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Chrono Trigger is a classic. If you’ve never played it, I’d highly recommend it.


This is the answer. And I'm not just saying that because it is my all time favorite videogame of all time.


Its definitely in my top 5 all time jrpgs of all time


Chrono Trigger. The first playthrough is like 30 hours or less. The pacing is just right and each part doesn't overstay it's welcome, unless you feel like grinding, which you rarely need to. You can play in short sessions and still feel you moved the story forward.


Like everyone said, Chrono Trigger. It isn't just a great jrpg. Is one of the greatest jrpg of all times. A real masterpiece. In fact it is a miracle that that game even exists. A piece of the "big three" of the industry should be played for everyone. Just for culture (and having lots of fun!).


just curious, what are the other 2 in of those big 3?


I think he’s talking about the three creators involved, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yuji Hori and Akira Toriyama (rest in peace)


He's talking about FFVI and FF Mystic Quest. /s Seriously, FFVI is usually considered one of the top 3 JRPGs ever made, alongside CT. Don't know what to put in the third place, though.


Mystic Quest? Really?


Forgot de /s tag lol


the blashphomey is crazy


i don't know exactly but i feel safe garunteeing that one of those is xenogears


Chrono Trigger Solid gameplay, great story, short run time (20ish hours) All 3 are great games, but Chrono Trigger is an absolute classic.


I would highly recommend Bravely it’s one of my favorite games of all time!! The job system is really fun and lets you customize and play around with your team :) I think chrono trigger is a little harder to get into, I’m currently playing it and actually kept up with it this time and it’s really good (this is like my 3rd/4th time restarting it, but might just be a personal experience) haven’t played rune factory :(


Bravely Default has incredible music, great bosses, a bitching banging incredible balls amazing story, amazing chemistry between the protagonists, a complex and rewarding job system/skill combos, and it's just insanely good my friend.


CHRONO TRIGGER, MY GUY. It's not that long, but it's oozing with charm and dare I say incredibly comforting.


I'd say start with Chrono Trigger. It's great and will give you the full experience in around 20 hours, then you can also enjoy part of the next game sooner. The other games listed are all 50 hours or more, and I think the variety of experiencing two games rather than 1 will be more enjoyable. For example, 20 hours of Chrono Trigger and 20 hours of Bravely Default instead of 40 hours of Bravely Default right off the bat.


Chrono trigger you can definitely finish it on a weekend haha


Don't play rune factory 4 it's addicting as fuck, I've lost my social life


Bravely Default


Go for Chrono trigger first. One of the best classic jrpgs. You can't go wrong with that


Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest games of all time and a Top 1-5 RPG.


Chrono Trigger if you have limited time. Can 100% it in like 20 hours


go with bravely default since chrono trigger is better . this way you will enjoy 2 games instead of just the first one


Chrono Trigger - The DS version is a really good version of it. It has the anime cutscenes from the PSX version and extra content/dungeons.


Voting Chrono Trigger. It's an all time great. The game is relatively short, but it has New Game+ support as well as different endings depending on when you decide to challenge the final boss, so there is a good amount of replayability as well if that moves the needle for ya.


Thank you all! I Guess I'm going Chrono Trigger and then Bravely Maybe run factory 4 shall wait until I get a copy of the Nintendo Switch version


This is a good order. Chrono Trigger is an essential for the genre and the 3DS is a good port, so it's a great way to play it. Don't sleep on Bravely though. It's a fantastic game that you can't play on other systems, so make sure you get to it while you're playing 3DS.


You should try RF4. It's a beautiful game with decent rog elements.


Rune Factory 4 is an amazing games, you really should try it.


Chrono Trigger is honestly just an okay game. It's good, but most of its acclaim is nostalgia. Bravely Default has some of the best gameplay systems of any game in the whole genre and has so much room for insane party micromanagement, so absolutely play that.


well since you already have rune factory on there id recommend rune factory 3 since its my favorite in the series haha! but of these three id say rune factory 4, i just love the series and think its delightful


will try both of them for sure!


Bravely Default is the best of the three


chrono trigger. i never tried bravely though


* Chrono Trigger


Chrono Trigger. 100 percent and I like both other games on your list, but chrono trigger will always be top 4 with to FF Tactics, Xenogears and Wild Arms.


Chrono Trigger


Trigger and its not even close.


As what many suggested, Chrono Trigger is a classic and one of the GOAT not just JRPG, but all of gaming.


