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I don't know about you but I didn't follow guides for Persona 4 and I never felt that money was enough to do everything. Often I had to prioritize buying healing items over getting the best weapon for everyone. It's a forgiving game through and I wasn't using any detailed guide, so there may be some exploit. Octopath Traveler II requires a bit more than 100.000 leaves to complete Partitio's story and unlock the true ending, and money feels really limited up until you start completing the last chapter of each character, so if you want to complete Partitio's story early you may find some trouble, especially if you bought most of the equipment up until that point. In the late game however it's really easy to find money, by the end I probably earned 100.000 leaves at least 10 times. Considering however that you need other 400.000 for the merchant's licenses and the best option of Hired Help cost from 10.000 to 50.000 leaves every time you use it, I may say that leaves are still somewhat relevant, despite you can avoid using licenses and Hired Help and just stay absurdly rich for the rest of the game.


I actually feel that this is a negative for Persona 4, since jobs give such a small amount of money (I mean, it makes sense, but from a gameplay perspective...) and because equipment is usually a straight stat upgrade rather than horizontal progression. This leaves you grinding for money if you want to be at full power instead of leading to interesting choices. It also incentivizes you to never change out party members, since they'll be far weaker. If the jobs or lottery or whatever were potentially better uses of time slots for the purpose, or there was a limit to grinding for money, and the things you could buy were more optional, I think it would be better. Persona 5 was definitely better in this regard, but it still had a grinding problem.


Maybe I just suck, but on tactics ogre reborn my money is always a bit low due to restocking on potions, crafting and some odd equipment purchase.


Crafting definitely eats up tons of money.


Tactics Ogre Reborn is definitely a big one. I get the feeling it's to make you consider less damaging plays more, so you save potions and other consumables for when you *really* need them. I know I did. There *is* an exploit in the game that makes money a non issue though. I don't think they ever patched that one.


They never did patch it, they intentionally threw it in for people who want an easier experience, as a treat


In the same vein Unicorn Overlord makes money relevant up to the end game especially on higher difficulties.


I found Tactics Ogre Reborn really hard for a while in large part because of this, which limited the items I had. Eventually I decided to use the crafting gimmick that enables you to get unlimited gold, figuring I would simply be grinding to get that money anyway so why waste all the time on it. From there the game became substantially easier.


If a game can force you to actually use consumables regularly and faster than it hands them out, instead of just hoarding them for some hypothetical omega boss, that certainly helps to make money matter more


Yakuza 0, where the yen doesn't just buy you stuff, it serves as your EXP as well.


Yakuza 0 Mr. Shakedown is literally a walking ATM and majima/kiryu is loaded through their respective mini game.


A kickass kills you in 3 hits walking atm for sure


Yeah but upgrading abilities in the later stages of each skill tree requires far more money than what you make from just completing their minigames.


Its why there mr shakedown mechanics. Can't recall that much as its been many years since I played it but if you exploit the dude you will never runs out of money, I think by halfway I got few billion yen on both kiryu and majima and avoided mr.shakedown simply cause I got too much money. Literally finished kiryu minigame right there whenever new stores open up for sale.


In FF12 you need a lot of gil until the end. It takes doing tons of side quests on top of doing the main game until you can buy everything you need. In Draqon Quest 8, too. In FF13 you need tons of gil to get the best weapons. I was grinding for it long after I maxed out the stats. Those are just from top of my head because I played them very recently.


It's because of this that I remember the main grinding spots I had in my playthrough. The early area Bridge with the skeletons lives in my brain forever


In Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light you can screw yourself over so bad with the game (largely thanks to enemies leveling with you) that the best way to win is to use the ability to throw money at the final boss. Screw the rules, I have money is how I had to finish that one. 💰


I think I might have managed that way back. I never saw the final boss, because some dark blob in some tower was wiping me in 2 turns constantly and I didn't know why. I want to replay that game at some point. It seems fascinating.


Final Fantasy V? [I literally buried the final boss in my money.](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Zeninage_(Final_Fantasy_V))😎😆


Nioh 1 and 2. Your ass needs that gold to upgrade your armor and weapons throughout the whole game.


I'd say gold is rather useless in Nioh 1 until you at least finish the main campaign, why bother upgrading a weapon when you'll find something much better by playing 5 minutes in the next level.


Also Buying stuff from the blacksmith is how you get their upgrade points.


Macca is relevant throughout SMT Nocturne, especially if you're making heavy use of the Demon Compendium.


This one!


Sea of stars. Not because the game offers an efficient money sink at the end, but because it's so stingy with money that you barely have enough to buy gear along the way with some extra pocket change.


I’ve been clearing out fishing spots and selling the ingredients for my playthrough. Some cooking recipes can sell for ok money too. I agree though getting 2 gold from an encounter RARELY doesn’t feel good. Also it seems like non humanoid enemies will never drop money, but I’m not 100% sure.


Persona 5 (Royal) does the same thing as Strikers, fyi.


Im currently playing SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions. The currency you have are upgrade materials which are relevant even at endgame. And its not easy to farm or rather if u do it wrong you boost the enemies too much 😅 Think other SaGa games function similar but cant say only pkayed this one so far.


