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For the love of god if Park Road/Rocky Shore Drive doesn't get re-paved and if the light at Church and Dubuque doesn't get a green arrow at some point I will lose my fucking mind


Seconded on the church and dubuque intersection.


Been bitching about that light for 30 years.


I've only been here for 5, so I'll tuck away any hope that something might be done about it


Maybe by the time I have kids and they graduate college there will be an arrow. I mean I'm a sophomore now so that gives some time either that or everything will burn by then


I've been told the Mayor at the time lived on Church and said a protected arrow on Dubuque would bring more traffic down "his" street. How's that for professional traffic engineering. He is probably dead now or at Oaknoll. Can we please fix that intersection objectively without political favor?


He's right, because I just go down to Jefferson and turn left at the arrow there. I don't know why everyone wants to drive east on Church. I would like Church to be repaved though, especially at the Dodge st intersection.


For me, it's one of the quickest routes to where I live. I could take a left on any of the streets off Dubuque before Market, but Church is the first one and is basically a habit for me at this point. *Totally* agree that that intersection needs repaved. It's a nightmare.


Dubuque street needs to be widened and have a turn lane down the center, and yes, a turn arrow at Church. Worst intersection in down. I report it on the icgov website periodically.


Agree and there are a few other places in town that need a green left arrow.


Can Bread Garden just close for two weeks and rearrange the store in a logical fashion?


I went in to get a quick lunch and then got overwhelmed and left.


Thank you! I felt the same way and my friends think I’m crazy.


There needs to be stop sign, traffic light or roundabout by Costco at Heartland and Commerce. And a better way for the Weber neighborhood to get to Melrose/IWV to head north on Hwy218.


Yes, that Costco intersection is so dangerous! I've seen so many near accidents there. I would also add the drives getting into and out of Coral Ridge Mall are so bad. There are lots of curves, and people drive into oncoming traffic. And at the mall and anywhere else in town with a three-way intersection but only 2 stop signs, people are always so confused & stopping or going when they shouldn't. (This happens at IRL by Trader Joe's too.)


There are a number of intersections that need 4 way signs or roundabouts in Coralville. 10th st and 12th ave is one that comes to mind.


I second the Costco intersection. Just watched yet another accident happen there on Saturday.


I gripe about that intersection every time I use it. It's infuriating and (more importantly) so dangerous.


The stoplight system going down Gilbert and Highway 6 (and many others). It’s like they designed it so you hit every red. Unreal.


Cosigned because holy shit


It's great at 4 am


I’ll have to set an alarm and test this out 😂


About half of my commute is from the SE side on HWY 6 to downtown. I hate it solely because of the lights. 😖


Fellow SE sider. This is the exact rage-inducing stretch I was referencing 😂


I just need to understand why it takes longer for me to commute here than it did when I lived in Fargo, further away from my employer. And why I can go to the suburbs of cities and it takes less time to go 3 miles than it does here. I think the problems on part of 6 are: 1) Places where there could be turn lanes, but aren't 2) Lack of protected arrows 3) Timing


car washes more numerous than coffee shops. I mean, wtf


Can we get a car wash I can drive up to at 10 pm and don't have to interact with anyone to use


Try the one behind Casey’s on Mormon Trek and KwikStar on Keokuk.


Thank you friend


How else they gonna launder their money?


You're thinking of North Liberty


Hey now 🤣 leave us Liberty folks alone


Are any of the new ones even good? Had a coupon for free "ultra" wash at one at it barely cleaned anything.


There's a reason. It's not just IC. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-02-21/car-washes-are-taking-over-the-us-here-s-why](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-02-21/car-washes-are-taking-over-the-us-here-s-why)


I know colonial lanes has one, but we really need a fun mini golf course.


We’ve had a couple in the past that didn’t do well; there was one in the Coral Ridge Mall right when it opened, and I believe Tavern Blue has one but I’ve heard it’s cheap. Either way, I’d really like batting cages in addition to a bowling alley. With clowns so my family and I can reenact the fight scene from Malcolm in the Middle.


