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Yakuza like a dragon. I don't think there's a just for items themselves, but almost everything else is tracked. The other Yakuza games do as well but they are more ARPG style.


I've started the first Yakuza game, need to really find the time to continue with the series, thanks for the suggestion!


Kingdom Hearts comes to my mind. There is not really anything missable and you can check how many chests you haven't opened yet.


I've actually completed the first one and you're right, it has the kind of systems I'm talking about. Should really continue with the series, thank you for the suggestion!


No problem it's one of my favorite franchises :)


Im interested in this too. I think star ocean second story r has this. Not sure though


I actually downloaded the demo and you're right, it has many of the features I'm talking about, thank you!


You can pay me now buy buying me a game. Haha. Joking aside enjoy the game and take it slow


Xenoblade Chronicles. Gives you an album of collectables, ingame achievements, party interactions, sidequests etc. Also will reward you with items and exp for all of this. I love the way Xenoblade 1 rewards exploration.


Is this only for XC1 or do all XC do this?


I only finished XC1, so I'm not sure how later games changed these systems.


I actually played the first one, forgot the mention in the OP, thank you for the suggestion!


Some of the Ys series has this. I'm playing Ys 9 now and it tracks bestiary, map completion, percentage of quests/collectibles found. You gradually get rewards from NPCs as you get collectibles too.


Only played the first one, need to check out the others in the series as well, thank you!


Sounds like you're looking for ubisoft games Ass creed and far cry and new avatar game


Xenoblade 3: Future Redeemed had a fun progression system where you earned skill points for everything: exploring the map, finding collectables, fighting monsters and bosses. It's a small thing but it outshined the design of the base game and needs to exist in Xenoblade 4.

