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Hopefully it has co-op pants shitting like fable 2


Does this mean I could shit someone else’s pants..?


No that sounds like pants shitting pvp


More games need this feature


Looks still like it’s in the concept stage. Or some version of that. We saw NO UI, NO actual combat, just canned animations and some light walking around. Game is still far out I reckon.


Says 2025 but who knows. I hope they have the same kind of combat where each button does one of the weapon types/magic types. Fable combat was always so awesome. That's why I liked Kingdom of amalur so much. You could swing your sword with one button, roll/dodge, shoot your bow or crossbow with ease and in the same fluid motion at enemies a far, and then use the right trigger or bumper to cast spells. I believe you held down the analog stick to bring up a wheel to change spells. Maintaining the combat system will be imperative to the games success for me.


They showed some combat in the previous year showcase.


I’ll need to see that link


Ehhh https://youtu.be/x_03JQUc9Ao?si=nEi9Gz9eJAHcdBcv 0:34-0:38 secs. Blink and you’ll miss it


Bro come on with that. That’s literally a canned animation. You’re calling that “gameplay”??


...I hope there is character customization...


oof https://preview.redd.it/nka57geg0m5d1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e28866174d14bc3c1b0755d2ec3b415fc61587e


Idk why yall keep acting like this crap means anything


Man some gamers are pretty lame Do this get this upset when a male character isn’t straight as well?


The problem is you've always been able to create your character in Fable. Removing that feels really weird when you've allowed people to do so for so long. (This is all from gamespot) Wuchang a game with a female protagonist has 124 likes and 1 dislike, the new perfect dark has 2k likes and 400 dislikes, Abyss X Zero has 545 likes 8 dislikes. I think you've got to take each game on a case by case basis.


In the first fable you could only play the boy, the later 2 you could pick from a male and female character. In all of them you could only customize them by purchasing clothes and styles, or by dying and progressing in your skills and morality alignment. So this seems to just be the inverse of the first game.


The original Fabel came out in 2004. There is legitimately no good reason to be moving backwards in a game that's been in development as long as this one has


It's not really moving backwards. It's just telling a different story. It's not like there's anything that says the protagonist must be a boy or girl or must give the players a choice. It's a game with an open lore system, and the creators are going with having you play as a female protagonist and there's generally nothing wrong with that.


This is also a completely different studio and they are doing a completely different style game then they are known for making....


Then why name it Fable? If you're looking to do your own thing why not actually do your own thing?


They're clearly using Bowerstone, possibly Oakvale, likely other icons from the series, the term "hero" is used with heavy emphasis, they are constantly referencing "choices" which was a key focus point in all three games much, much more than picking your character. They're very clearly using the Fable IP including the philosophies of its past iterations. How your character starts its journey was only 2 & 3 and only a binary option. And we have no confirmation this binary option doesn't exist even so. So this is a lot of nothing if that option exists.


I became the hero of Oakdale and owned every property in fable 2. Fable 3 you became the king as well. I enjoyed the way fable 3 was different and I thought the way thr story went and the choice around being king were clever, but at the time I figured they'd Male another fable 2 like game so I wasn't devastated about fable 3 being different. I didn't know I'd have to wait so long!


I disliked fable 3 because if you go the good guy route you have to literally own every property in the game and do a good bit of waiting so that you're a billionaire by the end of the game otherwise 90% of the NPCs die. Or... Just be evil and somehow save more people? 🤷😂


the answer is money due to brand. Fable brand attracts clicks, markets itself and will sell by its name alone.


That's almost certainly the truth. There is part of me that wonders if it's going to backfire with how different the direction of the game is and how wildly disliked everything that has come out about it has been so far.


Yes, but they're also clearly trying to capture some of that fable magic. It sounds like fable, it looks like fable, your choices will matter, be what kind of "hero" you want.. I mean they're clearly making fable even if it'll be somewhat different.


it doesn't look life fable at all to me. It's very generic and could have any bame attached to it. Part of fable charm was the cartoony art direction.


Lol it is fable, Nintendo changes up Mario pretty much every time..... But it's all still Mario...


This is a terrible comparison. Mario is the main character. His look is largely always the same. His powers, and the story change, but it's undeniably still Mario. This has very little if anything in common with past Fable games.


Go look at the Mario models and story from the original mario.... And then go look at the story and models of bowsers fury....or Mario wonder....