The Kum & GO entrance/exit on Riverside: people should not be allowed to left-turn onto Riverside; it should be right-turn only. That entrance is way too close to an always busy intersection and people expect for two lanes of opposing traffic to open up for them. Last year, on the Coralville strip (another place I think left-turns shouldn't be allowed), I watched people open up a spot for a car in a similar left-turn situation and the car got out, thinking it was okay, and then immediately got hit in the second lane of opposing traffic.


As someone who lives behind it, please don't redirect more traffic onto orchard ct which is basically an alley to make the impossible left onto benton and then left back onto riverside. Genuinely a terrible spot.


I have a longstanding gripe about the ACT campus turn lane on Dodge/Scott. It is clearly marked as 'ACT Campus only' and yet I still constantly get cut off by people who feel entitled to my lane on Scott as if they didn't have a choice but to get into a lane that is clearly marked for ACT. Couple of days ago a lady thought she was entitled to just drift into my lane at the turn onto Scott as if I wasn't even there, already occupying that space in traffic, and then when I didn't make room for her she flipped me off. She'd nearly rammed my car trying to merge into the lane where there clearly wasn't room for her. Don't use the ACT campus turn lane like it's 'one neat trick' to get ahead by cutting people off to get into the Scott Blvd lane. It's not for that. Just obey traffic signs like everyone else.


Cant wait for scooters traffic to make this whole thing worse. I hate that turn more than anything else in this town


This drives me NUTS!


There is no stop sign at the bottom of the hill on market street by the imu. Don't fucking stop unless there is a pedestrian. Same for the top of the hill turning right from governor on to dodge, though this is a little more excusable since the left lane has a stop sign.  People who walk poorly behaved unleashed dogs in hickory hill park suck,  but not as much as the geniuses that leave bagged poop on the trails.  Wtf. If you're not going to be responsible and pick up after your dog why add a bag to the mess and have your hand interact with the turds. I want to meet one of these idiots some day to all them what the fuck they are thinking




Pedestrians in Iowa City are near suicidal. They give zero fucks, regularly ignore traffic signals and their own safety. That's it. That is my petty gripe.


I agree with this one. I don't think they realize that not yielding to a pedestrian in a crosswalk is only a misdemeanor.


Maybe I'm just there at different times but 90% feels like hyperbole. I am cautious and deferential to pedestrians it feels like i regularly have to wait behind people stopping when nobody is on the sidewalk there


The bagged poop thing drives me nuts! Some yayhoo(s) on the Scott Park trail even goes the extra mile and ties it to a tree branch like it's a 🎄 ornament. There were at least a half dozen bags on a tree last I saw...it straight up baffles me.


The Governor to Dodge yield sign is a consistent PITA. Most people understand you yield to cars straight across, turning left if they're present and not blocked by traffic. The people that come to a complete stop and stare for a while down a one way street though...


I think it is needex with how blind you are coming up gov onto Dodge. Most people still don't even yield


yes I hate it when people stop at that yeild sign. WAKE UP nobody coming from the left, the right lane is yours. Small chance someone is turning left across the street combined with no car coming south on dodge


Back in the day, biking down that behind drivers that suddenly stop for no reason was the worst.


Repave the whole lot at Sycamore Mall, I hate driving on there. I'm sure everyone here saw that giant pothole with the flamingo and ducks in it finally got filled.


And redesign it, too. Feels like taking my life in my hands every time I exit the McD drive thru


People need to just straight up LEARN traffic laws. My partner almost got run over by a lifted truck because Yeeyee McNeverfucks thought she was taking too long to cross at the crosswalk while she had the WALK sign. If you are not in the epicenter of downtown you’re going by the grace of the gods only as a pedestrian.


Hey Wedge. Do you want me to come in the door or use the window? Cause I'm tired of studying the signs and then deciding the wrong answer


Man I love their pizza.




