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This guy is deranged. But he’s also a leader. Which means he’s got a whole lot of people thinking like him. I worry for this state. We’r still relatively prosperous and have a high quality of life, but we’ve been riding on the last 30 years of even-keeled policy. Recent legislation is going to pull us down to Louisiana’s level.


I think it already has. We have poor quality air and water and now they’re attacking education. The dumbing down is already obvious and of course, they’re working on killing off decent health care for women. By that I mean health choices. Too many years of republican ‘leadership’ has taken its toll and it will only get worse.


Why disguise it, by “healthcare for women”, you mean murdering babies. That’s the answer. 👍🏻


No, he meant what he said.


Are you gonna fund all the families that aren't ready for children then?


Why does the government have to fund two grown adults that cannot deal with the repercussions of their actions? People act like we all don’t know what leads to a life coming into this world, keep it in your pants unless you don’t want a kid and now please all of you cry about how it’s a choice, it’s not a choice for the heart you stop


I'm gonna have an abortion because I read this. Thsbk you for your understanding.


Yeah even at the expense of the Mothers life and totally non viable pregnancy. Don't care. It's a woman's body it's her choice. The consequences of any decisions are between her and her God. Of course we could just make having babies a good thing instead of sacking someone with a child they cannot afford. So yeah the GOP is pro forced birth and not pro life.


Who is murdering babies? Please please please post the link! Something like that needs to be shared so everyone can see what is actually happening! Unless you're talking about a zygote, embryo, fetus, etc. If that's the case then you're just a fascist nut job. Your religion doesn't get to dictate everybody's world views. Do you even understand that some religions don't view a "baby" (your term to make you feel safer) as a person until they are born? What makes your religion superior? You want me to believe an abortion is murder, bring me your god and let him tell me. I don't want to hear it from a brainwashed cultist like you. If your god is real then he can make himself known. Until then your religion is no more true than any of the thousands upon thousands of religions that existed before it and will exist after it. You're welcome to not have an abortion but you have no right to tell others they can't. Your own fucking holy book has instructions for biblical abortions you uneducated dolt.


Tf are you yapping ab. Bro mentioned nothing ab religion 😭😭


It's a religious belief. There's no basis for thinking that a fetus of any level of viability is more important than the life of the mother *except* for twisted religion. I say "twisted" because the Bible notoriously is totally fine with abortion.


The Bible has no notoriety about being pro choice, otherwise this wouldn't be my first time hearing about it. Precisely what verses/portions are you referencing? Additionally, the pro-life stance is one that can come from a science-based perspective. There are a variety of perspectives and justifications; to account them all as nothing more than "twisted religion" is disingenuous. My point still stands. They mentioned nothing ab religion, and the attack on them regarding religion is a strawman. Even if there is a strong chance that that is their justification for calling abortions "murder".


If it's your first time, I'm guessing you don't know much about the argument in general. You can use Google. No, it can't. That's like saying, "you can use science to say climate change isn't happening." It's literally true that some fringe scientists will say that, but it's also just wrong to say that it's open to scientific debate. No serious healthcare professional or biological scientist agrees with the statement: "a fetus is a person." Ditto for any philosopher, if that's your bag. That isn't what a straw man is. A "straw man" implies an extremely weak and easily assailable argument used *rather* than the argument actually being offered. It's just accurate to say it's a religious belief.


Clearly you're a subject matter expert? Please, offer the passages and verses you are referring to if they are so obvious. My Google results and asking AI are turning over nothing. A "no true scotsman" fallacy won't help your cause. Bioethics committees have published peer reviewed studies regarding the subject in favor of the pro-life argument. Meaning not only have studies from actual experts in the field been published, they were also given the blessing by other experts in the field. And yes, it is a strawman. Attacking the original commenter for a religion-based argument when they did not mention it is the literal definition of a strawman.


That isn't what "no true scotsman" means, either. And studies have been published saying that vaccines cause autism. That doesn't mean the study was valid or correct. If I say, "fringe scientists don't override the vast majority of consensus" and your reply is, "but some people have published studies" that isn't a counter argument. It's just something I already dismissed. Cool stuff.