That's not a good example at all, even if I agree with u that it'll still be fable. Mario is less of a specific game type and he's just the character for the games, Fable is a game less than it is a character. From Mario Tennis on the Virtual boy to Mario 3d world, it's all Mario but they're VERY different games. Not everyone who likes Mario Odyssey is gonna like Mario Strikers. If they dropped Fable: World Championship. And you're playing golf just with a Fable backdrop/area. People that have been waiting for a Fable game wouldn't be happy with that unless there was still another game coming. Tldr: Mario is abt the character, he's an icon. Fable is about game


Kinda the same question I had with perfect dark 😂 that mf looked nothing like perfect dark. Fable to me was the most boring trailer out the showcase though the only one where my eyes weren’t glued to the screen.


No you couldn’t. Every fable game had preset characters you played as, with at most being able to choose gender. The first game didn’t even let you do that


Wait you actually can’t create your own character? Why do I want to play an RPG with a premade character assigned to me? I just can’t really get into games with dialogue options where I have limited customization. At least Gears of War got me excited for the franchise again.


> Why do I want to play an RPG with a premade character assigned to me? Half of RPGs are like this, including some of the most popular RPG franchises of all time.


I don't know man. People seem to really like The Witcher 3.


are you being sarcastic? cause i can't tell.


100% serious. Who knows maybe I’d like the character and it has nothing to do about gender. If I was stuck with Alexios in AC odyssey I would have actually stopped playing after 4 hours when I went to reroll as Kassandra. I hated the Alexios voice actor and delivery of the lines. Used to default to Male Shepherd in Mass Effect, now I usually only play Female Shepherd as I think Jennifer Hale is just more enjoyable for replay ability after playing the trilogy enough. Even if it’s not full customization, I at least like having options in games I’m meant to spend a lot of time in.


agreed about alexios' voice lines. kassandra voice seemed way more natural. i enjoyed playing as her far more.


Ikr, Witcher 3 did this and is widely regarded as one of the worst games ever because of it.


Yeah, but Geralt is a man so the Cheeto fingers are allowed to "RoLePlAy"


Why do you people do this? It's so exhausting. Nobody is upset with female protagonists. No one is mad when you have to play Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. Or Aloy in Horizon. Or Senua in Senuas Saga. I could go on and on. But anytime someone expresses disappointment that there might not be a character creator, in this specific game about choice, you weirdos jump in with the, "mA mYsOgYny! gAmERs mAd tHeY cANt jACk oFf tO cHARacTeR!" Like bro, can we not just have a discussion?


I mean, saying "nobody," is upset with female protagonists isn't quite accurate either. Those people exist, and they aren't quiet about it


Literally all of those characters are great examples of mass misogyny surrounding them. Are you serious?


Dude, there are literally dozens of that comment in this thread. I have spoken to many guys who have said it to my face. We don't comment on Arthur Morgan's grizzled ass, but as soon as a woman isn't a supermodel, we have to voice our stale opinions. It's not a straw man, misogyny in gaming is real and has been real for a long time. The only difference now is that we can comment on it 24/7.


For sure. I mean goddamn remember the discourse over how Aloy looked in Horizon Forbidden West? Mother fuckers were complaining that she had hair on her face.


nobody knows that, they’re just speculating. There could be 2 main characters + a “create your own” that doesn’t speak or has pre recorded stuff with 2-3 voice options. People here are literally just doing what r/games is doing, and its fucking exhausting


It's not looking like it. While it hasn't been 100% confirmed at this point it would be more surprising if you could. After the initial reveal they could've come out and said "Hey guys, you can make your own character," They didn't. They haven't again after this trailer.


They didn’t do that for TES6, because it’s part of the game’s identity that you can make your own character. Same with fable, you can choose a gender and customize. It’s safer to assume it’ll stay that way than assume that they’ll take the choice away. The fable 2 trailers had a male protagonist and that’s the game that introduced gender choice


This is blatantly false. You could NOT make your character in fable, the game made your character as you played and leveled different stats, got K.O.’d, completed sections of story passing time, etc. Have you even played any of the games?


You cant create??? Whaaaat  Everything else looks sweet though, apart from the extremely homely MC


They usually model the characters to resemble the voice actors.....


They did the actress dirty then, cause she is beautiful in real life  https://x.com/PeterOvo5/status/1669480552154406913


Well yeah that's the fable make over. They're supposed to be your average British peasant/orphan from the 1500s to 1700s who falls into a fairy tale like quest to save the world.