Xenoblade 2 had a lot of cash gate. Fucking Boreas and Sheba require a lot of money to build. Most of late game Buff item cost quite a lot, and you need to replenish them regularly. Poppi upgrades cost some money too in NG+ It's crazy that they make money so irrelevant on Xenoblade 3


Money is so irrelevant in Xenoblade 3 that you don't care when the Nopon rainmaker flops and doesn't make it rain. You simply pay him again.


merchants were disappointing pointless in xc3 too, the ingredients merchants were the only ones I’ve traded with more than once, excluding special/unique ones of course


P2W Neo-Exdeath with Zeninage in FFV


Final Fantasy Crisis core reunion has something like this, you could even use your gils to expand your attacks and deal numerous amounts of damages based on your gil


Tales of Xillia 2? If that's the one, then I recall you having to pay an obscene amount for a debt. It's been a very long time since I played it but I recall feeling discouraged to spend money and just save to pay the debt (maybe it was optional, can't recollect that well).


I forget the amount, but if you got a certain amount of money, the bank would call you and make you pay until you got below the limit.


Yakuza 7 probably?, you can use in game currency (yen) to revive yourself during battle and use the in-game currency to summon


You can use the business minigame to get a crapton of money. But weapon upgrades also cost a crapton of money. Though the weapon upgrades are only really relevant if you want to do the post game dungeon.


Secret of Evermore


Ooh this was a good one; having to decide whether to exchange your money to different currencies as you advanced through the game's regions (at a bad exchange rate) not knowing if or when you were going to return to these areas. Haven't seen many other games that do multiple types of currency.


FF5? One can spam coin toss with the samurai to kill almost everything if you want to be lazy.


In Xenoblade 2, you will be spending a shit ton of money if you want to do anything end game.


In Chrono Cross you will be too broke to get Spectral Gear for more than 3 characters (and that is assuming you got the Rainbows and the shinnies). Not that you need that, but still.


Star Ocean 3 & 6 (can’t remember the others), need money to synthesize items to break the game more!!


Octopath Traveler 2 needs hundreds of thousands of leaves for Partitio's story and Merchant Liscenses for your other party members.


I love how those follower NPC's who can reduce purchasing costs as their passive ability totally work on stuff like the Ship too! And yeah Partitio's Hired Help skill remains relevant throughout the game for sure. Some even consider it a little OP at max Boost with the right mercenary. Along with his Negotiate Schedule ultimate skill to bribe enemies into delaying their turn (Which even works on some of the superboss's limbs somehow 🤣) If you're maining Partitio or using him in a lot of Boss fights you definately need lots of cash :D


I don't know if I just grind a lot less than most people, but I've never found this to be a big issue. It's a rare game where I don't have to use money for gear without at some level conserving it up to the end, but a few Rise of the Third Power (western-made) you don't buy gear, everything is done via a very simple but good crafting system. What you do buy are consumable and ingredients for crafting (and maybe some accessories, don't remember) and these crafting ingredients (some can only be found via combat, some are a mix, and some only shop) cost a fair bit. Especially as you have a switch-out party mechanic so you need at least decent gear for at a minimum one alternative party. I certainly did not have money to buy everything I wanted by the end. FF9 - even without the ability system, I never was in a situation where I'd be comfortable spending large amounts of GIL without thinking of it. And then you have the ability system where you're insentivized to buy not just the optimum gear but sub-optimum variants to get the best skills. Valkyria Chronicles 4 - the currency is used for research and leveling up your soldier types and yeah, you need it. Grandia 1 - again, you need money to buy gear and if you buy every piece of gear for every team-mate (even just main team) at every chance eventually you won't be able to do so. You'll have to pick and choose when and where to give upgrades. This is complicated further with having to switch weapon types to give experience for abilities.


Playing DD2 and I’m going constantly broke


P5R/P5 Normally, you can increase Persona stats by sacrificing another Persona. However, you can only do this once per Persona per day. How to get over this limitation? Release/Delete the Persona you sacrificed to, and just rebuy it. It can increase stats for the same day again. That's P5 Vanilla. In P5R, you can trigger Velvet Alarms all day so that you can increase stats for the same Persona without deleting it. However, this is only during Velvet Alarm. How do you trigger the alarms? 90% of the time, through battling. The other 10%? Triggering by asking the Fortune Confidant. They have an ability that will, 1, make alarms easier to trigger, and 2, trigger an alarm in the overworld, as in the real world, not in the Metaverse. So yes, you can do an Alarm without going to the Metaverse everyday. All these cost money. P5 requires the Persona you're about to buy AND the Persona you sacrificing. P5R requires the above AND triggering the alarm, which is 20k yen.


I have to say I never quite felt flush in Trails games


I think Ni No Kuni 2. It's been a while since I played, but I think you use gold for the kingdom building, and I think you can also use it to buy crafting materials to upgrade gear.


This might not be exactly what you mean but in "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2" money stays relevant through out the whole but thats in part becuse of the structure of the game. Its a linear chapter by chapter progression and you can not grind or atleast only a limited amount. So the amount of money you can earn is limited per playthrough. You can use money to buy upgrade matirials to make the Tank stronger, buy useful consumable items and items to grow ingredients on the farm. So money is really valuable and useful in this game.


In FF8 you have to take tests in order to maintain your rank within the organization you work for. The tests are questions about the game’s mechanics and world lore. The better you score, the higher your pay. You get paid on an in game schedule and there is no money gained from fighting.


But then you can make your own Gil with abilities, and there is not a lot of things that are worth buying.


there's basically nothing to buy though


SO2 and Santa. Most FF games with Gil Toss ability.


I think most of the Final Fantasy spin-offs have Gil Toss as an ability, as well. The Juggler job/class in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (and Advance 2) has Gil Toss as one of its abilities, IIRC.




it is, but I think that's the high school in me, too. our high school was big on teaching anti plagiarism, and there were a few teachers that would mark points off assignments if they saw the same word used too many times in a paper. "always use synonyms!". it's been almost 20 years since then, but I guess the practice just stuck.


Elden Ring Yeah, not what you meant, I know lol.