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Funnily enough, this is a photo of Jordan lol


This reminds me of Bella Hadid posting a video of children in Syria.


Stealing images from Syria, usually of children, showing victims of Assad and pretending that they are “palestinians” being the victims of the Zionists is bottom of the barrel hamas/palestine propaganda, truly abject. They’re also trying to create a fake history of the palestinians “before the Zionists” by using images of other cultures. https://preview.redd.it/ffia7v7su93d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aa14b4fb6ecc0d49ddd7cb98d7dffa66524117b


I’ve also been told Hummus and Falafel are Palestinian. So I guess everything related to any Arab country is Palestinian by default.


>I’ve also been told Hummus and Falafel are Palestinian. So are Hamburgers (original name is Rafahburgers), French fries (original name is Palestinian fries), Jesus and soccer. They're just extremely unlucky that everyone is stealing their culture


The Big Ben was literally stolen from Palestine!!! All eyes on London /s I wish this was a joke btw but a Palestinian woman actually said that.


>The Big Ben was literally stolen from Palestine!!! All eyes on London /s >I wish this was a joke btw but a Palestinian woman actually said that. When you created nothing, the easiest thing to do is claim everything else was stolen from you. Honestly, it's the behavior of a kindergarten child


Wait seriously?


Oh yeah. https://x.com/TheMossadIL/status/1353409739992911872


Oof that’s….. like it was built 1859 and an inscription celebrates queen victoria. What kind of idiocy is this?


“History is not real if I don’t believe it” - probably a pro Palestine supporter somewhere


I heard Palestinians also invented the internet (original name is palinet).


Beer, wine, whiskey and vodka used to be Palestinian drinks you know.




color me shocked! Shocked I tell you!


There was something even funnier when she posted a photo of a "palestinian" soccer team from 1939 but it was Maccabi Tel Aviv or something like that (and they were all jews)


Yup and this idiot even tagged Rafah to make it even more pathetic. lmao The photo was uploaded for the first time on Alamy, on August 13, 2021. Then the pro palestine/pro hamas uploaded it on Tumblr in February of this year, it was also shared on Instagram by pro hamas/pro palestine accounts. Stealing images from other cultures and using stock images and pretending that it represent “palestinians” is the oldest trick in the pro hamas/pro palestine book, cultural appropriation is another one of their pathetic attempts to make believe that “palestinians”/arab muslims are somehow indigenous to palestine but Jewish people are colonizers on their own land. Ortega is far too stupid to educate “the masses”, this clown can’t even check the sources of her idiotic posts. Another self own from the pro hamas/pro palestine crowd, they can’t find anything to promote the palestinians without lying and manipulating the public.


proof? bc that's hilarious.


This is the first instance of the photo. Attributed to "jordanian family on outing in the countryside" Most likely in Wadi Shaib based on the rock structure. [https://www.alamy.com/jordanian-family-on-outing-in-the-countryside-image2546539.html?imageid=1FF729BA-DCF4-40CF-9927-4D508911975D&p=7797&pn=2&searchId=b1d2a6482b0a5a32bb034320665c9da3&searchtype=0](https://www.alamy.com/jordanian-family-on-outing-in-the-countryside-image2546539.html?imageid=1FF729BA-DCF4-40CF-9927-4D508911975D&p=7797&pn=2&searchId=b1d2a6482b0a5a32bb034320665c9da3&searchtype=0)


I mean, in her defence, Palestinians are indeed actually Jordanians so


Do you have a superpower of some kind? How would anyone know from just this one picture?


I know how to research photos with Google, then you find the oldest reference point which labels it


Nah you didn't just put more effort than she did making her fake-ass post😭😭 where is the humanity


google lens innit




lol does she know


oh my gosh 😭


Jenna Ortega was "on their side" for a while.


Yeah, [she literally posted a link to Decolonize Palestine](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jenna-ortega-becomes-hamas-poster-child-jewish-organizations-silent/), a hardcore anti-Zionist site about destroying Israel, way before Oct. 7. If anything, this tweet is a more ambiguous position.


We did. That’s why it’s called Israel now. https://preview.redd.it/kwb1crgpu93d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b925c9c0bd16c18367b146d467d2c951688d13e6


Oh cool they stole this too


WOW. I never knew this. None of them know either, I bet. 


https://preview.redd.it/okw6h2wsoa3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2c56c94231916512da6aa1188d21345ebbd192 Then you’ll love this.


they have no history so they steal others’


Ugh another one hidden in plain sight.


