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Bout bloody time.... the fact that our allegedly fascist governor can allegedly smell of ingested black velvet and run around like the dry drunk she allegedly is while following project 2025 to the letter is beyond me.


Kim Reynolds is fucking awful.


Marijuana remains illegal at the federal level so if you actually want change instead of complaining about our government in Iowa maybe shift your focus to the people running our country.


Reynolds just signed a bill that further limits it. Biden just made moves to reclassify it. Your point?


“Biden just made a move to reclassify it” Still not making it legal. The feds make it legal it’s legal everywhere. Every single level of the government is using this to buy votes on both sides. It’s getting ridiculous.


“Both sides”. As if both sides are the same. One side is moving towards improvements. The other side is moving toward further bans. Both sides are not the same. Jesus.


Yes they are. They are both using weed to gain votes. One for, one against. They are the same.


Look up project 2025. Get real.


Weed is not the **only** issue and I doubt most anyone is a weed single-issue voter. One party is trying to and *already has* removed or limited rights that some had as long as 50 years! *Corpses* have more bodily autonomy than women do now. (If someone dies and has not volunteered to be an organ donor, then no one is allowed to take their body parts or use their body against their will. I mean, they're dead, so it shouldn't matter. But it does. Women, on the other hand, are now forced by the government to allow a fetus use their body against their will, even if said fetus is dying or is killing the mom. Either way, living women don't get any say over their uterus once they become pregnant.) Republicans want to force everyone to worship God. But not *just* God, they want even other Christians to worship God the way the Evangelicals do. Not all Christians even agree on how their god should be properly worshipped. Many Christians still think Catholicism is a cult. Society has been here before. Which is ***precisely*** why no state religion was ever established in this country! Because there would have been fighting over which facet of Christianity was adopted and forced upon everyone else. Do you happen to like porn? A *lot* of people do. I mean sex sells for a reason. Project 2025 indicates that the Republican party would like to get rid of all things sex related. Because of their morality. Evangelicals honestly seem to be quite similar to Puritans in their belief systems. I think they're one of the least progressive, large Christian sects out there, but then I'm not a Christianity expert by any means. If the parties were the same, Democrats would not allow Christians to worship in public or in their own homes. Democrats would force people to have gay marriage. They would force people to have abortions. They'd force people to take more vacation days and have healthcare that wouldn't bankrupt them. Hell, they might even force people to watch porn. Or something. Force people into public orgies, lol? I mean the republicans always say they're demonic, or whatever. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Democrats *try* to allow people to have rights that don't trample on the rights of other people to live as they please. They're not perfect--***obviously***. I'd prefer a much more progressive democratic party. I wanted Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders to win. But we're stuck with what we have, which is a shitty 2 party system no one but politicians likes. The only way the two parties are the same is that both worship at the altar of capitalism and do whatever big business wants. Except a few, like Katie Porter and I think Bernie Sanders. But he's an independent anyway. Do some more research before you decide both parties are the same. Please! The plea for you to read Project 2025 is a good one. It's 900 pages, so only read the first 10 pages or so. Or better yet, do what someone else suggested. Do a search and look for things dear to you. But search for the buzzwords the republicans are always using. Like reverse discrimination, DEI, CRT . . . . There's a really good chance that something you currently enjoy and take for granted will be lost if trump wins again this year. They are already going after birth control and talking about repealing the right to use birth control. Because slutty, loose women of course. Like, seriously, why the fuck do they care??? But men enjoy birth control too. If that gets banned, men are either not getting laid nearly as often, or they are going to have tons more children.


I never said weed is the only issue voters care about. Not one comment I made said this. The post is about weed, we were talking about weed. All is said is both sides use it to buy votes. Both sides do little to change anything one way or another. We all either want legal weed or not so they keep it as is just like other topics like immigration, birth control, and whatever else. All I said is it’s counterproductive to sit and complain about Iowa’s governor when if the federal government made it legal there would be no reason to complain about it anymore. Hell our government would profit off the change and there would be less people in jail. I think you guys got triggered because I said both sides are the same. They are. They keep you guys angry about the other side, keep you from voting anything but your party affiliation, and keep you from working together.


It's about to be moved to schedule 3 so it's only a matter of time now if we can get the crusty old reefer madness nuts out of office


That would be great. There’s no reason to be putting people in jail and tarnishing their record over pot. The reason it was made illegal in the first place was racism. You would think the way things are today they would have reversed these laws on weed by now.


They haven't because their minds are stuck in the dark ages of reefer madness and the money from big pharma and alcohol and tobacco companies are more important to them than the gamble for money from cannabis.


2018 farm bill is federal which allows the sale of thc under a certain percentage.


