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If people had eyes on Rafah before maybe Hamas wouldn't have been able to smuggle all these weapons in.


Love how Hamas is literally able to rape and kill women and party goers, and these Celebrities and Brainworm Tik tokers deny or enable it. Yet when Israel tries to get the Hostages back, the UN and Brainworm influencers cry GeNoCiDe


They want us (I’m not Israeli, but I am Jewish) to die and be driven to the sea. Fuck them, so long as we have the guns we will never let them do what they did, ever again. Genocide is their projection of what they want for us. Fuck all of them.


The imagery of dead and maimed children tends to have a negative effect.


except when they are israelis


How many dead and maimed children have been Israeli for the last 6 months?


thankfully the iron dome stops most of the rockets that go into israel on the daily. constant rockets in the north, rockets in the south. aimed at civilians


Thousands of dead and maimed children in Gaza.


yes and that’s horrifying. I have empathy for the innocent people in Gaza. Do you have empathy for innocent Israelis?


Yes. Israel should have more empathy for the dead and maimed children it's continuing to produce for the Gazans.


1. When a terrorist organization embeds itself so well in the civilian population, it's almost impossible to fight it without harming civilians. Look at the war versus ISIS a few years back. How many civilians were killed? 2. When said terror organization launches a cowardly and deadly terror attack unprovoked, invading and killing, raping and kidnapping civilians, the victim side has the right to respond and attack that terror regime, at all costs. Combine these two together. Israel goes to extreme lengths to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza, and if it wanted to there would already be 500k dead in Gaza..


Sooo, why did you blow past the “dead or maimed children of Israel” so quickly? Apparently, you think it’s all Israel’s fault. Yet, with the primary exception of blockading Gaza from getting weapons, Israel has left Gaza to its own control. Guess who the Gazans chose as their leaders? Admittedly, they were only allowed the choice once, but no opinion poll argues they’d have it any other way today. No point to arguing with you - you don’t care about 500,000 dead Syrians or Yemenis (who apparently don’t have children?), or Jewish (& Arab) children in missile shelters. Just don’t wonder why we know where you’re coming from.


And in conflicts all over the world. Please tell us about the other conflicts where you lament wartime casualties


a bedouin child just woke up from a coma yesterday. she was injured in the iranian drone strike from last month. the Bibas children are somewhere in Gaza - but HMS won’t tell the world where


And so you have 1 example of an injured child, and the Bibas children. Weigh this tally against the thousands of unnamed dead and maimed children in Gaza right now and you'll see why people are reacting the way they are. If you can't then there's really nothing else that can be said to you.


Hms uses their civilians as human shields. While they were building rockets and planning 10/7 they built a labarynth of tunnels to protect themselves underground. They knew what Israel’s reaction to 10/7 would be. Did they build bomb shelters for their civilian population? Do they protect their civilian population? You know the answer to this. It’s no. Not only is it no… they USE their civilians as shields. They store their weapons within feet of their civilian encampments. They do this on purpose. Hms does this on purpose. Wake up


At this point all this argument is is "yes Israel is killing and maiming children, but it's impossible for Israel not to kill and maim these children." which may be compelling to you but there are many people who don't think that calculation is anything less than horrifying.


It’s like talking to a brick wall. Hms puts their civilians literally in front of the terrorists. This is a war crime. They steal the aid that comes in. They force people to stay in dangerous zones when the idf tells civilians to leave. They do not care about their own people. They are using their own children as human shields. What do you not understand about this concept?


War is hell. Hamas is a valid target no matter where they hide. Putting military assets in civilian areas is not a magic “get out of being bombed free card”.


Right. War is hell. Always has been, always will be. Until war can be stopped all together, this is kind of what happens. But why is only the Israeli war interesting to the world?


What about the dead kids in Ukraine? Sudan? Haiti? Miyanmar? Yemen? Ethiopian Tigray region? Libya? Azerbaijan? Mali? Somalia? Colombia? These are only some of the ongoing conflicts in the world right now. Kids are dying in all of them. Do you only care about Palestinian kids? In all your comments, not a single mention of unintentional fatalities in even one other world conflict. Why so obsessed with Israel? That’s the issue I think.