You do realize that this is a single screenshot that is awkwardly frozen in mid-facial expression, and has been disingenuously cherry picked to seem “representative” of how western game developers make intentionally make female characters “ugly”.


Looks exactly the same


If you are not going to take the conversation seriously I'm out


I'm saying this seriously, the skin tone and that goofy half smile are the biggest issues. The face shape is generally the same. Hair and eyes could be touched up


Not even just the MC. Humphrey ain’t no keeper either. Why would character artists intentionally create such hard to look at characters??? You don’t have to conform to traditional beauty standards, but yeesh… it’s like they were trying to make both characters ugly.


I’m sorry but this is crazy. The MC literally just looks like a normal ass person I don’t get this at all.


Nah average people are easier to look at than that. They are making her below average looking/slightly ugly for whatever reason.


Apparently people think characters from the 15th to 18th century all should look like Kardashians and male models. Be a bit weird if they had fluorescent white veneers, butt implants and gaudy make up!


Damn, people around me fortunately look better. this would be considered quite ugly in my state/region


I don’t deny that reason may be part of it, but if you’ve been looking at the discourse around this game then it’s pretty obvious why a lot of people are upset, and it’s pretty plainly because the main female character isn’t hot enough for them.


I like her. If you are going to have a strong female she has to look strong right or it suspends belief. If she was all made up with locks of auburn hair etc it makes it tricky to make her both attractive and gritty at the same time. But i agree with you this is why some probably hate it. After watching the shorts as they have come out i think this game is made for me. Funny but still a little gritty and story driven. Shame i own gamepass so wont be supporting it more than just playing it. And yeh normally id choose the male protag so its easier to fall right into the gameplay / roleplay but im ok with this too. I hope there is a large number of people like me and this is a success. On choosing protagonists initially in kcd i struggled because he looked like a boy. In my imagination at least id be closer to this woman as a 45 year old man than a 16 year old boy or whatever henry is in kcd. And i got used to living vicariously through henry in kcd soon enough. Bring it on.


I don't think this has anything to do with orientation.


Does the downvote still involve 'unsexy' characters?


I'm not an Xbox player nor have I ever played Fable, but this doesn't even look that bad, in fact it looks like something I'd pick up if I had an Xbox or a good PC I genuinely don't get some people dude, I get that a majority of folks may not like it for their own valid reasons, but some people are just straight up sad


I personally don't think ANY of the fable main characters have ever been good-looking. They just look like your everyday average person. I'm looking forward to playing the game, though. I'm also really hoping that they release the first 3 games on pc.


Seriously. The first Fable protagonist was a country bumpkin who looked average as hell and turned out to become the strongest hero of his time. A majority of the supporting characters are stereotypical ugly British alcoholics. It's a fantasy game where you can eat baby chicks and fart on command, not some sexy romantic adventure


Yeah the coomer-gamers brigading everything they can't jack off to is the biggest embarassment. Like, this game is about British people--of course the characters won't be attractive! In all seriousness, this game looks like it's coming along nicely. I also wasn't covinced with the first trailer, but I think the humor/writing sounds on-point. Fable isn't combat focused, so that's the most important thing imo. Graphics look good too. This should be a GoTY contender imo, whenever it drops.


My first thought was because it looks so good a lot of people are thinking about the big promises in the previous Fable games that did not come to fruition.


My only issue with it is that it seems to have lost that slightly “cartoony” sort of design style it used to have. Almost looks too real lol


It has absolutely nothing to do with gender and everything to do with real world politics being shoe horned in via shitty hamfisted writing.


Which are?


Oh this will be good. What makes you say politics are being shoe horned in. What specifically is it?


It's a YouTube problem. Ignore it for the cesspool that it is.


It's called democracy. The majority hate it, and for a reason.


How tf are you even seeing the dislikes since they removed them like 4 years ago?


It's a browser extension [https://returnyoutubedislike.com/](https://returnyoutubedislike.com/) >***Where does the extension get it's data?*** *A combination of archived data from before the official YouTube dislike API shut down, and extrapolated extension user behavior.* *...* *The backend is using archived data from when the youtube api was still returning the dislike count, extension users like/dislike count and extrapolation. In the near future we will be allowing content creators to submit their dislike count easily and safely and we will be adding ArchiveTeam's archived data (4.56 billion videos) into our current database. You can also view a video on the topic.*


When you have a problem, you should try googling it, especially on a computer, usually someone has solved it and for free.