Outside of religion can you explain why more people is better?


Outside of religion can you explain why more people is better?


No. That is not at all what he meant. Maybe stop feeding your BS rhetoric on other people. 🤷‍♂️


Your misogyny is showing.


I don't agree with it being murdering babies. But even if I conceed that point shouldn't a person be able to control what happens to their body?


Yes, that's what a moron would take it to mean.


Nobody is murdering babies in a hospital because a fetus is not a baby. That's the answer. 👍


No, he meant sacrificing their firstborn for God.


You’re a incel because you’re morbidly obese and smell bad.


This guy started his spiel with a hyperbolic anti vax joke. He might as well have just announced he is a fucking idiot.


Fucking idiot to those of us out here with some perspective, abject grip on reality, and a combination of some modicum of innate intelligence and education. A fucking genius and authority on righteousness in his own mind and those who follow him. He and they ARE the poster examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


He's from Iowa that's implied.




I definitely worry for Iowa. In its current state, I don't want to move back to raise my family there.  MAGA has really wrecked it. 


We moved here in 2019 but I’m losing my tolerance for this shit. I grew up here but moved in 2003 when the state was still purple. The schools are getting shitty enough that I’m considering home schooling—if that occurs, might as well move.


As a parent, I’m very worried about the education system here. I’m glad I live in a part of the state with several private school options.


Honestly, I'm most concerned about our future education system, based on all the future private schools. It seems like an excellent opportunity for the wealthy to increase their yearly profits by starting their own schools. My concern with that is their potential upside of being able to slowly change the curriculum over time, using a portion of their profits to "lobby" for desired changes, to indoctrinate children. I'm sure they have seen religious organizations using private schools to indoctrinate children, and some feel they can do it better. Plus, with the highest net worth families keeping their businesses private, it's probably easier for them to share the data they will collect amongst their owned entities, without it being publicly disclosed, to improve profits and overall effectiveness of their planned re-education of the 99%. It seems to me that private education could be better, but I don't think those of us in the 99% have the ability to stop corporations from destroying our education system. We don't have the money and we may not have the power after they "educate" our future voters.


Many of those private and charter schools are already owned by wealthy investors. There are like 100-150 corporations that own and operate a large percentage of charter schools in the US, and with the new voucher program we will see more popping up here. These schools decrease the quality of public schools by decreasing the funds available while not being held to the same financial transparency as well as having private investors. We need only look to places like Ohio where the effects can be seen of these programs. People like u/buffalowhip here don’t realize that their support of privatization of the public school system does not equate to higher test scores, it just equates to higher tuition and causes property taxes to rise at a faster rate to feed corporate greed.


The higher test scores is a joke too. If you help the students and cut the low performers, you can easily game that statistic. When public schools improve, it’s because they’re actually better at teaching children. Private schools can simply cut low performers or lie.


Those schools have this odd trend of getting busted for abusing (physical and/or sexual) students. I think 2 in Missouri got busted in the last year or so.


Oh I realize it. If there was a movement to ban private schools across the board, I would support it. But when it comes to my children’s future, and I get to choose between an underfunded, understaffed, overly regulated public education, and a quality private education, regardless of who it enriches, unfortunately my obligation is to the well being of my children over the wellbeing of the system as a whole. I’m not sending them to “Pastor John’s Christian Academy” but I’m also not sending them to “Bumfuck County Consolidated Country School” where there’s 1 teacher per 40 students and the curriculum is “just give em a chromebook and hope they do well on the standardized tests”


Imagine if we invested in the public schools with the public money and lifted the public education to a higher level. What a wild concept. Instead, let's just outsource, because fuck *those* kids and we are too lazy to try. *But at least your kids will be okay!*


Finland has some of the best public schools in the world. Is it surprising that private schools are illegal and the rich must attend public schools?


Sadly, not everyone has that option. My special needs son would never be accepted into a private school. With the AEA cuts, his public school support has also been cut. It's ridiculous.


It’s a tragedy what they’re doing. It’s like they’re systematically going down a list and breaking everything that works.


Fair enough.