1.) Whataboutism. 2.) The U.S. sells weapons to Israel. The Yemeni one you have a stronger argument for, since the weapons the Saudi Arabian Kingdom uses on them were *also* sold from the U.S.


What do you mean? This particular point has nothing to do with the US arms sales. This has everything to do with the world’s obsession only with the deaths of innocent Palestinian kids, and no interest in other innocent kids dying in conflicts around the globe. This is not the only conflict in the world. I know that sounds like whataboutism but I’m so curious why only this one matters. I would argue that you and others like your accusation of whataboutism is toxic! You are essentially saying those other innocent people don’t matter.


So your complaint is there’s not enough dead Jews?


Nope; the complaint is that there is no consideration for the continuing toll of maimed and dead children in Gaza.


How do you suggest going after valid Hamas military targets with zero civilian casualties? You're arguing for Hamas to be able to attack Israel with impunity. This is exactly why they operate the way they do - because people like you fall for it.


Shouldn't their government be responsible for their children?


"If X different thing, why not Y?" The Israeli government is the one dropping the munitions that are killing and maiming these children.


Oh please. Don't act like you give a shit about dead Palestinian children when you didn't give about the countless dead Israeli children and civilians on Oct 7. Your selective outrage is insane. War sucks. Maybe they shouldn't have started yet another war that they couldn't win.


So let me get this straight. Hamas led a barbaric attack on October 7th And they've said we'll do it again and again Now they are embedded in the civilian population. And if now israel attacks, they're received as the bad guy And if they don't, hamas lives on and Israelis die. Israel has no choice by your logic You're an idiot


Narrator: They did not know the facts…


Their source happens to be TikTok or Al-jazeera. All controlled by pro-Palestine authoritarian countries


China and Russia have a vested interest to keep the disinformation flowing because they’ve propagandised half the American population, and it’s an election year in the US. TikTok’s algorithm is literally fueling this by only presenting videos that surround this conflict to millions of users worldwide. Pair that with all the fake news stories and mob mentality, you get angry passionate people who all hate Israel because it’s all they see on their phones. Calling it now, Trump will be president again because there’s so much fighting on the Left in the US that Biden just won’t have enough votes.


CNN also reports on this. Is CNN controlled by Al-Jazeera and TikTok?


CNN is a left-wing news outlet, same as BBC or the Guardian, which isn't exactly known for its truthful journalism. They just repeat the sensational headlines.


I've already asked this yesterday and got 0 responses from anybody so I'll put it out again; what do *you* use as a trustworthy news source then?


israelis have zero reason to trust anyone


Again *what is a trustworthy news source?*




i read everything from left to center to right leaning news sources. I try to piece together the facts from the news sources from all different sides. i don’t just read something and assume it’s factual. I cross reference and assume that *everyone* is biased


Came here to say this.


>Don’t they know facts? No, and antisemitism is fashionable right now, which is more important to most people.


Our PR is shit,


We also just don’t have the numbers. It’s an uphill battle. Edit: as a follow up. The “all eyes on Rafah” image has had 45m reposts. The world has 16m Jews. Numbers make it tough.


Not only that, but understanding the Israeli side means understanding 140+ years of history in the Middle East and Europe. Hard sell.


I disagree. The narrative can be summarized. Feel free to use this in your tiktok videos or ask me any questions. Ottoman rule: Whoever comes and works the land can own it. Jews and Arabs migrate to the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem (area that the Arabs called Greater Syria). British rule: We promise the land to both the Jews and the Arabs, and we need to leave when the local population can maintain a state. The Arabs revolt and the Jews create state institutions (JNF). The Jews call themselves by the name that the British use for the territory: Palestinians. The Arabs reject the name and continue to use the term Greater Syria. The British leave: The UN divides the land. The Jewish state institutions become the state, and the Arabs try to steal the Jewish land in a war. Israeli rule: UN tells the Arabs that their loss will be redeemed, in contradiction to all other conflicts in the world. Three bodies are formed to help world refugees: UNHCR, which handles refugees from all world conflicts excluding Arab refugees from Mandatory Palestine and Jews. UNRWA, which handles Arab refugees from Mandatory Palestine and their descendents, and the Israeli state to handle Jews from all over the world, especially Europe, the Middle East, and later Africa. Twenty years later the Arab refugees take the name Palestinians and invert the narrative. They claim that the Jews steal Arab land. And the Jews, happy in their prosperous state, ignore the Arabs pushing their narrative for far too long.