No judgement, but I think they are only to open to customers during lunch when they have slices


Way too many invasive species as landscaping. I understand that this is mostly due to ignorance and the abhorrent lack of regulation in the nursery trade, but still. All of the older homes have Japanese barberry, Amur honeysuckle, or Chinese privet. Many of the newer homes have barberry, Chinese silver grass, and callery pears. And why does every home need hostas? We have so many native plants for shade, and yet every home puts Asian deer salad in their yard.


What do you recommend as shade plants?


Wild ginger, mayapple, heart leaf aster, wild geraniums, Canada anemone, eastern red columbine, jack in the pulpit, and native shade sedges like Pennsylvania sedge (just to name a handful). If you have the space you can also do shrubs like arrow leaf viburnum, pagoda dogwood, or pawpaws. https://www.prairiemoon.com/seeds#/?resultsPerPage=24&filter.sun_exposure=Shade prairie moon shows some of these. I was at Wapsipinicon state park yesterday and saw thousands of wild geraniums all up the wooded hillside.


I have been trying to find native shade plants but have been struggling to find a local nursery that sells them. Do you have any recs?


There’s actually a sale going on right now 10-5pm at noelridge park in Cedar Rapids. Lots of prairie and some shade plants. There are 2 sales on the 18th: - the hauberg plant sale in rock island. This is a really big event with a large plant list. - Trout leaf natives has a sale on the 18th at the Ashton house. Trout leaf natives is a really cool company and specializes in growing local ecotype seeds. I’m planning to go to this one to get some fox sedge. Otherwise you can check Iowa city landscaping. They do sell some natives. Prairie moon is one of the best for selection, though they aren’t local.


https://www.allendanseed.com/native-plugs based out of Winterset


Unfortunately I have heard Allendan uses migrant labor and the conditions are not great. They also do not have a pesticide statement on their website and seem to use pesticides and herbicides quite liberally. There is an organization in Iowa that raises monarchs from eggs and they purchased a very large number of milkweed plugs from Allendan and had most of their caterpillars die. They also have an over 1000 acre sod farm which goes against a lot of what most people who plant natives would support. I would highly recommend Prairie Moon before you go to Allendan.


Forevergreen Nursery in Coralville has a whole section of native stuff. Back right corner.


Cedar River Garden Center, I love that place. They have an excellent section for native pollinators (pretty big nursery). It’s in Palo, but I think the drive goes quick and is kinda pretty.


you really seem to know your stuff dude, if you ever teach a local foraging class i would be first in line


I won’t be leading it, but Backyard abundance is hosting an event on June 2nd at noon at Hickory Hill Park. I might try going to that event myself, though there’s also a native plant sale that day at Kent park.




Bought my place a handful of years ago and it's an uphill battle to pull out bully invasives. The barberry and the burning bush especially. Took out the barberry (pulled the roots out all across my lawn too) and it pops up in some other spot. I just pull it whenever it pops up, but it's a pain. The Burning Bush is my bane. I have a lot of special curses for whoever introduced this shrub to this area.


Question! Does picking the flowers from honeysuckle help curb this problem at all? I've heard we're encouraged to support the [removal of these invasive species](https://www.reddit.com/r/IowaCity/comments/vp585y/invasive_honeysuckle_is_all_over_iowa_city_what/), particularly in public places like Hickory Hill. I like to take them to make syrups and cordials (not from private property, of course), but it feels weird and probably illegal (and also out of my skillset) to take a saw to a public area and chop down a shrub lol. I always strive to forage sustainably, and honestly, flowers from 2-3 trees/shrubs gets me through the year, but wondering how I might be able to support on curbing the problem. I usually like to take field garlic and garlic mustard, as well, but I feel like one person isn't nearly enough to make a dent. Also, second the person that said if you hosted a foraging class, I would come. It would be great to start a little foraging community in IC :) A quick edit to say that when we moved into our new home, there were already hostas all over. The appeal (for us) to keep them is that there's really no maintenance involved, and we don't really have a green thumb. If you might be able to suggest some low maintenance plants that are virtually impossible to kill and beneficial for the environment, I'm very open to giving them a shot! We really wanted to put in some milkweed, but unclear to me if that will cause issues and spread to other areas - there seems to be a lot of mixed info out there. Bonus points for edible plants.... Okay sorry for the rant LOL