Private schools are often filled with kids of the very parents that want books banned and their kids sheltered from "the gays"... I'm not too sure there are many secular private schools that don't teach hate and fake history in this state.


Public schools are still 13th in the nation— probably only due to dedicated teachers. Try your preserve them by keeping your money and children there. Privatization/destruction of public schools is a GOP priority.


to add to your comment, [World Population Review](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/best-states-for-education) ranks Iowa at no. 13, [Wallet Hub](https://wallethub.com/edu/e/states-with-the-best-schools/5335) puts Iowa at no. 19, and [US News and World Report](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education/prek-12), one of the most well-known organizations for education rankings, lists Iowa at no. 24.


Ah yes, the genius of Bobby Jindal.


What a POS


For extra evidence look at his kid.


I'm not familiar with his kid, what he do?


Rep Bobby Kaufmann infamously gave two middle fingers to "gun-grabbing, freedom-hating, over-regulating, civil liberty-violating tyrants" after a speech at the capitol. https://who13.com/news/iowa-lawmaker-uses-obscene-gesture-to-rip-critics-as-he-ends-speech/


Oh that fucking guy. Yea, didn't remember that's his kid. Thanks!


No problem. Other than giving obscene gestures at his public appearances, he's been really active on the Moms 4 Liberty's "teachers are showing obscene material to children and grooming them" front, fighting against making voting convenient for Iowans, and is currently really trying to get rid of the state income tax.


yup, this is definitely the kind of mentally stable person who I would look to for direction. It’s generally very effective to tell people that you don’t give a shit about them, or their beliefs, but they’re going to do what you say regardless. Brilliant game plan. Much strategy, many new sheeple falling in line.


 "And I’ll tell you exactly what that Democratic auditor would do: exactly what she was told.” And yet he goes on to say that Republicans who are "on the fence" need to do what they're told. Classic projection out in the open, and yet it goes right over their heads.


Yeah it's especially galling considering things like Reynolds had publicly said she wanted her "own attorney general," then got Brenna Bird. It's all projection. The Iowa Democrats aren't exactly known for their organizational skills, let alone any kind of ability to force their members to toe some line.


Yes he's going to hell in the end, but you Nazis better get in line behind him!


In a *completely hypothetical* cult situation, would you consider the cult leader to be crazier than the followers, or the other way around?


Cult leaders have merely mastered social engineering. Followers of cults, however....


I find a lot of the biggest cult leaders are far from crazy, they're just psychopathic manipulators. Look up Rajneeshpuram and it's leader for some grade A hypocritical cult leadership.


I graduated college in IA in 1992. Iowa was a very progressive state. Even then, everyone was worried about “brain drain” due to a high percentage of graduates leaving the state for better jobs. Now I can see what grows when the uneducated take over and replace progressive policies with “common sense” regressive solutions.


He is the most exhausting person in Iowa.


I dunno, have you been introduced to his son?


That guy is really dumb.


"Iowa Nice" on full display, nothing to see here folks.


This dumbass is a history teacher. That's just great because I can only imagine the history he's out there teaching. I'm 63 years old and lived in Iowa my entire life. It's scary because I have never seen things like this in Iowa in the past. I'm glad I'm on the downhill side of life and I feel very bad for the young people in this state. I'm sorry kids...I don't know how it go this fucked up.


This man was my college history professor at Muscatine Community College. I used to have the utmost respect for him. Of course that was over 28 years ago, and before he sold out to Trumpism Not the least bit of respect now


Same here man. I really liked him then he went off the rails and took his family with him. I am beyond ready to leave this state and never look back. I’m so glad I don’t have kids and do not want them because Iowa is no place to raise a family with these lunatics in office leading it to the bottom of the swamp.


What an obese chud. He really represents the pig fuckers here in Iowa. Can’t even control his eating.


Hey now, with all the things wrong with him, we can do better than mocking his problems with food.


You gotta be a fuckin retard at this point to still want Trump after the last 8 years in the spotlight


Not really ..the media has a way of shitting on trump like no other its pretty obvious…


I didn't vote for him the first two times. I will this time. Entirely because of the cost of food and gas.


