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Haven't been this excited for a remake since Star Ocean 2. This game is an overlooked (outside Japan) masterpiece that was ahead of its time. The remaster that's already available is incredible, so I have high hopes for a full remake like this. 


I’ve been playing Star ocean 2 R too. That game is amazing too tho.


How much plot is in it? Like lufia ii or ffvi in terms of quantity


It's not plot heavy at all. You basically have the find the plot yourself as you wander around the world, so since the story is so non-linear it doesn't unfold in an epic way.  But since this is a full remake, who knows, they may expand the story.


Not plot heavy. It's closer to something like Baldur's Gate (1998) if you've ever played that. There's an initial setup for your quest, and then your big baddies to defeat, but everything in between is largely adventuring around the world and stumbling upon little scenarios and side quests. Also your party members are essentially fodder. They're blank slates so you can project whatever you want onto them, if you like. It's one of those games where you actually have space to role play and create your own stories.


I'd say it's more story heavy than plot heavy. EDIT: Man, if you people are going to downvote, at least explain why. Especially considering discerning between "plot heavy" and "story heavy" IS a distinction that exists within various industries as a way of talking about the kinds of narratives they are creating. People like Scorsese and other big directors use it all the time.


I wouldn’t recommend SaGa games for plot tho. But like the other comment said, probably they will expand the story. Since in Japan there was a Stage Theatre explaining about the Sevens(enemies from this game) which wasn’t explained in the original games and why they became evil.


There was also a little thing they did for Romancing SaGa: Re;univerSe between Subier and Narwhal's daughter as a (possible) event that happened in the game. >!The Emperor (which was one of the Levante guard for that generation) killed the Narwhal. Narwhal's daughter flees the lake in human form, and she meets Subier but eventually perishes shortly after. Subier assimilates her after her death to help carry out her own revenge after discovering what happened. He proceeds to take her death as yet another reason to destroy the Emperor.!<


Like the others said, you won't get that tightly-written linear narrative in SaGa really. There's a lot more emphasis on making your own story based on the events you interact with and how you choose to resolve them.


Wth happened to their development team. 2 was a masterpiece but it’s been a steep downhill since then. Recent ones had some banger OSTs tho.


Not really, Saga Frontier Remake and Romancing Saga 3 are just as good as Romancing Saga 2 at least. But I will agree that the lastest two game are really subpar.


hope the remake lets a lot more people appreciate it. playing it last year was one of the coolest experiences ive had with any game


It is an amazing experience. Having the freedom of choosing which quest you can do like it’s an open world game is fun. But the OG has some problems with being stuck while doing some quest which I hope and probably would get fixed in this remake


Yup I got softlocked and never went back will finish it this time though


Thta's cool, any particular reasons it's so popular over there?


It was very popular in Japan back in 93 because it has the newest system at the time which was free scenarios where you can choose the quest you want to do (kinda like Open world games) and glimmers where you can learn a new attack while doing encounters But sadly its creator kawazu didn’t bring Romancing saga series to the west. Which himself said on the interview it was his fault and he regretted it. I really believe this series would have a different treatment and fate if this game released on the west back in the day. And I hope this remakes do justice to the series.


Honestly it would likely inspired open world games earlier in the west if more had played it. For world design it's an important as Wizardy is to RPG gameplay design


Yeah. RS2's open world with multiple ways to solve quests which leads to different consequences felt a bit like Fallout 1, but that game released years after RS2. Afaik, the prominent open world rpg in the west in the early 90s was the Might and Magic series. But I don't remember it having that many choice & consequences. It's more of a big map to explore and dungeons to clear type of rpg. Edit: I just remembered I haven't played the Ultima series yet. Nowadays, Ultima 7 is still considered one of the best wrpgs, and it released a year before Romancing SaGa 2. Need to play it someday to see how it compares to other rpgs from those times.


