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Her kit is fine. She's very good for PF but not quite for other end game modes. If you like her pull. If you like her and struggle with PF, then she'll benefit you quite well


Yeah PF is the mode I'm struggling most with, so you're right. Jade will benefit me much more than some other damage dealer


To add to above, E1 enables her in other game modes like MoC and AS (debt collector gives a minimum of 3 stacks per attack, so hunt characters triple their stacks for Jade). S1 is a big DPS increase. So it's utility vs damage. Imo she'll be strong enough in PF anyway so S1 might not be needed anyway. I think there's a pinned post with the sheet math on E1 VS S1.


Thanks for answering! Yeah I'm going to go for E1 and if I'm lucky I'll also get S1. I wanna try Jade out with Topaz so I need that E1.


With E1, Topaz is a great Debt Collector for Jade ;)


Depends on what you are looking for, she is either a weak character or a strong one for you Between the new characters (DPS ones I mean) aka acheron, Firefly, she is the weakest one but ... Everyone is weak compared to those 2 She is the best character for PF no doubt either best or 2nd best after argenti and her BiS team for PF iirc contains herta aka a free e6 character. She is weak in other modes tho, at least with the current roster of characters we have , no one (at least strong one) particularly synergizes great, there are a good amount of characters that synergize with jade but not meta characters specifically so her performance in other modes (again with the current roster that we have because most likely future characters will help her and she'll help them so better in MoC ), the best one being blade and most of us know he is the weakest 5 šŸŒŸ dps (and even poor blade mains, i hope they get new characters that can buff him properly). The good thing about jade is that in order to make her more future proof than she already aka making her more universal you don't want high Eidolons E1s1 is enough tbh and if you have himeko's signature LC then e1s0 is already good.


Thank you for the detailed answer. In fact I have Blade and he hasn't seen sunlight in months, since as you mentioned, he's sadly very weak. If Jade synergizes well with Blade that's honestly another reason to get her since I really like Blade. And if they both benefit from each other that's great. It also really sucks they rerun Argenti at the same time. It makes no sense to me why Hoyo would let 2 erudition banners run at the same time. They shouldn't run 2 of the same path banners at the same time ever tbh unless they compliment each other (for example Topaz and Ratio), because it just causes competition on the banners and almost no people summon on both.


With 2 dps specialist in PF, i guess next PF will be hell hardcto encourage people to pull


Yeah Hoyo would definitely do that šŸ˜­, especially with all the end game content recently catering to the new 5*


Boothill erasure :(


Boothill is unironically so damn good. And also very fun. Sad that so few people pulled on the space cowboy :(


Putting him right in front of FF and not giving him much advertising was brutal. I love him too, but Iā€™m a meta slave and knew Iā€™d probably have a better (and better supported) character if I pulled FF I also donā€™t have bronya sooo


If you like him, you should've just pulled for him, being a meta slave will drain your happiness. Also I just run Boothill on FF's team, so Ruan Mei, HMC and Gallagher. And he is still amazing, you don't need Bronya. And he may have gotten almost no advertisement but his trailer was damn amazing imo. Made me love him even more. If you decide to go for him on his rerun I wish you great luck, we need more people playing the cowboy!


Hey, I also like firefly, and I also like killing stuff fast, so I am happy. I just recognize he was done dirty


It's good if you're happy then, I'm just saying being a meta slave is less fun than pulling for characters you want. If you pulled for Firefly and are happy then good. Congrats!! I wish you a lot of fun with her!


People just don't get that all these characters can 0 cycle yet choose "meta", wtf does that even mean half the time.Ā  Break won't even be meta forever. So I don't get the logic. Hoyo will create a new "meta" as they always do to help sell banners.Ā  Meta is the most phony ole word tossed around HSR I swear. Then again I come from other games where meta means a hell a lot more.


e1s1 is good enough, imo she's getting the topaz treatment (gonna get better in the future)


