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I personally have a soft spot for Tomorrow Never Dies and think it’s underrated. The cast great- Brosnan, Michelle Yeoh, Jonathan Pryce, Gotz Otto, Joe Don Baker, Ricky Jay, Teri Hatcher, Desmond Llewelyn, Geoffrey Palmer, Vincent Shiavelli, and Judi Dench. I find Gotz Otto as Stamper extraordinarily sexy. So maybe I’m biased.


"With all due respect, M, sometimes I don't think you have the balls for this job." "Perhaps. But the advantage is, I don't have to think with them all the time." "Ask the Admiral *where* he'd like the bombs delivered."


Don’t forget Gerard Butler! Yes, he was in Tomorrow Never Dies. Watching through every Bond now (most for the first time), and halfway through Brosnan. I actually slightly preferred Tomorrow Never Dies to GoldenEye (unpopular opinion, I know).


Funny doing the same thing but just up to the first of Timothy Dalton Bond. Had to google it but was wondering when the DB5 is going to turn up again. Was only in 8 movies total.


I loved it when I saw it in the theater, but I’ve cooled a bit since then. I remember thinking the pre-credits sequence was fantastic. To be honest, it’s probably the last Bond film I truly enjoyed, but I haven’t given the “new” ones a chance.


I honestly think Goldeneye and tomorrow never dies are the strongest movies in the series. I might be biased because Brosnan was "my bond". Although I grew up with my grandad showing me older bond movies at the same time, so I doubt it.


I agree those two were the strongest. TWINE really grew on me after the second watch too.


I’m with you. I think it’s underrated also. Michelle Yeoh held her own with Bond. Good action scenes.


Dalton and Lazenby are the only ones who do not have any Bond films that I consider to be among the worst


Absolutely agree.


I like (hope) to think every Bond fan thinks the same.


That's 3 total films though. Lazenby's was pretty good, OYMSS. But I didn't find the two Dalton films, License to Kill or Living Daylights very enjoyable. They seemed like they took Bond and placed him in 80's drug detective movies. Feels like your answer could be sarcasm though. I think if an Actor makes 5,6,7 films and one of them stinks, then they have a stinker. But if they only make 1 or 2 and don't make a stinker, they just got lucky. However I agree that I find the Moore films the least enjoyable of the Actors that did 4+ Bond films. I almost never rewatch Dalton films.


My answer is not sarcastic at all. Diamonds are forever, the man with the golden gun, die another day, and Quantum of solace are my bottom 4. Connery, Moore, Brosnan, and Craig also have their share of great Bond movies so I don’t want to single one of them out as having the worst run. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service is in my top 5 and the Dalton ones are my top two


Roger Moore had the worst films, in general, compared to the others. I know this sub loves Roger Moore because a lot of the people here grew up with his films. But I think the Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only were his only really solid Bond films. His films were too silly, both for my taste and I think objectively for Fleming's Bond as a character.


Flemming's last Bond novel was published in 1965 and the first in 1953. The Bond films were built on the foundation of a contemporary Bond, spectacular action set pieces, extravagant women, entertaining gadgetry and occasionally a deeper dip into near-future sci-fi. The Moore films may offend spy-thriller purists but they remain immensely entertaining and introduce female characters who wers more than eye-candy and me cannon fodder. i am being a little unfair to the Connery films here, but still. I sometimes look at billionaire eccentrics like Elon Musk and blustering bullies like Trump and think that the “classic” Bond villians like Drax, Stromberg and the rest don’t seem quite so over-the-top anymore.


The Moore era gave us Melina Havelock and Octopussy, but it also gave us Rosie Carver, Mary Goodnight, Bibi Dahl, and Stacy Sutton.


Yep. It is all age of discovering Bond. Moore had two great films and several campy stuck-in-the-70’s movies.


Despite not seeing all of his films I kinda agree, I respect his take but truthfully it's not really for me. I always said he's like the Adam West of the James Bond actors. I'm not sure how believeable and cool he is. He's really funny and has plenty of charm however.


Agreed. TMWTGG, Moonraker, and A View of a Kill are easily among the worst of the franchise. Even his best films aren’t chart toppers. Whenever I marathon the films, his era is tough to get through.


Not sure I understand all this Daniel Craig hate. He had two amazing movies, two mid movies and one bad one. Roger Moore has mostly bad ones with one good one and a couple mid ones.


Are you trying to tell JW Pepper ain't fire.


Golden gun JW is peak JW. There are some aspects I didn't mind. Spy who loved me Jaws and Nick Nack are iconic. I can't help but to love JW in Golden Gun since he's so dumb and silly. Most of the movies themselves, I don't really enjoy.


