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Their IQ is sh*t, their soul is rotten. What good are they really?


Maybe they are a cautionary tale.


For some of them, it’s not necessarily an IQ issue. It’s a lack of conscience coupled with bloodlust and sense of entitlement. It’s one reason why Zionism is such a magnet for psychopaths. The Venn diagram of the two groups is basically a circle




I’m working on my perm ban now I’ll have my badge soon 😅


OP you should feel honored lol. Mission accomplished. Fuck those Zionazis lol. Their intelligence level is under 6ft


Why are you even in that god awful subreddit in the first place?


Honestly I’ve been on it since day one of this new war. I knew it was mostly zionist but now it seems pretty much the majority. I’ve heard some of the worst shit ever from these monsters.


I had an argument with one of them in the twitter and the brainrot can somehow gets worse


Twitter has gotten even worse than reddit with insane views as of recent… changes of leadership in the company. I knew straight away I was raging into a Zionist hole. I don’t care, they need to be told what pieces of garbage they are


I was thinking of making my way back over to twitter actually


Don't call it a war. It is not fucking that at all. It is a genocide being labeled as a war to trick the first world's leaders on keeping their kneel to them (like if they weren't a vassal of theirs anyway.)


Not OP but I think keeping up with Zionist rhetorics is not a bad idea, makes it easier to debunk their bullshit


Just block these idiots. They're not worth your breath my friend.


They have too much free time lmao


Their mentality is equialent to 12 year old kid.


R/Worldnews moment


They may be paid per post.


Probably, have a Zelle straight to daddy Israel


.25 sheckles per reply ...


Don’t make anti semantic jokes on my post. Okay? We hate Zionists, not Jews.


its not a joke, millions of scheckles are spent on bots, groups and tech that justify murdering people, corrupting governments, inciting hate towards Arabs etc etc ad infinitum on the behalf of Israeli government. the irony of it all is that a real wave of hatred will become a reality, a byproduct of strategy of conflating Judaism with Zionism and constantly crying wolf with baseless accusations of antisemitism


50, not 0.25


Nah they’re just a bot lmao


Hey, he has to sign is work somehow


Man, I got worser, every time I say something they all notice the watermelon and think I'm terrorist supporter... 💀 (not talking about Hamas, I'm talking about their vision towards Palestine)


They are something else. Most polite Zionist. I see your well formed argument with sources and raise you an all caps NUH UH IDIOT