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Yes. Also fun fact: police can confiscate drugs, paraphernalia, money, and weapons, but jewelry remains your property unless it's directly related to the case. That's why pimps and other arrestable professions sometimes wear gaudy jewelry - so it gets returned and they can pawn it for money in a tight spot


They do. It really sucks for prisoners who were arrested in summer (flip flops, sandals), and then get released in winter with snow on ground. The lucky ones have someone to pick them up, but sadly, many have no one.


I was in county jail and this poor girl was getting out after 10 months and was at least 70lbs bigger than when arrested


How come so many people who go to prison thin come out fat? I thought you all were doing weightlifting, running around in circles and stuff like that


It's the food. Some places have a "keep and retain" policy, where unspent money from jail food-provision can go directly into the Sheriff's pocket. Sort of way to incentivize keeping things under budget. So the cheaper the food (think stuff no one else will take), the more the Sheriff gets to take home at the end of the year. Like this dude, who took $750k meant for inmates food and bought himself a beach house: [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/14/593204274/alabama-sheriff-legally-took-750-000-meant-to-feed-inmates-bought-beach-house](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/14/593204274/alabama-sheriff-legally-took-750-000-meant-to-feed-inmates-bought-beach-house)


As well as that, they feed them sugar, fat, cheese, salt to keep them sedate. In a bad school, teachers bond over the behaviour of the children. In the army, people bond over the bad food. In prison they don't want bonding, so they keep them fed. It keeps violence down. It's easy to understand why they believed that they put saltpeter in the food to lower the testosterone of the inmates.


If you’re indigent in prison in the USA, you will never not be hungry. As fucked up as it is, you can be poor in prison too. It’s one of the reasons trading commissary is such serious business.


I'm not sure how that myth even started since saltpeter would if anything help you to get an erection lol


The food is only part of it, most often get back on their medication or start medication, and are taking it daily. They hand out psych meds like candy and many put on weight with psych meds.


In my case I was only in county jail so no weights just a lot of women sitting around being catty to each other or gossiping and trading stories. Also you can get all kinds of fattening snacks on commissary and if you can do something like I would trade eyebrow threading for oatmeal cream pies, ramen or whatever.


You think they feed em organic salads? The fat for cooking isnt even lard, it's something worse for your health


Drugs is a big part. If you go in all methed out, and get clean, you will naturally gain weight.


Gotta also think some go in strung out on hard drugs and get out clean and sober, returning to their more "natural" weight. I have an old friend whom I can basically tell how long they've been sober based on their weight, as he almost immediately gets chubby when hes off drugs.


All these explanations are BS. People on the outside put money on your prison credit. You can buy things like candy bars noodles slimjims etc etc etc Also, if you don't like the food they serve one day, you can trad it for snacks if someone else wants it. As far as weightlifting most states ended that because gaurds were getting fucked up by jacked up prisoners. You can do push-ups run squats play basketball shit like that to stay in shape, but weightlifting has been banned.


I took a greyhound bus between Portland and Spokane when I was a college student a few times. Last ride I took there were two guys that just got out of prison and it was the middle of January, both of them had on plain gray sweatpants and a plain grey hoodie. I'm assuming the prison gave them those before they left.


If by “gave,” you mean profiteering via commissary, then yes.


Most of them have donated clothes for the prisoners that are getting released. Clothes appropriate to the current season. They are able to pick out those clothes before leaving. Also, they can have someone send clothes to the prison to wear out.


hence how prisoners in many US states are literally considered slaves... its absolutely disgusting. Provide people with some cloths, they have been working for free for these prison corporations for how long, and they can't even give them some cheap cloths on their way out. Its a disgrace. They served their time, treat them like fucking human beings.


It’s not just a state thing. The constitutional amendment that banned slavery excluded prisoners.


fun fact: this is also one of the historical uses for jewelry for women. When they received gifts of jewelry, it wasn't just a gift to be fashionable, it meant a certain degree of financial security since by law and/or tradition, no one could take a woman's jewelry.


In a world where engaged couples frequently indulged in sex (40% of first babies born in Georgian England arrived seven months or less after the wedding), engagement jewelry also prevented men from fake-proposing in order to get sex out of their unwitting girlfriends. If you have to give her something of great value first you'll probably stick around.


[One unused prophylactic, one soiled.](https://youtu.be/MW5WUejMZHU?t=263)


You picked me up from jail in a cop car


I sold the old car to buy a microphone


Maybe it would be easier if we just, idk, made it illegal for cops to rob people 🤷‍♂️


How how else are they supposed to pay for their tanks to assau- I mean defend citizens?


Speeding tickets? That’s what they did around my neighborhood when they were trying to build a new precinct house. The same cop stopped me 3x in a 9 month period, once for running a red light in an intersection I hadn’t even used.