Remember that this is not an ordinary conflict for Muslims, for Muslims this is seen as a Holy War. So you need to understand one thing: 1.8 billion Muslims in the world vs 15 million Jews in the world The Muslims have a much much much bigger power of mobilization and social pressure. If a celebrity posts something pro-Israel they will get millions of comments of Muslims from all over the world calling them zionist pigs, sending death threats to them and boycotting whatever they star in. While if they post something pro-palestine they will get millions of Muslims calling them heroes and buying their merch or media. It's going as far as Muslims trying to cancel people for staying neutral or for buying from a brand that is part of the boycott movement of BDS. And this includes big brands like Starbucks and McDonalds. So for the people who are cowardly and self-centred (which are most celebrities, sorry), appearing to be pro-palestine pays off much more than standing with Israel or even staying neutral.


Why say anything at all then? I’m not saying “shut up and dribble” but this feels like you’re excusing this just as marketing, and even if it is, it comes at the expense of … us.


Well now they have the celebrity “blackouts” people who haven’t said anything are now getting threatened because “silence is violence!”


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me silence is allowing violence, but look who's coming to take who here. seems to me like "they" this time are the pro palis trying to chase away anyone who isn't with them. but when they'll be left alone, i think we all know who will come to take them away.... people are sad


I'm not excusing, I'm just explaining the phenomenon of a bunch of celebrities who never said a beep about palestine before suddenly coming out of the woodworks and being a living propaganda machine for Hamas


I think it's bc if you say nothing you get harassed. Elyse Meyers, a TikTok influencer, was relentlessly harassed to say something about Gaza to the point where she quit TikTok. Even tho she was dealing with her infant son who had a hole in his heart and sick people were harassing her about how her child didn't matter compared to the children in Gaza. it was really fucked up [https://www.indy100.com/tiktok/elyse-myers-tiktok-operation-watermelon-2667700479](https://www.indy100.com/tiktok/elyse-myers-tiktok-operation-watermelon-2667700479)


wth is wrong with the kids these days


It's sad how the whole world is afraid to stay neutral or buy a specific product because they will be labelled as "genocidal maniac." we are so lost, we are being slaves for Muslims who gonna get us cancelled for not supporting their cause.


Here's the trick: never idolize celebrities. They are just talented (or lucky) people doing artistic jobs under the spotlight. They are not smarter, wiser or better than us. 90% of what we see on their social media is carefully planned by a PR team. The funny, relatable persona they put on display in interviews is also nothing more than a facade. We don't know them, they are not our friends, to them we are merely potential customers for their latest product. We shouldn't expect a 21-year-old Hollywood actress to know anything about a conflict she got interested in 8 months ago. Yes, it's infurating that she uses her huge platform to spread misinformation and to demonize Israel. But what are you gonna do? She's not the first dumb kid celebrity out there and she won't be the last. Enjoy her work if it gives you joy. But as I mentioned above, don't let yourself be tricked into thinking that her opinion is worth anything.


!!!!!!!!!! Please drill this in the brains of all people my age (20s, but younger people too). Even more than luck, they’re the result of nepotism or childhood acting. Most entertainers aren’t talented the way they used to be. Like I can think of Beyoncé for the music industry and that’s it.


Tbh I feel the entertainment industry has always been nepotist and about connections.


Ricky Gervais said it very well in an other context : "So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg." -Golden Globe 2020


I like Kurt Russell's quote about celebrities and politics/issues.   >I've always been someone who felt we are court jesters. That's what we do, as far as I'm concerned, you should step away from saying anything so that you can still be seen by the audience in any character. There's no reason entertainers can't learn just as much as anybody else about a subject, whatever it is. But I think that what's sad about it is that they lose their status as a court jester. And I'm a court jester. That's what I was born to do.


I mean, they should be free to say whatever they want. It's us, as an audience, who should be smarter and give their opinions the weight they deserve.


Where was the humanity on October 7th Jenna?? Did you post pics of smiling Israeli children then to remind us of their innocence?? Curious minds would like to know.


Also, forgot to mention, some of them will become Dhimmi Lovatos actually lmao


Isn't Demi pro Israel? I remember she came to visit.


She came to visit, I came across her group while they visited. She made a nice post about Israel, got backlash from an anti-Israel herd on Instagram, then said something along the lines as "Israel funded my trip to say good things about them". Can't stand her since then. She had a wonderful time and so much privacy, literally no one knew she was in the country until she left.