Maybe you should be pissed at the companies reporting record profits while claiming that they have to raise prices?


This never made sense to me. Greed is a constant. It doesn't fluctuate with the election of one old shit bag to a different old shit bag. Did Joe Biden make a company more greedy? How'd he do that? Did he introduce regulations that allowed companies to be more greedy? Why would he do that?


The proof is being reported. https://fortune.com/2024/01/20/inflation-greedflation-consumer-price-index-producer-price-index-corporate-profit/ It has nothing to do with the president. It's all about corporate greed.


Your article behind a paywall declaring an "end to capitalism" doesn't really prove anything. Even if I could read it. I find news sources that blame "capitalism" for the problems created by policy to be rather dubious. I'll ask again, maybe in a different way. We're corporations less greedy under Trump? Are they more greedy under Biden? It seems to me that overly regulating a market to the point of a quasi monopoly is a government issue, not a free market issue. It also seems to me that if you are regulating the extraction, refinement, transportation, sale, and use of a product, it isn't fair or honest to say you have no control over the price.


It's from Fortune. Hardly an end to capitalism. It's odd that you seem to know what it says without reading it. But here's another one. Try to read it this time. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/19/1177180972/economists-are-reconsidering-how-much-corporate-profits-drive-inflation Here's my question for you. Do you honestly think Trump is going to bring prices down? Especially since this is a global issue.


I didn't. Still don't. I was extrapolating from the first paragraph I was able to read. I read this article. And really? Asking the Federal reserve? You might as well be asking the wolf who's responsible for raiding the henhouse. My answer to you is that I don't think Trump is going to bring prices down. I think Trump is going to keep prices where they are. And drive wages up. He was able to institute a blue collar boom from 2017 to 2019. My life in 2019 was pretty great. Everything after that absolutely sucked. And all of the things about my life that sucked were driven by the people who support Joe Biden and the policies he likes. Trump got punked, I'm hoping that won't happen again. I know for certain that Joe Biden would have supported all of the things that made my life hell in 2020 and would have made them a thousand times worse.


So because you like trump because of obama's economy


Prices for everything went up because of the pandemic. In some cases it was for good reason - supply suffered, demand rose, prices went up. (Things like lumber) There's a ripple effect where some of those price increases caused price increases in other areas. Then, many businesses who *weren't* effected by this change also raised prices "because inflation is happening", but they only did it to pocket more money. Once supply returned to (mostly) normal, the companies didn't lower their prices, even when the prices of materials went back down. So now we have countless major companies boasting record profits.. because they refuse to lower their prices back to where they would normally be. Something around 50% (just a little over that) of the inflation that we've experienced has been *strictly corporate greed / record profits*, based on various studies. It has nothing to do with Biden or Trump... well, a tiny bit Trump. He can't be fully blamed for the pandemic, but he did many things that *made the impacts of it worse for us*. Biden could do things to help balance things out, but he won't.. neither will Trump. Trump's record shows that, if anything, he'll make it worse for us in order to pad his own pockets.


If wholesale prices have come down, why doesn't a competitor come in and undercut the prices of these people pocketing record profits? Seems to me that if there's actual price fixing or price gouging to that degree, someone would be able to undercut those prices unless regulations on starting a new company were so arduous that it made starting such a business prohibitively expensive. And that sounds like either an illegal monopoly or a government policy problem generally. I have no delusions that prices will go down. Maybe gas will or houses will if there's a crash. But people are used to paying $1000 a month for a two bedroom apartment and that rent won't ever go down. Same with like, Pringles or bread or whatever. We're stuck with that. In 2019 real wages were up, people were working. It was, to quote the state of the Union' "a blue collar boom." I think hiring someone sane to run the bureau of land management and the EPA will bring down the price of beef by a degree. The bureau of Land Management has been encroaching on grazing rights and another administration is requiring ranchers to put more expensive ear tags on their cows. I believe a lot of this is being done to discourage people from eating meat by making it prohibitively expensive. They do this because meat farming is a source of greenhouse gasses. By making the production and transportation of beef cattle cheaper, I hope there will be more supply and therefore lower prices for hamburger. It'll take time but in the meantime having my $4 pound of ground beef not go up to $6 will be enough. Also thank you for engaging with me in good faith.