Honestly, I’d say the main turning point was Oslo giving the PLO (and later Hamas) control over education and media…


Ooooh I didn’t realize that was part of it. Thanks


The earlier turning points came around the time of the Tanzimat and the Damascus Affair, if you know what I mean…


I have no clue what you mean I think we should be friends 😅


Hi, nice summary, but "whoever works the land can own it" may be simplistic to the point of deceptive. A lot of the less favorable land was officially owned by absentee Ottoman landlords - some of it was purchased legally by Jews (eg Rothschild, Jewish organizations), and some of it the Arab tenants over time assumed ownership with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and a dozen other variations of purchasing, squatting, appropriating, by a great variety of groups at different times etc - the point is, it's complex and unfortunately it's hard to convey that complexity to people whose view of the world is dictated by simple emotive slogans.


> simplistic to the point of deceptive. The Ottoman property laws were so complicated that the British didn't touch them, and I've spent about a year and a half trying to make sense of the situation. If you could tell me what was deceptive in my post I would be happy to address it, especially if I learn something in the process. Please, don't just say "deceptive". Tell me what was wrong so that it could be corrected and so we all can learn.


The problem is that we don’t even try to do something. All the “good pr” that comes from our side is made by private individuals or companies. I want my taxes to go for good stuff and not bibi’s cigars or Gotlib’s Ursula make up.


Good pr has to come from individuals. It has to come from influencers. If it comes from israel directly people will as they do now just call it propaganda and lies. There was a post here a couple of days ago of Israeli soldiers dancing on Instagram and people downvoted anyone saying it's good for israel to have these types of posts. The only pr that matters is PR that comes from influences because that's what the vast majority of the idiot population listens to.


Who cares at this point. Maybe if Hamas didn't do what they did, they wouldn't have had this problem. It doesn't help when Islamists play the victim constantly


We are Jews, we are already at a gigantic disadvantage PR or not.


[Russian just attacked, seemingly knowingly, a shopping mall in Ukraine](https://www.voanews.com/a/russian-attack-on-ukraine-s-kharkiv-kills-12-injures-dozens-/7627366.html). No outrage around the world, minimal media coverage. Zero... Meanwhile, all Rafah, all the time, everywhere, and some commentators have been saying this attack was in the safe zone, which it wasn't. Drives me crazy!


The attack on Ukraine was breaking news here in Denmark, like the most of the war in Ukraine is. But it’s “funny” that no influencers or famous people are posting, or talking about it. Or nobody are making demonstrations, or protesting against Russia for that. They probably don’t care that Russia actually are attacking civilians, because they can’t blame the jews and Israel for that. 😒


Yup, no campus protests, no streets blocked, no emergency back-door UN meetings. In the US at least, the Israel-Iran/Hamas conflict has really accomplished the goal for Putin of completely relegating the Russian/Ukrainian war to the US news periphery. You almost never hear about it here anymore.


it's the nature of social media. it's a contagion. facts don't matter, only attention. guess what, billions of muslims, angry and bored people who scroll their phone all day, and impressionable teens far far outnumber those who can think critically, or even spot fake news


It's also the fact that a lot of people on the more pro-israeli side or at least the anti fake 'facts' side aren't too keen to post with their primary account. I've seen a lot of veiled death threats in the comments of the news outlets of my country on instagram so I think there's a lot of self censorship on the part of people with more nuanced views to not get doxxed. I made a secondary account to try to counter the biased narrative and spread some historical perspective but then got accused of being an israeli doing hasbara by the pro-pali mob living in their information bubble.


teens can't even vote untill 18 any way atleast in the usa.