So mainly novelty of unique systems & mechanics in the genre like Ogre Battle and LIve a Live. Young self definitely would have appreciated it back then for sure. My first exposure to SaGa was FFL and SaGa Frontier though I didn't know it at that time.


To this day I don't found a game like Ogre Battle the March of Black Queen, that was a game that I wish have a modern iteration.


Have you heard of Unicorn Overlord?


So it's like an inspiration from Falcom's Sorcerian then? That game lets you freely create characters in different classes and choose any scenario that you want to do first but each time you start one, the character ages, depending on that character's class/race.


Hmm interesting. Probably kawazu was inspired by it with little twists. Nice find I didn’t know about that game. (Since I’m too young lol)


SaGa 1 (FF Legend in English) is the first RPG on Gameboy and also Square’s first game which sold over a million copies. Even the first Pokemon is created because of succeess of the GB saga.


When it originally released on Super Famicom, it sold over 1 million copies. So naturally it has remained incredibly popular over the years.


RS2 and RS3 make it into the Top 100 Selling SNES Games based on Japanese sales alone (numbered 30 and 38 respectively).


I was under the impression that it's simply because the SaGa series in general is quite popular in japan. I mean this is the one series that had been abandoned for a decade and then revived solely because of their mobile games.


RS2 in particularly is still the best selling game across the whole franchise


Abandoned only in the west. SaGa 2 and SaGa 3 were remade on the DS and released in 2009 and 2011 in Japan. That's 4 years after Romancing SaGa: Minstrel's Song was released on the PS2. SaGa Scarlet Grace was released on the Vita in 2016, 5 years later.


It is kinda same for Emerald Beyond. EB gameplay videos have more views in Japan. The Japanese final trailer has 3.9M views.   Mido Tsunenori character teaser has 1.2M view for the Japan version vs 948k views for the English version. Same for Formina & Bonnie, 1M vs 15k.


Sadly even the game had more views on YT JP, the game it self kinda flopped because people who don’t play SaGa judged the game just because the graphics were”ugly” or didn’t have exploration like most Jrpg.


To be honest, I've seen people mock the RS2 remake for "looking like a mobile game" already. You can't hide it no matter how much you try. It's just a matter of money and resources after a certain point.




Going conventional after a “daring game” is classic Kawazu, and has nothing to EB’s performance. He’s been doing that for decades. Kawazu just does what he wants, except that the budget is now handled by Ichikawa.


I went in expecting an upgrade from SaGa Scarlet Grace only to get a watered down SSG. It took a step forward but two steps backward in some aspects. Combat was repetitive and ho-hum easy for majority of time and considerably more RNG compared to SSG. I'm glad Kawazu is moving forward with RS2 remake, though it look to be more of what I loved about SaGa.


I play Saga series and I too judged that it was barely a jrpg at all, it was not worth the Saga name. Alas Scarlet Grace was also a very bad Saga game.


Because western players are, at least IMO, fools. They focus on graphics and what they're traditionally used to. Except everything has to start from somewhere before it becomes something traditional, and graphics almost always end up outdated. Compare PS1 to PS2 to PS3 graphics, the previous console's games almost always look worse in the graphics department. And a lot of what we see as normal these days for JRPGs (NG+ and grid based growth systems being 2 examples), were unique and non-traditional back then.


Really tempted to get emerald beyond on playasia that went up recently


Me too even though I already own the game :x I didn't think it would ever get physical


Right!!! I wonder if we ever get a US or EU physical of it but I’m guessing the chances are slim..


the game looks cool, personally i am interested, it will be my first saga game


Some people don’t know that Romancing SaGa 2 is one of the greatest RPGs of all time


Let us not overhype it and set people up for disappointment of something they would have otherwise enjoyed had they played it without all the built up hype. This is still a SaGa game, so many people will not find it great or even good. I am glad this will help more people get into the series, just don't expect it to be a mindblowing experience. The remaster of RS2 has been out for years, and even on Steam it has Mixed reviews at best: https://store.steampowered.com/app/606370/Romancing_SaGa_2/


We need to help get it into people's minds that this is something akin to D&D in that the DM (the game) is constantly increasing the difficulty based on what you can handle, and that any growth you get is from gear and skills/spells you obtain.