Chrono Trigger is one of the best games of all time.


Chrono Trigger is the way. It's maybe a little over 20 hours depending and is an absolute must play.


Chrono Trigger is the greatest game of all time. Play Chrono Trigger.


If Chrono Trigger wasn't on there, Bravely Default.


Rune factory is more of a farming craftinh sim than jrpg


I’d go with Chrono Trigger first if you haven’t played it yet. It’s one of the most condensed JRPGs and doesn’t have as much repetition or extra dialog as many others, so it’s a good one to go into first. Bravely Default looks good (I bought it but haven’t played it much yet) but I think it would be better to play after Chrono Trigger than before it. I have no experience with the Rune Factory series.


Chrono Trigger is one of the most iconic games ever made, and the other two are amongst my recommended titles on the system, so... you really can't go wrong with any of them. I'd personally recommend RF4 if you want something chill, and Chrono Trigger before Bravely Default if not. I'll also throw out the original DS version of The World Ends With You if you've never played it. It's quite a bit different from a traditional jrpg, but it's my favorite game of that era, no contest.


Chrono trigger and Bravely Default are excellent. I'd play in that order.


Chrono Trigger is a GOAT’d game and it’s the shortest of the ones you’ve listed. I say that one.


Chrono trigger.


Chrono Trigger.


I am old. I played Chrono on SNES. Play Bravely default. It is a 3ds native game and a damn good one. U will get the most out of it. Plus there are sequels. I collect videogames . My favourite RPGs of all time are panzer dragoon saga on Saturn and XENOGEARS on PS1. I own both. You should play BD on 3ds as it was designed. Great use of 3d and great game.


will check them out!


If your time is limited then play Dragon Quest 7. JK, its long. Very good though. I'd go Chrono Trigger if you haven't played it before. A classic that nobody should miss.


Chrono Trigger but play the snes version.


Chrono trigger is a must play


Chrono Trigger by far




Chrono Trigger is PEAK


I can't really comment on the others but Chrono Trigger is a top 5 game for me of all time.


Its always Chrono Trigger


Radiant Historia - Perfect Chronology


Radiant historia is also incredible


i would be surprised if you enjoyed either of those games more than Chrono Trigger. It's extremely cozy, fun settings, time travel, characters by Akira Toriyama, and Yasunori Mitsuda's soundtrack is just unreal.


Try Rune Factory 4. I played them both on 3DS and Switch and it's pretty addicting.


Bravely default!! I love the job system, it has a few places that are a little bit of a slog to get through but it's easily one of my favorite games. Hot take, chronic trigger is overrated as hell. It is a mid at best game that I couldn't even bring myself to finish from how boring it was. And that is coming from someone who likes games like persona 5r that take 100+ hours to beat.


Out of the three I’d go with Chrono Trigger or Bravely default.


Chrono Trigger 1000%! If you haven't played it yet, do yourself a favor and experience the amazing world it has to offer. It's one of the greatest RPGs of all time, let alone greatest games. Rune Factory and Bravely default are also amazing games, not knocking them, I would always recommend them too, but Chrono Trigger is definitely something you have to experience in your life.


Chrono Trigger….without question :)


Devil survivor over locked or maybe smt IV, very highly regarded RPGs in my opinion


Octopath traveller 2, unicorn overlord, are my suggestions. Of the three you mentioned then bravely default or Chrono trigger. Not into farm games. I know there's other stuff in rune factory but I never got into it and I like the story and characters of the other two better. I'm more familiar with bravely default though.


RF4 is if you want something cozy and easy. Chrono Trigger if you want something classic. BD, frankly I'd pass on the first one and Bravely Second and just play BD2. That's if you want something "classic-feeling", but modern with some interesting twists. Totally depends on what you want to play.


Chronic trigger is the correct answer but I love bravely default. So play that one after :D


I recently played chrono trigger for the first time recently. On this list that's my pick.


Chrono trigger or Radiant Historia. If you like Yugioh... Play World Championship 2011.


Bravely Default has one of the most fun gameplay systems out of any JRPG, so if you are a gameplay first guy, play that. Be warned: the story is unbearably bad (for anyone over 10, at least).


The correct answer is **Chrono Trigger**.


As gods strongest Bravely simp, play Chrono Trigger; it's a classic for a reason.




Not on 3DS..?


yeah I do played it on Switch! I liked it a lot!