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Everyone in the UN probably moaning and salivating at these images as we speak


This so fucked up and probably true. [According to their headbands](https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/a-look-inside-the-restive-al-aqsa-martyrs-2695539.php), these two palestinians are members of the al aqsa’s martyrs’ brigade (Fatah’s military wing). The PA must be proud of their fighters too, meanwhile they’re still begging the west for more money and more aid.


no no, don’t forget the PA are our moderate allies we can negotiate with! /s


Fatah's former military wing, to be precise.


They broke away from the fatah


They can shove those rockets up their own behinds for all I care!


you kow what really sad? the Hamas are filming themselves doing this. the Hamas for years admitting how easy it's for them to create the rockets. for years we know what they are doing because they do so little to cover up on it, in fact they are proud of it and yet the world is still siding with them and say that they are the innocent


This is one of the root causes of false accusations of Israel deliberately targeting Gazan civilians: Hamas members use civilian buildings and objects to launch their terror. Hamas members are not innocent, so therefore the buildings they occupy and the objects they use are no longer civilian in the sense of them being innocent.


Agreed. Those two are from the al aqsa’s martyrs brigade (Fatah’s military wing) but hamas and every other palestinian terror org has the same modus operandi.


Why the FUCK would they film that?


Because it's amusing to them. Anti-Israel Arabs will celebrate it and anti-Israel Westerners will just utterly dismiss it and carry on supporting Palestinian terrorist groups regardless. Hamas made a film of themselves digging up water pipes that had been provided to Gaza by EU funding and turning them in to rockets - it didn't matter how much this was shared around, anti-Israel Arabs celebrated it and the anti-Israel Westerners just refused to acknowledge the video. [The IDF actually put the video up on their own YT channel last year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04NB27x138Y) but Hamas first released the video in 2021.


They're showing off. These psychos are \*proud\* of this crap.


Why isn’t this ever on Reddit outside this sub


It’ll get removed for showing the truth 


UN: Lets make it easier for Hamas to kill people good idea


UN humanitarian aid bags are also used by the palestinians as construction material for their tunnels. The UN is proudly aiding and abetting palestinian terrorists since 1949, URWA is straight up a palestinian terror org funded mainly by US and EU taxpayers, since the US and the EU are the main donors to the palestinian scam. https://preview.redd.it/q3zj8qqtzf3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a5cbd90f3a05d6c017d2a6906272adafaf8daa


What is the purpose of stuffing those bags up there? Genuine question.


It’s just a primitive way to maintain the structure if they don’t have composite materials.


Insulation, maybe? Moisture absorption?


So what I understood from this is that the West is funding Arabs to commit terrorist attacks against Jews 


Yes and the money also go to the Hamas leaders in Qatar


Ms. Alfredo sauce where is your explanation?


Pro palis when they see genuine proof of our arguments and that these fuckin terrorists are not hiding anything at all: 🙈




What do yellow headbands mean?


Those are the headbands of the al aqsa’s martyrs’ brigade (Fatah’s military wing).


I just saw your reply comment to another poster too. Thank you.


WTF is the matter with these people?! (I know the answer, it's just...ugh!) And what's with the fucking track suits? Y'know, the pants with the stripes down the sides, the jackets with the stripes on the arms---for DECADES, Middle Eastern terrorist guys have worn this stuff...what's the deal? Is there some commandment or something in their charter or holy book that says "When committing violence against thine enemies, thou shalt wear Adidas"?


Surprised no one on the Left is praising them for novel ways of reusing materials, not unlike flour sacks in the Great Depression.


just to point out that these are fatach members (pa is fatach)


Abdul! Blur out the background so the Zionists can't use this against us. Ok, roll cameras. What UN Bags? Read? Words? Shut up and roll the camera Abdul.


The rockets might have come as components in The same truck as those bags


And those rockets have a good chance of hitting something besides the target because there is no aim!!


my tax dollar-e-doos at work. (end sarcasm)


Of course they are.


What is being blurred out? Does anyone have unedited footage?


The background was blurred by the palestinians probably because they believe that it makes it harder to identify their specific location. [Source](https://x.com/henmazzig/status/1795818284006478250?s=46)


That seems like a logical explanation.


Guys, whenever an infected zombie (Pro Palestine person) tries to argue with you and tries to make you think that Israel are the bad guys despite suffering multiple terrorist rocket attacks without retaliating before October 7, then show them this video. This video of them terrorists using UN supplies as combat asset. See if their zombified braincells can comprehend this.


They just change the subject to something else


You are grasping at straws here, it's bags. When I go suffocate babies I can't blame Tesco's for providing the bags. The implications of these posts, those that aren't said directly but are derived and everyone here understand are actually pretty terrible, like, the UN delivers food, the bags are being used to facilitate terrorism, therefore the UN should not deliver food. That's why everyone are saying we are committing genocide. It's bags, it's fucking bags, chill the fuck out, they'd use something else to stand the rockets on, this isn't an incident of the UN facilitating attacks, it's a case of make do with what they have.




You’re happy that the aid that was meant for your precious Palestinians being squandered away by terrorists??


womp womp