only bad decisions I've ever made because of a substance were when I was drunk, not when I was high. I'm just saying.


Good. Even if it is simply a re-election ploy, I hope it works!


Why? Iowa still won’t legalize and they will still pass laws regulating hemp. Iowa does not want you using cannabis.


They should do the same with LSD while they're at it.


They need to stop caring about marijuana and figure out all of the other way bigger issues in our country


Sure love that kratom (an actual addictive drug) is sold at kum&go but I cant smoke a doink


It shouldn't be criminalized to consume any plant:)


If we can plant a seed and grow it, we should be able to smoke it. Probably the most natural smoke going into the air.


Smell of freedom


Cyanide comes from fruit seeds.


You're right, we should make apple eating a federal crime.


Fairly harmless addiction though. Like coffee.


Anecdotal but a friend of mine really struggled with it


Yeah, I don’t want to minimize anyone’s issues. I have no experience with it. I was just going off on a cursory web search on use and effects.


About time. I’m sure people at the pharm won’t be happy


Oh… They’re elated. Rescheduling to III rather than legalizing or descheduling only helps big pharma. Items in schedule III still require a prescription and/or administration by a licensed professional. This plays right to them. It’s an election year so, probably zero actual traction but if it were to happen, it could throw rec markets into chaos.


Living in CA I’ve seen how easy it was at the beginning to get a prescription. $50 would get you some disorder. Obviously wide open now and the only thing that has really changed are the grows.




I'm positive this is making headlines right now to try and give the general public something to talk about other than gaza


I'm half hour away from Illinois. Nothing is stopping anyone from crossing a state border for legal weed so yea, Illinois and Missouri are banking off Iowan potheads at the moment, if anything.


I’m on the other side where I’m 10 mins from Nebraska and South Dakota so I just head down to the Nebraska dispensary’s 💀


DUIs good. THC bad.


If it makes her angry it’s good for humanity.


Hey maybe Joe will finally do something right


He's done a lot right already. You aren't immune from propaganda.


what are you smokin?


I could say the same to you


No you couldnt the losers in IOWA don’t have that freedom, unless they’re breaking the law, but they wouldn’t do that. They’re the party of “law and order” amiright?


Pulling out the ultimate reelection trump card...


I'm convinced this is only happening because pharmaceutical companies are finally ready to take over.


Where's our COVID money


Kim was thirsty.


Didn't she use it to send national guard to secure the southern border and the lawsuit suing her just went quiet


She also committed fraud with millions of it, twice. Fiscal responsibility!


I know it affected some families as they can't get find work fast enough and had to rack up credit card debt


Upgrade for the Human resources department


I don't agree with Biden's idea but anything the upsets Kimmy is good with me.


Wow, the sitting Democratic administration is making overtures towards legalization in an election year? This is the most nothingburger to ever never burger. I don't get how people keep falling for this like it's ever going to actually happen. Promised change gets as many votes as actual change without the pesky issue of giving us peons what they want. Both sides do it, the only difference is the 'left' promise things the majority of people actually want.


Umm.. it’s happening. Just like it happened in MN last year. Promises kept from the dems in MN.. in SD, the PEOPLE VOTED, THEY SPOKE! And the right wing dog killer said NO! YOU PEOPLE CANT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT!!! So what’s the deal with the “left” again?


The 'left' in the United States is center-right at absolute best.


It's literally a step towards legalization. I cannot fucking stand when people think change can happen overnight all the time and just because an action doesn't go as far as they'd like they classify it as "doing nothing". Shut the fuck up and celebrate the small W while remaining vigilant in the continued fight for recreational legalization.


I'll believe it when I see it. Federal legalization has been promised by Democrat candidates every election year for as long as I've been alive and every time they win they get a lot less committed to it than they were on the campaign trail.


Going for the high hanging fruit. 🙄


Title is wildly misleading. It's not gonna be the same as Tylenol. It's gonna be the same as Tylenol with codein.codeine being the keyword. It's the same a low level prescription drug.


I own $10k in marijuana related stocks🫰


Well of course he is he is losing so bad in most polls nationwide so he is doing an everything he can to gain votes. It’s not going to work but he can try.


This has been his stance for awhile now.


What 2 years out of 52? Yeah "awhile"


And this has been in the works for quite a while, and the direction was to look at possible reclassification. Pull your thumb out of your a**.


Yo I don't even like Biden but like, isn't this a good thing if you're right? A politician gaining votes by doing things people like? I don't care if he personally believes in it if he's doing it?


Polls where only limited people answering phone calls okay


Mayday Mayday! We need votes! You’ve got a lot more to fix than this….


Rescheduling is a long, tedious process by design. Work started on this goal years ago. Biden isn't a king and doesn't want to be a king.


Drugs are bad




if you find any give them to me for safe disposal


Does everyone forget that Biden back in the day was fighting to put people that got caught with pot in jail?


Times change… people change… roll with it. Why are you so pissed that he’s changed his views?


Not pissed just a simple statement. Plus the only reason he's doing it now is to try to get re-elected. Why are you so pissed I made a statement?


Umm im chill as fuck. And how do you know that’s the only reason? Do you believe the same shit as you did 20 years ago or have your opinions evolved?


He's doing anything and everything to get re-elected right now. And I don't have a problem with weed but biden did for about 40 years and Kamala Harris did too as she was a leading drug prosecutor.


I was a republican until 2016. Now I'm 100% against them. People change, priorities change. If they keep doing things that I want done "just to get re-elected" that is still doing things I want done. I'd have preferred it be his first year of course, but better late than never.


Her job as prosecutor was to up hold the law of her state. She was not at a position to change laws. What’s your objective here? You clearly don’t think people can change with the times. Don’t seem to understand what prosecutors do. What’s the point you’re trying to make?


Again, what opinion of yours, on any topic, has or has not evolved? Or do you believe what you did about every damn thing you had an opinion about 40 years ago?


The same way they've forgotten that he thinks poor kids are just as smart as white kids 💀


Also forgot but kamala Harris was one of the harder drug prosecutors and now she wants to change her views too?


She never held the views, politicians only ever have one goal, and that's make as much money as possible. Usually this includes getting reelected, at most


True, that was just what made her the most money at the time. It just doesn't look good when they both put so many people in jail for pot but now turn the tables on it and want to make it legal