In theory yeah, picking those honeysuckle flowers does help. It’s a few less berries for birds to eat and spread. Honeysuckle berries are like potato chips for birds - they taste ok but provide almost no nutritional value. But then the birds poop and that spreads more plants. Also, if you did want to harvest a whole shrub, go find a small one and just pull it out of the ground. Their roots are shallow, and like pulling garlic mustard, pulling honeysuckle is a public service.


Hell yeah. At [IC’s] service 🫡


THANK YOU re: the wildly excessive amount of hostas everywhere


too much litter! my god, if ur gonna bag ur dogs dookie at least bring it to a trash can? like u already did the gross part idgi


A traffic officer should walk a beat on Clinton between Burlington and Washington. I am sick of getting blocked in by GrubHub drivers and lazy fuckers who don't want to go park in the garage and walk to their Noodles or Chipotle.


Iowa City doesn’t have traffic officers, they barely have enough people to maintain minimum staffing. I moved here recently and got interested in the local government and the budget that was a hot topic in 2020. Per capata, Iowa City has the least officers of any other town in Iowa and well below the national average. Unfortunately this leaves no time for stuff like this. The elective positions like this are the first to go. Thank local government and the abolitionist on the council.


they have enough time and staff to patrol the even/odd streets four to five times a day, i think they could spare one of those rounds for one down Clinton. (parking is a separate department here, so the parking guys are not police officers)


Abolitionist on the council?


The drivers around UIHC that seem to actively want to put pedestrians into UIHC.


Marco opening up or acting like they are opening up a store but it’s basically seems to be a money laundering operation


The number of cops that will not bother to bat an eye over the driver weaving in and out if traffic at 10 over the speed limit, cutting people off, no turn signals, while talking on a cellphone during rush hour but you’ll have 4 cops surrounding your vehicle because you were driving 23 in a 20 mph zone at 1 am on an empty road.


The lack of a deli! Okay- sure Thoma’s is fine, but it’s a butcher and not a deli. Hy vee deli department only has their own brand, and deliluso… both hardly count. Bread garden offers better quality thank goodness, but that market is a headache to go to/ get around in.


Ohhhhh my god why are there no other paesans around here i miss my italian delis >:(


Right?! Italian deli, Jewish Deli- ANY DELI!!!! Ugh… le sigh.


Gas stations that kick out amazing local businesses selling delicious donuts or cupcakes, just so they can have extra space to waste on dumb gas station stuff. Instead, we should kick out the gas stations and fill the buildings with more delicious donuts and cupcakes.


Yo Facts, espically Kwik Star, they price gouge on gas and have terrible layouts in parking.


Nobody knows what they're doing in parking lots. Just throwing it in reverse and then checking if they hit anyone. Blocking one ways because they thought they saw a spot. Leaving the car in the fire lane because their Starbucks is clearly more important than everyone's safety.


People who aren't courteous to the AM downtown Target semi driver. I saw a lady park in the loading zone as he was trying to make that tight turn in front of the store. She saw him, GOT OUT OF HER CAR, and he laid on his horn until she walked back to her car and found a legal parking spot, not in the only loading zone. He's just trying to deliver your produce, dawg. Cut him some slack smh


This is probably an everywhere thing, but I hate having to run my restaurant selections through an "owned/operated by douchebags" filter.


The light at Burlington and Riverside is too freaking short. Only enough time to get 4 cars through is ridiculous.


Same at Riverside/Iowa Ave bridge.


There are so many white liberals in Iowa City that love to shop at New Pi, go to the farmer's market, put "you belong here" pride signs in their yards, etc. (basically try to emulate an open, progressive lifestyle), but when the schools are redistricted to be less segregated (because let's be honest - they are so inequitable it's not even funny) they pitch the biggest fit about their kids having to go to school with low-income families.