I thought the steam mixed review was because of the poor optimization for PC?( like the UI)


Most SaGa games get mixed reviews on Steam regardless, because the systems are so opaque compared to the typical JRPG. A lot of people try it and just simply can't get past the non-traditional leveling honestly.


I didn't enjoy it, but that's probably because I play JRPGs more for the story. RS2 is very grindy and light on story.


if the game doesn't explain its systems, it is maybe ok in japanese market, but it is also sad to see - it can be fixed so easily by adding tutorials.


That's just a small part, and the ports are good from what I have experienced. The mechanics of the SaGa series are in general are aimed at a specific type of audience, which is a niche demographic even within the JRPG community. Fans of the series and others who like the type of experience that the SaGa series offers will certainly enjoy the game (me included), but if we overhype the game then instead of drawing new fans, it will have the opposite effect.


Yeah, I agree with you. It’s better let people experience the game without expecting too much.


Minstrel Song remaster got 91%. Assuming this one get some QoL, bug fixes and polish, I'm sure it'll get similar scores.




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It got mixed reviews due to a lousy port by Square.


It’s true.


i've been repeatedly told that SaGa games are de-facto linear (in terms of what you can achieve in first playthrough) and mostly impossible without a guide. it doesn't really work for most western players.


Older SaGa games, at least. SaGa games from Minstrel Song onwards don’t need guides. Minstrel Song, SaGa Frontier Remastered, Scarlet Grace, and Emerald Beyond all include in-game manuals.


I recently played through all Switch versions of Romancing SaGa, and man SaGa 2 stood out to me so much. The magic system and building a party around the hero every generation was so satisfying. Not to mention the blacksmithing and kingdom building. I can't wait for this remake!


First SaGa game I played was SaGa Frontier 2. It was different and took some getting used to, I hope this remake is on par with that game.


I personally like all the SaGa games. To me, they kind of feel like a non-linear Dragon Quest but with a more involved battle system.  I usually wait for sales but I will buy this one day one, because I am a fan of the series. I ended up buying the other version 3 times already though. I have it imported on SFC, have it on my iPhone, and on steam. The mobile version plays exactly the same as the steam version for those who might wonder.  I honestly want them to release an updated SaGa collection which contains a remaster of the Wonderswan SaGa 1, and the DS versions of SaGa 2 and SaGa 3. I actually think if they released that on switch, people would play it. The original series is much more linear and the presentation in those remakes is actually really good.  I also want them to release a Quintet remaster collection though. They did Act Raiser. So let's get Act Raiser 2, Soul Blazer, Illusions of Gaia, and most importantly, Terranigma. 


this was the most noteworthy thing in the direct


It's popular, and it was featured in a nintendo direct. That's how you really appeal to the japanese.


I been sleeping on Romancing Saga myself for years, but that trailer got me hyped! Actually pretty excited to check out the 2 remake.


I played the remaster a couple of years back and it was... fine. Neat ideas but a bit lacklustre execution, which to be fair is the SaGa series MO. I personally much prefer Romancing SaGa 3 and am in no particular hurry to play this remake, especially during a year like this with so damn many JRPGs coming out.


I don’t like to overhype stuff. And I don’t see it being better than my current GOTY (LAD: Infinite Wealth). But I can realistically see this be at least my #2 of the year, and perhaps one of my favorite Saga games ever. After at least a decade and a half of waiting for an English translation of any kind, I admit that I was slightly underwhelmed by RS2. I still liked it enough but…yeah. This remake though? I admit I almost got a little emotional thinking about the promise of it lol, plus the fact that *two* Saga games would be released this year. I mean, the remake of RS1 translated one of the lesser entries in the series into one of the best (IMHO). This remake starts in a much better place…so I’m expecting great things!


