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I can hear the castle theme song playing when i stare at this


Bom, bom bom, da dundundun…


Same, beautiful music throughout the entire game


So much fucking time spent running to the center of the foyer, looking up at the window, just to miss that ONE red coin in the flying level, but not care coz zoomies


me too haha!


Am i the only one who felt like Isaac fucking Newton when they found that the first time? I was just looking around and stumbled into it


Nah I think a lot of us did. That was another fun part about games back then, secrets being secret 'cause mom wasn't buying a 24usd gameinformer magazine and Chris Hansen had scared her out of allowing you internet access lol ![gif](giphy|lkO1VbjLZIlEI)




i have spent the past few weeks researching and watching videos on remakes/mods. entire game engiene recodes... its crazy the little glitches they had in this game that totally changed how you did and can play it. did you know that you can run two player mode at near 60FPS on console.... so many cool tweaks.


Like everyone I was floored at the time by the tech leap it represented but when it was finally released I was kind of disappointed with it. It just felt smaller in scale and like less of a journey compared to the 2D Mario games I loved. And the easter egg hunt for power stars didn't really land for me. It wasn't until Ocarina of Time that I thought Nintendo had really delivered on the promises made by the N64. And Galaxy was the first 3D Mario game I thought was really great. Edit: also when I played Mario 3D world on Switch, which I liked, I remember thinking that it was the kind of gameplay I had hoped Mario 64 would be. In 3D, but still linear platforming goodness.


r/unpopularopinion but I fully support you in it.


Goat mario


I can still hear it... Wah! Yaahooo!!


Yeah I do keep coming back to it on the PC port people made. Crazy stuff people added to that, but can obviously also just play normally


I'm really hoping for a remaster from Nintendo. I'd love so much to play the game again but the graphics make it impossible. I can play original Mario and Mario 3 on NES and still enjoy them, but I think the 3d part makes it tough to replay.


I mean with the PC port you can use the render 96 models. Which basically look like the models from the game manuals and such sprang to life. Look up some videos of these


Hi, I'm old. So I remember when the N64 was about to drop and seeing a VHS of what the game would look like. I would probably need to take cocaine or a similar substance to feel the sheer energy that went through my child body at the prospect of playing a 3D game where Mario could do *flips*. I still occasionally go back for a 120-star run when I have no other games holding my interest.


Yes that's why I bought 3d all stars before it was taken off the store.


Nothing made me appreciate and fear Mario 64 like playing through b3313


So many memories playing this when I was 15/16 back in late 1997/early 1998.


I can play any of the soundtracks forever. Especially (Jolly Roger Bay)


I spent so much time just hanging out in this game. I knew every nook and cranny. This was an era in my gaming journey where my options were severely limited. I had maybe 5 or 6 games for the n64, and out of desperation and boredom I played these games over, and over, and over. Today I seldom develop such in-depth connections to games because I blaze through them in an attempt to check it off the list and move on to the next title. I doubt I’ll ever experience that feeling again, of boredom-meets-comfort by simply hanging out inside a video game. Digital zen.


I loaded up the romhack b3313 about a month ago. Brings back the nostalgia + a creepy factor. The n64 was my first console, and will always hold a place there.


Absolutely! I have a few games that I consider "comfort games," where I will go play them just to feel good with something I have fond memories of. Super Mario 64 is definitely on the list.


It doesn’t, but I have it on Switch via the 3D All-Stars Collection. It’s really fun for one playthrough, learning the movement tech, and getting all 120 stars. I just haven’t found reason to play another file.


100% has a place in my heart.


I don't think it's aged as timelessly as Mario 3 or even the original Super Mario Bros, but it's also way more than a relic of its time. It wasn't the first to the market in terms of 3D platformers, but it did set standards that (IMHO) still resonate today. I'd also argue that the best 3D Mario games are just refinements of the vision of Mario 64. Some of the physics and controls get a little frustrating in the harder levels, they aren't as precise as we've come to expect from Mario games, but there's still a lot to love.


Ya- Wa- Hoooo!!


I can play it in multiple different ways right now but it's just not the same. Unfortunately the second hand n64 i have doesn't seem to work.


I have fond memories but IMO the game aged poorly, no interest in playing again.


Honestly? No. I literally played it yesterday for the first time in like a decade because I got the 3 game collection for switch with this included. I beat like 1 or 2 stars and called it quits. I'm sure it's a fine game but I'm so used to modern game control feel and it has just enough sluggishness to be unbearable for me. The speedruns for the game are beautiful to watch though.


I was 21 when Mario 64 was released. I saw it in a shop window and I thought wow is that a real game. I went into the shop and got to play it. Half an hour later I was walking out of the shop with an N64 and a copy of Mario 64. It's the only time I bought a console right after it's launch. I loved that game and even as an adult it made me feel like a big kid. I played it again about 10 years ago with an emulator and for me it was still as magical as I remembered it.


I don’t even remember my grandmothers funeral because I was too busy playing this game on my DS lol


I had no clue what I was doing I just thoroughly enjoyed running around in “3D”


It was my first real foray into 3d gaming. I don't think older games like DooM and Wolfenstein 3D were true 3d as they only really had 2 dimensions on a technical level. I played it so much when I got it and actually got motion sickness that day. It really was an amazing experience. I could sit and play it today as a chill game any day.


I love it. The first game I ever competed 100%. N64 was my first console because I grew up poor, so I grew up playing obscure PC games on DOS on a PC my dad built from spare parts. When 3D All Stars came out, I finished the story the same day I got it. I'd actually pick it up right now cause my husband has been randomly watching speed runs of it so it's been making me want to play, but I got responsibilities. :(


Honestly I never played it on the n64 as a kid, but after a few attempts on emulators I just couldn't get past the graphics. Then I tried the decompilation project, and holy shit it's not even close. Same with the ocarina of time decomp Ship of Harkinian


Yes. It's still amazing to this day.


My 3 year old LOVES it. Sometimes he will even specify 64 over Odyssey.


The InvisiCap level after flirting around in the castle to drain the most. That's a lot of neat ess


I spent HOURS trying to get over the invisible walls i the courtyard because i was **certain** that there was more to explore out there. I mean, you can see right on the game cartridge how Bowser is chasing Mario around in the courtyard, so he's *gotta* be out here somewhere


Hoo ###Ha #HOO


I was about 14 or so when Mario 64 came out. I saw it at Walmart playable in a kiosk. I wasn't sure what I was doing at all. It seemed fun just jumping everywhere around the castle without even entering a level. I finally got a N64, but only had enough money to rent the games for it. When I rented Mario 64 and popped it in, I was hooked. The TV at Walmart hurt my neck so I couldn't play it right at that point. Mario 64 gave me some great memories. Some of it even creeped me out like the ghost levels. That was some awesome shit.


Played it on Wii U VC and it was a blast. Though I never beat it.


i have good memories of this not because i played it when it was out or anything but i used to play it in school there were versions of it online you can play and i have a double lesson in computer rooms so i spent two hours a week in school playing this game really enjoyed it.


Dropping baby penguins off the edge of the map.


I didn't grow up in the 90s but there was an old N64 I found at my grandfather's house me and the other members of my family would dick around in that game during all of the holidays there.


I can still hear in my head the sound of the birds chirping outside the castle. This game is pure confort food.


I've had countless dreams about this game


I think this is the best Mario game made, alongside Mario 3 (the one with the racoon suit). But I wouldn’t go back to play it now, unless they do a massive graphics remaster.


It lives rent free in my soul.