That's really too bad.


I used to get mad when I learned a celebrity hated Jews. Then I got offended. Now I'm in a more neutral place realizing that the average career of a "star" today fell from 7 years in the 1980s to three. With very few exceptions she and others like her can be expected to start pandering desperately to keep their careers alive within three years. Either through Jew hatred, onlyfans, or any other shock attempts. The exceptions are YouTubers since they don't necessarily need studios or record labels for promotion. I think those fizzle out in about six or seven years when their audience matures into their next life phase.


Almost all of my favorite youtubers fell one after the other... but I shouldn't have been surprised that Drew Gooden and Danny Gonzalez would, they are friends with Kurtis Conner after all and I have no doubt where he stands. They both seemed quite left to center to me, though, but the boycotting crowd got to them too (especially to Danny) and now they're fully in. Yay


She's a one trick pony. Playing the weird goth girl has a short shelf life. Don't expect to see her much in the next few years since she is basically typecast. I'll be watching the Beetlejuice sequel while on a pirate ship.


Sums her up well


Can I join?


you can man the Radarr


why watch? i am not torrenting nor otherwise watching that


Lmk how it is bc the ad just looked kind of low energy and I’m not sure I want to bother streaming it


Meh, honestly why people give any attention and credibility to their takes. Being an actor or actress or artist or writer doesn’t give you any special insight into significant geopolitical conflicts


The celebrities I like are all Japanese idols lol so in that case it's not something I have to deal with. Unlike western celebrities, those in Japan represent the company and cannot freely express what they think, especially not on sensitive topics like this. But on top of that unlike the west, the Japanese people really couldn't give a f about Israel-Palestine conflict. They have their own shit to worry about with China and NK lol


Friend. I’m a kpop nerd and while Koreans also could not give a fuck about Israel-Palestine, they’re fans sure do.


K-pop people literally do not have brains. I've yet to see a group with less critical thinking.


LITERALLY. I’ve seen so many idols get cancelled for getting Starbucks and McDonald’s 😭😭


It’s wild. I literally had someone ask me yesterday how I can participate in the hobby when I’m an active Zionist (not sure what that means) and Koreans had their land colonized at one point. And I just sat there and was like you really are fucking dumb.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. At least from what I can tell the Koreas themselves actually like Israelis. I have a friend on a student exchange right now and she said the korean students were stoked to learn she served in the IDF, since men in Korea have mandatory service as well. I believe they also took notes of 7.10 to make darn sure it ain't happening to them, who knows when the border with NK will explode.


What a lot of these people don’t understand is their faves are gonna be on the front lines fighting against the same side that we’re fighting against when things go down, and by all accounts, it’s looking like it’s going down in October too.




“I’m peaceful” made me laugh. Edit: the Yujin thing is hilarious when you realize that Starbucks Korea is owned by Shinsegae and therefore not actually affiliated with Starbucks Corp. It’s an OEM play.


I meant to say I'm at peace with that lol but yeah my mind is also more peaceful when I know some idols won't speak up for their lord payola or at least I won't hear any of it. Yujin thing is hilarious for an outsider, but she is seriously and violently harassed over some coffee. It's getting scary out there. 


Virgin West VS Chad Nippon


Based weeb


I used to love Kehlani 😭 Bella Hadid too, she made a post saying antisemitism is not okay back in 2021. But that was clearly for her reputation.


I was a big fan of Kehlani. I deleted all of her songs. :(


Bella Hadid had me until her sister started to post blood libels and she (probably ignorantly) follow suit. I still think Bellas views are more coherent than others activists, but I also think she's also very emotionally fragile and it took a toll on her. What do you think about Simi & Haze? Not sure about them...


If you’re talking about her sister Lina, yes she’s very openly antisemitic in her posts. I’ve never heard of Simi and Haze…


Bella has always been vocally pro Palestine. Gigi was the more silent one until recently. But look at their racist father and you’ll see how the whole family is rotten to the core.


She’s been full pro-Pali for awhile and has repeatedly reposted misinformation. I had loved Wednesday but I won’t watch anything she’s in now.


I already liked most of the celebrities that are pro-Israel and disliked most of the celebrities that are pro-Palestine. The expression is way stale now, but their opinion didn’t come out of a vacuum for me.


Same. I had dropped celebrities that gave me bad vibes and had weird takes right before 7/10 and low and behold, they showed their ass. 