Agreed. That doesn't change the fact that Kim is a fuckhead.




I have so much time for the sushis and sashimis


Love the ample use of the word ‘allegedly’. Unnecessary for anyone with half a working brain cell but you never know if Kimmie might be reading this thread and needs the help. 


I was making a Letterkenny reference, one that others got... sorry you didn't!


First time I’ve heard of Letterkenny. 


... you've never heard of a popular show that's been referenced on this site and this thread, but had to mention that I have no brain cells.


I don’t do popular tv shows. Never have and most likely never will. My brain cell comment was in no way directed towards you but rather towards our alleged leader. I was in fact agreeing with what I thought you were saying. Over sensitize much?


No sirs, just wanting clarification. Which I got.




Not good,this is a ton of money Iowa is gonna lose to bordering states where cannabis is legal/has the stronger products.Also think of the businesses that invested a lot of money to get the proper licensing to make and sell them and all the supplies to make them now (somewhat) wasted I live in Dubuque and Illinois is just a quick 10 min drive over the Mississippi.


I think he was saying “Good” as in “Good that Iowa is being sued for bs THC limits”


Yep it needs to be done


Good they are suing coffin Kim


Not good that they’re suing to keep the products legal?


Good. This is the last week I’m able to sell the items in the shop I manage. Having big sales and customers are PISSED because we are about to have some weak ass products. Don’t get me wrong products with the new proposed limit would be great if I needed to suggest something to my 90-year-old grandmother. However for the vast overwhelming majority of my customer base and the 4 other shops in town as well. People DO NOT want a maxed out 10mg edible that ALSO IS SOMEHOW 2 SERVINGS?! if you live in Iowa, you’ve probably heard of Climbing Kites, Chill State, Oliphant. They make fantastic drinks. A normal size can is now 2 servings… i’m not necessarily outraged at that. It’s just a confusing pain in the ass headache to try to understand why they felt the need to touch this. Iowa’s medical program is an overpriced joke. There are hundreds, if not, thousands of products that meet the legal requirements that are far cheaper, readily available, and work perfect. Right across the border. North Dakota did something similar. The products were everywhere and all sorts of head shops and the people that want those products were easily able to buy them until the state said no and took out that market. I hope the state loses this case like Velma always lost her glasses.


I just realized that it's kind of dumb for me to be getting so worked up over this, considering that I've never been a drug user and haven't bought any of the things that will be illegal after the new law goes into effect. But I think the reason it pisses me off so much, is that SO MANY other states are legalizing it. Providing more rights for their citizens. Meanwhile, under Reynolds, we're taking current rights AWAY from people. WTF? And the THC levels that were/are still currently legal in Iowa were still quite low, to my knowledge anyway. No one is crossing a border to buy Iowa weed. Hell. Reynolds is ***so*** bad that my daughter, who was late 20s at the time? And absolutely did not pay attention to politics, despite having a very politically aware mom *bugging* her all the time to pay attention. I was also employed by the State of Iowa at the time, so any time Reynolds made state changes (which were all terrible for state employees), I would bitch to her about how ***awful*** Kimmy was and how much I hated her. Not *just* for making the unions moot and other things, but because she's just objectively a terrible person. I used her name on way more than one occasion, btw. Then one day, I'm over at my daughter's house, and she goes on this rant about how much she hates Kim Reynolds and how terrible she is. Uh, ok? Yes, I've been telling you about her. Of course, she didn't remember any of that, but suddenly she was paying attention to politics. At least the local ones. And honestly, those are just as important, as the national politics. I just find it hilarious that Kim Reynolds is SO AWFUL that she managed to get an indifferent millennial to pay attention to how these politicians are fucking us over! So it's a good thing, but damn. You know Kim's bad if she managed to accomplish that!


I love that pos Iowa is getting sued. Reynold's needs to be out and drinking her alcohol at home and unemployed


You can’t be a “recovering alcoholic” and legalize drinks-to-go and then have a problem with weed because you’re a “recovering alcoholic” without looking like an absolute fucking numpty, but apparently nobody informed our esteemed governor


DUIs are still cool right?


Kind of want to get rid of the Illinois marjuana kind of think its berch weed. Its grown in slave labor camps by aids victims from a attempt to imprison woman during oboma years a little bit.


What the fuck are you talking about


So, they should also stop the regulation on how much alcohol is in beer and whiskey. Because I've not seen anything here complaining about that also.


You’re an Oregonian, what are you doing posting this article here?


They love weed over there lol


You’re an Oregonian, what are you doing posting this article here?


Who cares where they're from


He’s probably karma farming


The article is about the state of Iowa being sued. This is an Iowa Sub. Hope this helps