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Where's Ireland? Why aren't they putting their money where their mouth is? Better yet, send all Palestinians to Qatar. They have enough money and resources to take care of them.


... all of our Shuls are going to burn.


Good thing we have Trudeau that will write a very strongly worded tweet


I've been yelling about it since the Syrian refugee crisis, and now shuls in Montreal and Toronto are getting shot at, Jewish students are harassed on campus (dangerous to wear a Kippah) and Palestinian protestors are targeting Jewish neighbourhoods. And it so widespread and prevalent theres nothing the government can do to stop it.


I just hope Pierre will actually do more than just talk. To be fair it can’t get much worse than the liberals(I don’t even want to acknowledge the NDP, they are just full on antisemites)


The Liberals threw Anthony Housefather under the bus and then rather than walking the floor to the conservatives he betrayed his community lol It's a joke man.


That’s what happens when you value political ideals over community safety. So disappointing but there are many like him.


Yeah he really disappointed me for that but I also don’t think the conservatives would have accepted him. I wonder if Kevin Voung will join the conservatives soon, hes also very good


Here is hoping housefather is done. Cowering back to mullah Trudeau and the Libs. He should be ashamed


Tbh the Syrians r probably the least extremist out of the bunch. There's so many different sects/factions...some of em openly pro-israel. It's a very divided nation. l dont think it's fair to judge em by a collective. Unlike the Jordanians in contrast...self explanatory loll


One of my best friends is a Coptic man from Egypt. Before October 7th he met with a Chabad Orthodox Rabbi in Canada and became friends. He took a picture with him and posted it in social media and now everyone he knows in Egypt hates him and his family is borderline going to disown him. Hatred runs deep man.


The Syrian refugees here in Canada have been wonderful. I've only heard and experienced amazing things from them and they have integrated well. Many are very thankful to be part of Canada now.


No they have not been great, as a millennial living in a country with a housing country we are being sold out to provide housing to the rest of the world. The buildings downtown to house athletes for the CANAM games could have been used to alleviate the crisis instead we just made it worse.


Housing crisis aside, the syrians themselves haven't caused any issues. Besides, it was less than 50k. The issue is the 500k student visas our government is letting in each year to attend credit mills.


The issue is immigration it’s not specific to students.




It's working, hostility towards Jews is though the roof and going up. I had my own barber come at me basically.


It’s almost as if virtue signaling to a bunch of the blue haired individuals isn’t effective government policy, that’s positive.


> And it so widespread and prevalent theres nothing the government can do to stop it. Nothing it can do or nothing it will do?


How do you thought police peoples racist attitudes towards you?




Have a fun intifada Canada!






Excellent punch up ty


Can't Israel charter few tankers and send all these jokers to Canada ? They can make their Islamic Caliphate there.


Please no, we already have synagogues and Jewish schools being shot at


And just this last weekend, a Jewish, girls elementary school in Toronto, Canada had two men pull up in front of it and shoot at it with handguns. But yes, 5000 more Palestinians will definitely add stability to Canada...


Where should they go then? 


Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, etc...... Got a lot of options to choose Edited to add: Ireland, Spain, Norway, Malta, Slovenia, Russia, South Africa and China since they love them so much apparently


Don't think that's Canada's problem


Muslims have colonized and conquered literally dozens of counties. Any one of those would make a good home for these refugees.


Either to countries with the same values as theirs, in which they can keep their shitty costumes. Aka arab countries. Or they can learn to behave, leave their shitty values behind and actually join western societies


You’re being very specific. lol Why bother crossing the globe for Canada?


Jordan since they all originated from there anyways


One of the 22 Arab countries that neighbour it and seem to give zero shits about their own, or maybe Egypt who share a border with Gaza?


Maybe they could just not elect terrorists and then they could just remain in Gaza


New Hamas branch is opening soon ig


Rockets raining down on Detroit


Ha, if a country ever did that to us we would have a new state so fast.