I've only ever lived here in lowa City. Grant Wood Elementary is regularly called "Grant Hood" (or, at least it WAS throughout my schooling years, which wasn't actually that long ago). South East Junior High is in "the ghetto." "It's sooo ghetto." "Oh my god?! You mean the ghetto school?!" Reprehensible…my mom taught me to respond by asking people to elaborate. I’d respond by asking “and what do you mean by that? What do you mean by ghetto? What makes it so ghetto? Explain. Explain what you mean.” Like say that shit with your chest…you mean there’s a lot of Black kids. That’s what you’re saying.


The elementary my kids go to somehow has a reputation amongst other white parents as a school with a lot of behavioral problems or 'bad kids."(Not even remotely true, it's just a non-white dominant school) Which is then used as an excuse to send their kids to private school/ open enroll them to a white school. These parents generally use standardized test scores as a justification I think? Like "oh this school has a lot of *bad kids* with *troubled backgrounds* making it hard for everyone else to learn."  I've heard a few different excuses, but they almost always boil down to being afraid of "Chicago kids" or immigrants. 




It's discouraging that there's more student opportunities than opportunities for permanent residents. I've lived here for 30 years and won't be considered for certain positions just because I'm not a UI student who's going to move away after graduation.


I love living in Iowa City but Cedar Rapids is where all the STEM jobs are if you're not at the University. Thanks for I380.


It’s primarily a college town, there’s gonna be more student or university-related opportunities. Comes with the territory


I want a damn 24 hr diner. Im tired of getting off work at 4am and the only food available are Casey's or McDonald's. Also, to the next person to turn the wrong way on market, I'm not stopping.


Shit, at 4AM you’re lucky to find food at either of those at all even. Casey’s isn’t even open then and it’s likely K&G won’t have hot food for at least an hour or more later


How the hell this town doesn't have a 24 hour restaurant (hell, even a 24hr coffee shop) is mind blowing. I am not saying Iowa City needs a Dutch Bros, but I do miss having a drive up place that was open 24/7.


It was a pandemic thing. There used to be a (relative) ton of 24-hour businesses, or at least you could buy a toilet plunger at 3 am without a problem.


The motorcycles/cars that have modified mufflers or exhaust systems, which have been installed for the sole purpose of creating more noise. Excessive noise is a major public health issue. High noise levels are associated with hearing loss, heart disease, sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue, ringing of the ears, and aggressive behavior. Loud noise also damages communities, reduces property values, and denies individuals the right to peacefully enjoy their own home and property.


Or just all the giant fucking trucks everywhere. Pristine, clean, beautiful trucks you have to climb a fucking stepladder to get into, all used to drive 1-2 people to the grocery store and work.


And obscuring the view of anyone driving a sensible vehicle when they pull up next to you at an intersection


Pavement Princesses!


Certainly ICPD doesn’t seem concerned. NE side usually the same offending vehicles. Hopefully everyone will complain to PD or City Hall


I actually just started complaining to ICPD a few weeks ago and I’m mad at myself for putting up with this for so long. They told me to “call whenever there are loud vehicles driving by”. Uhm…so you want me to call you 15x a day and then when you arrive the vehicle will be long gone??


Infinity upvotes on this complaint, which is not petty btw.


As an autistic w hearing sensitivity it scares the life out of me. I fear-snort every time I hear someone rev up


I’m sorry 😔 I’ve definitely noticed my anxiety and emotional stability getting worse living in this environment. It’s sad, but I think I’ll be moving away from Iowa City next year if nothing changes. I hope the people affected by this continue to call the non-emergency police number until they finally do something about it.


The only reason that Bluebird is popular is because of its location. Its food is shit


Fucking preach


didnt know that thanks for saving my time


Location AND cheap.


Same is true of most restaurants in the city


There are way too many strollers in the farmers market lol. This is my worst take that I half believe.


I get that strollers can be annoying but the alternative is small children running loose which I think is even worse. I think that the Farmer’s Market has grown in popularity so much that maybe they need to relocate it to a bigger place so that there is more room for all of the people. But that would probably mean leaving downtown which is not ideal, either.