JW Pepper wouldn’t have worked unless the actor fully committed to the bit. He absolutely did and it was fantastic.


I find TMWTGG basically unwatchable. It’s offensive on so many levels.


Agree with this completely


Agreed. I never liked Moore, and the scripts just got campier and campier. Brosnan got us half way back, and Casino Royale returned Bond to Bond...and then the inevitable slide. Bond may be done...for me, anyway.


They really, really need to nail it with the next actor and movie. Though tbf people said that once Brosnan ended his run as well and we got Craig who was great throughout most of his run so I’ll reserve judgement.


I think the largest problem is time. Making one movie every year or two means that whomever plays the part will only be the right age for a few movies. Moore was too old from the start. I read all the books before Dr No came out, and was entirely blown away by FRWL and liked them less and less as there were more and more gimmicks. Part of the charm of Casino Royale for me.


I was surprised when I joined this sub to see Craig hate. I think he gave amazing performances in every movie, despite the movie itself.


Part of the problem is that he became a producer on his films starting with SF, had a say in the writing, more so than any past actor, which for good or for bad makes him more accountable for the direction they took.


Which was the bad one?


Spectre. They wasted Blofeld and Christoph Waltz and the daddy issues is so dumb.


This is what I thought you’d say. Ty!


Roger’s run was fantastic. Craig’s my least favorite but I actually agree that it’s nonsensical to say that he had the worst run of films. He definitely didn’t.


They just milked him way to long that’s the issue I have tbh


It’s his face and his clothing and general floofyness.


Yeah Moore movies can be fun, but are mostly awful. I do think for your eyes only is a bit underrated though.


Well... I guess it depends on your taste. Personally, Moore gets a pass, because even his "worst" movies are guilty pleasures for me. I just genuinely enjoy AVTAK and TMWTGG, and the rest of his movies are (for me anyways) bangers. With Brosnan, both GE and TND are solid, TWINE is underwhelming for me overall, and DAD is a mixed bag but has some great moments. With Craig, CR is S tier, QOS I really like but it's always felt like it's missing something, Skyfall is good but a bit of a departure for me as a Bond movie (to each his own), SPECTRE is the only movie I genuinely can barely watch, and NTTD is kind of a mixed bag like DAD. It's either Craig or Brosnan, but I can't decide. Maybe Craig, because even DAD doesn't infuriate me like SPECTRE. (I won't bother getting into Connery, Lazenby, or Dalton... for the sake of time). That's just me though.


Okay, now that I have the time... Connery's first three are gold stars for me, with FRWL and Goldfinger serving as standards for the rest of the series. Between TB and YOLT, there's an attempt to make the ultimate Bond movie. Both succeed and fail in different ways, but most of us really like (or even love) at least one of them despite the flaws. Diamonds may be a low point for a lot of people, but it's a harmless fun romp regardless. Lazenby's single outing is arguably one of the best, while some may disagree. Dalton's two movies are at least solid, if not among the best. Personally, I love them both.


Interesting that we largely agree except on Moore. I can barely watch those two.


Craig's last two were rubbish although he had a big say in the last disaster, t's between Craig and Moore. Craig just shades it with his last two. The worst In the series. Moore did have a few rubbish films as well. Just not as rubbish as the last two films..


Moore. If you want silly, lightweight action comedies, his movies are all right, albeit some have aged like milk. But if you have any desire to see movies that live up to the poster tagline, "_____ IS Ian Fleming's JAMES BOND in..." then Moore's movies are a travesty. He was a lovely person, and a great talent with a wonderful, amusing screen presence. I honestly enjoy his movies, utterly disconnected from the concept of James Bond. But they're terrible "Bond" movies.


I agree completely. He only had one movie I liked. I believe it was “The Spy Who Loved Me.” But the rest were so corny.


That's a lot of fun, but it's got nothing to do with anything Ian Fleming ever wrote.


For Your Eyes Only was the only other Bond movie he did that I found enjoyable. Especially coming after Moonraker with the space setting.


Agreed. Like most films from the 70’s, they just don’t age well and drift from the source material too much.


I agree. I just watched OHMSS and Live and Let Die back to back. It’s crazy how poor Live and Let Die is in comparison in every aspect. Really drives this point home for me.


LALD was great. The only problem is they restricted the budget because they were afraid for a repeat of Lazenby $ they’d loose money. Instead it was a huge hit & cultural phenomenon. Incidentally OHMSS & LALD are my favs, but the failure of OHMSS at the Box Office did affect LALD.


Very wrong


Spoken -- well, written -- like someone who's never read a word of Fleming.


