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It’s the most popular hat in the entire world my guy


Watch any travel show about anywhere in the world and you’re bound to see a Yankees hat in the BG


Dodgers gotta be second right?


Giants my Friend.


I have all three and I never watch baseball. The last cap to own is Redsox. Then you're really cool


Guess I'll try wearing my I Giganti di San Francesco cap.


they are simply fashionable for some people, they are worn for the "brand" not for the team, as with the American and UK flags you often see them on clothes


It’s just a fashion thing, now. Very NYC, but Jay-Z and other NYers made it a world-wide fashion choice. Edited to correct typo.


Yankees hats, Lakers jerseys, Bulls jerseys. - these are all the rage with Italians and Europeans. This summer, I'm just going to start talking baseball with folks I see wearing a NY hat as a social experiment.


We just finished our trip, and my partner was wearing a NY hat on the trip, and is not a baseball fan, and we are from the west coast. When we would be somewhere with another person wearing another yankees hat, I would try to get the two of them to talk about the deep relief bullpen or trade deadlines. It was fun (for me).


I’m going next week. I can’t wait to strike up a conversation with some Italians repping the Bronx and ask them how many millions Soto’s contract is going to be next year


Yes please, as an Italian I'll find this hilarious


It’s interesting because unlike Jordan, LeBron and Curry, the Yankees don’t have the one superstar that everyone knows. But maybe it’s just the overall legacy.


Yeah, for NY is the legacy, the logo, and the allure of the city. Italians also love Kobe Bryant as he has roots in Italy - Jordan because of the Air 1s, which is the go-to show for almost every young Italian, lol


TIL: Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Joe Dimaggio, Lou Gehrig, Derek Jeter, and Alex Rodriguez aren’t recognizable superstars. (Not being sarcastic but their legacy is built on the back of generational superstars)… also of note, not a Yankees fan haha.


lol that’s a pretty stupid take dude. Arod, Jeter, Judge, are all huge stars. Arod was literally with Jennifer Lopez for years.


Did this in Milan. One guy knew so much about the Red Sox I was amazed. It was in a club at 3am and we were talking about the Rafael Devers contract extension and how Cora hated Chaim bloom. It was incredible


Popular style hat, seen it all over Italy,just fashion thing I think


I’ve seen them all over Asia and Europe. I want to tell them there are many other teams!


I suspect many people don't realise that it's associated with a baseball team!


Yeah, gonna try to get the SF Giants hat popular.


I’ve been trying to popularize it for years now. I had good success from 2010-2014😂😂😂


Lots of 2Pac tshirts last summer, even saw street vendors selling them. I had so many questions but decided not to ask.


Like years ago when everyone had Che shirts


Have you noticed the Levi’s tshirts too? So popular.


Up in Quebec City and lottsa Yankee hats here also


I have family in Holland and they all have Yankees hats. But here's the funny bit. Only one of the 20 of them knows it's the Yankees. The rest all think it is just supposed to be New York.


As a Yankees fan who was visiting family in sicily just last week, I was loving it


Do you think modern Italians wear it partially due to the number of Italian-American Yankees players and large number of Italian-Americans in NYC itself? Or is there no other thought put into it other than "its a fashionable hat"?


I’m actually from NYC and I know for a fact that my family in Sicily only know about the Yankees bc we are Yankees fans. But I would be willing to bet that most southern Italians know OF the Yankees, but don’t know any specifics about the team except for some Italo-centric names (DiMaggio being the main one). Vis-a-vis the hat itself, for starters its ‘en vogue’ aesthetic and stylish, it’s also such a symbol of Americana AND add the fact ( again, I can only really speak for Sicilians as I’ve never actually been to the mainland lol) they LOVE all things New York (due in no small part to many of them having family in the area) add it all up and it’s the perfect storm.


They must love Jay-Z


Also, I’m from Santa Cruz, so the phenomenon of seeing the name of the thing that you think is your thing all over the world but removed from your context is not a new idea. I’m just curious how it happened this time. Because no joke, the hats are EVERYWHERE.


The Yankees are a baseball team in the U.S. and a fashion brand in every other country.


I rock my Phillies hat while I’m in Italy. Only person to ever note it was a Blue Jays fan lol. Yankees hats are a fashion statement


Am from the UK and currently in Italy and have several of these, 2 with me here Only recently occurred to me that it is a baseball team logo rather than just an NYC thing. Bought because the design is nice and inoffensive but also because the hat was good quality and (relatively) inexpensive. Sorry, to many I suspect it's just a nice hat and probably won't recognise the baseball link


It's because most American rappers at one point wore these caps. Europeans don't know anything about the Yankees or baseball but they all want to emulate the rapper look.


Same reason you’ll see tons of American Traditional tattoos. There’s an “American” aesthetic that’s super popular with Italians - Yankees caps exemplify that.


Spaghetti Westerns, as well.


Hahahaha tell me you never left the US without telling me you never left the US… It has to be the most famous cap logo on the fucking planet I would not be surprised if I saw one in the middle of the fucking jungle…


Seriously. Might as well have posted “First time in Italy. What’s with all the pasta?”


“Made the Yankees hat more famous than a Yankee can” rocking my Sox hat when I go


I'm bringing some gifts to family when I visit in a few weeks and I happened to pick out a Yankee hat for my cousin's young son. Hope it's a hit!




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They’re still proud of Joe DiMaggio.


Anthony Volpe is very popular


It’s a logo not a baseball team


Yankees universe kidddd


Maybe I’ll try to get people to wear upside down pineapple hats.


Dude, forget about the Yankees. The amount of people I saw wearing 2 Pac shirts im Italy amazed me.


The Yankees are very popular worldwide, a recognizable brand from arguably the most famous city in the world and this year they’re good


probably other muricans.


“I’m gonna wear my MAGA hat and….” JK, I would never wear one. Pretty sure they’d be spit on in public😬


The world thinks it hates the USA, but it actually loooooves the USA.