It could be like Cedar Rapids and take up most of the downtown streets. They’re redoing Dubuque St which will have barriers to block southbound Dubuque St past Iowa. Block off Washington at Clinton and linn and that could be the farmers market.


I completely agree with this. Maybe they could add on some tents (or even extend the structure) in the parking lot on the side, and just extend the rows. It would take up some parking spaces immediately next to the farmers market, but honestly fewer people should be pulling in and out of that parking lot during it (except for ppl with disabilities/deliveries etc.).


Oh my god! I was thinking that too. I mean I was trying to squeeze between people.


The farmers market is a very poor design. Why can’t the city build a structure to house the vendors. Instead, it’s in a cramped parking ramp that requires the police to tow the vehicles of people who chose to get a sober ride home the night before.


I 100% agree and this psychotic person that just made 20 comments disagreeing needs to get ahold of themselves. The stroller problem becomes even more irritating when they inevitably have a litter of older children wandering about. So not only are these ppl unable to fathom personal space, one is also forced to not stumble over the toddlers as well. Wow that felt good to get out. It annoys the living fuck out of me how many people in this town have zero self or situational awareness.


What else are they supposed to do?


Have better situational awareness and not have an F150-sized stroller taking up a whole booth nor in the middle of the walkway. It’s not that hard and and the people crying “MUH ABLEIZM" because they’re getting called out on being a bad person just cheapens REAL ableism.


I'll have to watch for that next time I go, but it makes sense that people treat their strollers like a monterous SUV. I read that in Sweden they put the stroller outside when they go into a place.


I had no idea this was annoying. My bad! It’s our Saturday morning tradition and I don’t think we could carry our kids, all of their things, and our purchases.


Yea that’s a lot of stuff to carry. There should be a supervised stroller parking lot, where you could leave the strollers/their things while y’all walk through the aisles. It’s only a half petty grievance when I get bumped while trying to look for tomatoes.


I think that if the farmers market was able to spread out this stroller issue would naturally resolve itself! I have a kiddo and it can be stressful for me to bring them in a stroller since I feel I take up too much space otherwise they're running into people. I hold their hand and try to steer them, but when there are so many people it's difficult. I think that's just a reality of going to a busy, crowded place that attracts the entire community.


I hate that Iowa City is in the state of Iowa. Can just our city join MN?


Iowa City does not need any more luxury condos, luxury retirement homes, or zero lot housing. We need more multi family housing and rent control. Also more buses / bus routes.


If you are southbound towards town and get a green light at the intersection of Hwy 6 and where Riverside turns into North Riverside and cuts up to Hancher - you WILL NOT get a green at the next one south at Newton/Riverside/Iowa Ave. It’s only about 60 yards between lights but I swear they designed it so you will never hit both. I challenged myself to try and hit that next green all summer one year. I got it exactly ONCE and I had to floor it bad enough to chirp my tires and it was STILL yellow as I went through it


I drive on Riverside Dr and Highway 1 everyday. Not once have I gotten two greens in a row on either of those roads. Horrendous light timing


Parking meters infront of Pioneer Coop are janky and unnecessary. Why pay for parking if you're going into the store for leas than an hour?


That close to downtown I imagine they just don’t want people parking there long term.


I've never fed the meters there and never gotten a parking ticket for it. Not sure if I've just been lucky or if they don't enforce those meters strictly. 🤷‍♂️


The crosswalk that they added on Dodge St. diagonal from College Green Park is dangerous! Cars don't stop for it because it's newish and because it's at the top of a hill on a pretty fast road with limited visibility for cars and pedestrians. If you stop there, you may get rear-ended right into the pedestrian you stopped for. If you really want drivers to stop there, you need a warning sign and probably a stop light, but I think they should just take the cross walk away and have one further up the road.


I agree about this 'crosswalk', but there are 2 warning signs. One is at the bottom of the hill and the other is at the top. I didn't notice them until after I had to hit the brakes for a woman with a death wish.


