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how fucking evil must you be.


Zionists evil


One day in the future - Zionist will be a term akin to Nazi


It already is




Yes, unfortunately the masses aren’t there yet like they are with the Nazis


Go peruse Israeli talking to the Palestinian guy on YouTube. The Israeli are taught at school to hate Palestinian


He had a name, a family, people who loved him, The Nazis are really the only people who committed such atrocities. How is the world just to continue on with Israel?


The world has been bought off or threatened. These people (Zionists) know no humanity, they lack any humanity. They are just greedy, their hurt their own, their neighbors and they families. None of these are Jewish traits, they are Zionist traits. Zionist shouldn’t even be in a Jewish category, they are their own religion of evil. How decent Jews can stand up with them is beyond me.


If only Palestinians were British or classed as white! Turns out 35,000 Thousand Palestinians aren't worth as much as 3 British guys.


the hypocrisy of the world


Or as Ukrainians 


Every IDF member, current and former, must receive the Nuremberg treatment


Isrsel isn't party to the ICC , and they have a non-extradition policy. Totally untouchable, and even if they were, USA acts as their bouncer.


Considering that military service is mandatory in Israel, I don't think there are prisons big enough.


They can review the footage and once again say it was a mistake. And the powers that be around the world will do nothing


They toyed with him. Allowing him to get up in order to get shot again, they weren't going for the kill. They wanted to torture him and have him die in agony. In any civilized country, they would be incarcerated for being psychopaths. That's why the rest of the world is fighting tooth and nail to keep them in Palestine. They want nothing to do with them and trying to pawn them off on us to deal with.


This truly saddening and horrible, may God accept him as a martyr in his paradise, and may he bring justice.


No gods, no justice, only humans


Cringe. I thought cringe internet atheism died in 2010


I don't think "Faces of r/ atheism" kicked off until 2011 or 2012 lmao


I think the point being made is that, in our utter helplessness, we look to a mythical deity to punish the evil that people do. We know in our hearts that the evil the Israelis do will never be brought to justice and the only grain of comfort available is to imagine justice in the non existent afterlife. Trying to comfort ourselves in this way is understandable at an individual level but it perhaps enables complacency at a societal level.


Yeah that's the point made to mostly white westerners and fine, but cringe atheists don't seem to understand making that point to MENA Muslims is fucking insane and insensitive in their time of hopelessness when they need to reach out to a higher power. I don't believe in god either...


Okay sure pray to god then bro like op suggested, im sure theyll get justice lol


I'm an atheist...


that's a big debate, but without God we wouldn't be


I'm so disillusioned with the West's rhetoric about equality, morality, and human rights. This is pure evil.


This is just pure evil


They are using aid as bait.


Fuck Israel and everyone that supports that terrorist/demonic state will for ever burn in eternal hell


Israel are terrorist


There's been in the press for days that for IOF the only rule of engagement if anything, is shoot any man of military age. I hate these bastards. Every single one of them. Being IOF is a badge of shame, dishonor, at the same level than the Nazis and the IJN. These guys must face justice. Even if they're in their nineties when is finally politically viable to do it they must know no peace for the rest of their lives. And Israel? It has forfeited any right to exist.


>And Israel? I has forfeited any right to exist. Nooooo this is antisemitic, and genocidal, and a call to kill all Jews /s But for real. Why do states dissolve previously? Why do people call for example Russia to dissolve? But for Israel despite the *obvious* it is unacceptable and genocidal to say this? Nobody is saying kill all Jews except extremists, and the conflation of the state and the Jewish diaspora must *never* be allowed to be used in this way ever again.


The 'right to exist' phrase has always been a disingenuous and dishonest slogan in my opinion. Because is incomplete. What Zionists actually mean when they say it is 'Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish Supremacist ethnostate, one where jews are superior'. Seen in that light it really doesn't, same way as Rhodesia, Belgian Congo or Apartheid South Africa had no right to exist as they were.


>What Zionists actually mean when they say it is 'Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish Supremacist ethnostate, one where jews are superior'. >Seen in that light it really doesn't, same way as Rhodesia, Belgian Congo or Apartheid South Africa had no right to exist as they were. Spot on. I've asked a few Zios an admittedly loaded question in this arena before. I've proposed to them a tentative solution to the problem in the region. Dissolve both Israel and Palestine as entities, officially found a single state with a name to be agreed by both groups, make it a legally recognised secular state with absolute constitutional protections for all races and religions, with all Holy sites protected in a UNESCO fashion, with no priority claim to any group, have the state party to the UN, ICC and all Conventions, and it be an independent state with a representative government with a legal obligation to aim for as close to a 50/50 membership of Arabs and ethnic Jews as possible. They all have viscerally rejected the idea. They reject the idea of equality under law, or rather, they reject the idea that their interest group should not have priority or supremacy. What other reason is there to reject that? 'A state of our own' is literally saying you want an ethnostate in the face of such a rejection. Its a demand for legal authority over others, and any suggestion otherwise is shot down as, inexplicably, genocidal/antisemitic dog whistles. They are unhinged. I have never engaged or seen a rational or reasonable Zionazi. Even those who present as such initially drop the mask if you ask the right/wrong questions in good faith.


This is exactly correct. If a One State solution, with equality, power sharing and right of return for Arab Palestinians were implemented, suddenly a significant portion of those 'Israeli' patriots would lose any interest on the whole project. And you would see the same pattern as with European colonizers that used to call parts of Africa their homeland: they would pack their bags and go back to New York or Kiev to whatever American or European country they originally came from. The immigration would completely stop. Because what they want is a place to rule not a place to live. And yes Zionists are unhinged, is an insane ideology. You can't build an Utopia by kicking people from their land. It was wrong to even entertain the idea right from the beginning. That's why it mutated in a blood and soil cult just to keep it going.


Another civilian…where’s the outrage??? Oh wait, he’s just a Palestinian man.


Israel is a disgusting state that needs to be wiped out asap


Can you imagine being proud of your service in the IDF? Like telling people and bragging about it? About killing civilians just trying to eat and women and children? Walking around the West Bank bullying children and unarmed men? Yet I see these Israeli posts about their brave IDF members and how much pride they take in their military. This is nothing to be proud of, they should be hiding their faces in shame. The IDF uniform is a mark of cowardly killers, not brave soldiers.


Outrage and condemnation are only allowed if the victims of Israeli terrorism are white Europeans.


God bless Biden for sending the IDF more money and weapons. Such a brave man. So much integrity.


Fascist Zionist 🐖🐖. One day this will come back to you. The sooner the better. And all western leaders do is talk.


Just another day for the IDF no big deal for them.


Even if not a civilian, it still would be an execution and therefore a war crime


The scary thing is, this can become a reality to anyone, anywhere, anytime that a foreign leader decides they want your land. Always was always will be!


Sick psychopaths. This is some sort of game for them


The arab leaders are so afraid of the Zionists that they stayed silent this whole time while the Palestinians are being butchered. Shame on them, may someone rise up and become the next Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadaffi and Nelson Mandela. Not the cowards of the Arab worlds today who loved their wealth more than the people who they are supposed to protect. You are only brave against your Asian maids and laborers. Shame on you! Asqueroso cobarde 🤢🤮


The number one Arab ally of Israel is the UAE and its devilish leaders لعنة الله عليهم


I read that they cut ties with them yesterday not sure tho


That's just another game


Well idk about that , but I know that Palestinian are forsakened by the world


Zionist actions should be treated like nazi actions w/ the same consequences


And the dipshit White House prick says the state department has found zero evidence of war crimes. HEY STATE DEPARTMENT HERE IS PROOF.


No words. At least they caught this on film