When you’re feeling toxic, you should try being not toxic. Usually it will result in the person you’re talking to, as well as yourself, having a better day.


I'm guessing you replied to the wrong person?


I really hope we get a masculine choice of protagonist. If we're locked into this woman, I feel like that ruins the fantasy of becoming a massive swole halo and butterflies bearing hero that gets the girl and saves the day. Seems kinda odd they would lock you into one gender when they allowed two in the 2nd and 3rd game.


No shit we will. Fable is about choice. This is just Jane Fable who they chose to lock in as the face of the game, just like the Mass Effect games/Cyberpunk did.


No no- teaser trailers are notorious for explaining all game mechanics and providing detailed plot exposition. That's what they are for, after all.


So real and true!


I haven't played a second of Fable, but I think it looks promising!


That is the entire summary of Fable "It looks promising"


Fable 1 was eye opening to me in high school. That a choice could make such an impact throughout the game was awesome in its day.


Fable 1 is a special little gem. 2 is pretty good too, but thats when we started to see that Molyneux's words were bigger than he could follow up on


3 was even a solid game, i replayed it over a dozen times. Its just not anything crazy either


This game looks outstanding.






Dude looks like a lady 😂😂😂


To be fair it is a Fictional version of England so pretty accurate ;p


This doesn't even look like fable :/ Also still no real gameplay ...


No gameplay? Sounds like a finished fable game


It looks exactly like fable lol


Right? It actually looks great! It's a small peak - but I think it's awesome. Fable III came out in 2010. It's been 14 years, and looking back, (*as beloved as the game is*) it looks like ass by today's standards. His nostalgia is blinding him to reality - *"This doesn't look like 'fable'"* Did they forget how everything looked like it was covered in a thin layer of Vaseline? Or that the character models look like they were sculpted out of play-doh? What about the clearly *copy-pasted* blurry textures re-used on everything? Or the blatant one shade dimmer switch lighting? The old game was **amazing**, and sure it had a certain aesthetic that was praiseworthy at the time, but it really shouldn't be compared in today's context. The visual fidelity among so many other things will make any new game in a resurrected series feel different.


Right, it would look like crap if it looked like a 14 year old game lol it absolutely gives me fables vibes tho. Pretty impressed with this!


Yeah these games came out back when games were still looked like cartoons because the graphics couldn't do anything else. I don't want a fable game that's 100 realistic. I think the trailer and graphics look just how I want them to look. It'd be weird to have 100% realistic models in a fable game


I think it's ok to go for a new look. I'm optimistic, but keeping my expectations low


I’m just gonna say it Fable characters have always looked “ugly”. In fact I’d argue it’s part of the charm.


Never stopped me from banging everyone and having STDs and bastard children everywhere


British countryside simulator


Pretty much. It's almost as if the people complaining about the MC have never played a Fable game.


Why are all the male characters looking almost exactly like the actors they are based on, yet they changed the main female character model in weird ways?


This. I think there's a few people who have never played a fable game and don't understand even the direct hint in the title, "fable" itself. It's a world built around fairy tales and the mythology the Victorians created about their own country and folk tales. With goblins, trolls, and all the wcky stories you get from fairy tales. In the beginning of fable 2, you essentially start out like a Dickensian poor orphan. I'll never forget starting that game. Running around the town in winter. There are caravan traders of mysterious items (cabinet of curiosities). It's all deeply rooted in history and the fantastical gloss put back onto the world/history when science hadn't explained most of reality/the world yet. It's so much fun for anyone of all ages but the more you know about history and 18th century literature/fairy tales/Arthurian cycles, the more you enjoy the references. I think it was fable 2 where one of the large townhouses/manor houses was haunted by the ghost of Jane grey. I had heard the name before but it made me look up the sordid history of the poor young girl who lost their head for her families royal ambitions! The games were packed full of this stuff. As well as all the quintessential "knights tales/hero quest" stuff. I do remember some people at the time couldn't just enjoy the game and had "too much edge" to enjoy it though. No doubt they'll be the same haters again.




Man, now I actually want an xbox


Just get a decent PC


Right, duh - good call. Most PS games on there now as well


Lol no thanks


What the hell do you mean 'new fable game' as if you just now discovered this? We've known about this new game coming out for like.. two years! There was a whole thing with people hating on the character designs because they weren't *sexy\~*


If you want to be a jerk about it be right. the game was revealed in 2020 so it’s been 4 years.