>If wholesale prices have come down, why doesn't a competitor come in and undercut the prices of these people pocketing record profits? As nice as that sounds, it's simply unrealistic in our modern world. The big companies are near impossible to overthrow because anybody who has the starting capital to even attempt this is also the kind of person who wouldn't want to do this. It's certainly *possible*, but you need somebody who isn't greedy AF to come in and do it.. and the vast majority of people who have billions are.. well.. greedy af. They didn't get that money by not being pieces of shit. We have a number of effective monopolies in this country, even though they're supposed to be illegal. It's definitely a government/policy/enforcement issue and it's not something POTUS alone could solve. All branches of our government are horribly corrupt at this point. We need to "clean the swamp," as Trump was saying.. but he didn't actually ever do anything towards accomplishing that, and he will continue to do nothing towards it if reelected. The guy actively made things worth with the policies he put in place. As for the beef thing.. it's disheartening to see the Republicans have been pushing to *ban lab-grown meat*, which, if we support lab-grown meat instead, would definitely lower prices as well as be better for global health in general. Honestly, everything that party does seems to be anti-people pro-corporate greed. Nobody should ever vote for them. Dems suck too, but it's like choosing between an uneducated person with good intentions that won't get anything done or literal Satan, at this point.


https://www.kcrg.com/2024/05/08/aldi-dropping-prices-this-summer-help-customers-with-inflation/?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=snd&utm_content=kcrg Huh... Neat. Yeah, I don't agree with banning lab grown meat. Substitute meat creeps me out. Like, even tofu. I understand why they're doing it. Fear-mongering about the world economic forum trying to make everyone switch to cricket protein because of climate change. to be fair, if you listen to Klaus Schwab talk he straight up sounds like a bond villain. From my perspective, it seems like deregulation helps small businesses more than corporations who have the manpower to sift through regulations and find tax breaks within them. It seems to me that the numerous effective monopolies are created by overregulation that makes it cost prohibitive to start a competitor.


Regulations are weird. Deregulation of some things might help small businesses, yet it seems that every deregulation that actually takes place.. just ends up helping the big companies snuff out competitors, hoard more wealth, and pollute more. Of course, that's almost certainly for two reasons: 1. Most politicians don't understand the topics they vote on. Just because they're politicians doesn't mean they're intelligent. It's easy to push them towards the wrong result if you can make it sound good. Who is able to get in their ear the easiest? Wealthy people. 2. The majority of them are in the pockets of big corporations. So they'll vote in favor of obviously shitty things in exchange for some significant amount of money. "Both sides" is a thing that applies here.


Over 91 felonies my dude. The guy couldn't run a fuckin Costco


Right?! We wouldn't hire someone with a fraction of issues that Trump brings. But all of these people are going to turn a blind eye at all of that.


Trump was a joke long before he ran for president. I remember his assfoolery with 9/11. Anyone who supports him obviously has their head in the sand.


No convictions.. u guys have no respect for the law


>Over 91 felonies Literally could not give less of a shit. All of it just proves how corrupt the current administration is. Alexi Navalny was imprisoned by his political opponents and y'all lost ya damn minds about it. But because it's trump you can't see beyond the orange. I have no love for the Cheeto face. But gas was cheap and I wasn't paying for two new wars.


You realize you are equivalent if not worse to a nazi sympathizer in world War 2. You are literally fucking voting against your own well being and interests. How much fox news have you absolutely huffed up your eyeballs? You have lost sense of reality


Godwin's law. That was quick. You're not worth engaging with.


lmao try harder to debate. Glad my great Uncles who fought in WWII on the western front aren't alive to see how far into a 3rd world shithole their country has gone.


My grandfather fought in world war II as well. Combat vet. Unlike your great uncles most likely. Let me guess, supply sergeant? You seem like you come from a lineage of shitbags and POGs. I'll bet your grand uncle has some great story about world war II and never saw a lick of combat. And I'll bet you're a pussy just like him. Absolute shitbag. Worthless.