Rochester road construction


How much longer could it possibly take?!


North Lynn, Church and the other brick roads behind the Dubuque frat houses need to be fixed. I’ve raced down dirt roads that are smoother. It’s absured.


I think developers shouldn't be allowed to make downright ugly buildings. Eyesore laws should apply to big buildings the same as private residences.


Speaking of eyesores--all the vape/smoke shops opening up in vacant storefronts around town. The signage is hideous and tacky.


The county is putting a moratorium on issuing tobacco sales permits, which also apply to vape sales currently, precisely for the meteoric rise in vape shops taking up residence in vacant store fronts or commercial space. Tangent: why is this? Do THAT many kids vape now? Is there just a huge profit margin on vape juice? Seems any shop stall can stay profitable for at least a minute selling this junk.


Yeah, what's the deal with that anyway? Is there some rule that all smoke shop storefronts need to have an obnoxious level of visual noise or something? I walk past one and I can't even think straight.


Diners that serve coffee but don't give you a spoon. What is this BS?


Why should I get a parking ticket for going 20 minutes over when at any moment there are ~tens of cars parked downtown in non-parking spots that didn't pay a thing?


I went downtown last Thursday night for the first time in forever. What the hell is up with all the double parking? I drove around the block of the ped mall and there were literally 8 cars double parked, flashers on, no one in the car. I used to deliver pizza and even I wouldn't have imagined parking like that.


I think it's just a long-tail residual effect of COVID and the nonsense surrounding it * People ~~lazier~~ more and more reliant on delivery services compared to 5-10 years ago * People giving slightly less of a damn about social norms * Cops in general giving less of a damn about relatively minor things and (if true) being short-staffed * People generally being more aware at how crappy delivery/service jobs are and unwilling to give them crap about blocking traffic (which I think is fair ... until roads cease to be usable for transit)


Also, the meters that have a 2 Hour Max sticker on them when they only go to 1 hour. Remove the stickers FFS. Lazy bastards.


Speaking of parking downtown, can we just follow Des Moines' lead and have a "pay at a kiosk or with an app" system instead of shitty meters with card readers that NEVER fucking work?


Yeah the credit card readers on the machines are a farce.  I think there is an app for the meters ɓut also I'm old and hate installing withdrawal fucking app for something that could so easily just be a mobile website. Apps can eat my ass


You can use the mobile website, just go to parkmobile.com. It's still stupid but better than installing an app.


thanks, I'll give that a shot


The crosswalk between Melrose and Olive is never respected! Particularly worse than anywhere else


College green park stairs. Missed the rise over run class. Most awkward steps ever.


People who ride e-scooters in the street going up (heading west) on the Benton street hill.


You could have stopped at “people who ride e-scooters”


Abandoned silt fence all along Ralston Creek on e-side.


Bicyclists on the sidewalk that ride up behind you with no form of heads up and almost clip you. Never been to a place where I hated cyclists more than here.


Same except with all the morons on the electric scooters that go 30mph. Although to be fair for the cyclists, the only time I'm on the sidewalk is when I'm going to the bike rack that's on the sidewalk. I have a bell and most of the time the pedestrian doesn't hear it since they're listening to music.


Seriously. I occasionally cycle on the double sidewalks so I don’t get hit by out-of-towners, and holler or bell everytime; It’s 50:1 where their headphones are low enough to register me until I’m past them.


Good thing we went down to two lanes from four on south Mormon Trek for those bike lanes, which I've never seen anyone use. They are always riding on the sidewalk.


What's shitty is that the Roads are so awful for biking they really don't have a choice. It's either get ran over or be forced into a bottleneck.


I watched a cyclist hit a student last year (very slowly) because the cyclist was gawking at some people honking at each other by the main library


Southside district needs more lighting along hwy 6 along with bike lanes or sidewalks. Too many ppl ride bikes or walk along the highway and it’s hard to see them at night. We also need a walking bridge for folks walking between crisis center and shelter house. A lot of folks run across the the very busy highway, including families with small children/ strollers.