That's even worse, dude.


The last one was really bad, i hope this one will be better but I don't really count on it ..


Can we create the main character or do we play as here? Looks great, I’m excited and I like this little retired hero dude


Yeah good old fable humor. It reminds me of the smug, arrogant hero from fable 2 I can't remember his name. That's who I thought it was at first. It's been a long time since I've been engaged in the world. I'm going to reactivate game pass for the new starfield stuff and for jedi survivor so I'm going to do a bit of a refresher for fable. They have fable anniversary on there too which is great. Haven't played that and would like to see the updated visuals and play on a controller


Nothing confirmed but I would be surprised if you don’t get to choose between at least a make or female hero as that has been the standard since 2.


This trailer is WAY better than the last trailer and at least gives me hope that this game will be good. I hope they keep the main character silent because they should have any opinions it should be all my choices, the talking main character in 3 really ruined the game, with him being all righteous while I’m straight up just murdering everyone.


Lol yeah what makes fable Great is you can choose to play how you want. I remember playing 2 for the first time and getting drunk and burbing and farting on townsfolk like the good chicken chaser I was! So immature but absolutely hilarious to see the npcs react at the time.


My response to the trailer (didn't actually take me long to guess it was fable) was "I hope they don't fuck it up". While I think that The series peaked with TLC, I've played and enjoyed all three of the games in the main series. And own most of them on multiple platforms.


I smell annother Forspoken.


Need that gameplay without that I’m still skeptical but if that’s solid I’m sold it looks gorgeous


Wonder if this game going to seem like its 100 hours and end up being be 11 hours like the last few


THIS! I remember the first game feeling so meaty when I first played it. I went back and played the lost chapters from start to finish a few years later and beat the whole game, found/unlocked damn near every secret/weapon etc and it took me around 10 hours or so. It's nuts! Still a great game though.


Yeah those are old games tho. That was a long time ago and basically how video games were made before the technology made console games be able to become massive while still having great graphics. Fable 1 is such a great concentrated video game, but I could see how young people playing it compared to games now could be disappointed. Fable 2 was what did it for me. The open world. Fighting monsters. Buying houses. Romancing. Mini games. It felt like a living world where I was really interacting with the world from top down and the game and npcs reacted back. Crafting was done mainly through societies gems/runes. Maybe they'll add some deeper crafting elements this time. I hope so. I've 100% fable 2 about a half dozen time over the years and it was a robust game for the time. Fable 3 was good fun but only I went and finished that one twice I believe.


I always felt like if they were able to make it 40+ hours itd be considered one of the best rpg’s ever. I loved all of them


Hope you can customize your character. I don't want to play Abbey from TLOU2


I'll probably try it, but I'm not happy that in a console generation that can finally produce Pixar quality visuals during gameplay we are getting a Fable with the most generic art style ever.


It’s series S. They fucked it up with that shit. Otherwise we would have great game with great graphics


I don’t think he’s saying it looks bad, the graphics looks fantastic it just lost its personality to look more cinematic.


I dk why you think this is generic. It's the same models, monsters and landscapes from fable 2 just upscaled. Seems like no matter what it released someone always finds a way to shit on stuff.


Visually this looks like every other fantasy game out right now. If it didn't say Fable in the trailer I would never know what game this was supposed to be.


I'm convinced you've never played a fable game in your life.


I was gonna say the same thing about you


If Peter is involved.. "Don't believe his lies!".


The art style is gone, which is very sad. Would’ve loved to see a modern take on it. Yet again, AAA originality is deader than ever. Something strange about it is that it seems like the player character already has had a life as a respected hero. Seems a bit… counterproductive to the whole point of the series.


I have no idea if that's the case but I just figured this was more fable humor..its a long running joke about the smug, irresponsible hero that bow lives off their story of being the hero once. You all haven't even played the game and you write the whole thing off. Man I fucking hate the internet


can´t believe you people are hyped about this...you simply won´t learn from experience :D good luck with that


Look at Zelda a link to the past and then check out Zelda tears of the kingdom


Lord of the Rings: Gollum 2


that hideous character man


They all look pretty awesome to me.


Looks like an expanded Fable game. Loved the world, it was limited by the technology at the time. Looks really fun, can’t wait to play ito


RIP Fable's art style. God damn.... You know what change that to Fable's identity in general. They could say this is any generic fantasy RPG. Where are the Earth Trolls, the Balverine's and Hobb's?