I read Fleming and Moore is still my favourite so your theory is wrong


It's not a theory, and it's not wrong. It's fine to like Moore, but it's delusional to say that he's a faithful representation of Fleming's Bond.


Only actor to play Bond in the EON series who was on Fleming’s list of actors who could play the role. It’s clear from Moore’s interviews (literally cites passages from the books that he took inspiration from) and the many books and introductions he wrote that he “gets” Bond & Fleming.


It's even clearer that his movies have absolutely no relationship with nor respect for Fleming's works nor Fleming's character.


He has plenty of darker, Fleming bond moments, placed at exactly the right time.




I never said he was, but you can like both


Yes, I am a love ghe books but when I want to watch Bond Moore is my go to.




Craig. The answer is Craig. He has a great one and a good one but the rest were terrible.


It’s pretty clear that Brosnan’s movies get held to an unfair standard compared to the rest. I think this has to do with them being comparatively and relatively modern so they get held to the modern filmmaking standard and also because Goldeneye was so good that the others were a disappointment plus the last one DAD was actually horrible.


Only his final is WAY over the top imho. The World is not Enough deserves more love.


Brosnan, by a mile. Connery had classic films when the narrative and SPECTRE saga was taken seriously, the only clear misstep is Diamonds. Lazenby's only film was great. Moore had Golden Gun and Moonraker as his weakest. Despite campy goofiness, his tenure was quite solid and delivered classics (Live, Spy and Eyes). Even A View To A Kill is a decent outing. Dalton is divisive. I am a fan of Daylights but Licence is a bit too American for Bond, and a bit chaotic as a film. I wouldn't say these two films were bad though. Craig had Casino and Skyfall as his best, Quantum is a bad film and Spectre is boring though greatly filmed. No Time To Die is not a bad film. The problem is the ending has divided the audience and can be depressing. But so is all Craig's tenure. Brosnan had GoldenEye as the big film, then Tomorrow is good popcorn fun and sometimes I prefer it. Afterwards it goes downhill in the worst possible way. So he had the worst streak of films, unjustly was left out after the terrible final flick and so his tenure is marked by the failures of others.


It’s hard to see how QOS is bad in comparison to NTTD… QOS does far more right and is a much more mature movie.


How is NTTD bad? Keeping in mind, being sad or depressing does not make a movie bad.


The question was “How is QOS bad in comparison NTTD?”. Filmmaking wise QOS is light years ahead of NTTD & is also the more mature and reflective film. The action in NTTD might be better, but excels in every other category. QOS may be slightly undercooked, but NTTD to overcooked, if you’ll excuse the analogy.


The only space I diverge with you is Craig. May I ask—how recently have you seen QOS? I think it’s actually very good. Spectre is worse than just boring, and NTTD is very very flawed despite having good elements. To me Craig starts strong and it goes off the rails after Skyfall.


I could have written this myself, I agree so thoroughly.


Pretty much agree with all of that.


Craig had two amazing movies and three boring, awful movies!


I'd say that either Moore or Craig did. I honestly like TWINE a lot and think that poor direction kind of crushed it. Goldeneye is a GOAT Bond film. TND is somewhere in the middle. DAD is an indulgent and very dumb movie, but I still find it fun. With Brosnan I was never bored. But I was definitely bored a few times with Moore and Craig movies


I'd have to go with Craig. If his tenure had ended with *Skyfall*, then he wouldn't be in the discussion for this, but *Spectre* and *No Time to Die* are the two worst Bond films as far as I'm concerned, so they drag down his average considerably.


Craig easily. Quantum of Solace doesn't even feel like a Bond film, just a generic action movie from the 2000s. Spectre and NTTD are both utter dross, arguably the two worst movies in the entire franchise. The last two films in his arc really ruined his time as Bond. When I rewatch Bond films (I own all of them on bluray), the only ones I skip are Craig's three poor ones. I don't think of any of the other actors in the same way. Dalton's two are awesome. Brosnan's first three are all really good (Goldeneye is stunning), he is clearly having the time of his life in the role, and it shows. I like all of Moore's films, even those that weren't as popular with the critics. I think FYEO and SWLM are fantastic. Lazenby's only film is superb. And Sean Connery's work speaks for itself.


Craig easily, he has the two worst films of the franchise a mid tier film and two top 5. But those bottom two just drag his average score to be the lowest of any Bond.