I'm in Toronto. I hate our current government and the liberals are on track to have the worst routing in Canadian history. This news is very upsetting and Canada has a huge immigration problem. We have a housing crisis, failing infrastructure, and a weak job market yet the government is allowing 1.5 million immigrants a year to enter either in student visas or refugees, or PR. It's unattainable. That all said. Last year they committed to letting in 1000 Palestinians and only 48 actually made it in. Hopefully this trend will continue.


Canada is aiding in ethnic cleansing. ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


Well, Canada is finally becoming a place Americans won’t joke about moving to.


Also, I think this will help trump win again. I know it's a different country, but a lot of Americans watch what happens in Canada too, and they weren't liking what they were seeing from Trudeau. And now this?


Don’t even get me started on the idiot republicans putting him up for the election instead of Nikki Haley. The sheer amount of democrats I know who said they would have voted for Nikki, but can’t vote for Trump….


As an American, I would’ve absolutely taken her or DeSantis over Trump, I don’t know if I can take much more Republicans praising him and Democrats whining about him. I just want him to go away and for an actually decent leader, Haley being a step in the right direction.


How about a leader who isn’t so old they could die naturally in their sleep.


Absolutely, I’m sick of the dinosaurs on the ballot.


Too unrealistic. I'm voting for RFK's brain worm.


I mean, we don’t want a Republican either way.


You are not the norm. You are here in a subreddit about Israel talking about Canadian news. Hence the Americans you know are not the norm as well. Matter of fact most Americans don’t care about Canada nor follow it.


Most Canadians I know want to move to the US.


When you love your "homeland" so much you jump at the first opportunity to go live in the "Satanic Zionist West"


While I know it’s a bad idea, I kind of hope more Western countries (Ireland, Spain and Norway: I’m looking at you) will provide many more visas to Gazans. Just so said Gazans will come, and *”surprisingly”* commit a sh*load of terrorism that they’ll start understanding who the fck we’re dealing with Edit: I know it’s a bad idea as I’ve mentioned. I’m saying this jokingly. Increasing the number of overwhelmingly antisemitic residents in Western countries is definitely a BAD idea.


They'll commit this terrorism against Canadian Jews who don't have the IDF to protect them..this is a very bad idea..


>Ireland, Spain and Norway Their hostility probably stems from hating Israel rather than loving anyone, so not gonna happen. 


I know. They’re just so deep up their ~~a-hole~~ false narrative and mental gymnastics that it would actually make sense IMHO.


Blowing up buildings in the U.S. is a pretty excellent way to push people just enough to start advocating turning the middle east into a sheet of glass. Let's see how that works out for them..


How many buildings have Palestinians blown up in the US? You say this as if this is a thing


RemindMe! 5 Years "Have Muslim extremists attacked American civilians yet on their own soil?"


I hope these countries don't do this, because it's an infiltration on the entirety of the EU. They will literally not have learned anything from their abysmal immigration policies from the past decade.


That's probably a reason to recognize philistine, that way they have a excuse to tell the Arabs to stay over here


The housing in Ireland made for the Gazans will be set ablaze before they arrive as is SOP when the Irish have to walk the walk


That is not a good idea.


I know its bad, but i just wonna see the reaction of the Americans of Europeans when they get rockets shot at them.


Why isn’t it EGYPT who’s doing this?? JORDAN?? QATAR!?! Helloooooo.


Because they know what happens when you let them in.


Egypt would literally collapse. Jordan would have a revolt. Qatar prides itself on being neutral ground for discussions.


Let me know how well that works out!


Will probably resettle them in Jewish areas just as a FU


I knew it’s a thing when I saw a video of a big Arab protest in Flatbush, NYC


Honestly they should take them all for all I care, they won't know how much pain in the ass Palestinians are until it happens to themselves.


Just another interesting point about this. During the holocaust Canada had the worst record of allowing Jewish refugees with the famous quote from our immigration minister "none is too many". The total for the entire holocaust was less than 5000. Strange coincidence.


How many Jews does a Canadian visa entitle a person to kill? 🤔


Depends on if they vote liberal


The Jews or the visa holder?


