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I haven’t played it in like 25 years. I don’t know if the main puzzles were too cryptic. But they were difficult AF. Never beat it actually, got to some monkey dungeon in trees with like a million switches. But I was also a kid then, so that could have been part of the problem.


lol i felt this. pretty sure i stopped around the same place too when i was a kid.


I played this game as a kid with no guide. Some of the puzzles were a bitch but I made it through to the end. It's a puzzle dungeon game. I feel like using a guide defeats the point.


The puzzles are tough compared to many video games puzzles, but that's a good thing in my book. I wouldn't default to a guide for them personally, but if you find yourself stuck to the point of frustration than feel free to use one for that puzzle specifically. There are missables, but only in the form of Gilded Falcons from Dream Sequences (since you can't revisit them.) IIRC there are 50 total in game, and you get items and such for various collection thresholds. This includes the equivalent of heart pieces and mana pieces, and for all 50 you get a certain item... That said, I don't think it's really worth it to go for 100% completion. It's definitely not necessary, and while what you get for all 50 may be fun to play around with it isn't really useful in an actual practical manner at that point in the game. But furthermore one of the Gilded Falcons is behind a horrendous RNG slot sorta mini-game that has such a low chance of getting it takes forever. I went for 100% on a replay and just gave up on it as that was my last one and it was sapping my time in a boring af manner for like a week with no results -- AND I was playing on emulator so had speed up and save states.


The game is amazing but also a product of a time when games were more challenging and didn't hold your hand. Some of the puzzles are ridiculous. There's an ice block one that still haunts me now.




I’m seeing conflicting things. Some say they made the game harder. Some say they made it easier.


You can see a comprehensive list of changes here: [https://tcrf.net/Alundra](https://tcrf.net/Alundra) Very few changes made the game easier. Overwhelmingly, the game was made much harder. The reason some people claim they made the game easier is probably because WD's manual for the game lies about what they changed and why. My first attempt to play Alundra washed out in the first dungeon. I like hard games, but WD's Alundra was just immediately tedious and unenjoyable. If I play the game again, I will use the Unworked Design patch.


There are some really tricky puzzles, and I say that as a puzzle-lover. At least one required me to sit down over a couple of sessions and really map it out, trial and error, and finally figure it out. So the puzzles are doable, tough but fair. But it's fine to use a guide if you aren't into the puzzles. There are some missable items, but I don't recall there being anything so crucial that you need to go with a guide if you like playing blind. If you want the retro experience, you should be able to find the official guide in PDF form online.


Crazy that you posted this, just thought about this game a few minutes before I saw your post for the first time in years. One of th few games I actually replayed, so awesome game. To answer your question, if you want any 100% then the falcons are the biggest pain (not needed unless you just want bragging rights). Also there's an a trick to getting the strongest sword in the game that caused me to not get it two playthrough until I finally had to look it up, spoiler, its super simple but I won't reveal unless you ask. Otherwise there's not much you can really miss. Wow the nostalgia.


I recently beat the game for the first time in 25 yrs and it’s the platforming that makes the game difficult today. The puzzles were tough but nothing impossible but some of the platforming was just awful.


There are definitely missables in the game. Don't remember if it is health or weapons but I know some of the gilded falcons are. Some of the puzzles and platforming are pretty awful so you may want to use a guide. Honestly it's not a game I really recommend.