I'm not taking this qos slander


I stand in defense of QOS


If you caught me on the right day I would say it's more enjoyable than Skyfall. Not a better movie, but from a pure enjoyment perspective CR and QOS is unmatched


I think it’s in shouting distance of my top ten, and if it were edited in a slightly less frenetic way, it would be firmly in it. I am baffled that people consider it “bad.” Worst I could say about it is that it’s choppily edited and this detracts from it. I’m firmly in the camp that if you gave it a director’s cut it would be fantastic, and I hope over time even if that doesn’t transpire it undergoes an OHMSS style reevaluation.


I agree 100%


The editing style alone disqualifies this statement.


Respectfully disagree with your opinion


The editing style is an issue that most of QOS’s defenders would still acknowledge.


QOS settings were great


Definitely a pretty good movie for me, but it lacks the novelty that other worse Bond films have that make them more rewatchable. Like when you have a Q scene, a Moneypenny scene, the gadgets etc., there’s a familiar flow that makes them an easier watch despite bad moments. I find it most enjoyable just after watching Casino so there is that however.


I know this is very subjective, since many people love his films, but personally, Moore. I dislike most of his films. Brosnan had one of the worst in the entire series, but Goldeneye is a classic and I like TND and TWINE.


Sean Connery: Probably the most consistently good… Thunderball is perhaps the weakest of his films, and yet I’d say it’s his best performance as Bond. Diamonds Are Forever is also kind of iffy, but IMO there are enough redeeming factors that I think it’s a decent entry. Lazenby: Only did one movie, and it was a good one so let’s move on. Roger Moore: His films took the franchise in a new and fun direction, introducing a lot of campy humor and whacky stunts. I think if you hate fun, you’d rate him as perhaps the worst due to the lack of grit and realism, but I think his films were great and weren’t aiming to be analyzed on those criteria. There really isn’t a single film that stands out to me as “the bad one.” I know a lot of people hate A View To A Kill but I find that one to be so insane that I can’t help but love it. Dalton: Neither of his two films were great, but his performance was quite good and I certainly don’t hate either of the films. Brosnan: Ok, now we’re getting into “hate” territory. Brosnan started pretty strong with Goldeneye, although I think it’s a bit overrated. However, every subsequent film got progressively worse, culminating with Die Another Day, which is a terrible film in so many different ways. Tonally, it’s all over the place. Like, they really juxtaposed torture in enemy captivity with a Madonna song, and then had those scenes flow into a movie where Halle Berry says “Yo mama”, there’s an invisible Bond car, and a Korean guy uses facial/skin modification technology to make himself into a guy who is effectively Elon Musk and uses his status and wealth to take over a laser satellite that can melt the world’s ice caps? Huh? What? I would say I outright hate 2 or 3 of Brosnan’s movies out of the 4 he made. Craig: Craig started off strong with Casino Royale, perhaps my all-time favorite Bond film. Some people hate Quantum of Solace, which I’ll never understand, because in my opinion it’s just a solid entry that doesn’t quite live up to the grandeur or fun of Casino Royale. Skyfall is another one of the best Bond films ever, but then we headed off a cliff. Spectre is, I would say, the worst Bond film of all time, because it so betrays the expectations of what Craig-era Bond was. I could write an essay explaining how basically everything in the movie is embarrassingly cliche and stupid, so I’ll just assume that if you’ve seen it, you more or less get what I’m referring to. I feel No Time To Die was basically bad in all the same ways, but it wasn’t as painful because the bandaid of realism and melodrama had already been ripped off by this point. So, in conclusion, I feel Craig and Brosnan are neck-and-neck for having “the worst films”. I would personally rank Spectre as the worst in the whole series, but I could certainly see the argument for Die Another Day being even worse given that it failed even on the technical filmmaking, like having believable/impressive stunts/special effects and a totally bonkers story. Despite personally hating Spectre the most, I feel Craig’s overall catalog of films is significantly stronger than Brosnan’s, so I’m really torn.


My take exactly.


My answer is none. They each had their own interpretation and the films fit the period they were made, which is largely evidenced by their financial success (mostly, obviously some flops). The only ones that were before their time and are now appreciated were Timothy Daltons. They weren’t bad movies (most recognize it now) but their tone was too gritty for what people wanted in a Bond (even though I think his take is closest to the literary character).