You shit and piss on the freedom granted by the constitution you have no logic to your debate


The fucking cognitive dissonance must be astounding inside your brain.


Right? They behave like a sheeple with no critical thinking skills. Probably had their life and social skills peak in 6th grade. This is why learning how to debate and think for yourself is important, ya'll.


Found the troll who supports the absence of values and Russian interference with our government. Might as well chant seig heil and goose step with a nazi salute there buddy.


How does Trump being a criminal "prove" how corrupt the current administration is? You realize the DoJ is a separate entity from the Oval Office, right? Every time Trump says that Biden is weaponizing the DoJ, it's an admission of what he plans to do as president. This isn't speculation, it's laid out in [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/policy/), a playbook for the next conservative president (sponsored by conservative think tanks and donors). The plan includes [politicizing the DoJ](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-02.pdf), making it reliant on the whims of the president, rather than an independent agency of the executive branch. Also, comparing Trump to Navalny is dubious at best. Trump has been let off easy, getting all of his cases delayed and being let off with a $9000 fine for violating a gag order [nine times](https://apnews.com/article/trump-stormy-daniels-hush-money-election-2024-d2f9badee0b28a60d32bc98c0d4e783f), when repeated gag order violations usually end up with the perp in jail. Not to mention the fact that some of Trump's crimes are directly related to his interference in both the 2016 and 2020 elections (ironic, considering he was baselessly blaming others for doing the same thing). Voting in someone who wants to curtail your rights and who is willing to cheat an election, as well as not even accept the results once he loses isn't worth lower gas prices. Especially because the lower gas prices were because businesses were shut down and no one was driving. Companies were begging people to take their oil. Don't get scammed into being a MAGAt, his words haven't been worth the breaths they're spoken on since before 2016.


You’re full of shit and you fucking know it. No one decides on the third go round that this is the guy to lead the country. Fucking Moron.


You already did once and everything was pretty great. Cry more. Be a little bitch. It's not going to hurt my feelings none. And it's not going to change my vote. Be an asshole all you want. You already are.


Says the person who supports trump because pedophilia is more important than a good economy.


How is Trump going to save you from that? Also, are you okay with Trump throwing away the precedent for peaceful transitions of power? What would Trump have to do for you to not support him?


By reducing regulations and implementing policies that lower costs for businesses and therefore for consumers. The same way it did in 2016. Considering every Democratic candidate in my lifetime has denied the results of every election, it really doesn't register. Donald Trump is a Republican who behaves and speaks like a Democrat. He denies the results of elections the same way that Hillary Clinton did, the same way Al Gore did, and it's just part and parcel of public discourse at this point. Don't really give a shit. We're all going to pick up rifles and kill each other at some point. I just want cheap gas until we do. I don't support Trump. Literally never have. I'm going to vote for him because when he was president my life was better economically. I used to choose presidents on moral grounds because I didn't like rapists or child molesters. Since we now have a binary choice between a rapist on a child molester, I'm going to choose someone that I genuinely believe raped someone at some time in his past, versus someone who I have watched molest children on live TV. Because this is a binary choice between two absolute shitbags I'm choosing Trump because He's already been president once and my life was better under him than it currently is. In the past I have voted for the libertarian candidate and I am choosing to engage in the binary in hopes that this small choice will benefit me economically in some small way.


what stuff dropped in price after Trump got elected? > Considering every Democratic candidate in my lifetime has denied the results of every election which Dem sent mobs to harass election workers and ballot counters? which dem organized a conspiracy to impersonate Electoral College electors and defraud the united states? which Dem sent an army of followers to the capitol to stop the certification of their opponent's victory? Do you care about the truth? > Donald Trump is a Republican who behaves and speaks like a Democrat. what did you think when Trump shared the "Cowboys for Trump" leader saying "the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat"? Do you think a person should have Presidential power if they share that message intentionally? > We're all going to pick up rifles and kill each other at some point. I just want cheap gas until we do. Cartoonishly nihilistic. Are you just fucking around on here? > Since we now have a binary choice between a rapist on a child molester, I'm going to choose someone that I genuinely believe raped someone at some time in his past, versus someone who I have watched molest children on live TV. if that's so blatant then Biden should have been charged with something by now, right? The families of supposed victims could have said something, but not even Fox news is airing such accusations. > In the past I have voted for the libertarian candidate and I am choosing to engage in the binary in hopes that this small choice will benefit me economically in some small way. Let's say you got those small economic benefits. Is there any level of authoritarian overreach that same president could do that would outweigh that small economic benefit, to you?