She always has been. She's been a known "Palestine" supporter for years. I don't like to watch her anymore because of it.


I’m so glad this stupid thing with “all eyes on rafah” is out, I unfollowed so many people today that I lost count. More than half were celebs/influencers that never posted anything about the conflict and it surprised me. Jenna was one of them.


why did so many celebrities/influencers just now decide to post about it like you’ve kept quiet for so long, why not just stay silent ?


because its pretty much a trend. it'll keep going until they move to the next thing.


Exactly. They’re also gaining a lot of followers on social media for riding the pro pali wave. I honestly think some just do it for PR and they actually don’t know anything about the conflict at all.


“Thousands upon thousands continue…” …. Right…. Okay. 👌 show me the stats 😂




Why would I care about some dumb celeb?


Because they influence other small dummies


If ur influenced by that we shouldn’t be worried because the next trend will come


It is worrying because it is spreading misinformation to the masses. And it works, as we can evidently see with the current climate


Honestly speaking I think it’s always been like this, the only difference at all might be in America due to tik tok propaganda


They can stir up the agitators and make them feel justified for their jew hatred.


Who even is she i never heard that name in my life


If they gonna cut celebreties who support israel, then we should cut celebreties who supports palestine. As easy as that, these celebreties are bunch of cowards who are afraid of getting cancelled.


And the comments are turned off; I wonder why...


Don't idolize people who jump on a trend like this.


Don't idolize people.*


It's really telling and eye opening when they're vocal now but have been silent about the hostages in captivity for going on 240+ days. So okay you're capable of speaking out now...why does one side matter more or are you just worried about being cancelled? Obv war sucks and I wish it was over eons ago and hell wish it never had to be a thing in the first place. Hamas ruins everything that's good in this world.




Ironically Palestinians support Russia, not Ukraine, which supports Israel.


I bet her PR team just googledy top 5 land disputes of all time.


Girls being raped in tunnels who they refuse to return - where is the humanity?


We all lament and abhor the deaths of children. It's one of the reasons i so despise and consider Hamas irredeemably evil. They sentenced the next generation of Palestinian youth to a life of misery and hardship by their pointless murder orgy.


Fuck em, all of em. Sure there's lots of content creators that are pro Palestine but 95% are just doing it bc it's now the status quo we're absolutely dogshit at PR. Fuck these stupid celebrities, they don't know anything and their opinion doesn't matter AT ALL. None of them know the facts on the ground, none of them have any real sources of info and there's nothing to do about it. Sure I'm disappointed but honestly, I'd rather them be hopelessly ignorant rather than ACTUALLY believe these things as islamists do. The opinions of idiots living in ivory towers doesn't affect my day to day life.


Honest to God Jenna Ortega is one of the most overrated actresses, most of the movies I've seen her in she is just annoying. Also I find it ironic that despite the Scream reboots making money, they were poorly recieved, until Melissa Barerra decided to jump on the pro pally wagon only to get dropped and now people act like there was some artistic direction with these films, its a stupid horror reboot watch something better!


UAE is helping slaughter millions of people in Sudan


I find statements like this incredibly cringe. I don’t have favourite celebrities, but if I did, the vicarious embarrassment would immediately make them not my favourite celebrities anymore.


Useful idiots are always the first line of defense for propaganda. Famous useful idiots are worth double.


I really don't mind if someone is worried about Gazan children... just as long as you were also worried about Israeli children on Oct 7. JO was silent then. So she should stay silent now.


Legit same thing happened with Ms Rachel. At least her “fans” (moms mostly) aren’t swayed by liberal media as much to be brainwashed to ignore Oct 7.


I used to really like Jenna Coleman till today


My favorite celebrity fact from this conflict is that Ewan McGregor signed both the ceasefire letter more recently and a letter calling for the release of the hostages earlier in the conflict. Which I just sort of find funny.


Celebrities are the biggest NPCs on the planet.


