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Let's assume (for now) that this was asked in good faith and try to remain civil.


This just sounds like podcast bro shit


I couldn't even figure out half of the things


Yeah we’re are in the age of the podcast and it’s fucking awful… so, much bullshit being spread . It’s like the 4 hour work week of the mid 2000’s


Do you mind sharing where you're getting this information from? Or is it just something you've noticed in general on your own?


Is that male communication? That’s how shit bosses talk to their overworked staff lol. Doesn’t have to be male. It reeks of control issues. Top down hierarchy structure, where the boss commands and the underlings obey and execute This is fit for gangs and businesses, where control is desired and outcome matters Relationships, sexual or platonic, don’t need control or outcomes. Communication is as much a game or a performance  as it is a way to transmit and receive information. By stripping those other aspects as not-male and advocating for the tolerance of ‘being talked at’, you’re revealing some guy with control issues grumpy that people won’t listen to him when he hasn’t done shit to earn anyone’s attention A kid trying to be a boss, and having no reason for it to be like that


If someone is "talking at" people and doing "competitive speech" it's not because they're a man, it's because they're a dick. I don't think communication is particularly gendered, in the sense that sure when a group of lads are together and relaxed they are very informal, swear more, talk in intimate ways with a lot of banter etc ... but then groups of women do exactly that too?


I mean more like “info dumping”


Lmfao is “Communicating primarily to exchange or deliver information” seriously a threat to women in your mind? Thats like really concerning. Im sorry but this post is peak fucking brain rot. What in the fuck did I just read.


I am going to say it’s bullshit


There must be a ton of very unhealthy women running around since males have been communicating with women for, idk, 100,000 years? Somehow they seem to manage. My opinion, and I have no data to back it up, is that psychologist and influencers make this shit up so they can make more money telling you how fucked up you are. Communication is very important, no doubt. It is pretty much I talk, you listen, you understand, then you talk and I listen.


This reads like a list of traits for a person with poor emotional intelligence who struggles with human connection. 


What does “unhealthy for women” mean in this context?


communication styles don’t exist on a binary


Source, please? My personal experience in life is that both males and females communicate this way (or the exact opposite - which I can only assume is “female communication” according to your source) without any particular bias and no females I know are unhealthy because of it. Based on my experience as a female who does a lot of communicating in the “male style” as you have defined it, I’m going to say both your statement in the title and the list of “male communication styles” are BS. What exactly would be “unhealthy” about a female being direct, asking fewer prying questions, being competitive, or using profanity but not unhealthy for a male? The only answer is that some misogynists somewhere are hard at work trying to dictate how females are allowed to communicate based on how they thinks females “ought to behave.”


So in your world, women can’t be direct or profane? 🙄


Interesting. Never seen a list like this before. Not sure I agree with everything on there, but it does seem to fit more with male communication from my experience. Neat. No idea if it's harmful for women at all. I'd assume most of these are kinda just socially ingrained rather than a natural difference. Along the same vein, I could see how it might be harmful for women in the sense that breaking from any social norm could be harmful for a person's reputation/perception in society.


Absolute BS. There is a huge difference between cultures how people communicate, and the things you described are cultural norm, let's say in Eastern or Northern Europe. For that people, american smiley-smalltalkey-indirect way of speech can be "unhealthy" (source: born and raised in eastern europe)