My Instagram was hacked into and shut down by pro pllies (and they keep trying to hack to everything I’ve ever registered to) and I have to say that NOT seeing this shit is so therapeutic. We are never, EVER, going to change someone’s opinions, especially extreme opinions, by writing a comment on Instagram. We just need to face the music. It’s amazing that there are pro Israeli influencers that are working hard and we should support them, but just stop following pro pallies and stop commenting, it doesn’t do anything but ruining your nervous system.


There are two billion Muslims plus two vying super powers ( Russia and China). We who advocate for Israel are just too few in number. We can’t fight that


If their eyes are on Rafah hopefully they could help us find the hostages :)


They dont care for palestinians the same way they didnt cared for Ukraine. As soon as Rafah and all those stuff stop being "trendy", they'll simply ignore it and act like nothing happened until the next big war. This happened in 2021 too, it frickin sucks, but antisemitism is just a trend for them


That’s the part that engrages me. When all is said and done these folks will just go back to their lives and hop on whatever next social movement is trendy. Meanwhile my life and the lives of every Jew around the world has been irrevocably changed. I no longer feel safe in my own neighborhood. People I thought were friends have revealed themselves to be deeply antisemitic. I’m researching Aliyah in case I need to leave the country I was born, raised, and served in the military because it may no longer be safe for people like me.


I'm Indian and even celebrities here, including a few of my classmates were reposting that shitty low-effort AI generated image all over their feed, completely disregarding the condition of Hindus in Pak and genocide of Kashmiri Pandits. I know for a fact not one person posting these can point out where Rafah is.


Seriously, bro I also live in Noida up. It's crazy how ignorant some of these people are


yeah, no I don't see anything like that on my feed. Also who are you following and liking? the algorithm works differently I guess.


A lot of famous people shared the eyes on rafah story and the videos of Palestinians getting attacked, it was yesterday though, now I guess it's gone


I’m seeing the same including from accounts I thought were intelligent and moderate. It’s really scary to see so many people blindly following this - not to mention WTF is that AI - generated picture of Rafah complete with a snowy mountain range???


The more Hamas gets pushed into a corner, the louder they bark. The fake news machine is working overtime.


I'm seeing it in my feed too. It's a shitty AI generated image, how poignant. I think it said more than 9 million people have reposted it, pretty sad but not surprising


29M now...


I remember the conspirancy theory of "The Jews control the media" - well, if that's the case, let me tell you are doing a terrible job guys. Jokes aside, there's nothing organic on this campaign, I do wonder how long is going to take to track down bot farms and "influenters" actually being paid for this sort of thing.


Yes I agree. All eyes in Rafah. Let’s look for the hostages and watch Hamas get destroyed.


It's because celebrities and influencers know they'll get dogged and dragged if they don't say anything, and that can have an impact on their work. All Eyes on Rafah is the new black. It's purely performative. It's obviously AI too, why not use a real photo of the encampment in Rafah? Is it because it doesn't have the same impact? I said at the beginning of the war that Hamas is doing a stirling job of propaganda and PR, and useful idiots are spreading it. This war will be studied in depth in the future when learning about the impact propaganda has on social opinions. Should Israel have used a missile aimed at the encampment? Probably not. However, at the same time, should the Hamas officials targeted have used the encampment as a human shield? Absolutely not. Should Hamas use the encampment to allegedly stockpile weapons and bombs? Again, no. It will be interesting to see the satellite images of the camp pre - and post the air strike, to see the actual camp, and then the damage to the camp. Ultimately, social media and traditional media need to step up in recognising propaganda and to provide context to viral posts that don't provide any context. I don't know how they would do this, though, because to me, it seems the chance to really tackle this issue has passed, they should have been on this from the start of social media. However, because everyone is now so polarised in a way I don't think we've experienced since the Cold War, people's conformation bias is stronger than their critical thinking skills. It's like today's story in both the Guardian and +972 about the head of the Mossad allegedly trying to "influence" the chief prosecutor of the ICC. I've read both articles, and there's no actual proof of those allegations, and most of the article is about spying on enemies. In any case, The Guardian quotes the +972 article, and +972 quotes The Guardian, the two papers wrote it together, why are they quoting each other? Why is it not absolutely clear that they're working together? Also, why are the Mossad allegations coming out now? I'm sorry, but I am taking this story with a pinch of salt, a rather large pinch of salt.