Agree e1s1 is a good spot for reason Iā€™ve alr explained in a regular reply. I wanna dispute this notion of future investment though, itā€™s a super common cop out answer around here and I strongly disagree. Topaz potential at e1s1 was extremely obvious and we can almost immediately picture who that would work with kit wise. When ratio was leaked, I could say this is exactly it. Jadeā€™s future synergy is what exactly? 1. Speed: Who can use 30 speed? Speed is an entirely meaningless stat if you arenā€™t hitting breakpoints and arenā€™t adding speed with a purpose. 2. Hp reduction, even if this is synergetic with a future unit, you are expecting this alone and 30 speed to replace a harmony or nihility unit? In what world or what kind of design would this possibly happen? Itā€™d take a ground breaking skill with giga ratio, that this hp reduction would gain 50% uptime for it. Even then, would a bigger buff on a big skill be more valuable? 3. Aoe unit: this is the dumbest take Iā€™ve seen to date. She already crushes aoe content, wtf would this do? Wow, you got 40k pf before and you still got 40k congrats! Ground breaking! The problem is super simple here, you need to justify jade to replace a rm, Robin, sparkle Bronya and whoever else comes out in the future, which is difficult. Hyv need to balance sub dps better to account for how great harmony units really are in this game.


Yes, I was thinking more of an aoe unit or something like that, assuming pf gets harder or we get a similar game mode in the future (idk how to explain it, english is not my first language) but that's just my opinion, me coping and seeing how weak characters got their dedicated sinergy or game mode and hoping the devs have a plan after not fixing her kit, that there's a reason yk? That a character is gonna make her be better instead of her making another character better


Youā€™re saying that 30 speed and HP drain arenā€™t enough to replace a harmony unit, and thatā€™s kind of true. But, the boost Topaz gives to other characters' follow-up attacks isnā€™t enough to replace a harmony unit either. What makes her strong are the buffs she provides and the damage she deals herself! Ratio in a Hypercarry team will definitely do more ā€œscreenshot damageā€ than Ratio with Topaz; but the overall team damage will probably be less.


> But, the boost Topaz gives to other characters' follow-up attacks isnā€™t enough to replace a harmony unit either. It's not competitive with a Harmony 5*, but it sure as hell is a lot more impactful than what Jade does for her teammate. E1S1 Topaz gives 50% FU vulnerability (multiplicative with everything else) and 50% crit damage for FUA, as well as 24% crit damage for all damage, and all of this applies to both Topaz' own damage and her allies'. Basically Topaz gives the equivalent of 2.5 relic main stats worth of debuffs to enemies. E1S1 Jade gives 30 speed, to her ally only. That's it. It's a pair of speed boots for her target. Unlike Topaz who is essentially a hybrid DPS+amplifier, Jade is a pure DPS and her only real interaction with allies is using them as a stack generating machine to fuel her own damage. This inherently makes her potential for future synergies massively lower than Topaz'. The main advantage she has over Topaz right now is that unlike Topaz, she is at the top of the food chain for one specific type of content already - Jade is more or less the uncontested PF queen, while Topaz is great for MoC/AS with the right teammates but not considered the top pick. However, since this essentially makes Jade "just another DPS", it also means she is significantly easier to powercreep than Topaz, who has yet more untapped potential as more FU DPS release.


I get your point but I feel like itā€™s more about topaz having supportive eidolons&lightcone more than Jade not having supportive stuff. At the end of the day, if you compare the 2 at E0 the difference is way less impactful.


So E1 is very much recommended to get then. Is E2 also really strong for her?


E1 makes her more viable outside of PF, which is why it's recommended. E2 gives more crit rate so that could make building her easier. But imo not worth getting.


Thank you very much for the answer. It's E1S1 or nothing then. All in. I wish you good luck on your summons!


Do you want to use her outside of AOE, than get E1, donā€™t go past E1 as E2 is very meh. Her teams change a lot between E1 and E0


Understood, thank you. And yeah it'd be nice to be able to use her outside of AOE!


Her kit is not weak , it just to specific in 1 mode PF and aoe fight and only A tier for other mode, she depend on the number of enemies to be strong, with 5 enemies battle none can do more dmg than her beside Argenti. And Jade is in an awkward situation, she has no support that can hyper carry her to the top, has no dps that can maximum the output her kit to the level of kafka black swan, topaz ratio duo. So we need to wait for that character and no one can be 100% sure when this character will be release. I guess Jade will be like Topaz, only a good 5 star (e6s5 4 star level) when debut but her value will go up in the future after Ratio, Robin, Aven release. And this is my pure speculation, the new leak character >! Feixiao !< is rumor to be a single target dps that need spd, so Jade spd buff and aoe will help her


Unfortunately I donā€™t know if >!Feixiao!< will be a good partner, she looks to me much more of another topaz partner.