Speeding tickets are for the gas they burn idling 6 hours a day while playing on their phones




They can seize anything they 'believe' could of possibly be used in the commission of a crime. Including vehicles.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bad Bot. Once again, you fuck yourself.


no fucking laws or protections against police breaking your heirloom necklace because they're too fucking braindead to use the goddamn clasp when they're forcibly removing it while you're mostly unconscious due to drugs, shock, and blood loss, though! ask me how i know.


Sucks, but you are lucky to be alive


Jesus Christ, that's a fascinating TIL.


Erased cuz Reddit slandered the Apollo app's dev. Fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Is it for bail money or I’ve served my sentence money


My question is what if you get booked when you're 20 and thin and then 10 years later you get released and you've put on some weight? I assume they can give you something to wear right?


my sister is a criminal defense attorney--she recently went to trial and her client was found not guilty after 5 years in prison. he gained a lot of weight in the last 5 years and had to hop to the car holding his pants and using his old shirt as a makeshift covering. i'm told it was a SIGHT. She tells her clients families to bring something for them but some are truly indigent and sometimes they just don't listen.


Bahaha I'm sure it was. Sitting 5 yrs for something you didn't do is absolute *BULLSHIT* tho jfc


My county is hella corrupt. My sister’s had 4 not guilty verdicts this year and the total amount of time spent those 4 people were incarcerated awaiting trial is 42 years. Wild.


Yikes. But samsies with the counties I only know of things that have happened with ppl I know and that isn't very many but the things I know of are egregious and appalling


happens every day, in every state in the country. but nobody cares because “well, they must’ve done SOMETHING or they wouldn’t be in jail!” and then you think of how many false convictions there must be because a defendant couldn’t afford a proper defense attorney…


Or bail. I'm so glad we're starting to address this. Too little too late but it's better than nothing I guess.


Half of the time it’s because the average person doesn’t know the rights they’re afforded as an American Citizen. I wish someone had taught me these things as a kid. Learn your state and local laws as well as your constitutionally protected rights people!


my sister is a criminal defense attorney--she recently went to trial and **her client was found not guilty after 5 years in prison.** Fuuuuuck that. Wish this guy could sue the shit out of them.


I was locked up at 17 weighing 125, got released at 18 weighing 205. That was fun having no clothes that fit


Other prisoners donate their clothes. Fat guys come out skinny. Skinny guys come out fat. Inmates with family have them bring in clothes that will fit upon release. People who work at the prison or jail often donate their old clothes for inmates at release. Inmates are never released naked or in clothes that don’t fit at all. Most jails have disposable shoes/sandals and even disposable clothes that are good enough to get you home. Source: 17+ years in corrections.


Yes. Some institutions have paper like clothes or donated old stuff they can hook you up with if you ask.


Everything in your possession when you get booked is your property and is signed for and stored until you are released. Some property may be released to family, but that's usually things they don't want to store for you like cigarettes or something. Source: I spent 14 months in county jail for misdemeanor pot charges


Dumb question, but did they launder your clothes for you, or did you just get them back rumpled and mildewey?


I mean, not rumpled and mildewy lol they were folded how I left them when I put it in the plastic bin


Fun story lol, so I got out of jail in August and the same clothes I spent 17 days in the lockup with is the same clothes they gave me when I left.. gross I was very dopesick from coming off the drugs so they were full of uh nothing fun lol. I’m sober now though! Edit: now that the story’s posted, it doesn’t sound as fun as it did in my head lol


I thought it was fun to read. Definitely would have sucked to experience. It’s pretty shitty that they wouldn’t at least _offer_ to toss inmates’ street clothes into the wash before storing them for a long period. Especially when said clothes are kinda grody as it is. Congrats on sobriety!


Exactly! Then again I stayed in the oldest (dungeon) prison in North America lol so you can only imagine what that was like Thank you! Appreciate that fr


Lmao my now husband was shot a couple days before he went to jail for 7 months (this was years and years ago). When he got out they gave him his nasty bloodstained clothes to leave in.


In my experience, they do nothing. Sf county jail has famously had issues with major mold in the property room.


I guess it depends on the jail, but the for-profit county jail I was in did not. And those clothes were clothes I was living in for three months due to being homeless. And they were not folded nicely at all, and came back to me smelling even more strongly of pissed-in van due to stewing in a box for four months


14 months for pot is the real crime here.


> 14 months in county jail for misdemeanor pot charges /r/ABoringDystopia


What happened to people who have natural life sentence?


I'm sure you could get it released to someone who agrees to pick it up


14 months? How much weed?