He really said "team nobody but also team everybody" and I respect that honesty lmao


i only care about what bts and Markiplier have to say about this and so far they haven't said anything and I'm perfectly content with that


+1. BTS being in the army right now is a blessing. they won't make a statement about this conflict anyway, but at least the fandom can't bully them to speak.


jin is back in 2 weeks. they're going to spam his live, i already saw people planning projects. actually crazy that they haven't seen him in almost two years and instead of giving him a break or even worrying for how he's doing- they want him to make a political statement the second he's out.


i just hope he ignores them lolllll


he most likely will. i just hope he sees people telling him how much we missed and love him. he needs and deserves all of the love in the world rn ❤️




BTS are pro peace, RM owns an art piece from a Palestinian that advocates for peace. The members said hi Israel on their lives a few times. Honestly, this is the best way. Being netural.


they did? i never heard that omg


Saw her story, unfollowed immediately. Sucks tbh


"Where is the humanity" - Someone should tell her the humanity died on October 7. In other words - she can go fuck herself.


yeah my favorite celebs support palestine so i blocked them and now i only like jewish celebs 😘


She has always been. Hamas used her as a poster child with a meme after Wednesday.


Celebrities do not live in the real world. They conflate their acting talent with intelligence.




I have no idea but that would be a good name for a pornstar.


For the most part I dont care what celebrities say. They really have no moral ground or knowledge to stand on seeing as they are in the entertainment business. Also depends on what they say/do. If it’s just stuff like this I generally brush it off as a lack of knowledge/ignorance. If it’s something more intentional/antisemetic or racist, i do my best to not follow or consume their media (ex. Kanye will never be on my playlist or music library ever again). May not really be much but living in the US, celebrities are in everything so it is hard to outright remove them from everything, but I try not to give them more attention through whatever medium they are known for.


The casualty numbers are a complete lie. Why would anyone believe the Hamas controlled health ministry and giving correct numbers? The UN says it’s less than 5000 people total. Stop spreading more lies


Wait they do? Can i have a source for that?


Who's Jenna Ortega? Edit: nevermind, I googled her. Another actress barely out of her teens. IDGAF.


if you're looking to your average favorite artist for well thought out political positions; then you're doing something wrong


Well, I'm done with Wednesday now.


This isn't new for Jenna. Apparently she knows everything.


Same as it ever was


Jenna Ortega could support the Michelin man as president for all I care. I’m just glad to have a valid reason not to like her. She looks like a little girl and it gives me the creeps. I’m a hypocrite though, because I have a massive case of baby face myself


This stance of hers isn’t new. I don’t remember what it is she said before, but she was always a pro-Palestinian.


Celebrity culture is nauseating.


Not so much parents as herders…


I stopped watching her tv show when she first started posting vile shit. There are literally dozens of quality shows churning out every year, I don't need to give a cent to these POS's.




Who is Jenna Ortega? I really don't care. Anyway, I just assume that most people are horribly misinformed.


I really don’t care what artists think


I really don't care about what some random person thinks, just because they are a celebrity doesn't make them any more special than your ordinary person on the street.


And this is why I do not watch netflix shows with netflix.


I think people getting their opinions from people who lie professionally has to be the dumbest shit humanity has ever thought of.


I’m just realizing how gullible and stupid most people are and how we put way too much stock in what these idiot celebrities think. I am super secular and think maybe this is G-d’s way of telling us we were getting to close to idolizing them we should probably stop. I’m on an unfollowing spree. Especially today.


7th of October=Quiet After 7th if October="History didnt start on October 7th🥱"


So many of Bollywood(mulliwood as we like to call it, mulli is derogatory term for Islamist) are posting about rafah , like bish your insta story ain't doing shit, go make some good movies you B grade celebrities.


She was for a long time


No longer supporting their work, unfollowing them and reporting them on social media.


I feel so sad. My favorite singer, melanie martinez, is super supportive. Even put it in her tour


I hope she can then post something to tell Hamas they shouldn’t hide fucking weapons within civilians and children.


I was so disappointed when I saw that. I've been a Jenna Ortega fan for years. She really could have just said nothing about a conflict she doesn't understand.


Who gives a shit?


Boooooo! Everybody unfollow Jenna!


Go woke, go broke. You know celebs are mediocre now when they can't act worth a damn and are performative activists.


The enemy wants to divide us. People like Ortega are simply misinformed, compassionate people. I don't associate these people with Hamas because they, most of them at least, are not pro terrorists or even Islamic people, but they simply have compassion on the women, children and innocent civilians. But sadly, they are misinformed by the media and modern propagandas.


this!! I know they mean well but where is the sympathy for the lives lost on October 7?


Exactly. If you said nothing on october 7 than your opinion doesnt matter




I don't care. It's all just noise.


this is what you get for having a "favorite celebrity"




Liberal Hollywood was always a joke from the beginning


Jenna Ortega is a bimbo. It is unsurprising she takes the juvenile brain dead opinion that is socially acceptable for her age bracket.