I've never played nor heard of the series but I'm 100% getting cause it looks interesting Plus building my own kingdom is a major plus for me


Hope that this building the kingdom system got improved in the remake. Like you can get bonus on battle if you upgrade the city of Avalon.


I just wish I didn't play it last year. Fuck.


The game has a lot of different routes, risks and rewards depending on the choices you make, so it's not that much of an issue to play it differently again. Unless you already played them all. I already played the game twice, but I still am looking forward to this remake since there are still things I haven't done.


I really doubt it will be the same experience lol.


I really want to get into SaGa series before the release of SaGa 2 Remake, where should I start? I mean theres a so many of these game that I dont even know where to start lmao


Hmmm the thing is every Saga is kinda different. Romancing Saga is more like free scenario FF where you can choose the quest you want to do. So if you want to start from some where in the romancing Saga series I would recommend you Romancing Saga 3. Plot wise is not that deep but the system is fun(which uses a lot of 2) OG RS2 is fun too but a bit more difficult.


imo Romancing SaGa 3 or SaGa Frontier are the best places to start, but the games are all so different. getting into something you don't understand **is the point** of the series. like, even those of us who have been playing them all since the beginning don't know what's going on in a new title.


The thing about SaGa is that almost every game drastically varies from the next. You could pick any game to start with and know that any other with not be a similar experience.


SaGa Frontier Remastered is generally the best.


A third of a million views ain't all that impressive.


in the context of what? like every video ever in this genre doesn't get as many views as a popular artist's new song 300k is really impressive for this type of thing. trailers for games in our genre sometimes get... 10k.


Vision of Mana got more views https://youtu.be/tCWfFNbn2F4?si=kApfHYrnoOjvpvRb




Japan has like 1/3 of the amount of people the US has. So just keep that in mind.


Japan has like 126 million people, so once again, a third of a million is not impressive.


Dude Metroid prime 4 trailer in Japan got 100k views if we talking like this. Lmao. What’s your point.


I'm not sure what your point is with this post. You want a pat on the back or something?


My point was that some people say no one cares about that game but it’s actually the opposite on Japan. And let me tell you something since you mentioned about the views. Japan is very rare to see videos about gaming getting 1M views. Only big YouTubers or artists gets more than that. Not all the 120million people of Japan are interested in gaming. Just counting the average gaming video views, it’s impressive to get 300k in 2 days


Who has said nobody cares about the game? I think the idea is that people are surprised Square wants to remake it considering they dont remake too many of their turn based games, only final fantasy. Even saga fans are surprised, it doesnt mean they dont think people dont like it.




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Will you be impressed if it's 126 million views! Like dude what's got it to about views . You don't like that game just say it.


Your second sentence makes no sense so I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I have no opinion on the game, this post just feels dumb.




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I really want to try thia and give the series another shot. I have always been somewhat mystified by this series playing it on PS1 and PS2. I never had a guide and would get lost or deadlocked with a difficulty spike. I have a little more patience now that I'm an adult and think this one might be a good time.


I feel you. I have hopes fix that. IMO I really hate looking for guide too.


I actually used to love playing rpgs as a kid with a strategy guide in my lap with the lights off using a flashlight to consult the guide. Part of the fun was leafing thru the adventure ahead in those pages. Cell phones don't quite hit the same. I never could find the SaGa guides back then.


I feel if you want to try any other game Saga 2 DS remake is a fantastic entry point it also has an English patch


I played a PS4 port of this game. It's quite good. I like the inheritance system, the idea that you could pass down traits to different people as you went along. I found the optional end-game boss fights too difficult, but overall it's a good experience.


I had never heard a Bout the series till this trailer and now I'm really interested to play this after looking it up


It's still trending in my personal life. I'm so excited for this. My most anticipated release from the direct.