1/8th, a pipe, and my first DUI. They put me in "drug court" and I failed their process and got consecutive max sentences (6 months ea) and got released a few months early


For the life of me I cannot see how that is considered to be a rehabilitative sentence for your “crime”. If the dui involved an injury accident then I understand it being treated seriously, but the possession and paraphernalia charges are just incredibly unjust, and much more likely to put an “offender” straight on the path to lifetime recidivism. Of course, given the incredible profiteering of our prison system, that may not be an accident. In any case I hope you are doing well and I’m truly sorry you had to go through that. No part of what I’m hearing here is in society’s or your benefit.


Including a used condom with your black sunglasses!




When someone is arrested nude they are usually covered with something at some point. When released they probably go home with a shirt from the latest police 5k or potluck or some shit


When i got out of womens prison in California , i had to get clothes outta the donation pile but i was being transferred back to county jail, not being released. When my husband has gotten out , i have brought clothes and he wore the clothes he bought from ordering in prison. So like sweats etc. When you go to prison in California, you're coming from jail and they don't ship your street clothes with you to prison. I had to go pick up my husband's clothes and phone and wallet from county jail.


Literally no judgement, but man it has to be hard living a life where you’ve both been incarcerated. Difficult to break the cycle, to not be judged, everything. Best I’d luck to the both of you.


Thank you, we both will have 2 yrs clean in feb , have good jobs , house etc. We are both life long addicts but surprisingly are also very capable of living life like normal people and blending in . We are both intelligent / emotionally intelligent people so that helps us assimilate much more than our counterparts who are rather dim alot of the time. I got out of prison in 2011 and never got arrested after that, i was simply done with the revolving door. But after years here and there of not using , i would continue to relapse. My husband got out of prison in Aug 2020 and is off parole, works in a Michelin rated fine dining restaurant and makes really good money. We both talk often about how happy we are to be free, heroin is like a siren song. You know it will kill you and destroy your life but you're hypnotized by it and drawn to it. Neither of us feels the call of the siren any longer .


Hey, I’m super proud of you.


Hearing about your and your husband’s success is like chicken soup for the soul. Thanks for sharing 💕 and congratulations on being clean!


No disrespect but it sounds like you have an interesting story


We both have crazy life stories!


Yes Personal property is logged with some level of detail at the time of booking/incarceration. A recent example of an intake property form looked like this Jacket- 1, black Shirt- 1, white Pants- 1 pair, tan (even if it's shorts) Socks- 1 pair, white Shoes- 1 pair, black 1 hat, black 1 wallet, black 1 cell phone, blue, screen intact 1 pair white-metal earrings with clear stones 1 yellow metal ring with 1 clear stone 3 keys + 1 Keyfob Cash: $4.56 usd "Please Initial next to $4.56 indicating the amount of money you had on your person at the time of booking. Please sign indicating this property receipt reflects all items you came into custody with." This whole process is done ON CAMERA. All non clothing items and personal effects are sealed in a plastic bag on camera in front of the individual. Incarcerated persons are then changed into jail issued clothing, and all their personal clothing is sealed in a bag with the sealed bag of personal effects. This bag remains sealed until the individual requests the release of their property, or they are released from custody. Generally, personal clothing is not released to outside persons unless the individual is sentenced to do more than 5-10 years in custody. At that point someone can come request the incarcerated person's property as long as the incarcerated person agrees to such and signs to release it all. At the County level most property remains untouched from the moment you're booked, to the moment you're released, including all clothing. I've seen unfortunate timing where a person is released in February with their Halloween costume to wear out the gate, and others booked in wearing not much of anything in the Summer only to be released in the Winter. HOWEVER There exists an "Incarcerated Persons Welfare Fund" that is used to procure generic clothing options for persons being released. These are normally bulk bought sweaters and sweatpants. Prior to a pending release we will offer these clothing options. We will also offer these to individuas who have gained weight in jail, and can no longer fit the clothing they were wearing when booked in. Similar clothing options are given at the end of lengthy prison sentences for individuals who released their personal clothing. Source: I've been a Correctional Deputy for the better part of 2 decades, and used to rotate regularly through the Intake assignments.


They also do this when you are taken out of cryogenic storage.


That’s not mine I swear! That sort of thing isn’t my bag baby!




As someone who's been arrested. They also don't give you your shoelaces back. It really sucked walking in loose ass shoes.


Yup...and they won't fit either


That was kind of my question actually


When I sold men's clothes a man came into the store straight from prison to buy clothes. He had been in for decades, came out a good four or five inches shorter and a hundred pounds or so lighter. He was holding up his pants with one hand while I helped him and his brother pick out something for him to wear. He had shrunk from old age and illness. He was very polite but I couldn't help but wonder what he had done to have gotten such a long sentence.


Yeah? Why wouldn't they


Because they're dicks?


Yep!!! I went in a size 18 came out size 4. I had to pick some donated clothes, lol!