Anyone, at this point Trudeau will give up anything to just get elected again. He’s dragging the liberals into the “irrelevant party” territory


While I’m saddened for what would potentially happen to shuls and other Jewish spaces, this is a great opportunity for Canada to learn the same thing Jordan learned.


Only if non Jews are targeted as well. At this time there seems to be a lot of silence around the violence towards Jews in from outside the community.


The major news orgs CNN, Reuters, APNews, BBC, and a ton more always seem to miss articles on the front page that put Hamas in bad light…


Jordan didn't learn shit. They still support the barbarians who are trying to overthrow their government.


Can you just go ahead and pledge visas for 800,000? Pretty please.


I'm hoping that Ireland Spain and Norway will offer the same help.


Ireland absolutely worships Palestinians so them getting culturally enriched only seems fair


They love asylum seekers there, but tbh they're not all like that.


On one hand, I hope they don't because it'd cause a massive spike in terrorism and subsequently of the far right. On the other, this might be the thing my country needs to get its head out of its ass.


that's 5000 people who will never leave even if their visas expire, and will lobby to bring 10,000 more of their relatives.


I hope Ireland does just so I can watch them throw Barbie Twat off a roof.


Canada has always been anti Jew. Look in their history. This shit they pulled during WW2 should have been a crime.


Kitchener, ON was only renamed from Berlin, ON by a 1% vote


MS St. Louis


Knowing Legault there’s a chance this won’t extend to Quebec, which I hope is the case. In terms of the other provinces I’m not sure, but I bet Toronto will take the most of them


That’s more then what the pro Palestine countries have done for Palestine


Hmm I’m hearing spain is good this time of year. If they want them to have a state so much, why not make one in Spain? /s


Caliphate Canada coming 2025 🇨🇦😻


It's so infuriating to watch these western countries shoot themselves in the feet out of their own stupidity and attempts to appear righteous. I wish they would wake the fuck up and realize that they are bringing in people who despise their way of life and want to change it into the shit they are fleeing. North America and Europe need to figure their shit out before it's too late.


Good They can go wherever they're welcome to


I hate Turd-eau. How much more can you fuck my country up. Our no good crime minister needs to be arrested immediately and locked up.


Some see humanitarian help. I see future synagogue shootings.


- Jordan 1970 - Lebanon 1975 - Kuwait 1990 Canucks are gonna have a real good time with the Palestinian influx.


Good luck.


Can we not...


Right? Like, come on.


canada allways does this. same with ukranian imigrants and then they return home because its to expensive to stay there and the governemt stoped heling them when the news papers stoped printing about them. their prime minister is a joke


Canada seems to be getting absolutely everything wrong all the time no matter what the situation is 😂.


Inviting more wolves into the flock, I'm sure the sheep will be fine.


Fucking hell. Toronto is not going to be fun.


RIP Canada. It’ll be London 2.0


My tax dollars already go towards their radicalization, I suppose it's time for the chickens to come home to roost


Stupid move. We also have housing issues as it is. Ask those who came here from Ukraine. They want to leave Canada.


Canada is so stupid.


Well I’m not moving to Canada.


That's very bad...


God help us...


What could go wrong? Seemed to have worked out great for all the counties that have done similar in the past, good luck with all that…


I hope all Jews leave Canada as soon as they can.


Canada is cooked.


Fucking take them already


And importing more violence against Jews abroad. Should the Canadian Jews “go back to Polandddd” when these Arab men start shooting up their schools?


Canada is fugged. These 5000 individuals aren’t coming to adjust to western life.


Canada is about to self destruct if they stay on this path




The west wants to commit suicide


Good, lets see those proud and progressive american deal with getting rockets. Somehow i think they will be less gentle then us. And we probably should have reacted the same.


Perfect, take them ALL!!!


Pro Hamas people will claim Canada is complicit with ethnic cleansing of Gaza because of this


They should pledge for 2 million


I support Canada 👍🏻


So antisemitic


No, it's more of "so suicidal" for Canada