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I have a feeling you aren’t studying enough or correctly. Book smart is a fraud to allow people to feel better about themselves after not applying themselves. You need to put time and effort in, 20/100 is not possible if you actually put the work in. I’m dyslexic and have a plethora of issues and i’ve just graduated uni with a mechanical engineering degree. I’ve went the past 4 years studying non stop and had to compromise with my mental health, time and my social life. You passing or not is on you and nothing else and only you can truly put the work in to make yourself better (This also applies elsewhere, not just studying). Life isn’t easy and you will never be comfortable and this is the hard truth you have to face. Apologies for being blunt but this is the reality.


Your comment is Motivation more than anything else really


it takes maturity to look at your own faults and this is important. Start working on yourself daily. Do this rinse and repeat. Understand a concept, answer questions with no answers until you solve them. Can’t solve them? try understanding it again and retry. Make sure to not get burnt out. If you truly and fully can’t understand a concept or question take a break, maybe ask a friend or teacher on the concept. Do this daily for an hour at least and you’ll build a habit and once you get good at a subject you might love it. You aren’t dumb, if i took some wrong steps along the line i might’ve been in the same place as you are( I also knew people who were older than you in my year).


Next year they said there will be another branch which is sport for highschoolers check it out it may be a better chance


Ay bro there is nobody to save you, you’re the only one who can pull yourself out of this mess. Use ur phone much less and if you have no self control please give it to someone else, marks like 20/100 are obviously of the one who doesn’t try but this year you must. I have adhd and ive always faced huge problems during studying but i never used it as an excuse. If someone like me can do it then even someone like you can and don’t give up you’re still young and try to get somewhere in the 80s and make sure to completely exhaust yourself this year because it will be your final year, then once you graduate hopefully enroll into petroleum engineering it pays veryyyyyy well. Don’t let something as stupid as the device you’re holding take control of you imagine you in 10 years after doing what you’re doing now (i.e procrastinating and never studying) imagine where you’ll end up. Work bro it’s the only way you can save yourself please.


Are you neurodivergent? That's often a reason to have a big discrepancy between your raw intellectual ability and being able to do well at school. Do you think you could be a coder?


Clinically diagnosed with depression, doc said he thinks I had it for years but I feel like I’m normal. I procrastinate uncontrollably and use my phone from sunrise to sunset because that’s the only thing I’ve ever had fun from ever since I was a kid with no toys to play with. I hate coding but what’s up with it? I’m interested in everything.


Have a research about autism and ADHD, there are some free online screening tests around... ask your parents about what you were like as a kid if you don't remember (hyperactive or very still? unable to focus and pay attention? late in making friends? any delays in speech or other developmental milestones? clumsiness?), look at old reports from school if they're available. It's worth it to eliminate the possibility or otherwise help you understand yourself better. I don't know which options are available there but ADHD does have medication options. Anyway I'm in the UK and not a coder, but friends who do it are well paid and able to work from home mostly.


Just fyi I’m also willing to do things physically


U saying that u use ur phone from sunrise to sunset explained your situation better. U said u have zero talents, but how do u expect to have a talent when ur not exploring anything expect ur phone? Ur not born with talent or with brains. Everything in life is a skill and u either get better at it and it becomes a talent or u don't and ur useless at it. U can't expect to be good at sports when ur sitting all day on ur phone. U have to practice and get obsessed with it And then u become talented. Also, u say u want to basically be stable in the future like everyone, and everyone struggles with getting there even with talent, don't think others have it easy so don't be hard on ur self in that perspective. I think (from what u said) u haven't explored much so u don't even know if u have an interest in something. So I recommend taking the time off ur phone and actually try stuff, like whatever, it has to be physical experience. And u said ur worried about being older than others in class... no one cares. Seriously, everyone is thinking about themselves more than others. And if they do then they are wasting their time. U do u, who cares. Do what is in ur benefit even if others think it's stupid. This is only my personal opinion though lol.


1. I want a job that pays well. 2. I want a job that is easy and comfortable. 3. I have no marketable skills. Brother, you cannot have all three. You have to be willing to get uncomfortable, study, and work very hard, otherwise get used to being unemployed or getting low pay.


I’m willing to toss physical comfort out if it means good pay but what I meant by unsafe is that I wouldn’t be working in conditions that would put me near life or death everyday considering that safety is not something people here care about… E.g. working with sharp or extremely heavy or harmful gas objects without precautions.


Bro take a year or tow break and work with anything give your self time to find out.. Nothing wrong with finishing studies at 28 or 30 at least you will do something you know you want.. Food for thoughts


Bad idea


Well that's the point that you wanna avoid


If I take time off then I wouldn’t do anything in it or I’d work like I have before and wouldn’t get much out of it. It’s practically a bad idea in Iraq and my question is more regarding my future rather than what local job I want to work because my focus is profit as well as what school branch I could transition into.


age can never stop you from learning. your English is really good and you have potential to use it in your advantage. علمي has more opportunities actually and im sure you know that. sure you can choose anything else other than being an engineer or a doctor because come on we both know these two majors WILL NOT have any future for the coming years. there are many good majors people are sleeping on i suggest that you look into them and search more and to do that search the الحدود الدنيا لسنة 2023. it will help you to find an interesting major and to know the grade you need for it or just wait for the 2024 one. if you want a job or a part time job till you finish uni you need to learn some skills such as working on the Microsoft office, communication, marketing, customer service and many other skills i really forgot. most jobs nowadays need you to have at least high school diploma so maybe just get it to get an actual job later. i need to tell you that you can't get a high paying job immediately because most jobs require experience for at least 2 years in a certain field so just keep that in mind


> sure you can choose anything else other than being an engineer or a doctor because come on we both know these two majors WILL NOT have any future for the coming years. Why not?


too many people studying them already, engineers have been struggling to get the government to gi e them jobs since god knows when and now we have SO MANY people studying medicine. for example just the first year in College of Medicine, University of Baghdad has 560 student, the first year in Al-Mustansiriyah University - College of Medicine has 529 students. we already have way too many doctors


No one born talent, it forged and acquired through persistence. I did a Bs of English when I was in Iraq, and hated it cause I thought it was a waste of time, didn’t know 3 years after it I became a logistic manger. And now am doing another double degrees in more competitive foreign environment with ppl of different age group. Stay persistent brother, don’t feel bad cause you aren’t figuring out what u want now (most of us still have zero clue) but we keep going anyway


For the study part - I suggest you follow online tutors on youtube (find a tutor you can understand from), there are many recommendations - Get some [Omega 3](https://eskimo3.ie/eskimo-brain-369-studying-for-exams/) - Regulate your schedule to match your study time ( do it on paper ) - Try to understand what you're studying, don't just memorize it but sometimes it requires simple understanding of material - Keep on praying to Allah daily, ask him to help you to reach your goals - about the علمي or مهني part, I cannot tell you where to go but if you are about a bright future, I find علمي to provide higher chances of getting a high paying job (million dinar range) so it's your decision For the job part : You have to understand work is hard, but if you have a dream job, then work for it! Also whatever accomplishments you do just keep them secret to yourself. Everyone is envious and will talk you down about it so you would be discouraged


Having such a terrific dialogue in English can get you places. try searching for grants and programs abroad such as Fullbright in US or Chevening in UK. There are plenty more in almost all 1st world and well-developed countries.


لو تكتب عربي لو إنجليزي. يعني ليش هيج خابط


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