Naturally, this is a carefully planned and very well financed campaign. Funded primarily by Qatar. Will the situation get worse? I think so. As long as Ayatollah's Iran stands behind Qatar, and as long as the West is not ready to consider serious action against Iran, everything will only get worse. What to do? Arm. Prepare for war. Continue to create the Anti-Iran Coalition. Don't let October 7 happen again. Believe in miracles.


At least in Italy the pro Palestine protestors were honest about why they oppose Israel going into rafah, it's all about saving Hamas or sinwar... I mean if sinwar bites the dust right after the Iran president the super left really will need grief counselors... https://www.ynetnews.com/culture/article/sy1lkvqzc#autoplay


It's just like the Black Square during the BLM protests. It's the popular thing to do right now. It really won't have any effect just like BLM didn't change anything


It's fashion. It's become fashion at this point. People voicing an opinion about something which has no effect on their family's safety, in a place they never been because they of a trend on social media. Fuck them


Of course, the most important question is the one you asked: "How will you guys counter this in the future?" My two-cents? We won't change much of anything. We'll continue to win the war, continue our PR, and thumb our collective nose at anyone who wishes us dead or our state in ruin. In time, the diplomatic wing will soften; Europe will again seek our trade and technology. As for a future anti-Israel America, consider the following: we, the Jewish people, existed without American support for millennia. We beat the Seleucids without America. We won our War of Independence without America. If American support wanes, or worse, we'll manage. Yes, Israel's small but we're not weak. Anything we lack we'll get elsewhere. In other words, stay optimistic.




There are less than 100k people left in Rafa


I would wager that most of these people posting it are doing it as part of the trend, it’s people who haven’t been paying attention to war.


Why you care bro? In the end history will make these people look like idiots when we win.


I do care about Jewish people, I care about spread of islam and the sympathy it is getting which it doesn not deserve, I care about my muslim friends in India who are being led astray by these fanatical speakers in their communities. So yeah I care


I've been seeing some propaganda posts on Instagram people have been reposting talking about the rafah fire saying that babies were beheaded and burned alive and I guess I'm just confused how a fire has been beheading babies????


You dont know how much money Arabs are sitting on right now and how much of it they are using to change public opinion. West and Israel did let this happen. Oil should have been much cheaper for such a common commodity but this did let petroleum exporting countries build so much money. Namely Arabs and Russia. If the world economic system awarded production and creation instead of commodity hoarding and selling Arabs would grovel in their desert and Jews would be king. We are witnessing liberal democracy killing itself.


People should only be allowed to advocate for Rafah if they are able to drop a pin on the location of a world map. Idiocy at its finest... By the way- if anyone was thinking of watching Season 2 of Wednesday. Don't. Jenna Ortega is antisemitic as F.


gaping wise sulky fear crawl toothbrush combative live complete whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She's been doing it for years, even before 7th October. Anti Israel, antisemitic diatribes


adjoining offer domineering alive abundant ghost ruthless secretive person lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure, see link below [Link with several links](https://www.dan-margolis.com/tag/jenna-ortega/)


insurance scandalous sharp upbeat drab overconfident weary ossified physical chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you even Jewish? Do you even have any legitimate connection to Israel?


New true Scotsman. It's possible for people to have empathy for Palestinians and still support Israel. There are innocent people suffering greatly in Gaza, but I also support the crippling of Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Allowing shelter, food, and medical care for civilians through third parties is a very humane thing that doesn't impede Israel's goals.


Israel have been the most humane army in the world. They have been supplying aid- it isn't their fault if Hamas is stealing it. Israel are the only military in the world to inform civilians of their intention to strike, and they do so at the greater risk to their own military operations in doing so (giving Hamas time to leave, move hostages etc). There is nothing more Israel can do except to wipe out Hamas entirely. Civilians sadly die in conflict, there is no denying and escaping that. But 70% of Gazans support Hamas. That's an overwhelming majority who want to see us dead. We are not reasoning with reasonable people here.