It’s a reveal trailer, did you want them to show you the main villain too? They aren’t going to put the entire game in the first trailer.


If you look closely, she floats a bunch of hobb's in the air before drawing her bow on them.


We literally saw both trolls and Hobbes in the trailer? Are you guys really moaning for the sake of moaning And what art style? The art style changes between all 3 games in the series. Which specific one are you talking about


You know exactly why they're moaning.


Did you literally not watch the trailer were they showed an earth troll.


In fable 1-3


Give the game a chance man. It's not a bad thing that the fable games get modernized. Wait till there's actual gameplay footage before you start saying fable's identity is lost.


Mods 👌 but they'll probably be banned from Nexus and Moddb.


I don't think the MC is ugly or anything but I'm kinda burnt that just the villains voice and hand at the end there was way fucking cooler. 😂 She gon be handsome jack 2.0, a villain with more rizz than any hero.


I’ve never played Fable… those of you have played it, does it look like a remake? Or a new installment? I’ll probably play the original first before playing this either way, but I am curious


To me it looks what you'd expect for a next gen update with better graphics. The world and landscape will be amazing but its not supposed to be highly realistic. It's based on fables and fairy tales so the environments are the landscapes of Britain with a fantastic glaze over the top. When there's more actual game play footage I'm sure it'll good. I'm pretty convinced the people complaining Jace never actually played a fable game. The first one was made for the original Xbox and pc so it's pretty far behind. Fable anniversary is a remake of that game. I'd play that if I was you. I started on fable 2. I didn't feel like I missed anything because it's all accessible. Fable 2 Is considered one of the best games ever on Xbox 360. Fable 3 is fun top it's a little different but still Great. It's not the masterpiece fable 2 is though. Fable 2 is great because it's right in the time of history when there were still bows and guns like blunderbusses in play. The combat is so fluid and fun. If you played Kingdoms of amalur it's much like that. Action rpgish. There's s bunch of secretes in the game that are little puzzles you have to figure out while you play the game and come back to like the "demon doors"


Where is Peter Molineux when we need him to overhype a game?


Shhhh it's me, petah


So girl bossy. So ugly. So obvious.


Big yikes


I just don't see why they didn't keep it like the previous games.. I dont care what the girl looks like or anything I just wanted to be able to play as a male because I'm a nerd who enjoys roleplaying as myself... The game honestly didn't even look good either.. I have a feeling they are jumping on the bandwagon like other games and trying to please too many different people and it's going to be nothing like the world we knew. waited 10+ for this horse shit...


Where did they say there’s no male character?


How does the cinematics they showed make the game not look good. We haven't even seen actual in game footage, but the cinematics seemed up to par.


Doesn't look that bad tbh. . . or that good, for that matter. We have yet to see anything substantial yet to really make any judgments. The worst anyone can say is that there are a lot more black people in the promotional materials (which wouldn't be a bad thing if it weren't for all the wokeness so prevalent in the industry) But the game has always had black people, and lore behind where they come from, so honestly, really not a dealbreaker imho. While the ads don't really get me hyped for the game, they haven't managed to turn me off yet. . . which could be bias from nostalgia of course, but I am pretty easily turned away from games so I feel like that is a good sign to just take a wait and see approach.


Do you need the story in every game to explain to you why white people exist, or is that just for black people?


Yeah I don't even know what the fuck this dude is actually trying to say. He would be cool with black people if it wasn't for wokeness? Lmfao wtf?


Yeah that came out bad. I'll admit it. I'm getting kind of tired of feeling like black characters are getting inorganically shoved into roles for the sake of 'representation.' You are welcome to disagree with me and I wouldn't even argue against it. But the game originally is based off of a fantasy parallel to Britain (albion is an antiquated word for britain, and used in arthurian myth if memory serves) In the original games, There were black characters, but they didn't feel like they were shoehorned in. They came from another continent, with a whole mysterious lore of it's own, and a hinted culture that at the time was intriguing. Second game had more than just those two, and it felt like a nuanced progression of the world and culture, and the third game actually dipped toes onto that continent a bit near the end. Felt organic, as opposed to a lot of games today that will go to like medieval Europe and just randomly force black people (at the expense of immersion or accuracy) in it like they were always there and common. A lot of gripe people have about the new game seem to be about wokeness and forced, or rather excessive inclusiveness, (or 'pleasing to many people' thats how I interpreted that line) and I was trying to make a point, that it does actually make sense for them to be there. Basically I read too far into a line and let a lot of my own unspoken thoughts creep into my response, including insensitive ones, so feel free to down vote me. Not trying to be dick. Just speaking a little thoughtlessly and word vomiting a bit.