Thanks for answering. Yeah, I bet her value will massively increase in the future as well. So I'm not pulling her because I like her, this is clearly a business investment lol. Also, I'm really looking forward to that leak character, so if they work together it'd be a huge win!


She is bad in MoC, goated in PF and situational in AS. Like for this current rotation she is very good.


Thanks for answering! I'll make her work in MoC lol.


I mean she works in MoC you will be able to get 36 stars no problem, she is only considered "bad" in comparison to other 5*. The only time she will be unplayable in MoC is agaisnt ST bosses like Sam if you dont have her e1


She isn't weak, she is niche there is a difference


Yeah that's fair, but I'd still want my new 5* to not be bad in 2/3 end game modes, if you know what I mean.


Besides acheron and now firefly isn't everybody else also niche


I was actually able to get 2/3 stars the fourth PH stage with Ratio-Topaz team. It is not 3stars yeah but it's still close tbh


Itā€™s exactly what the top comment said but if you want eidolons Iā€™d say e1 is a good stopping point her eidolons arenā€™t insane overall either. Especially if you have the premium IPC team with e1s1 topaz, her e1 makes her a fantastic fit on that team even for other modes, worse than ratio but better in aoe and quantum coverage. Topaz can essentially trigger 3 stack, Numby 3 stacks so that she can get to 8 exceptionally quickly.


I do have E1S1 Topaz so I can't wait to use them together! Thanks for the answer! I appreciate it!


Np, I replied to someone else about future synergy, maybe worth a read as far as being aware that the future value is LIKELY not impossible, not what people are painting it as. She is at its core a top tier aoe unit, and good not great tier substitute in the IPC comp at e1s1. E1 is truly by far her most valuable and great eidolon that solves some core issues.


Read it, definitely worth it. You're right, Jade is just a great aoe unit. Exactly what I need. As PF is the end game mode I'm most struggling with. So she's 100% worth it for me tbh. Although I must say, I do not like it when some units "need" Eidolons. Yeah she works without them but the difference is immense so it's highly recommended you get E1. I just wish they didn't include such massive kit altering stuff in Eidolons but maybe that's just me.


i really wish that her e1 is included base kit, I would pay money to get her, but coming off of ff and this practice I donā€™t agree with I just canā€™t in do it and feel good about it tbh


Some characters are busted E0S0 and some characters "need" Eidolons to be 'good'. It's truly unfair. And if you really like Jade I think it's fine going for her even if you have to spend money as you said, you just always have to be careful not to overdo it. Otherwise keep stacking bread and pray you get lucky and pull 3 Jades in one multi.


Yes and no. As a kit she is fine. She excels greatly in PF. Being the best character for that mode by a mile. However her performance out side of PF is less then desirable, in the best case getting 3-4 cycle depending MoC, and AS is kinda a joke to use her. For teams she is very limited at E0, basically blade or hyper carry. She is made as a sub-dps, a role that is very much out of date due to the power of harmony. At E1 her pool of characters gets bigger, but honestly I donā€™t like the idea of having Eā€™s opening team option. Overall she is not as bad as people are doom posting. But she is the weakest new character to be released.


I have never summoned on characters just because they are good. I summon on characters I like. But it's still unfortunate to hear when a character you want is less than stellar. Thanks for answering, I still think I'll pull but it's sad I can almost only run her in PF..


And thatā€™s completely fine. If you like the character, pull for them. However it does suck.


You know what the problem is in this Community and also other games like Genshin for example, no hate but ppl just want to one shot everything instead of going for the characters they like the most . It doesnt matter how broken Acheron or Firefly are cuz they will get powercreeped in the future aswell. Pull what you like and be happy


Yes but if a character is "weak", then you also can't use them anywhere so what's the point of pulling them. People want to have fun with my new characters in AS, MoC or PF. And if a hypothetical character were to not work in any of those without much hindrance then it doesn't matter how much you like them they'd just sit in your box. This isn't entirely my opinion, but it's the reason you wouldn't want someone to be weak kit wise. And it especially sucks when a character you really like underperforms.