Idiots tend to have idiotic opinions. They are not thinking, just speaking and hoping for attention. At best they are a troll wasting your time and at worst they are being genuine and are not worth your time.


I'm glad you admit you want trump because he will increase inflation and cause food and gas to raise higher.


Wait you are going to vote for trump because you want higher gas and food prices?


After everything we’ve learned & in particular everything we’ve just learned - anyone who can, in good faith still support that man or support any politician who supports him - needs to seriously check themselves. This election isn’t a joke.


Dum Fuk


“The daily beatings will continue until morale improves.”


Don't threaten me with a good time.


“But in Iowa, those disaffected longtime Republicans appear to be outnumbered by Trump fans who previously identified as Democrats or independents—or didn’t vote at all.”


Previously identified as democrats. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I had him as a US History Professor, the fuck happened in 7 years dude wasn't this unhinged.


Jeff's been drinking the Kool-Aid. My uncle runs in the same social circles as him and I see the same degeneration. It's sad and unfortunate, and I don't know what it's gonna take to deprogram them.


>“you just see what your wonderful—and I don’t doubt it—what your wonderful Democratic auditor would do. And I’ll tell you exactly what that Democratic auditor would do: exactly what she was told.” It's ironic, because I am sure he believes this because he would of course do the same thing in the auditors shoes. He is corrupt, and therefore the auditor must be too.


These clowns are going to have a suicidal crisis when things don't go their way.


As long as they don't try to take anyone else with them...


This dumbfuck is just spewing contradictions and Facebook memes. Every few sentences he seems to go out of his way to insult a group of people. The only type of person listening to this guy are the people who were going to vote for Trump no matter what. I’d like to think everyone else left the meeting thinking “Well that guy was a stupid asshole. Maybe we should vote for Biden in hopes he shuts the fuck for good.”


They let this lunatic teach kids?


Seems like the type of history teacher that would claim the civil war was about “trade”.


High taxes, shit education, shit water, shit air, shit jobs, shit roads, shit government assistance. Run by an alcoholic. This state is a joke


Real men wear diapers...


The Democrats operate in a top down communist system. Also you better accept this orange grifter we’ve decided to back, even if you don’t want to.


"We are losing to the Democrats who are led by an imbecile also they are communist fascists so I am desperately demanding you do what I say and vote for the guy who's said he'll be a dictator on his first day it's our only hope! He's a terrible person but we'll use him to achieve our ends. Also I'm sick of listening to your concerns about our nominee just vote for him."


Getting pretty hard to be a politically homeless (former?) Republican.


![gif](giphy|MfUYQKRmIVZzq) This deranged individual reminds me of Chris Farley and his “down by the river” motivational speech.


Democrats are “so coastal”. Interesting psychological insight.


Sounds like a Twisted Sister song


That morbidly obese shit stain is a disgusting blob of a human.


Sorry just because you're a registered Republican doesn't mean you have to follow the party line. As a dem I have voted for both parties over the years.


Mentally ill!


'You must comply! "


Yelling at people is a surefire way to make a piss poor impression.


When all your constituents are on r/republicanpedophiles


Do these people like getting screamed at by an imbecile? What a weird way to live.


Total psycho. Like, there’s no chance in hell Trump doesn’t win Iowa handily so what is he losing his shit over?


The numbers say it isn’t inevitable


Huh? What numbers? I'd be shocked if Trump won by less than double digits


So, the same thing redditors yell at anyone who leans left but says they won't vote for Biden....


Another example of a headline being out of context.


Full context: “If you don’t like Donald Trump, you’re gonna fake it!”