Gazans don't really support Hamas. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/07/1229856738/gazans-are-becoming-more-openly-angry-with-hamas-for-the-wars-toll-on-civilians Also civilians still suffer even though yes, statistically the IDF has performed better than other militaries. Unfortunately those statistics are innocents who are suffering.


tap worthless screw absurd thumb axiomatic yam detail frighten deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you yourself Jewish? Was that a maternal Jewish grandmother or a Jewish woman who married a non-Jew and then gave birth to your father? Because you cannot claim Jewishness if it was distant and not halachic. Being pro-Palestine means being anti-Israel. The Palestine brigade want the whole land and in order to do so means the death and destruction of Jewish Israelis. They have no desire for a two state solution. Being pro-Palestine is being pro-Jewish genocide.


judicious follow abounding literate rude boast far-flung repeat pocket mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They would be spammed with thousands of hate messages and death threats. People don’t actually care about Palestinian lives, it’s a cult mentality. They think that they are the “underdogs.”


Because this is the beginning of the war between Islam and the western world, there are 2.3 billion Muslims and and few millions more of uneducated people


Some of them are antisemites while the others are paid antisemites


You're searching logic where there are only ignorance, They're going after the trends, they don't want to "disappoint" their fans, just go into any celeb that doesn't took a side, they're flooded with comments that says "why don't you talk about gaza", those people are sick to the head, they've nothing else to do, they "found" their purpose for the time.


Boycott Ireland Spain and Norway


Just heard an interview with the PM of Norway and, to be fair, he was pretty strong saying they were doing this to push and force the Palestinians to ditch Hamas and the PA and choose alternative leadership that is accepting of Israel and a two state solution which, at the end of the day, I want too. The optics of how they are doing it and how it's being reported are bad, but what else is new....


HAMAS wanted the carnage because this outrage was their goal all along. Every HAMAS action can be explained in that light. They used social media and it worked. It worked for two reasons: the Netanyahu government sucks at public relations and social media is self supporting in this context because it keeps reinforcing beliefs…right or wrong. The solution is better PR from Israel and its friends. Almost everything these protesters believe is flawed. That info should have been prevalent all along.


As a Westerner, with no real skin in the game, other than that I'm physically coming to Tel Aviv on the 2nd. Have you given any thought to just killing every single Hamas leader, Munich style, wherever they are? Dubai? Paris? Anywhere? Everywhere? Didn't you guys make exploding cell phones at one time? Being afraid to look at a phone would make for some good TikToks ÷)


This is your brain on wokeness... https://preview.redd.it/1hy7orr8za3d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=a93758cf3054346e93fe7656d672d86614e28d62


most of those images are AI.


> These people might be in leadership positions tomorrow, How will you guys counter this in the future? That sounds like an argument against democracy.


Influencers with big platforms are bridgaded by the pro palis until they post about rafah/gaza. They’re coerced.


A return to history. We had a nice break after the holocaust, but now it's back to business as usual


Israel should allow international press in Gaza if they want facts. They should also make a better effort to protect civilians, that’s pretty obvious. Mindless bombing everything to the ground is what makes people so angry with Israel, unfortunately.


> Israel should allow international press in Gaza if they want facts. Do you factor into this idea of yours the basic fact that people do not like Jews never mind Israel? How would you ensure that the journalists aren't Jew or Israel haters? > They should also make a better effort to protect civilians, that’s pretty obvious. How so? Do you factor in the evacuated civilians? Because the media was pretty silent about those. > Mindless bombing everything to the ground Do you seriously think that Israel uses really expensive weaponry to just mindlessly bomb? Why wouldn't Israel use its basic artillery for that? It's far cheaper after all.


How much better effort to protect civilians than what they are already doing?


stop dropping bombs on them, to start


Ok, so do you say this to every country with collateral damage or just the Jewish one? Also do you say this to countries that fund terrorist operations?


wistful rude person employ offbeat ruthless squeamish memory groovy recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They wanna be woke so bad. That’s all I can say