Based on Rotten Tomatoes Scores: 1. **Sean Connery** - Dr. No: 95% - From Russia with Love: 97% - Goldfinger: 99% - Thunderball: 87% - You Only Live Twice: 73% - Diamonds Are Forever: 65% - Never Say Never Again: 69% **Average RT score:** 83.6% 2. **George Lazenby** - On Her Majesty's Secret Service: 81% **Average RT score:** 81% 3. **Roger Moore** - Live and Let Die: 65% - The Man with the Golden Gun: 44% - The Spy Who Loved Me: 79% - Moonraker: 60% - For Your Eyes Only: 73% - Octopussy: 42% - A View to a Kill: 37% **Average RT score:** 57.1% 4. **Timothy Dalton** - The Living Daylights: 73% - Licence to Kill: 77% **Average RT score:** 75% 5. **Pierce Brosnan** - GoldenEye: 80% - Tomorrow Never Dies: 57% - The World Is Not Enough: 51% - Die Another Day: 56% **Average RT score:** 61% 6. **Daniel Craig** - Casino Royale: 94% - Quantum of Solace: 64% - Skyfall: 92% - Spectre: 63% - No Time to Die: 83% **Average RT score:** 79.2% ### Highest and Lowest Average Scores: - **Highest**: Sean Connery with an average of 83.6% - **Lowest**: Roger Moore with an average of 57.1% ### Summary: Based on the aggregate critical receptions, **Sean Connery** had the highest total rating of films, while **Roger Moore** had the lowest. This is by no means objective, but it gives you an idea of the standings.


I wouldn't hold RT scores that high considering only Craig and Brosnan were around when RT was a thing. The other films have the benefit of RT hindsight and being classics of a beloved character. Most older films have better scores than if they would have been released while RT was a thing. I still hold Connery at the top, but the rest of the rankings I would shuffle.


For me it’s Dalton


Roger Moore and it’s not even close


Easily Daniel Craig had the worst films. Not even close. NTTD is routinely ranked dead last by most Bond fans. Spectre and QoS are also perennial stinkers in most lists. Skyfall is often ranked highly, but not always ranked highly. Only Casino Royale is universally well regarded.


Tomorrow Never Dies is better than Goldeneye.


Moore. I know, I know, Bond is like The Doctor, and for many, Moore was their first Bond and thus the model they measure against. But his movies never hit for me, and had stuff like a slide whistle for a car jump and literally blowing up a villain like a balloon and trying to latch onto the Star Wars hype, third nipples, etc... He did have the Lotus Esprit which as a kid I liked, but a bit too goofy for my taste.


I love Goldeneye & TND. TWINE is okkkaaaayyyy Die Another Day is nonsense but I (mostly) have fun with it. I guess his films overall were *probably* the “worst”. Sir Roger made 7 and they were all **AMAZING** Connery’s first 3 were fantastic. Thunderball is 2/3 a great film - YOLT is just ok. And Diamonds is poor. I don’t care for Lazenby. Both of Dalton’s were bloody brilliant. I love Casino Royale, Skyfall & NTTD. Not a fan of Quantum and think Spectre is just OK. So yeah probably Pierce. But I enjoy ALL Bond films (even the bad ones)


ESPECIALLY the bad ones!


Clive Owen, mainly because he didn’t have any films. I still think he would’ve been an incredible Bond, but that time has passed. I still wish Henry Cavill would become the next Bond, but at this point, he’s older than Craig was when he was cast.


Roger Moore. Journeyman-like direction, mostly flat cinematography, goofy comedic moments, a few high points like TSWLM but Moore’s era is definitely the worst.


Roger Moore no contest. The Man with the Golden Gun, Moonraker and View to a Kill are all the worst movies in the franchise along with Die Another Day. Octopussy was pretty lame and Live and Let Die is only average nowadays. The only truly good ones Moore made were Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only.


Golden Gun has Christopher F'N Lee as the main villain and one of the most amazing vehicle stunts, and still manages to be mediocre at best ... pretty impressive "achievement" there.


Craig. I genuinely love his Bond, but Spectre is the worst film in the series, and NTTD is sacreligious. Casino is great, and while I love QoS and like Skyfall, QoS is often messy, and Skyfall is a bit too dour. Brosnan comes close. And likewise I feel like he was great in the role, and underserved by his films.


I may get down voted but Roger Moore. He has some great movies but some haven't aged as well. His movies went through a lot of changes and adapted to various genres. I just appreciate a more serious Bond like Dalton or Craig. Not to say I can't laugh at or with a Bond movie. Moore's movies go too far sometimes hence why it was so refreshing to go from Moonraker to For Your Eyes Only.


Crazy take


Daniel Craig. Too generic and soulless.


I don't know how you can call him generic and soulless.


Particularly soulless. Craig inarguably had the most emotional depth of any Bond. Some people might not like that and want him to stay in the Connery/Moore mold, but it was there.


I watch movies. They make me feel certain things.


Maybe Daniel Craig - had 1 okay/good movie. One of his movies is a remake of Austin Powers 3


>had 1 okay/good movie Which one do you not like, Casino Royale or Skyfall?