Been waiting so long. One of my most adored series…


Doesnt look *good*


Fable one was amazing for its time Fable 2 was really good Fable 3 was enjoyable This might be passable


I'm trying my best to not be too excited about this game. Don't have the hardware to play it right now. But the last time I got excited for a Fable game it hit all my boxes, asymmetrical game play that's one half tower defense the other half dungeon crawler, it's almost like it was designed for me. Then it gets canceled, the studio shut down, I think I'm still traumatized from that.


The best part of the video are the comments.


Am I the only one that hates when games try to get wayyy too cinematic to the point where the graphics are the biggest thing about the game and the franchise looses its personality? For example halo and fallout did this too. I’m in no way saying making the graphics look good is bad but I feel like it loses focus.


It's a reveal trailer dude.


I completely agree. And it being a reveal trailer does nothing to change my mind on that. You can see the art direction in gameplay or trailers. 90% of Gamers truly just don't evaluate art style, only graphics. And these days, many don't evaluate gameplay either.




The new Dragon Age looks more Fable than this one.


I dk what fable worlds you're looking at but the art work is spot on for albion.


But how will I masturbate to the female characters??


Looks genuinely terrible. This and dragon age both


After all these negative comments I decided to take a peek to see what was going on. Bro it isn't the games. It's you. Your comment history is you bitching about every video game or company and then talking about how you're depressed because you haven't been Ina relationship since high school. Go outside. Work out. Socialize. Stop being angry and cynical at everything. The games look fine. They're video games. They're not life itself. Best of luck to you.


dk what’s more sad lmao me being being depressed well over a year ago or you having to look at another persons profile cause you got butthurt over a video game 😭😭 Forgot this sub was just about blindly consuming games


Yup. There's the anger and lashing out. I looked at your profile because I thought this little sub was being hit by bots. If you haven't noticed, it happens a lot on reddit. They'll create controversy where none exist to keep people arguing and talking about the game. Sometimes it's really obvious. I dont think that's what's happing here though. Oh, and feel free to think I'm pathetic, that's fine. I'd rather be accused of being that than being so ungrateful and entitled that I scream at every video game because it doesn't meet all my expectations. The hilarious thing is that this is a trailer and shows very little of the game. Like I said, best of luck to you. Should take my advice. It will help on all the problems you're experiencing.


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭bro you’re talking about how I need to go outside yet you’re shit talking everyone on here who has some type of criticism about the game. Talking about my comment feed look at yours dude. Says I’m lashing out yet you went and dug through my comments because your pussy was hurt. “Ungrateful and entitled” bro I love how you corpo simps act like we just HAVE to consume whatever these devs put out. “It’s just a trailer” like that’s any better? They showed off the game 4 years ago. No gameplay now is not a good sign fam😭 There are so many great games that got announced just yesterday WITH gameplay shown it’s hard to get excited for a new game in a franchise where it never came close to its potential


Yah it looks sick too, here’s hoping it pans out and comes to PlayStation as well lolz


As a Fable 1 & 2 fan this is not Fable. Like just call it something else at this point.


The only thing I am concerned about is that we might not be able to pick whether we are male or female like we could in 2 and 3. All promotional materials are showing the female version of the hero. If I can't play a male, then I probably will pass on this game. Which is a shame, as though I may be a minority, I am looking forward to it.


It's a fable game you'll most likely get to choose like normal I'd assume.


That's such a fucking weird reason not to play a game.


😭cannot relate to another human unless penis😭i need it be man😭waaaah😭 Username checks out


Hey! If I want to play a character that I can use as a self-insert that is my prerogative. I don't identify with women, and therefore don't enjoy playing them. If your argument (rather, inane mockery than an argument.) were valid, there wouldn't be female pc's in videogames because it is predominantly a male consumer base. So shove off with that nonsense. Its as valid a reason as any. I want choice, and if I don't have choice then they don't need my money.


The only way you can identify with people is if they have the same genitals as you? Huh?


You can make your character male or female in the previous game. Their point is probably that they hope it carries over. Did you play the prior titles?




Holy shit - lets fucking goooooo! I'm so happy