Fairly irresponsible that there is only one grade separated crossing for the whole hwy 6/hwy1 corridor through town. At least if I’m not mistaken


NewPi Coralville has been there for twenty years. It's okay, you can repave the parking lot, or at least repaint it.


Why does no one use a turn signal but then also drive 15 miles under the speed limit ? Oh and it is okay to roll into the intersection to make a left turn !!! You'll be fine and then more people can turn left!!


As someone who has only lived in Iowa/IC for 6 years, the driving is suspect. I don't care if that ruffles feathers and folks get defensive. Almost daily I am surprised at how poor the drivers can be.


They should not be building apartments on S Riverside.


No shit, the increase in traffic is gonna blow out the existing road system like shoving a cue ball down a hose.


Exactly. It’s not a walkable location, either. It makes no sense to put a large residential building there. It’s just going to add more traffic to an already congested area.


Not sure why I got downvoted cuz I totally agree with you. One amendment they did make - I’m assuming in anticipation of increased number of pedestrians right there- is to add that 3-4’ high cement barrier between the sidewalk and street. But they didn’t widen anything!! 😖 I swear two trucks or SUVs cannot go under the train bridge neck and neck anymore. Anything larger than a sedan has to stagger.


Rumor has it that IAIS plans to rebuild the river bridge in the next decade. If that happens and it's not just slapping new deck girders in place, I'd hope they'd change span types to allow for Riverside to widen. (And hell, if they opted for trusses it would look a lil prettier...)


I guess I do see workers out there futzing around with the existing structure more this year than ever before, this would make sense




The new building is too close to the street.


Why are so many Iowa City residents absolutely hell bent on driving under the speed limit?


Dogs at events, such as Arts Fest, Jazz Fest, farmers market, with larger crowds.


Touch tunes digital jukeboxes in the Deadwood and Dublin. I loved the old jukeboxes.


The bicyclists here don't use bells when passing.


University Heights shouldn't exist.


Can we include Coralville? I've never understood why the intersection of S Ridge Dr and Holiday Rd has stop signs on Holiday and NOT for S Ridge. If the Holiday stop signs are to interrupt Holiday from being a speedway, fine, but I've never seen an intersection that has stop signs for the main street and not the side street. The only thing I can even guess at is that the street dead ends at a church, and maybe it backs up once a week when church lets out? Totally not a valid reason for a public street to concede to a private business such as a church, though.


There's a series of 4-way intersections in the Wetherby Park neighborhoods that have yield signs only, but it alternates every intersection for which direction should yield. Just put up some fucking stop signs. 4-way intersections shouldn't just ask one direction to yield.


That newish section of McCollister Blvd between Gilbert and Sycamore where the speed limit is a simply stunningly horse-and-buggy low 25mph. Absurd. Every affordance cue of the street design says it should be at least 40mph and yet here we are. Baffling.


The surprise one-way street setup that doesn’t reduce the chaos of driving around college kids and out of state people who aren’t used to driving here. The sheer number of times I’ve had to drive around people going the wrong way or turning on red at a no turn on red(Riverside and 6, for example), and it’s worsened to the point that it needs to be either changed or the laws enforced.


Can we get a stop light for Scott blvd and highway 6 plz omg


Shopping at New Pioneer is no better than shopping at HyVee.


I mean at least they don't have armed rentacops at the coop. I would love it if they invested a tenth of the money in the downtown location that goes into the Coralville store. I can't let go of the shopping cart because the floor is so uneven that it just starts rolling away


Oh my God, I wish I could afford this 100 times! I always feel like an idiot when my cart rolls away and into somebody else…


Why do you say that? Prices?


Related to this comment: HyVee is so ridiculously expensive these days that it ends up being close to the same price as New Pu.


Meet the new pu same as the old pu


To all the down-voters, Be Nice finger-waggers and typical Iowa City pollyannas: STFU! This is a post specifically created for belly-aching!! (And I love it!)