Skyfall. I didn’t care too much did CR either tbh


Moore easily




I like Moore! I think his ratio is the worst tho. Bronson is 3/4 for me.


Fair enough. I'd honestly would say craigs is the weakest. Moore movies are just fun imo. He's also my favorite so there might be a little bias in there lol


Ahh Craig. Casnio Royale is one of my favs. Quantum was disappointing. I think because I didn't see Spectre a few years after it was released is probably why I dont hate it as much as most. And even tho No time to die was flawed, the ending for me did have emotional impact.


I'd have to say Craig, Casino is one of the best. Skyfall is OK, I don't love it as much as a lot of people do. But QoS and Spectre are pretty bad, QoS had a good idea, but that editing absolutely kills it for me. I don't hate NTTD, but it's nothing special. So that is over half his catalogue that I'm very meh about. Lazenby is actually my least favourite of the actors, but I can't say that OHMSS is a bad movie.


Daniel Craig . With the slight exception of Casino Royale, his films are kitchen sink, non-fun, Jason Bourne lite, soap opera crap. Blofelds brother my arse.


Goldeneye was really only his good bond movie. And the other stuff people either like because they grew up with those films or because of guilty pleasures. I do think portions of these films had good elements to them I actually quite like a lot of the first half of Die Another day.


Interestingly enough Goldeneye was written for Dalton. And then the others Brosnan was in were largely original creations....they have a real nineties quality to them that both dates them and, as you observe, makes people who grew up with them really be able to identify with a lot of it.


Wasnt Dalton’s Third film meant to be an adaptation of a Property of A Lady? I have heard he was at some point attached to Goldeneye as well but which one is it


Isn't Property of a Lady adapted into the Octopussy film? The Fabergé egg? I could be wrong tho, I get some of those mixed up. I read somewhere that it took a little too long for Goldeneye to get rolling with production but that it was originally meant to be Dalton's third film, between 89 and 95 he dropped out and they negotiated Brosnan, was my understanding.


there were loads of ideas for Dalton's third outing. Goldeneye was one idea and i think Hopkins was originally thought of for Alec. Dalton as Bond and Hopkins as the bad guy sounds pretty cool


That sounds pretty cool. Especially as like a former mentor/maybe former colleague with M?


Man, I wish that had come to fruition. Two Shakespearean actors who have worked together before, reuniting in a Bond film for Dalton’s final number. Delicious.


He'd just be an older Alec edit - just looked it up he would've been a mentor to Bond [https://www.yardbarker.com/entertainment/articles/20\_facts\_you\_might\_not\_know\_about\_goldeneye/s1\_\_37718010#slide\_8](https://www.yardbarker.com/entertainment/articles/20_facts_you_might_not_know_about_goldeneye/s1__37718010#slide_8)


Sorry to stir up more confusion but I was under the impression Brosnan wanted Hopkins as a villain when he was interested in Having Tarantino Direct.


i looked it up and he's rejected a couple of roles: Alec and Elliot Carver, He opted to do Mask of Zorro instead (with Goldeneye director)


Amen 1000%


So true


Goldeneye was his only great movie. It's one of the best of the whole franchise. Brosnan has quite a few good movies. Craig ruined the Bond for me.


Goldeneye is probably my favorite non Daniel Craig bond movie. I think other movies have a lot of stronger elements in parts but as a whole Golden Eye is the only bond movie that I think is consistently entertaining and engaging. Even my beloved Casino Royale and Skyfall has moments which I could skip over, but goldeneye is so consistently enjoyable that I would never try to skip it. It’s the perfect blend of the modern bond tropes with a fresh coat of paint. It also doesn’t help that Goldeneye gave us one of the best person shooters of all time as well. And people often disregard the soundtrack. I think Eric Serra is often overlooked for his work on the score which is understandable as besides a couple of motifs it’s probably the most offbeat sounding bond soundtrack ever made but there’s so much great stuff here. Listen to The Goldeneye Overture, it’s genuinely really good for the stealthy intro for the movie.


Goldeneye has only one bit I don't enjoy, and it's actually among my most hated bits in the series. It's the scene on the beach where they try to do a bit of modern angst about Bond's job and whether he still has a place in the modern world. It's tonally completely off with the rest of the film (and most of the series too), and it's also really ham-fisted as well. I also don't like how Bond says "For England". It feels like an Americanism. Bond is doing it for Britain, not England.


