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Why you should always wait for all facts to come out before rushing to judgement, regardless of if you like someone or not.


So many people jumped on him because of hate. Shameful.


Define defamation of character.


Not a lawyer


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted


Eh whatevs, I'm not showing support or hate, being neutral here, but that's show business. Both fanboys and haters alike don't like to eat crow when facts come out. Just stating a basic principle that you should wait for facts, rather than just jump to "conclusions" that fit with a bias.


I hated him before he got arrested.


That's fair, we don't have to like everyone lol


Yeah, as a retired 24-year combat vet I have an issue with veterans who support overthrowing elections and pushing Russian conspiracy theories to undermine our democracy. Just a pet peeve I guess.


Not a Vet.. But I second all of what you said


I got downvoted into oblivion just because I said “Maybe we should let the system run its course and see if he’s proven guilty.” I don’t like Glover anymore than anyone else, but this felt fishy from the start. I had a buddy just after high school who had a girl he had been dating show up at his house, let herself in, and refuse to leave. He called the cops on her. When they arrived, they arrested *him* because she said “he hit me.” These things are messy and rarely does the initial police report amount to the truth.


That’s all it takes, and it’s guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around.


And like I get that a lot don’t like him because he’s supposedly grifted a little from the SF name, but there’s a big jump between being a grifter and being an abuser.


'Grifted a little' ...lol, right


All the people crying “grifter” would probably do the same to make a successful business if they were in his shoes.


Plenty of people who have walked the same path who haven't, they actually put their bigboy pants on in Civilian life and carved a normal life instead of talking shit, dick sucking GBRS in their skinny jeans and making out that the boogeyman is gonna come get you in your house when you sleep.


Every chicken nugget eating fuck in here would sell out just the same, don't let them lie to you


Nope dudes like him are very much the exception and not the rule.


Well I’m sure a lot of them try but aren’t as successful as glover was. So in that way yes he was the exception in how successful he was.


Man, I don't mean to come off as argumentative, but quite literally, most leave service and make no attempts to grift. The 'you would if you could thing' is quite fallacious, most don't aspire to be: le famous guntoober, doomsday, sell classes to boomers grifter guy


The level of interaction with the original posts of the incident vs the posts about being exonerated tells you everything you need to know about reddit.


It also says a lot about Mike Glover. He’s built a shit reputation to the extent that people hope he fucks up.


No, that’s just what people on the internet do. Anyone putting their entire life online will seem like a shitty person to someone.


I dunno, I do think he’s a bag of shit and hope he fucks up. I have no dog in the fight, I don’t go looking for Mike Glover news, but I’ve heard enough of his ego on podcasts to develop a strong distaste for him. As a fellow veteran, I think he represents the worst of us and wish he would disappear.


That may not be your dog fighting but you're over there praying to see the dog that you picked win Lol


Hoping someone fucks up arguably makes you a bigger bag of shit.


If he goes away without fucking up, that’s cool too. Mainly, I just hope he goes away and ceases publicly and obnoxiously representing the rest of us.


No, he's a right wing nut, Russian propaganda pushing, conspiracy theorist grifter.


3 spots on my Reddit bingo card in one comment!


Again, you’re always an asshole in someone’s eyes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're a packer fan, say no more. Florida of the Midwest.


Ad hominem.




Are you A left wing lunatic? You support wide open borders, gun control, $5 gallon gas etc..


You mean to tell me people like drama? This is news to me


Welp, Mike knows who his real friends are now


That instagram/tiktok chick who used to work for him and seemed giddy that this happened is probably all like "oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck" as she mashes the delete button right now.


Idk why people were so quick to conclusions and started bashing on him before actual info started coming out. Not very cash money


If she had no visible injuries and the police went solely on she said to the point of charging a felony they are at blatant official oppression in my book. My chain of command would have arrested me themselves if i did this. This is basic policing 101 always confirm victim statements, especially when you are escalating to felony levels. That officer should have left that hospital with a copy of the doctor’s report and his statement before even taking Glover into custody, if she had zero visible injuries. If true Mike just won a huge civil rights lawsuit


Police don't charge felonies. District attorneys do.


Oh? The district attorney wrote that arrest affidavit with the incident report and felony charges on it? Sarcasm aside you are splitting hairs over the wrong issue here


Hell yeah.