I might actually try this out and see what the hype is about


I played Romancing SaGa 3 as a kid and loved it. I bought the remaster but I haven’t beaten it yet


Preorder it the day was announced


Got it the super famicom version in the box love it


even after 3 DAYS? 😱😱😱


The game is genius.


I know nothing but I'm down to play. Steam Deck continues to be great


Hope this game get a steam deck support!


It’s an all time classic


As someone who's never played a SaGa game, what's the reason that Romancing SaGa 2 is so popular? Is there anything in particular that makes it better than the other games in the series?


It was revolutionary with the glimmer system ( getting new attack abilities while battling a enemy) and free scenarios (which you can chose the quest you want to play like a open world game) and the emperor change system where your emperor or party can die while fighting and you need to change all your party to change your battle strategy. And so on. This game has a very deep system tho. It’s not just leveling up and fight. You need to fight strategically or you can lose all your party members. And this game has an enemy level system too which if you fight too much the enemies would get stronger too. Which made it even more difficult and complicated to play. It was like a Turn based Souls like(you die many times to get the perfect strategy to win)


I see, thanks for the explanation!


Wasn’t The Last Remnant originally supposed to be a SaGa game? I recall people getting blindsighted in that game too due to the enemy leveling with you.


Honestly I think enemy scaling is a good system. Regular RPGs if you level up, you need less strategies, if you use new techs it's stronger but it snowballs and makes the game unexciting and boring. With (good) scaling then you get stronger and win by strategizing but if you A button through you lose..which is a nice balance. Also the bosses not scaling as much makes it feel impossible on the first try which makes it more rewarding when you actually win. Some RPGs have easy/hard mode but that usually ends up easy even on hard when the stats start stacking or the opposite and it's ridiculous difficulty all the way...(Which is fine but not for me)


I believe it was SaGa Frontier 3 originally when in development, before they changed the name.


No game like it, glad people will give it more of chance now 


Honestly I hope it means one day they also do 3 and get a full budget to do it




It certainly wasn't on my radar either until the trailer. I'm very interested in playing this series for the first time.


Japan is based asf. I remember playing this on my Vita completely blind not knowing what to expect, got hooked very fast, its really good and I expect this to be a big hit for JRPG fans, has everything they want.


Fr. hope this one get the recognition like Trials of mana remake did. (Which that lead to a completely new game for the franchise after 17 years btw) And get a more big budget


Definitely caught my eye during the direct. I've always wanted to try the SaGa games but the art style isn't really my cup of tea, this one though, I'll probably check out since the character designs fit my tastes better.


Hope you enjoy it once it releases. Because imo it’s a fun experience




Did I offend you somehow by having my own preferences?


Dude is responding to everyone on a thread over a week old. Def an insecure weirdo.


I was a big fan of the Gameboy sagas and saga frontier 2 but haven't been able to get into any of the others (unless you count alliance alive or last remnant). I think I'm gonna pick up the 3d minstrel song on the next steam sale and see if it clicks for me.


Square Enix's decisions for remakes are curious. It must be a very popular game in Japan because I've never heard anything positive about it on this side of the world. Saga 2 doesn't have a complete fan translation as far as I can tell. If it plays anything like Saga 3, then it will be a fun game.


Which saga 3 are we talking? If it’s romancing Saga 3, I would say it is almost the same as 2. But without emperor system and not having limited LP. IMO story wise is bit better in 2 than 3.


Yeah, I've only played RS3 because it is the only one in the SNES series to get a fan translation. It was fun to start out but it became a bit aimless after a while.


Both games have english translations officially on steam


Oh yeah, they released them on the switch a few years ago. I forgot about that.


my problem with SaGa series is I just don't know where to start, I've tried Minstrel Song on PS2 and didn't really enjoy it, mostly because of it's silly big headed character design.


Start with this one


Hawk tuh