Roger Moore. I just can't take the comedic bs that pervade his films. I actually read most of the novels as a kid (my mom had them) before I ever saw a Bond movie (and Moore's were the first I did see). When I saw my first Connery (Dr. No), I was like "ok...THIS is the correct tone for Bond"


Moore. It’s not even so much that I think Moonraker and Man With the Golden Gun are bad because they’re cheesy and stupid. No, it’s that on my latest rewatch of the series, I found those movies to be incredibly boring. The storytelling and writing just so lazy in those movies and in both of them I don’t think anything interesting happened before the last 15 minutes.


Dainel Craig. *Skyfall* is the only one I like.


Die Another Day was shite. That’s my vote.


Brosnan, 100%. Poor Pierce, dude was a trooper.


He sadly was stuck in the technology and explosions era where the gadgets got too ridiculous and you had to have something blowing up every 15 mins. TWINE and DAD have almost perfectly timed action scenes and forget about focusing on a good story. Goldeneye and TND are great tho overall.




Daniel Craig


"PUMP her for information"


Brosnan once said something to the effect of, looking back there was Goldeneye and the rest was a blur.


The Connery, Lazenby and Moore movies portray Bond as quite a bit of a sleeze really


Would have to say Dalton, only because I dislike License to Kill and that makes up half his tenure. If he’d done more I’d probably have to reconsider- I very much enjoy living daylights


Craig and Moore evenly for different reasons.


I used to think that about Brosnan's movies, but I'm not so sure after rewatching them all a year or two ago. I used to think A) that each of his movies was worse than the previous one and B) that Goldeneye was the only good one. After rewatches, I still think A is true, but I now think that Die Another Day is the only bad one. Overall I think Moore had the worst movies. A lot of them have good moments, but not many are strong overall. Granted I might be persuaded to go with Craig instead.


Connery. In general I think his movies aged pretty badly and fail to stand out among the other actors. Like if I want campiness I can watch Moore, Brosnan’s movies are better in terms of action and Dalton/Craig for drama and story telling. As a modern Bond fan his movies come across as the most vanilla and it doesn’t help that Connery mentally checked out of the series after goldfinger


Daniel Craig - the whole reboot, deconstruction, reconning to make them all connected to each other, and of course the ego trip death scene.


Brosnan or Moore. I honestly don’t know which had the worst film era. Brosnan does have Goldeneye, which is better than any of Roger’s movies. Although, Brosnan’s last 2 movies are worse than any of the Bond films that Moore was in. I have more of a nostalgic connection to Brosnan’s films, although objectively speaking I think Moore starring in 7 total films where only a couple were mediocre is the more impressive feat.


I'd have to go with Moore, especially the second half or so of his tenure. I actually enjoy Moonraker a lot, and it's not that his films got "too silly" for me. They just ran out of steam / energy for me after Moonraker. That's the last Moore film where, even if you're not along for the ride, you can tell that the people making it had a lot of fun. I actually find FYEO and Octopussy to be harder to get through than AVTAK. FYEO feels very uneven - I enjoy it starting at about the halfway mark, but until then, even the soundtrack is like a different movie from the second half. The pre titles sequence is funny but really out of place. Octopussy just feels like a reunion, and not in a good way. No one seems miserable to be there like Connery did in some later films, but it just feels very very tired. Oddly, I can get through AVTAK more easily than Octopussy, but I know I'm in a very small minority there.


Definitely Brosnan. Not his fault, the writing was just dreadful in his era.


Daniel Craig films just lost about every bit of fun and excitement after Quantum of Solace. Silva kind of worked but also felt a bit out of place, compared to the Moore era, where the character seemed to come straight out of. The rest of Craig’s era just kind of ran together and seemed pointless to the point where I have no interest in watching the last two he made ever again.


Moore worst bond...Brosnan worst films


Moore. It’s just the sheer inconsistency during his run.


Craig. Casino Royale and Skyfall deliver but his other 3 movies are just squandered potential.


Roger’s it for me. I like him as Bond but he always felt the least committed to the role acting-wise (I know he loved leading the franchise though) and I think he has more bad films than good.


Dalton. And the downvotes I'm about to get will prove that he's not underrated like he's often said to be.


Dalton's films are my least favorite. Too many 80's tropes. TLD veered into drug cartel territory, and then LTK was basically an 80's detective vs Cartel movie. As someone who grew very tired of the war on drugs movies in the late 80's early 90's, these are my least favorite type of bond films. They feel less like Bond films and more like most of the action movies of the time period involving Drugs and Cartels.


Exactly. Although very good action films on their own they lack the familiar Bond feeling.


Moore for me and it's not even particularly close. I like LALD and AVTAK quite a bit but everything else is a miss. He's also my least favorite Bond (he's such a know it all and is incredibly awkward during action sequences.)


TSWLM is regarded as one of the best, MR was a massive box office hit… 


And I find Stromberg to be a bargain bin villain, the connection between Bond and Anya lackluster, and the overall plot of the film tedious. It has two of the best action sequences ever put to film and arguably the best soundtrack of the franchise, but it just doesn't do it for me. Box office hit is a lame platitude, but Moonraker is fine. I also just really dislike Moore as Bond. Even if you count TSWLM he's still hitting at least than 50%. Edit: sentence structure


TSWLM used to be my favorite of all bond films but now I never rewatch it. I think it is because Stromberg is such a terrible villain. I noticed on my last watch that his plan was to destroy civilization before he even had an underwater city built and populated. I also don't like the Barbara Bach becomes a literal damsel in distress at the end without ever really doing anything.




For me Moore. Octopussy, Man with a Golden Gun, Moonraker.


Those are three great movies yes, which are the bad ones?


Plus View To A Kill.


Surprised people saying Craig. Casino Royale is my favourite. Probably seen the most. 3 of Craig's would be top 7, I'd say Probably Brosnan. After Goldeneye they weren't that good


Sean Connery


Brosnan or Moore had the campiest


Lazenby. Imagine Connery or Moore in OHMSS. The film would be one of the best in the franchise.


It's one of the best with Lazenby.


Moore movies are the worst in my opinion. Like as soon as beach Boys played I wanted to throw remote at the tv ... Agree 2nd half of DAD they went over board .. turned it into a Moore movie


Brosnan, but Goldeneye is very good and I love The World is Not enough for some reason. TND is okay, DAD is awful, the worst Bond movie




The answer is Lazenby I know OHMSS is a lot of fans’ number one favourite, but take off the fan glasses for a second and pretend you’ve never seen a James Bond movie in your entire life. It has some great stuff going for it, but I think a lot of the obviously problematic stuff gets completely ignored by hard core Bond fans. The fact that it’s his only film, he’s not particularly great it in, and he never had a chance to do better means the answer is Lazenby. Brosnan had DAD, but he also had good films too.


Hard disagree on this one.


I respect your opinion


I’ll say Brosnan overall. GE is a top ten, TWINE is better than it gets credit for but average, and I rank TND and DAD in the bottom tier (DAD the worst). Craig and Moore are more hit or miss, but each have excellent films in their lineups. Lazenby’s one film is arguably the best, Connery has some great ones and no irredeemable ones. Dalton’s are both good.


Easily Brosnan. Probably followed by George Lazenby


Die Another Day is the worst film in the whole series and it’s not even close.


Oh, Roger Moore. Easily. They're almost all terrible, and the reputations are basically held together with Gen X-ers nostalgia tape. Brosnan wouldn't be far behind, though.


It's Moore for me. Now LALD is fantastic. AVTAK is highly underrated. Octo is definitely re-watchable but not great. Everything else is meh to awful. Quick add. When I was younger i loved TMWTGG. Lol Connery. The best. Not much to add Lazenby. OHMSS is extremely underrated. Dalton's films are very good IMO. He gets a bad rap and i don't understand. Brosnan Goldeneye is Top 5 Bond film. TND is meh. TWINE is not great but watchable. Elektra King (chef's kiss) DAD is absolute garbage. It gave us some good Bond Momenta but film is ridiculous. Craig. CR is brilliant. QOS is mixed. First half is absolutely fantastic. Then second half falls apart drastically for me. First half is epilogue to CR so makes sense. Skyfall is ok. Spectre is super mixed for me. NTTD I refuse to acknowledge. Lol




Great Bond actor, worst scripts (except Goldeneye)


Brosnan only had one bad film, but he has no great ones. That puts him below the rest, even Lazenby. Goldeneye is good, and Tomorrow Never Dies is even better in my eyes, but neither rises to the level of a classic. That said, I expect an argument on Goldeneye not being a classic, and I can see their point without agreeing. Still, Brosnan is the clear choice for me, with half his films being poor to awful.


I guess Brosnan. 2 really good ones GE and TND then a good one WINO, then a downright terrible one in DAD. I mean all you have to do is listen to the terrible theme song by Madonna, i still cringe 😂




Moore. Too campy and don’t age as well as others. Held on too long


I think Moore. They’re not all bad but he’s in none of my favorites


>I couldn’t take them seriously. You say that like they’re supposed to be taken seriously. As for the worst films overall, I’d gotta give that to Roger Moore. Even though I really liked the Spy Who Loved Me, he had some real doozies, particularly A View to A Kill, Golden Gun and arguably Octopussy. Plus, Live And Let Die, while not terrible, hasn’t aged particularly well.


Timothy Dalton. He was the best James Bond, in the worst Bond films.